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单词 By way of
1. They are traveling to France by way of London.
2. 'I had to see you,' he said, by way of explanation.
3. All the goods were routed by way of the Netherlands.
4. He made a rude sign by way of retort.
5. tonight, by way of a change.
6. I'd like to say something by way of introduction.
7. Deliveries are routed via/by way of London.
8. He quoted several famous writers by way of illustration.
9. by way of light relief.
10. He did it by way of helping me.
11. We had some sandwiches by way of a meal.
12. We went by way of London.
13. "It's my ulcer," he added by way of explanation.
14. She came to TV by way of drama school.
15. She received a cash sum by way of compensation.
16. They are travelling to France by way of London.
17. The first step in this direction will be by way of discussion with the unions.
18. By way of illustration I'll refer to the behavior of rabbits.
19. By way of introduction, let me give you the background to the story.
20. He sent me some flowers by way of an apology.
21. They're going to Poland by way of France and Germany.
22. She rolled her eyes by way of an answer and left.
23. He recovered £600 by way of compensation from the company.
24. By way of an introduction, I shall explain some of the historical background.
25. He said, by way of explanation(), that he hadn't seen the traffic light change to red.
26. The artist recently arrived in Paris from Bulgaria by way of Vienna.
27. I had better say a few words by way of explanation.
28. 'I get very superstitious about things like that,' she said by way of explanation.
29. The man with whom she maintains a relationship provides nothing by way of support.
30. She told us how easy it was to use the computer, then by way of demonstration simply pressed a few keys on the keyboard.
1. 'I had to see you,' he said, by way of explanation.
2. By way of illustration I'll refer to the behavior of rabbits.
3. They're going to Poland by way of France and Germany.
31. Here, by way of illustration, are some extracts from our new catalogue.
32. Let me, by way of illustration, quote from one of her poems.
33. By way of compensation he offered to take her out for a meal.
34. What are you thinking of doing by way of a holiday this year?
35. 'He always does this,' said Isabelle, by way of apology .
36. Non-compliance is punishable by way of a fine.
37. But much more is needed by way of investigation.
38. Secondly, the proceedings were by way of bankruptcy petition.
39. Consider, by way of illustration, the example of topless.
40. We flew to Europe by way of Iceland.
41. The youth was later dealt with by way of a reprimand.
42. "But you're doing a great job," he added by way of encouragement.
43. With new acts, a brief biography is also often included by way of introduction.
44. This applies whether proceedings were initiated in the High Court or arrived there by way of transfer from the county court.
45. The plant is propagated by way of small bulbs which develop on the main bulb from time to time.
46. It is arguable that the opportunity should have been taken to deal with this matter by way of criminal penalties.
47. Jane Smith's murine cries were nicely illustrated by way of their electronic imitation.
48. When the death is commemorated as a sacrifice, this is by way of interpretive metaphor.
49. The procedure by way of judicial review was simplified in 1977 and the number of applications rose considerably.
50. By way of exception, the Regulations do not give the Director General powers in relation to commercial radio and television advertisements or to cable advertisements.
51. This may be by way of theory, or on more matter-of-fact lines about technique or such questions as composition.
52. The plaintiff agreed to lease a property to Lunnis, who assigned this equitable lease by way of mortgage.
53. Coming to the subject by way of the biological sciences, she stressed the value of biological principles applied to human geography.
54. Bacteria communicate with each other by way of chemical messages.
55. Appeals can be by way of a hearing or by written representation.
56. However, an important structural factor by way of explanation again relates to the nature and pace of industrial development.
57. The evidence is, in the case of corporate crime, that nothing much happens by way of public scandal and social ruin.
58. She'd read that when an elephant has a wound, the mahout squirts chilli juice in its eyes by way of distraction.
59. All this is by way of saying the ego of film makers is a very frustrating thing.
60. We regularly take it that a causal circumstance is linked by way of a causal chain or sequence to its effect.
61. He was setting it up by way of defence to her application for leave to proceed on the judgment.
62. Jefferson sent his request by way of diplomats he knew who knew her, and she took months to respond.
63. Return is by way of the old Roman road to Biberwier.
64. I regard rule 7.23 as restating, by way of convenient compilation, rights of appeal which are given elsewhere in the Rules.
65. Both historians proceed to a greater or lesser extent by way of discussion of great photographers.
66. I will only say that proceedings should be brought before the court by way of appeal in contempt matters only in exceptional cases.
67. "She asked for it," Kyle said by way of explanation.
68. For this reason, by far the majority of takeovers proceed by way of a takeover offer.
69. Before commenting, let me now briefly sketch out by way of summary the salient points of the monist argument.
70. By way of taking lessons in sewing, I have often examined your stitches in my work bag.
71. It is reached by way of a beautiful mountain railway journey from Lauterbrunnen or by cable car from Stechelberg.
72. We leave Hollybush by way of the lake, past a factory outlet store, selling brand names.
73. The West Court has a paved entry from the north, but by way of steps down rather than a ramp up.
74. Again, a fair employer should look thoroughly into the background and, by way of discussion, try to achieve an amicable solution.
75. Damages are awarded by way of compensation to the plaintiff for the loss suffered. 2.
76. The racket also absorbs shock on impact by way of its Tri-Level Shock Suppression System.
77. It is thus questionable whether the awards of large sums by way of compensation are justified.
78. You half expect judges to flash up scores by way of a finale.
79. A different route this time around the back of the mountain, over the stream by way of some stepping-stones.
80. Anti-hunt protestors stayed away from the meeting, preferring to show their support by way of a petition of more than 5,500 signatures.
81. For present purposes there are in my judgment two streams of authority relating to moneys wrongly extracted by way of impost.
82. Mr. Page then applied by way of judicial review for an order quashing the visitor's decision.
83. He found an empty first-class compartment, and she reached it by way of the corridor after the train had pulled out.
84. On Tuesday night, by way of diversion, we went off to see if the post hammer was ready.
85. Precedent 3 is intentionally a minimalist document, which contains little boilerplate(), and little by way of exclusion clauses.
86. Beccaria's ideas had been fated to win great praise but achieve less by way of practical influence in the running of penal systems.
87. The Inns now contribute £1.5 million per year by way of scholarships to new entrants.
88. Any organization looking to send a message by way of systematic high turnover should consider the grave implications of this cold-blooded approach.
89. As the name implies, consensual security interests arise by way of agreement of the parties.
90. These observations are in my view equally applicable to the revenue and to sums by way of principal or interest retained by them.
91. By way of contrast, natural resource industries were essentially a birthright.
92. X disposes of property by way of gift to Y in 1993.
93. He comes by way of the Metropolitan District Commission force, where he distinguished himself by shooting a rattlesnake.
94. Near to them is Lindisfarne or Holy Isle which can only be reached by way of a causeway at low tide.
95. This practical ineptitude filtered through to my sporting life by way of golf.
96. For many hauliers the idea of obtaining additional capital by way of a franchise payment is very appealing.
97. It was believed that much of the information was acquired by way of his employment as an investment banker.
98. Not knowing the release was to come by way of an escape, Valdes agreed to help, Hutcheon said.
99. It was further recommended that Okinawa be retained and that whatever was needed by way of other facilities should be obtained in the Ryukyus.
100. The net result of war making by way of symbols is to widen the actual gap between luxury and poverty.
101. The final point by way of preface is that it is a mistake to assume that all black people are deprived.
102. He decided to walk down to the promontory by way of the market, just for the hell of it.
103. These contain suppressors by way of engram command, ally computations and painful emotion.
104. The appeal will be determined by way of written representations, which must be made by May 1st.
105. Make use of plentiful social reinforcers and the occasional treat by way of acknowledging your child's continuing efforts.
106. If all the above conditions are met, the new user will be notified by way of a mail message.
107. The programmer may also be given temporary access to other modules by way of special links.
108. She added, by way of conversation, that she must wait patiently to be relieved of the burden of living.
109. It is also clear that decisions and actions of the police can be challenged by way of an application for judicial review.
110. Down by way of Lisburn, the town with the large army base and Northern Ireland army headquarters.
111. He hurried up the aisle of the church, showing his palms by way of apology when he reached his place.
112. Had Alfred Glynn murdered his brother then killed himself in this frightful manner by way of expiation?
113. Patagonia does not offer a huge deal by way of urban amenities, and for many of us this is its beauty.
114. I can do this best by way of a personal anecdote, which might be called the Incident of the Taxman and the Philosopher.
115. Finally, I annex by way of an Appendix a schedule of companies who have signed the confidentiality agreement and their status.
115. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
116. By way of his reproductions, more tourists have visited Yosemite than could ever have crowded into the valley in fact.
117. Ants can create a structured society without being possessed, individually, of very much by way of brain.
118. The occupiers complained by way of judicial review that the warrant lacked particularity.
119. The tenant then applied to the Divisional Court by way of judicial review to quash the judge's decision.
120. Is it possible to explain the asymmetry by way of a clear idea of power or capacity, ability, or disposition?
121. Numerous changes followed, either by way of decree from the Sacred Congregation of Rites, or through direct papal intervention.
122. He sows seeds of confusion by way of a million opinions on every subject within its covers.
123. What is required is a speedy and effective legal procedure which secures corrections and counter-statements by way of an alternative procedure to libel litigation.
124. But serious conflict can not be managed by way of instant solutions.
125. Their appearance in the grand parade was only by way of an introduction.
126. A new family shampoo comes by way of Cuticura Medicated Shampoo, with an original coal tar formula that helps prevent dandruff.
127. He has nothing left to hurl at Rick Adelman by way of insult or work stoppage.
128. I offered my thanks to Oliver, and even suggested some debt restructuring by way of gratitude, but he just shrugged it off.
129. Greater control will be achieved by providing that the power is to be exercised by way of statutory instrument.
130. By way of example, he suggests a threat by a debtor not to pay the £100 he owes her.
131. Myrtle, an aunt new to the Mundays by way of wedding Manny Munday on his deathbed.
132. We are not immediately concerned whether they are based on off-line, optical discs or on online technology by way of broadband networks.
133. By way of comparison, the following extract highlights the use of reflexive critical interpretation in the analysis of the data.
134. The various headings by way of example are these. 1.
135. It is not that such agendas are unresponsive to data but they are not responsive by way of direct testing.
136. But when the news reached him by way of a young gendarme sent by Fouchard, there had been no alternative.
137. This is only by way of analogy.
138. We offer this small token by way of appreciation.
139. He applied for judicial reiview by way of certiorari.
140. You may go now by way of exception.
141. He was dismissed by way of disciplinary punishment.
142. She is by way of becoming a fine pianist.
143. Ellen flew to Chicago by way of Minneapolis.
144. We went by way of Marseilles.
145. You can get to Harlow by way of London.
146. Let's eat out tonight, by way of a change.
147. Jerry added, by way of proviso.
148. In this paper the feasibility test design and test data of QS-7 primer by way of polymethylmethacrylate cement coupling agent are summarized. Use gist is supplied for application of QS-7 primer.
149. Some of the most exciting information comes by way of the grapevine.
150. You stammer some feeble responses by way of reply, feeling your strength ebb away until you find an excuse to leave.
151. Perplexed, Dahlmann decided that nothing had happened, and he opened the volume of The Thousand and One Nights, by way of suppressing reality.
152. Einstein brought this vision to fruition by way of a successful mathematical theory.
153. Objective:To observe relationship between ST segment change and corresponding coronary occlusion by way of coronary angiography of acute inferior myocardial infarction.
154. I teach psychology by way of a range of traditional lectures, practicals and tutorials.
155. An insurance company or its branch may also underwrite freight insurance by way of underwriting insurance at another locality .
156. By way of simulation, it is indicated that the error of reactive power measurement using digital phase-shift network is less than 0.02%.
157. With the help of computer, PD filtering problems are researched, and in addition, it is also discussed the relationship between PD spectrum and insulation aging and defects by way of PD experiment.
158. Introducing...two-time state Golden Gloves title holder, in both the light heavyweight and heavyweight divisions 21-0, with 16 wins coming by way of knockout...
159. A pawnbroker is a person who carries on the business of accepting goods by way of security for a loan.
160. The delegates entered the assembly hall by way of the lobby.
161. By way of immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting, the cytosolic protein tyrosine phosphorylation was examined.
162. By way of example, patella drill guide instruments are regularly used in orthopaedic procedures.
163. As distributed, passmass only logs in by way of telnet, rlogin, or slogin.
164. She looks like a Botticelli by way of John Graham: huge gray eyes, long nose, tiny delicate mouth like a geisha.
165. We each take a few seconds to consider a one hundred forty character blurb and then hammer out our reactions by way of a Tweet or status update.
166. Methods: By way of the electrophysiological recording technique, we observed the influence of L-NNA on orthodromic population spike(OPS) during anoxia in rat's hippocampal slices.
167. Syphilis is the infectious disease which causes by the syphilitic spirochaeta (), mainly disseminates by way of the sex act.
168. We shall make effective utilization of resource only by way of taking the system of positive prescription as the important system to confirm the ownership of land.
169. By way of marketing method and finding service orientation, to realize the social benefit and the lowest cost of the unit profit in library.
170. The stock saddle's design traced all the way back to the Moors of North Africa, having come to the American cowboy by way of the Spanish and Mexicans.
171. The foamed pure Al was prepared by way of melt foaming process.
172. By way of transfer of shares the same is not feasible, which is contrary to the current system of investors.
173. One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine.
174. The assay is about the significance of curing thoracic obstruction and cardiodynia with pungent and warm herbs mainly by way of using warming and obstruction-removing therapy.
175. Fund raising via secondary share issues, including by way of rights issue, private placement and bonus issue of ordinary shares, preference shares and other convertible securities such as warrants.
176. To set the scene, Dr. Parnassus is an ancient and mysterious traveling showman whose horse-drawn theatre presents something like a Medieval Mystery Play by way of the Commedia dell'arte.
177. The splenic artery supplies the area of the fundus by way of the short gastric arteries.
178. Behind these were forced, often weak and right channels of the scarcity of relief, failure, lack of proper care, help, had by way of non-normal risk of a stroke.
179. By way of describing the mathematical model and analyzing the transient phenomena of active impact load in power systems, its real-time control methods are discussed.
180. By way of contrast, Manchester United will travel slightly more than 1,200 miles.
181. This process, attaching itself to certain rational model by way of dialogue presentation, is realized in condition of mutual effect of psychological mechanism between teacher and students.
182. On the other hand, the DHL's Boeing 757 cargo plane took off in Bahrein for Brussels by way of Bergamo in northern Italy, carrying only cargoes besides the two crew members.
183. I should like to mention another point here by way of parenthesis.
184. Tongue-in-cheek in tenor, it nevertheless offers some well-observed insight into how Chinese women in Shanghai climb up the socio-economic ladder by way of marriage.
185. Adriamycin can selectively kill perikaryon by way of retrograde axoplasmic transport.
186. The night we went to Birmingham by way of Beachy Head.
187. Or Jem may have told her he was going, by way of blind.
188. By way of parenthesis , the specialty and complicity of processing of the lateral amplitude signals are also discussed and relevant advices are put forward.
189. His cunning began here; he smiled habitually, by way of precaution, and was almost polite to everybody, even to the beggar to whom he refused half a farthing.
190. His first entry into anything describable as public life was made by way of vegetarianism.
191. Mr. Lam, whose luxury ready-to-wear collections evoke a classically uptown ideal, is a designer of Chinese descent who came to New York by way of San Francisco.
192. By way of this interaction with contemporary society, Confucianism will give forth its fresh life and energy.
193. "If I were you," she adds by way of some unsolicited advice, "I'd watch out for that girl of yours.".
194. Teochew people came mostly from Henan and Shanxi by way of Fujian, with well-maintained language and customs from north-central China.
195. Secondly the enterprise cross-domain communicates information by way of INTERNENT, this is proscenium of enterprise MIS system, this part realizes chiefly thee-commerce of enterprise.
196. Throughout the history, people from different nationalities and regions wear their unique and conventionalized headgears, by way of which we have an insight into their aesthetic psychology.
197. With the algorithm analysis of the convex programming model, an optimization solution was achieved by way of illustration and sensitivity analysis of the result was given.
198. KIWA synthetic power saver with his unique structure form eliminates higher harmonic of the electrical network by way of the balance in adjusting three-phase current and voltage .
199. By way of "raising high carbon content and post blowing" as well as recarburization practice can the high carbon steel of fine quality be refined in the converter.
200. Gulf of Aden connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean by way of the Suez Canal.
201. A longitudinal concrete cofferdam was demolished by way of underwater controlled blasting.
202. By way of a series of movies about the Earth, animals, humanity, the solar system, the Milky Way system to explore the scientific secrets in Bible.
203. The cost question is discussed by way of system engineering and a new concept-Cost System Engineering is given in the paper.
204. By way of background for any Python beginners reading this, Python has long had some semi-formal documentation standards.
205. By way of adopting elastic wave equation and finite difference approximation calculating method, the numerical simulation of VSP synthetic record is realized in the paper.
206. Based on the principle of the spatial inversion, this paper proposes a new method of determining the stroke of the slide block of the spatial slider-crank mechanism by way of descriptive geometry.
207. West shut off the allied armies to lead by way of East Germany comes in and goes out Berlin's all channels, thus west caused Berlin to turn a deathtrap immediately.
208. The relation of the literature and history were presented by way of entwine mutually of sophisticate.
209. Two comedians followed ( eg in a variety show ) by way of light relief.
210. Folding-mark and slotting right-and-left are adjusted by way of simultaneous operation of four wheels to ensure the accurate position of both (no misalignment) for waste reduction.
211. By way of network resource sharing, public library provide omnibus information service.
212. People who sense that they are inferior have to compensate, and often over-compensate by way of outward achievement.
213. By way of tackling key problems , some technical difficulties can be surmounted.
214. Modified organosilicon waterproofing agent was prepared by way of emulsion polymerization with acrylate and methyl alcoholate silicate as raw materials, OP-10 and SDBS as emulsifiers.
215. This paper discussed apply of modified fly ash vesicant concrete by way of the biologic padding of contact oxidation in sewage transaction.
216. Method: This medicine was prepared with sugar-coated by way of decocting, concentrating and extracting essential oil, and then was applied to clinical trial.
217. The foregoing shall include , by way of example and not by way of limitation , all rights to recover preferences voidable under Title 11 of the United States Code.
218. Cummings fastened a large set - piecea stake in the ground by way of a grand finale.
219. Founded on the dualization of nation and society, they tried to break away from the nation by way of the theory of state power and functions .
220. I should like to mention this by way of parenthesis.
221. We can, at least, retain, gather, these truths: that the sexual encounter of bodies does not pass, in its essence, by way of the pleasure principle.
222. For law cognition or value judgement, history is endued with meanings by way of narration.
223. Upon the expiry of the underwriting period, the stocks remaining unsold shall be disposed of according to the underwriting agreement by way of contract or by acting as an agent.
224. What's more,[] this article also makes a comparative research on the translation of Sino-Korean by way of descriptive linguistics.
225. The pre-D-Day, "Bombing Strategy" decision was made and perfected in the Supreme Command by way of argument about task and affect of the strategic air force in "Overlord".
226. This paper has set up a computer aided diagnostic expert system for automotive drive line by way of forward and backward combined reasoning and depth optimal theory.
227. It is part of the method of explanation by way of reduction, or deduction from hypotheses.
228. She will return to his country by way of Bangkok.
229. Cor. 11:21 By way of self-disparagement I say this, Supposedly we ourselves were weak.
230. The path goes under the river by way of the tunnel.
231. A large numbers of sex workers have children of their own or 'adopt' other children, by way of confirming a relationship with a regular client.
232. To explain what we mean by the neglect of the negative factor in thought, we may refer by way of illustration to the charges of Pantheism and Atheism brought against the doctrines of Spinoza.
233. It points out that zeugma sometimes produces special pragmatic effect by way of language deviance.
234. Disease from surrounding structures can invade the masticator space via the pterygopalatine fossa , the buccal space immediately anterior to the ramus, the foramen ovale, or by way of direct invasion.
235. It could eliminate the tax elusion by way of false divorce.
235. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
236. He travels by way of a gold pocket watch like device called an omni.
237. Due to millions of migratory birds by way of Changdao every year, it enjoys a good fame of "Post House" for migratory birds, being a national natural reserve, famous scenic spot, and forest park.
238. Three sets of arcing tests were carried out by way of regulating three influencing parameters on the arc current of ion source for DNB(diagnostic neutral beam)system, ie.
239. The paper submit a indirect and universal method to solving variation problem in N-dimensional space, by way of transforming variation problem to eigenvalue problem of partial differential equation.
240. Acrylic emulsion containing 10 % carboxyl was prepared by way of soap - free polymerization.
241. At the end are given, by way of appendix, historical data lii .
242. The night we went to Bannockburn by way of Brighton Pier.
243. Combined with engineering practice and on the basis of IEC-60287, the calculation software of current carrying capacity of XLPE cables has been realized by way of graphics mode.




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