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单词 Point to
1. He reluctantly conceded the point to me.
2. Can u point to where I am on this map?
3. All the signs point to a successful year ahead.
4. It doesn't have any point to it.
5. There is another point to be borne in mind.
6. The evidence all seems to point to one conclusion.
7. He described what had happened from point to point.
8. It's set point to Henman.
9. Recent stock market losses point to trouble ahead .
10. We need one more point to win the game.
11. There is, in addition, one further point to make.
12. Your presentation must move effortlessly from one point to the next.
13. Critics of the new machine point to its incompatibility with other products on the market.
14. Fragments of woven cloth at the site, clearly point to the production of textiles.
15. Our findings point to a lack of training among social services staff.
16. The finds from these burial grounds point to the existence of a prosperous matriarchal society.
17. The people make it a point to esteem the art of conversation in France.
18. I can't point to any one particular reason for it.
19. All the signs at the moment point to an early resumption of the fighting between the two countries.
20. She needs to win this point to level the score.
21. High electricity bills point to a poor heating system or bad insulation.
22. But there is another important point to consider.
23. They also point to a hung parliament.
24. Outsiders point to the potential for labour unrest.
25. I ... Is there a point to lightning conductors?
26. These in turn tend to point to extraterrestrial phenomena.
27. Which did seem to point to some one who knew about the curry soup being prepared for supper.
28. It is part of the chairman's duty to keep each speaker to the point to avoid wasting time.
29. The other end of the twig is sharpened into a sharp point to use as a toothpick.
30. I know I'm piling it on a bit, but there is a serious point to be made.
1. He reluctantly conceded the point to me.
2. Can u point to where I am on this map?
3. There is another point to be borne in mind.
4. The finds from these burial grounds point to the existence of a prosperous matriarchal society.
5. All the signs at the moment point to an early resumption of the fighting between the two countries.
31. The evidence seems to point to a legal style which a number of royal servants were competent to use.
32. Organizers made it a point to include music and poetry to help relax the atmosphere and lure more students.
33. The tricky thing is to judge at what point to raise a hand in salutation.
34. The first point to make is that dividend policy and share valuation take place under conditions of uncertainty.
35. The important point to note as you follow my progress is just how easy it is and how flexible.
36. But they also point to the benefits of meaningful work in building self-esteem.
37. Even as Hallinan moves to distance himself from high-profile public controversy, signs point to continued trouble ahead, politically speaking.
38. An important practical point to consider when sending out mailings of this kind is to decide exactly where to send the package.
39. This will prove an important point to bear in mind in the discussions of Chapter 6.
40. Members can point to, modify and discuss design changes on a multi-page document.
41. It is instructive at this point to return to the issue of national versus international economies of scale.
42. An important point to remember is that the size of the multiplier depends on the marginal propensities to save and import.
43. It will be sufficient for our purposes to point to a few of the features of the chapter as we have it.
44. All the evidence would seem to point to the fact that this is the case.
45. But the people of Princes Risborough can now point to a permanent reminder of a man they have never forgotten.
46. It allows a separate header text file to point to the file or files to be stored.
47. It might be helpful at this point to consider how the opera as a whole works along comparable lines.
48. Such cases do, however, point to the need for international collaboration to promote competition in global markets.
49. That is a point to which I shall return in the next chapter.
50. The main point to make about the Programme Authorities was that their total allocations from the Urban Programme were very small.
51. Executives point to increased regulatory pressures as well as scrawny profit margins on underwriting new state and local government issues.
52. To start with I used them straight with no water and sharpened the leads to a fine point to draw the outline.
53. An objector will immediately point to the lack of stability of this simple, some will say simple-minded, hierarchy.
54. What could we point to if some one chose the latter continuation, to show that he was wrong?
55. Such refusals or unspoken enmities are relatively rare: but they always point to the heart of a civilization.
56. The first point to make is that the range of factors which determines distribution patterns may be wide indeed.http://
57. The central bank shaved its benchmark repo rate by 0. 25 percentage point to 8. 75 percent.
58. I thought it prudent at this point to remain mute.
59. With a vertical pattern like this there is a further point to consider, the side seams.
60. Descend steeply from Hor Point to a stile, then ascend to a squeeze gap.
61. Four big banks cut their prime lending rate by half a point to 9.5%.
62. You could, as Karl Marx and others did, point to inequities in the distribution of wealth and indict capitalism.
63. The courts have instead tended to consider a number of factors which point to the existence of an obligation of confidentiality.
64. In the present case Mr. Glick was fully entitled to, and did, point to practical considerations to reinforce his argument.
65. They also point to other sources of variation in mate choice.
66. The five-year yield fell 1 basis point to 6. 89 percent.
67. Damaratos is said to have explained the point to Xerxes: Spartans considered it important to die with their heads tidy.
68. The effects of the uncertainty principle will then become very important and seem to point to some remarkable results.
69. That, thought Dalgliesh, would point to premeditation, or to the instinctive precaution of a knowledgeable expert.
70. Relatively few sites are so compelling that Web surfers make it a point to visit every day.
71. Together, they point to aggressive empire-building by the duke in the north.
72. Is it possible, however, to point to even earlier examples of boundaries?
73. The public observations and published documents of Government inspectors did not point to falling standards in basic subjects at the primary stage.
74. Aboriginals still point to various rocky outcrops or sandstone gullies which trace the Myndie Snake's progress through the outback.
75. More recent cases demonstrate how the courts generally point to a number of factors in deeming incompetency.
76. Critics point to the disservice to the public of allowing the self-interest of organizations to determine welfare outcomes.
77. The preliminary point to be decided by the judge was: when did the local authority's cause of action accrue?
78. They also point to cost savings for employers and patients alike.
79. It brought hope and a valuable point to the bottom of the table side.
80. When they are combined, these enhancements are expected to increase the SuperSparc-II's floating point to a integer ratio.
81. It was the first collection point to be set up.
82. Colour is another important point to consider with fine hair, because it can greatly enhance its appearance.
83. She climbed up again, then ran along the shoreline until she was standing at the nearest point to it.
84. But current and former Clinton aides, pressed on the inaccuracies, mostly point to small details.
85. Our findings also point to the increasing importance of fetal ultrasonography in the prenatal diagnosis of fetal trisomy 21.
86. The important point to grasp is that this magnitude will be nowhere near so large as the level of total spending.
86. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
87. It doesn't mean that the problem is solved, but there's a starting point to work from.
88. John Lahr made the point to me that Ken became a kind of scapegoat for the problems of the play.
89. It would be a mistake to point to any single explanation to the exclusion of the others.
90. Inside I was guided down a weird stairway and told at one point to watch my step carefully.
91. Most outsiders will point to coach Barry Switzer, who is an easy target.
92. Obviously, the Nimbus pilot was at fault for allowing the other people at the launch point to influence his judgement.
93. Very generous pupil - teacher ratios is a feature that prep schools use as a strong selling point to parents.
94. These just point to one important fact: Always seek the advice of your own doctor.
95. Point to the links between racialist language of the police and the labelling process.
96. The first point to note is that sending some one a contract of employment does not involve any re-formatting of text.
97. Those touting mandatory uniforms point to the successes in Long Beach.
98. The passage of the train was telegraphed forward from point to point throughout its journey.
99. Rather it may point to an unspoken assumption that it does.
100. Those who gladly accept Berezovsky's money today point to the precedent set by Bonner.
101. Other experts point to the fact that even specialists are losing jobs.
102. Several lines of evidence point to specific components of the peripheral nerve environment that support regeneration.
103. This book is in-tended largely to call attention to this opportunity and to point to the consensus for action that already exists.
104. One might also point to the fear among many politicians of electoral retribution if radical measures turn out to be unpopular.
105. Chan cited signs that point to a smooth transition in 1997.
106. Those who do not wish the Territorial Army well will point to reduced recruiting figures and make claims for further reductions.
107. Training implies that they do not, yet nobody seems to be able to point to any deterioration in customer care.
108. But they do point to the complex inter-relation between official discourses and the domain of constructed personal experience and pleasure.
109. For we concentrated entirely on resources internal to the individual rule-follower(), on things which a solipsist could point to.
110. Suppose we begin with an existential hypothesis, without being able to point to any confirming evidence.
111. These raised marine deposits point to possible consequences of a global rise in sea level resulting from climatic change.
112. Still others point to pressure on the facial nerve as it passes through the skull.
113. Analysts point to similar uncertainty surrounding how programs will be converted from the Internet to the boxes.
114. Once you write your list, your thoughts flow faster and the words tumble from one point to the next.
115. They admit he is charming, but fingers point to his eyes as warning signs, demonic pin points.
116. On the contrary,[] everything I read seemed to point to his having been universally loved and admired by his men.
117. Lipski was able to point to several passages in school textbooks containing similar references.
118. It might also point to more appropriate ways of re-classifying subject areas so that the perspectives of both genders are represented.
119. Experts also point to the oil and gas pipelines that feed the eastern cities.
120. The Control Center provides a relatively easy access point to dBase.
121. There are no cut-and-dried rules or regulations that will guarantee success or unfailingly point to the one correct decision.
122. This is a familiar point to those who know anything of Freudian theory.
123. It is not the present intention to point to inconsistencies, in order to undermine the revolutionary claims.
124. The five-year yield fell 1 basis point to 6. 91 percent.
125. We are very pleased to be able to point to increased co-operation and liaison with other Service charities.
126. The practical critics of scientific management Point to the impossibility of meeting the strict demands of the rational model of decision-making.
127. The former can point to the great difference between doubt and unbelief and the latter to the great similarity.
128. Republicans will point to the failure as proof of the administration's lukewarm commitment to missile defense during the past seven years.
129. But all these successes point to a deep hunger for experiences that are urban but still manageable.
130. One point to clear up immediately is the widespread confusion between wrongful dismissal and unfair dismissal.
131. No point in inviting a rooster to a hen party, especially if he has a valid point to make.
132. They simply point to the fact that language is being produced and do not involve any questions of psychological reality.
133. The point to recognize is, of course, that it is futile to waste time classifying studies into neat little boxes.
134. Finally, there are plans to provide custodians a sore point to enable the churches to open for two hours a day.
135. Many point to her act of defiance as the birth of the civil-rights movement.
136. First he threw down his training bib, then he tried to make a point to coaches Dino Zoff and Giancarlo Oddi.
137. A string of economic figures published after the rate cut point to an economic slowdown.
138. It is this later Holiday which most recognise and her admirers point to her last years as her most compelling.
139. Alas, there is no point to all this suffering, no greater meaning to this tale of romantic woe.
140. This emphasises a further point to which domestic competition authorities need to apply their minds.
141. I think it may be pertinent at this point to raise the question of how the new department will be funded.
142. Now, I try to make it a point to get out in the boardroom to recognize something or some one.
143. If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack. Winston Churchill 
144. We can point to your huge increase in military spending and then continue on with our own.
145. The answer seemed to point to substantial cuts in price support together with a better re-distribution of budget towards smaller producers.
146. That is the very point to which I am referring.
147. So the geographical distribution of the disease in older women is more likely to point to dietary pathogens.
148. To point to only the most glaring contradiction: What kind of literacy would they be eager to advance?
149. This is an essential point to which I return in the concluding chapter.
150. The first thing I would point to is that our training costs for last year averaged out at £5,[Sentencedict]100 per trainee.
151. Even seemingly wild ideas may be aired at this point to break away from stale thinking.
152. Studies of twins and of alcohol-dependent patients point to an inherited vulnerability to alcohol dependence, too.
153. Perhaps I can intrude into my own column again at this point to reinforce the message.
154. There have been other developments which point to an overlap between civil and military use or nuclear power.
155. It is no denigration of his immense achievement to point to these real difficulties which it raises.
156. It measures 28 feet in length and 20 feet in girth. the tail from point to point is 8 feet.
157. The first point to note is that no-one has a convincing explanation for the existence of W-cells.
158. They all point to Meredith Putt - but we've no firm evidence to offer a court.
159. For example, they point to the Iowa straw poll conducted last year in which Texas Sen.
160. And of those women, many point to Walters as an inspiration.
161. She said she always made a point to stay above the fray and concentrate on her work.
162. It is difficult to point to the material goals which football hooligans or juvenile delinquents are chasing.
163. Certainly such pressures and demands point to the need to make both prevention and treatment of chronic diseases a priority.
164. Bingham wants to leave a fitting legacy to his successor and all the signs point to him achieving this.
165. She supposed she must have risen at some point to light a candle on the mantlepiece.
166. However, there is one important point to keep in mind.
167. The Conservatives are down one point to 34 %, and the Liberal Democrats have dropped three points to 13 %.
168. Stillman claimed that she had died in her sleep, but the evidence seemed to point to suicide.
169. They point to long-term costs that even a thriving enterprise would be hard pressed to minimize or absorb.
170. They give point to the cries of the preachers for repentance, conversion, and return to the old religion.
171. Both these facts point to the high priority of the struggle for civil liberties.
172. Parsytec reckons the tests it has done on lower clock frequencies point to a six- to ten-fold performance increase over the T805.
173. One can certainly point to abuses resulting from the increased activity around art.
174. This is a point to which I shall return in the concluding chapter.
175. Children should be able to point to each object as they count it.
176. Although federal regulators say Nader is overstating the problem, they, too,[] point to examples of unreported safety defects.
177. An examination of the results of early Anglo-Saxon craftsmanship point to the effort and organisation involved in procuring the raw materials.
178. Blackwell's radical ideas point to the tentative beginnings of a discourse on active female sexuality.
179. I shall draw the hon. and learned Gentleman's particular point to my right hon. Friend's attention.
180. If we are to point to government growth, then different conceptions of the term might lead to different measures of growth.
181. Larry slept on a cot in grubby clothes but made it a point to shave every day.
182. She made it a point to tell people as little about herself as possible.
183. Not until Walden sold two thousand copies, five years later, could Thoreau point to any audience at all.
184. Section 16 is a clear example and functions almost as an exclamation point to the first 15 sections.
185. All point to precisely the same problems as were identified when evaluating the original model fits.
186. The benchmark five-year deutsche mark swap spread fell 1 basis point to 45 basis points.
187. But it does point to the need to examine carefully the social processes registered by apparently simple concepts.
188. An unusual event which cost me dear but it made the point to Chutra as to who was the leader around here.
189. A point to watch here, is where a credit card holder applies for an extra card on the same account.
190. Several key findings from that survey point to the revolution in pay practices.
191. Opinion polls point to a spectacular comeback, seven years after he tumbled from the premiership in disgrace.
192. The first point to be noted is that the Court may make the award on the application of the injured person.
193. I felt strong; there was a point to a life that had seemed pointless.
194. All signs seem to point to a weak economic environment for a while.
195. But those within the service point to the investment in training as a major contributory factor to an increasingly professional service.
196. The growth optimists point to India's favourable demography.
197. Does pressure point to systematic circulation?
198. Arrows point to the defect in the rectus sheath.
199. It is stretching a point to call this censorship.
200. Point to Ponder: this world is not my home.
201. Critics point to the continuing instability of the company.
202. He needed just one match point to wrap the victory up.
203. Therefore, should take upgrading the commonality of public policy as main point to build harmonious society.
204. Click the start button, point to settings , and then click control panel.
205. Their profile corresponded point for point to our wish list for an adoptive family.
206. Trouble in Georgia pow - wow in Prague point to new east - west tensions.
207. The Swiss discount rate rose half a percentage point to 6 percent.
208. An upside down clock's minute hand and hand point to the down[], what time is it?
209. Willan was able to point to the progressive changes he had already introduced.
210. Click and drag on the end point to raise the entire arm.
211. Messrs. van Kooten and Abbot point to the divergent fates of the sea otter and beaver.
212. It is perhaps useful at this point to discuss the current European nomenclature.
213. High interest rates do not point to a buoyant market this year.
214. Abnormal electrolyte levels may point to a mineral deficiency or defect in ion homeostasis.
215. Whether this phenomenon is good or bad, there is no clear critical point to judge.
216. A right angled kitchen cabinet can a focal point to express the fine of the sink.
217. The range indicates how far it is from the lowest data point to the highest.
218. On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Formatting.
219. Industry watchers point to the correction as a red flag for overproduction.
220. All signs point to an economic slump that will be nasty, brutish - and long.
221. The debater refused to cede the point to her opponent.
222. With direct manipulation, we can point to what we want.
223. Chinese scholars point to the fact that all Chinese use a version of pictographic characters.
224. Search engine market dimensions: Point to the sum of sales revenue of key word advertising.
225. Arrows point to the anterior rectus sheath, peritoneum, and fascia transversalis.
226. On the View menu, point to Editor, and then click File System.
227. These developments also point to downside risks to discretionary income and growth.
228. We define the distance from a point to a hyperbolic pattern such that detection becomes feasible.
229. These traditions in social theory point to a major but problematic notion of " the body ".
230. Point to Database Utilities on the Tools menu and click Database Splitter.
231. What is the key point to differentiate soft news from hard news?
232. Programme targets the Ti Yng acupressure point to help relieve headaches caused by tension and stress.
233. Point to the firmware file you saved, and begin the firmware upgrade.
234. And this was the origin of the place names and thestart - point to study toponymy.
235. Nevertheless, Gorbachev made it a point to exhibit his own strength publicly.
236. System changes is those who point to a system replace,[http:///point to.html] changeover and trade process.
237. Be pregnant examination cost is to point to poundage of registration fee, examination.
238. Crossbar switch is unblock network, it allows all possible simultaneous connect from point to point.
239. There are several sayings in Thomas, unlike the sayings in the Gospels and the canon, that are not eschatological,they very much point to the present.
240. Critics will point to other grand schemes that have gone less well, such as Sheffield's World Student Games disaster.
241. The corona or brush discharge, would transfer from point to point.
242. Then in the yellow light he'd point to pictures and paraphrase the news items.
243. Apologists for Bush point to a form of dyslexia he suffers from.
244. Ogbu and others point to similar examples among " involuntary minorities "" around the world.
245. But they especially point to " a double standard of aging. "
246. Some kinds of baseness are nobly undergone and most poor matters point to rich ends.
247. Israelis point to him as the perpetrator of the first Holocaust.
248. Recommend we adjust re - entry point to Omicron J - Vector Theta.
249. A method bubbling point to judge whether to be in continuous - venting has been presented.
250. Depigmentation of the hair and spooned nails point to malnutrition.
251. Requirements: from the keyboard to enter a starting point to search traversal, the output traversal sequence.
252. Set this to point to whatever cleanup routine you create.
253. An ellipsis connector. Move its control point to change spacing.
254. Netadded more than one percentage point to GDP growth in the year to the first quarter.
255. Abnormal electrolyte levels may point to a mineral deficiency or a defect in ion homeostasis.
256. Circumstantial evidenceand documents that point to an individual as the perpetrator of a crime.
257. Here's the main point to take away from this article: Success is a multifaceted, personal concept.
258. But critics, while conceding that countries have sought loans elsewhere, point to the fund's particular unpopularity.
259. Lawmakers and others point to a successful program in Denver, Colorado.
260. Compensation is the key point to internalize the externalities of the non - industrial ecological forest.
261. The Email Address and Inbound Directory must point to the same place.
262. Optimization of quality cost becomes a new reference point to make decisions on inspection plan.
263. Free port is to point to do not belong to custom administer haven or harbour area.
264. These theories, they say , point to Parachinar in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
265. And the researcher say their discovery may point to a weak spot in smoking addiction.
266. POTS peers point to a particular voice port on a voice network device.
267. The prejudice, equalitarianism , from point to area, multi standard est. wrong tendencies are analyzed, and correct measures are provided.
268. Several studies point to a real cause for concern over the adequacy of the diet eaten by British children.
269. One of you asked this question. " Does a magnetic compass point to the North Pole? "
270. The MZM is driven by a non-return-to-zero (NRZ) data sequence and biased at the nonlinear point to generate edge-triggered pulses.
271. Direct manipulation of objects on a screen is made possible through the use of a pointing device. Clearly, the best way to point to something is with your fingers.
272. The linchpin that builds content shedding to point to oneself is client experience.
273. Many network TV reporters began using photo-ops as a jumping-off point to examine issues more in depth.




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