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单词 Result from
1. Will we at last forget ourselves result from the continuous affectation.
2. We desperately need a result from this match.
3. Many hair problems result from what you eat.
4. Violence may result from a sense of impotence.
5. Our personalities result from the complex interplay between our genes and our environment.
6. They were hoping for a positive result from the experiment.
7. We badly need to get a result from this match.
8. Most of the killings result from gang rivalry.
9. Ulcers which result from these bites eventually heal leaving small circular scars.
10. Infection can result from ingestion of as few as 10 cysts.
11. The stigma may not result from associating her language with ignorance, but the unkindness is just as real.
12. Mix in the hair-trigger rage that can result from steroid use and, well, stand back, ladies and gentlemen.
13. Cardiac arrhythmias rarely result from levodopa administration to patients who have a predisposition related to underlying cardiac disease.
14. The fractional-order beams result from interference between scattered waves involving an adatom at least once.
15. The changes that take place vary and result from three different kinds of processes.
16. If significant delay may result from this process, a different decision making technique should be used.
17. Although the data largely result from censuses and surveys, an increasing volume of data arises from administrative processes.
18. But the chimeric lambs that would result from the pregnancy are mosaics: only some of the cells contain the transgene.
19. This could result from a structural change in a single solid material, though no suitable materials are known.
20. Broadly, these tensions result from two diametrically opposed approaches to social research - positivism and naturalism.
21. These hills result from hydrothermal alteration of the granites which are characteristic of the area.
22. Only greater humiliation could result from an attempt to wrench the truth from her.
23. The authors recognise the many methodological problems in studying disabilities that may result from hearing impairment.
24. Police should never leave or transport a sprayed suspect in a prone position because death may result from positional asphyxiation.
25. It is estimated that about a third of these accidents result from damaged pavements.
26. For example, while heating of the lithosphere may account for uplift(sentence dictionary), subsidence may result from lithospheric cooling.
27. Second, the discrimination which emanates from ageism can appear to result from the natural process of biological ageing rather than social creation.
28. One wonders how many of one's own mental defects result from lack of the appropriate experience at the proper time!
29. It costs from £3800 from Teagle Machinery Evidence shows more deaths may result from the improper use of ATVs.
30. Lizards remain sacred to these tribesmen, and death is said to result from accidentally killing one.
31. The increase in the incomes of elite workers is only relative; it does not result from their own stellar economic gains.
32. A further cause could result from the exchange of gas in and out of the bladder.
33. Often they result from particularly stressful circumstances but they may simply be a moment of carelessness.
34. Do they result from the body clock, from sleep loss - or from some mixture of these factors?
35. Nevertheless, some openings will result from the need to replace workers who transfer to other occupations or leave the labor force.
36. The real numbers which result from making measurements are interpreted as the eigenvalues of the corresponding observable.
37. These fluctuations probably result from interaction between phasic gastroduodenal motility and intermittent pancreatic secretion of neutralising bicarbonate.
38. They result from their real essences, the arrangement of corpuscles which make them up.
39. But they probably result from the nature of the dimerization interfaces, which are very different for each protein.
40. Cell adhesion and disease adhesion molecule deficiency A number of rare diseases result from defects in adhesion molecules.
41. But please hurry up if you want to avoid the nerve damage and deformity that result from long-term exposure to the germ.
42. It follows that policies for rural housing do not consider the social implications which might result from their implementation.
43. Changes in the balance of other hormones or growth factors, which are as yet unknown, may result from fundectomy.
44. It seems highly unlikely to result from the subdivision of territorial claims.
45. This is sheer chance, but suggests a good average result from the use of the algorithm!
46. Better value for money would result from less use of custody for many classes of offender.
47. Many damaging consequences can result from being a heavy drinker but alcoholism does not come simply from drinking too much.
48. The other inhibition is more pragmatic: fear of unlimited losses on short positions that might result from a sudden market rally.
49. There will then be 3n control areas per cylinder on the 3350 and no loss of performance will result from the transfer.
50. As a result, different outputs could result from activating the same node at different points in time.
51. The losses initially will result from heavy expenditures to start up operations in the region, he said.
52. Some of the new proteins result from an arms race between animals and plants.
53. Vertical packages tend to be of a pioneering nature, whereas horizontal packages tend to result from the development of existing ideas.
54. The Cartesian coordinates which result from this transformation describe a space which is tangential to the curved space at the point selected.
55. Nor did dramatic economic change result from those withdrawals which took place.
56. In part, the growth of peer pressure will result from revolutionary changes in pay practices.
57. Such deterioration may not necessarily result from the proclamation of commitment.
58. This could result from bile acid mediated effects on cellular proliferation through several possible pathways as already discussed.
59. Physiological problems Finally, a few words about some physiological problems which result from nutrient deficiencies and weather conditions.
60. Reconstituted and recombined milk and milk products are those that result from the recombining of milk constituents with potable water.
61. We have suggested that the experience of physical symptoms of anxiety result from stress.
62. Thus a balance of forces can result from a weakened infection which induces a weakened immune response, leading to persistence.
63. Broken teeth usually result from the horse crunching on a stone which could be amongst his food or while grazing.
64. The ads trumpet the idea that anxiety and depression result from imbalances in brain biochemistry, not from character flaws.
65. Many cases of stomach flu result from improper cooking of food.
66. Hypertonicity may also result from pure sodium excess, although this is relatively uncommon.
67. This low growth will result from such factors as inflation, energy costs, environmental constraint and low population growth.
68. The symptoms of jet lag result from a temporary disruption of these rhythms.
69. The Ivory Coast is a fearful example of what can result from full scale exploitation.
70. For small children, an overdose can result from swallowing as few as three vitamins with iron.
71. A new emphasis on regional marketing will result from organisational changes.
72. The most original observations in the book result from this detailed scrutiny.
73. This can result from government regulation or from other natural barriers.
74. Their activities result from decisions to produce, to buy,() and to sell commodities and resources.
75. One marvelous result from these experiments bears consideration by anyone hoping to manage coevolutionary forces.
76. Others are of the present; others still result from looking ahead.
77. Experts in the United States later said that positive results on such tests could result from other sources.
78. Glaucoma can result from increased intraocular pressure.
79. Accidental plagiarism can sometimes result from culture cultural differences.
80. Tachycardia may result from pain, apprehension, hypoventilation, or hypovolemia.
81. Lobar emphysema may result from partial bronchial obstruction.
82. Pancreatic infection may mainly result from bacteria translocation.
83. Speciation can result from geographical separation or ecological specialization.
84. What do turbidity currents result from?
85. The Tianshan basalts may result from a mantle plume.
86. Advertising indirectly generates revenues for brand owners through the increase in sales revenues that are thought to result from these ads.
87. The microcrack zone concrete is deeply analyzed by using the exact solution of crack tip stress field and is compared to the result from the local solution.
88. We analyze the effects which result from the phase error between different channels, and a error correction method was proposed to achieve phase balance between channels.
89. Moreover, addition movement of the airframe can result from aerodynamic or propulsion noise.
90. Many dams accidents result from its abutment stabilizing failure caused by the high groundwater level.
91. The effects of glutamine peptide on the infective complication may be result from altering immune functions, preventing nutriture deterioration in secondary acute stroke.
92. Profuse oral bleeding can result from trauma, aneurysm rupture, or tonsillectomy and needs prompt care.
93. The agency's safety review and its decision to ban unapproved hydrocodone products both result from gradual but significant changes in the standards used for drug approvals.
94. Their ignorance might just result from their shamefulness or from their impudence.
95. Professor Eagleson warned that serious injustice can result from unnecessarily complicated legal language.
96. Duchene's muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis are examples of hereditary diseases that result from nonsense mutations.
97. This approach recognizes that most childhood deaths result from a handful of causes that can be prevented by a handful of cost-effective interventions.
98. And, he adds, there is an element of impetuousness, which might result from being a woman.
99. It sends JMS messages to the request queue on the service integration bus or WebSphere MQ that the JRules MDB is listening to and gets the result from the response queue.
100. Amenorrhea is a common symptom of gynecological endocrine disorders, including primary and secondary amenorrhea. Most of the primary amenorrhea result from pathologic factors.
101. After compared with different results, it is found that the result from the correction formula matches with the result of FE better than that of the design code. It can be co...
102. They are characterized with systematization and generalization, which result from their semantic association and their formative analogy.
103. Death may result from errors in judgment, confusion, or loss of consciousness, that prevents self - rescue.
104. The death of rat does not result from secretion, the period of warm ischemia is cut as short as possible. Livability and survival quality is advanced, which are in favor of experiment.
105. The result from this second expression is a node set, which maps to the DOM org.w3c.dom.NodeList type.
106. An economic devastation might result from the massive animal death and the economic sanction from other countries on account of the FMD.
107. This may be the result from the genotype of wild rye itself.
108. ConclusionEMP can promote necrosis and apoptosis of cortical neurons at the early stage, which may result from DNA injury induced by EMP.
109. The precise yet endlessly suggestive works that result from his unrivalled draughtsmanship are just as compelling as his paintings.
110. Signs and symptoms of an insect bite result from the injection of venom or other substances into your skin.
111. At last, we analyze the risk assessment result from a monomial and a whole perspective, respectively, giving detailed risk process suggestions subsequently.
112. It must result from an accident, not from intentional act by the policyholder.
113. Some recent studies suggest that DOMS may result from multifactor such as the formation of sarcomere, disorder of microcirculation, and changing of peripheral nervous system.
114. It is explained that mine accidents due to human factor result from the invalidation of the first and the second controlling mechanism.
115. Articles without the model individual psychology development characteristics such as the dysphrenia result from acute brain flesh wound and so on as well as repetition researches were excluded./result from.html
116. In fact, the seemingly anomalous dispersion of the impurity band in the first Brillouin zone is a result from band folding.
117. Waterborne diseases are not usually as serious or widespread as water-washed diseases such as skin and eye infections, which result from insufficient water for personal hygiene.
118. The estimated accrual for bad debts result from the current period's sales.
119. If Benefic planets are in aspect to Mars in this location, considerable fame and income result from the occupations he has determined.
120. The simulations confirm that cross-contamination routes result from normal operation and random failure conditions, including system surcharge and trap depletion due to, for example, poor maintenance.
121. This protective effect of glucose may result from its ability to clear accumulated intracellular Acetyl Coenzyme A and to promote the Production of intracellular energy substances.
122. According to primary observation, some of social conflicts in the course of urbanization result from governments' behavior or nonfeasance and last out or upgrade because of the same reason.
123. Most students can gain a result from a general conclusion correctly, but they can't understand the relation between a proposition and its converse proposition well.
124. Rupture disks relieve overpressure in cylinders that may result from external fire or from overfilling.
125. A lost cluster usually represents debris resulting from incomplete data "housekeeping, "as might result from the ungraceful exit (messy or abrupt termination) of an application program.
126. The company has been facing the tough challenge because of the rising price of the chemical materials, the transportation and the energy which result from the globally rising price of raw oil.
127. Our conclusion is EMP can promote necrosis and apoptosis of neurons from cerebellar granular layer at early stage, which may result from DNA injury induced by EMP.
128. This paper is written to study pragma-linguistic failures, which result from the inappropriate use of linguistic expressions in violation of pragmatic principles in the course of communication.
129. Hardening and strengthening of metals that result from alloying in which a solid solution is formed.
130. When there is a conflict between a developer and conservationists, for example, many of their problems may result from an inability to discuss how a parcel of land could best be used.
131. Usually, galaxies this topsy-turvy result from a recent collision with a neighboring galaxy.
132. Introduction: About 30 % of inherited genetic disorders in humans result from premature termination codon mutations.
133. By using a subset of all the text-searchable parts, you can obtain the desired result from search and present to the user the expected result, without needing to take an heuristic approach.
134. Loss of Property includes both direct loss and indirect loss. Loss of property to indirect loss is result from property which are in increment .
135. The similarity of its heteropolar 3- or 6-aperturate pollen to the 3-aperturate pollen of Eudicots might result from convergent evolution.
136. Thus , most cases of bowel ischemia and infarction result from generalized hypotension and decreased cardiac output.
137. He didn't know he'd won when he sat down to dinner on Tuesday, but he spent the evening cannily trying to divine the result from the way the cameras were positioning themselves.
138. Proof-of-Concept (PoC) based methods: This is when prototypes used for experiments and simulations are the artifacts that result from the development process.
139. Death may result from errors in judgment, confusion, or loss of consciousness, which prevents self rescue.
140. Most of these substances directly result from the industrial, urban and vehicular combustion of fossil fuels.
141. Ethanolamine and its derivative di-and triethanolamine result from reacting ammonia with ethylene oxide.
142. As to the emission at 370 nm, It'should result from exciton recombination radiation.
143. The signal characteristics probably result from dense gliosis and diminished myelin sheaths in the hemartomatous areas.
144. In the double function of curatorial system and cultural expansion of contemporary Western art, the presence of "Contemporary Chinese Art" seems to result from a "two-way need.
145. Different distributive state of knowledge and skill may result from that human capital's growth selects the balanced or unbalanced ways in the economic system.
146. The formation of the multivalents may result from chromosome reciprocal translocation among the non - homologous chromosomes.
147. Slow degradation of ground water quality may result from repeated use.
148. Abscesses usually result from hematogenous spread of bacterial infection(sentence dictionary), but may also occur from direct penetrating trauma or extension from adjacent infection in sinuses.
149. Fever and fussiness without an apparent cause may result from UTI.
150. Diabetic Nephropathy ( DN ) is the pathological changes of glomerulus, calyx and renel vessel result from diabetes.
151. The analysis result from the laser method is very close to that from the sieve method.
152. The complications frequently accompanying diabetes, such as impairment of vision and of kidney function, are now thought to result from the lack of continuous control of blood glucose concentrations.
153. The dispersion process in heterogeneous porous media is distance dependent, which result from the multi scaling property of heterogeneous structure.
154. Restrictive cardiomyopathy may result from either myocardial or endomyocardial diseases.
155. Friendship, a more lasting commodity than love, is as likely to result from a marriage of convenience as from any other.
156. In general, excess calcium effects result from the anion with which the element is associated.
157. I am aware that my investment capital must not result from a criminal offence.
158. Paul Woolley of the London School of Economics has suggested that momentum might result from an agency problem.
159. Many patients who have persistent low backache might result from lumber vertebral osteophyte .
160. COMA:A state of unconsciousness. In diabetes, it may result from a variety of causes including severe hypoglycemia or diabetic ketoacidosis.
161. Under the allowance method, companies estimate the amount of the uncollectible accounts expense that will eventually result from a period's sale in order to reflect the expense during the same period.
162. F waves result from the back fire of the motoneuron activation, which may indirectly reflect the functional state of the motoneurons.
163. Moles , also known as nevi, and melanoma often result from the same genetic mutation, and the biological pathway that differentiates the two had been a mystery.
164. Should an injury result from nonstandard practice, a malpractice claim for damages could be made.
165. This was the result from the large - scale regression in the Late Ordovician.
166. Scientists suggest that this may result from alcohol's effect on visual perception abilities.
167. Then you're stuck not only with the original problem, but all the bad feelings and ill-will that result from failure.
168. And, he adds, "there is an element of impetuousness of judgment, which might result from being a woman.
169. Gains in sodium can result from hyperaldosteronism, Cushing's syndrome, or excessive hypertonic saline or sodium bicarbonate administration.
170. Finally, long - range prediction model of the gibberellin was developed according to the result from the analyses.
171. We shall deduce the result from a lemma about Euler trails in directed multigraphs.
172. Conclusions Decreased elastic fibers in the tunica albuginea can result from diabetes mellitus.
173. Based on this turf-type Festuca rubra L. summer dormancy occur, mainly result from the summer heat, pressure of drought. Its extent of summer dormancy varies with species difference.
174. The joint zero position deviations of joint type CMM, which result from assembly technology errors, have an enormous influence on the pose errors of probe end.
175. Indirect ionization by neutrons can also result from fission of plutonium or uranium isotopes.
175. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
176. Then extracts the multiple features of these target candidate areas in fusion detection result from the two sensor images as the evidence to eliminate redundant information.
177. Characterized by scattered scarring of some of the glomeruli, this condition may result from another disease or a genetic defect or occur for no known reason.
178. This is a distinctive commercial profit pattern, result from the profit that searches an industry.
179. There are at least thirty-four physical symptoms of stress which result from bullying. There are an even greater number of psychological symptoms associated with bullying.
180. The dislocation helices might result from the cross slip of some segments on an initial screw dislocation from (111)plane to (112) plane.
181. This may result from the large size of stock, which is a current asset but is not included in the calculation of QAR.
182. Many other unexplained nonparasitic disease of different plant species were shown to result from born deficiency.
183. Neurofunctional deficits result from central nervous sys tem ( CNS ) injury, which is always a problem for neurosciences.
184. You evidently responsible AS damage result from vessel latent defect.
185. Unlike osteoporosis or osteopenia, which result from low bone mineral density, osteomalacia interferes with new bone formation.
186. Pericardial effusion can also result from the accumulation of blood after a surgical procedure or injury.
187. John Hawksworth, head of macro-economics at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in the UK, says political influence will result from the increased economic clout of the big developing countries.
188. Burns may result from unknowingly walking into a hydrogen fire.
189. Sensitization can also result from CNS changes that lead to hyperactivity of pain - transmission pathways.
190. Its high thermal insulation is a result from eiders adaptation to the bitterly cold ocean around the Polar Circle.
191. Haplodiploid - A reproductive system in which females are diploid and males result from unfertilized, haploid eggs.
192. The segmentation problem is the maximizing a posteriori estimation of the set of object area result from the watershed labeled.
193. The observed lag might result from processes that occur at the most fundamental scale of space-time, the Planck length (10-35 metres).
194. Earth quakes can result from stresses in the earth's crust.
195. This would result from a "nuclear winter", when huge clouds of sooty black somke from nuclear blasts would envelop the earth and rob global crops of warmth and light from the sun.
196. For different genetic locations the results of amplification show diversities which result from mutation and recomposition of genomes, so RAPD can identify genomes.
197. Pain relief may result from diminished muscle cocontraction rather than from so-called medial compartment unloading.
198. The result from perturbative method, that the mode would be stabilized for ion viscosity greater than its critical value, is correct only for very small shear.
199. Must of the funds with high weekly return result from their excellent portfolio selectivity and have excellent anti-drop ability as well.




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