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单词 React to
1. How did Wilson react to your idea?
2. I'm not sure how he's going to react to the news.
3. How did your mother react to the news? She reacted by getting very angry.
4. How did he react to your suggestion?
5. Someone allergic to milk is likely to react to cheese.
6. He did not know how to react to her sudden mood swings.
7. There'd be no telling how John would react to such news as this.
8. But the country has been slow to react to the "greening" of the rest of Europe.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. The industry has been slow to react to these breakthroughs in technology.
10. The government was very slow to react to the problem.
11. The toddlers react to a visitor in predictable ways.
12. Whichever way you react to Rottweilers, you will lose.
13. How do young children react to that situation?
14. So how did people react to these findings?
15. Quicker to say, quicker to react to.
16. How would he react to his situation?
17. It isn't the actual words you react to, but the different rhythm.
18. The western powers hardly knew how to react to this threat.
19. Corals and anemones are sensitive creatures and react to any stressful situation by closing down to avoid the cause of their stress.
20. How would they react to a deficient health care system?
21. How did a pupil like Stephen react to a teacher of this sort?
22. Anderson carefully instructs us on how to react to all of this from the start.
23. She's very unpredictable so there's no knowing how she'll react to the news.
24. Most of us would maintain that physical attractiveness does not play a major part in how we react to the people we meet.
25. She took a shaky step back, mentally berating herself for continuing to react to him in this inexplicable fashion.
26. Most doctors are starting to understand that different people react to events in their lives differently.
27. How, for example, education, culture, psychological and physiological factors influence the way we react to an image.
28. Conversely the under-confident person may be hesitant to predict danger or to react to it with sufficient purpose or determination.
29. Using these questions to monitor what is happening will help you spot conflict early and react to deal with it.
30. Instead. these people only refer to farmers when there is news like a food scare to react to.
1. How did Wilson react to your idea?
2. I'm not sure how he's going to react to the news.
3. How did your mother react to the news? She reacted by getting very angry.
31. People react to external stimuli and their behaviour can be explained in terms of this reaction.
32. There are enough angry and bitter people to react to any call to insurrection.
33. How do employers react to the supposed increased willingness of workers to offer more labour services resulting from a monetary stimulus?
34. How would he react to a nonsensical situation such as this, and one which was completely outside his own control?
35. If we choose to perceive some one in a negative light, we expect and react to their negative behaviors.
36. Through each sense, children not only react to the world, they also comprehend their world.
37. Would you so react to the particular situation which confronts us now, if you were not applying the standard mechanically?
38. A few of these people react to a great variety of chemicals and foods[/react to.html], and are quite severely ill.
39. This responsiveness to body language also affects the way horses react to humans.
40. How is a local authority to react to thousands of claims for rebate?
41. That is why we all react to events differently, although it is all reacting.
42. We do not initiate action; we react to a series of external stimuli.
43. How had he expected her to react to his betrayal - with laughter, perhaps, or nonchalance?
44. At the same time the sensory awareness of the organism, and its ability to react to stimuli, are also withdrawn.
45. But when the therapist starts to enquire how they react to the problems at home a difference in opinion may be revealed.
46. The Captain looks constantly from side to side, ready to react to anything suspicious.
47. A number of these patients are very seriously ill and appear to react to almost every imaginable food and chemical.
48. I think we miscalculated how people would react to the scene.
49. Two, that the label we put on something determines how we choose to react to it.
50. This is involuntary and undesirable and many firms will react to it by reducing output and laying off workers.
51. As a result, they do not merely react to external stimuli, they do not simply behave, they act.
52. Children themselves needed more visual encouragement to react to enable the book to compete with the attractions of video and television.
53. The eye must be correctly connected to a brain, within a complex organism which is able to react to visual stimuli.
54. An operational System should be able to forecast, detect and react to dangerous pollution levels within a short period.
55. How you respond to changes or challenges is more important than how you react to them. Dr T.P.Chia 
56. It would be playing into his hands to react to his deliberate teasing.
57. He was slow to react to her revelation, the only possibility he had dismissed outright.
58. He doesn't react to the negative but takes positive steps to be successful.
59. How do Jimmy and the guys react to this bad news?
60. When tissue begins to react to the commensals causing inflammation, the process of colonisation has given way to infection.
61. We like to present an extreme position to get people to react to it.
62. They concluded that people as a whole react to events and to social and economic changes in reasonable and predictable ways.
63. Atoms and molecules do not act in terms of meanings, they simply react to external stimuli.
64. We also worked out in the end a system whereby Brian would react to my jump rather than I react to his throw.
65. Some may see them entirely differently, arguing that they prove something about homophobia or how gay men react to anti-gay oppression.
66. Your goal is to help your child do more than react to her sensitivities with avoidance, anger, or controlling behavior.
67. They sometimes react to just part of a visual image, rather than the entire image.
68. How would students react to you setting a pass mark of say 80%?http://
69. You may not choose to react to situations which damage your self-esteem in the same way as Jane.
70. It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. Epictetus 
71. In the emergency room he appeared deeply comatose: his eyes were closed and he did not react to noxious stimuli.
72. They are therefore particularly prone to react to extra stress either at home or while using the Department's services.
73. Arline: How people in Los Angeles react to every jury-trial verdict?
74. Second, most legislatures react to policy initiatives from the executive more than they create policy.
75. They did not react to this provocation.
76. Observe carefully how the bacteria react to this stimulus.
77. How will you react to putt up a protest?
78. Economists react to the Chinese government's new plan to boost spending to reverse a slowdown in economic growth. The government's Chinese-language statement announcing the plan can be found here.
79. But the MTC tended to react to what the industry wanted, Kryder says, rather than pushing the envelope.
80. And they seem to behave in a similar way, both in their weight and in their malleability, in their color and how they react to other substances like dissolving in aqua regia.
81. A full discussion of the nuances of common services -- how they're started, how they react to client, inherent security issues and authentication methods -- is beyond the scope of this document.
82. You expect me to react to all that head - shake and body gyration?
83. The assistants observed carefully how the bacteria would react to this stimulus.
84. This lack of formality is a showstopper when the business system must quickly react to new or updated requirements.
85. Exactly how would the religious community react to the possibility of real, honest-to-goodness aliens in our midst?
86. Any system involving a feedback control will almost certainly involve time delays, because a finite time is required to sense information and then react to it.
87. In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey tells us that the first step to a better life is the realization that we are free to choose how to react to circumstances.
88. In rare circumstances, it may be appropriate to ask participants to speak on behalf of others or predict how certain groups of people would react to particular experiences.
89. This "methylation" of GR appears to make the individual more tuned in or sensitised to stress, meaning that they will react to it quicker both mentally and hormonally.
90. Lampe had no time to assure teams his status was set. NBA teams had no time to react to a change in the draft board.
91. The disciples of Jesus, with Peter at the head, react to the announcement of the redemptive Passion, that is, to the true messianism foretold and effected by the Beloved Son.
92. Malaria parasites are detectable when they react to the treatment on the glass (Giemsa stain).
93. Did any of them react to a goal from side with passivity?
94. Some Bichons react to the leptospirosis shot (a disease carried by rodents) with chills and fever, usually lasting for several hours.
95. Doing so gives team members an opportunity to react to a failure state in a controlled situation.
96. That person will react to events with equanimity. He will not overgeneralize—just because I am good at this one particular thing does not mean I am wonderful in all things.
97. Intelligent light - sensing technology automatically adjusts LCD screen and keyboard backlighting to react to ambient light levels.
98. Equally unpredictable and ultimately more worrying for Beijing is how Chinese will react to the shock-- for that is what the price increases amount to.
98. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
99. The one-celled animals react to food by moving toward it and react to danger by moving away.
100. They hope their words and deeds can cause the attention of other, peacockish , egocentric, ego abandon, often react to trifling bagatelle mood too intense, sometimes for no reason gets angry.
101. There is no need to subclass Button to react to events.
102. We hid behind snow-covered bushes to see how she would react to receiving a full pound of candy and nuts.
103. Taiwanese academics on Thursday (Jan. 6) discussed how the government should react to Japan's new defense program at the Institute of International Relations at National Chengchi University.
104. But women react to these psychological elements and understandably and accurately see them as a kind of misogyny.
105. A broadcast receiver is a component that does nothing but receive and react to broadcast announcements.
106. Bighorn sheep react to a coyote in the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park.
107. Papers: Students will write two short ungraded response papers that react to course readings and lectures, and two longer papers on questions arising from the course material.
108. Using a three-dimensional Path planning method based on vector data, and combing the moving of the target with the process of route search, the novel algorithm can react to the move of the target.
109. We react to stresses such as the jangle of telephones or the wailing of police sirens.
110. Does the child respond to auditory stimuli ? ie Does he react to the sounds around him?
111. First, carbon monoxide and hydrogen react to form methane, which has one carbon atom.
112. The researchers added carbonic anhydrase genes to plants that do not react to higher levels of carbon dioxide.
113. I wonder how such Hummer drivers would react to the fact that their beloved lifestyle brand is now under a "Red Commie Chinese" firm.
114. Includes rules for pattern identification and rules that react to pattern discovery, for example, by generating a complex event derived from content of the triggering event stream.
115. In this way the interactive speech recognition system may react to noise conditions that are inappropriate for generating reliable speech recognition.
116. Time for the ultimate killer's test: How would the piranha react to my duck?
117. Whatever your reaction to this tiny villain, that's probably the best way to react to your life-size challenger.
118. The allergen in jackfruit does not on its own sensitize the immune system, but once birch pollen has done the job, the immune system may react to jackfruit too.
119. And how can you be sure they wouldn't react to seeing the Liston knife?
120. The art of strategic decision-making lies in both how we react to what we do not know and how we react to clearly defined situations.
121. These tastes and incomes constrain how the quantity demand will react to changes in price.
122. Does the plater collect and analyze data over time, and react to this data?
123. But, also a few enterprises react to this Chi Chun, measure do one's best.
124. Then the old inflation risks we were thinking was already vanished will reemerge. How should the internal audit profession react to this new risk?
125. If you merely react to your opponent's actions you will be shot down.




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