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单词 Result in
1 Sleep deprivation can result in mental disorders.
2 Another crop failure could result in widespread famine.
3 Even innocuous substances can sometimes register a positive result in a drug test.
4 Withdrawing the money early will result in a 10% penalty.
5 The changes may result in a greater reduction in employee numbers than we had previously expected.
6 An accident at the power station could result in large amounts of radiation being released.
7 Another caution will result in his automatic suspension from the final.
8 Selective breeding may result in a greyhound running faster and seeing better than a wolf.
9 Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver.
10 Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.
11 Consensus need not be weak, nor need it result in middle-of-the-road policies.
12 Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.
13 The plan should result in the creation of 2000 new jobs.
14 Failure to observe club rules may result in expulsion.
15 This treatment could result in malformation of the arms.
16 Compulsion will never result in convincing them.
17 Complacency could easily result in tragedy.
18 Alcoholism can result in an inability to cope.
19 Heavy lung infections may result in pneumonia.
20 The general election in Britain was expected to result in a hung parliament.
21 An earthquake in the city could result in deaths beyond number.
22 Different methods to touch the keys will result in different representation of timbre.
23 Running down the nuclear industry will result in heavy job losses.
24 We'll be content with a respectable result in tomorrow's match.
25 Such measures are likely to result in decreased motivation of the workforce.
26 Different Methods : To touch the keys will result in different representation of timbre.
27 It was feared that the break-up of the oil tanker would result in further pollution.
28 Scientists have warned that the use of growth hormones to make cattle grow more quickly may result in a health risk for consumers.
29 Warren also allows that capitalist development may, in its early stages(),[] result in increased social inequality.
30 If the supply of vitamins and minerals in the diet is inadequate, this will result in changes in body chemistry.
1 Sleep deprivation can result in mental disorders.
2 Another crop failure could result in widespread famine.
3 Even innocuous substances can sometimes register a positive result in a drug test.
4 Withdrawing the money early will result in a 10% penalty.
5 An accident at the power station could result in large amounts of radiation being released.
6 Another caution will result in his automatic suspension from the final.
7 Selective breeding may result in a greyhound running faster and seeing better than a wolf.
8 Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver.
9 Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.
10 Consensus need not be weak, nor need it result in middle-of-the-road policies.
11 The plan should result in the creation of 2000 new jobs.
12 It was feared that the break-up of the oil tanker would result in further pollution.
13 Compulsion will never result in convincing them.
14 Complacency could easily result in tragedy.
15 Different Methods : To touch the keys will result in different representation of timbre.
16 Increasing technological application and innovation in manufacturing industries result in more specialisation and distribution of processes on a global scale.
31 The president said that all future violations of our airspace would result in serious consequences.
32 Fifty per cent of road accidents result in head injuries.
33 Food allergies can result in an enormous variety of different symptoms.
34 Competition between stores can result in big savings for the shopper.
35 Bad economic times can result in political dictatorships. Witness Germany in the 1930s.
36 Fatigue and stress quickly result in a dull complexion and a furrowed brow.
37 Regular exercise can result in a general diminution in stress levels.
38 The system used to result in a great deal of food wastage.
39 The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators.
40 The breakdown of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale.
41 Failure to comply with these conditions will result in termination of the contract.
42 Appealing to the referee does not often result in a decision being changed.
43 It now seems sure the election will result in another victory for the government.
44 Increasing technological application and innovation in manufacturing industries result in more specialisation and distribution of processes on a global scale.
45 Failure to produce proof of identity could result in prosecution.
46 This move will inevitably result in the loss of a lot of jobs.
47 Such a war could result in the use of chemical and biological weapons.
48 The making of false statements could result in the invalidation of the contract.
49 The fall in the value of the yen might result in a fractional increase in interest rates of perhaps a quarter of one per cent.
50 Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.
51 The article was written before the election result in the clear expectation of a Labour victory.
52 Failure to reach an agreement will result in a strike.
53 The new tax is a political powder keg which could result in widespread violence.
54 Would their discussion result in his agreement to visit his stepmother?
55 Any hostilities could result in retaliation and further embroil U.N. troops in fighting.
56 The war between the sexes should not result in their complete dissociation from one another.
57 The disease can result in retinal damage and loss of vision.
58 Clearly,[] not all actions result in assimilation and accommodation.
59 But not all social responses result in sociable congregation.
60 The opposite scenario would result in positive money flow.
61 Conflicts between departments result in disordered priorities.
62 These will ultimately result in competitive advantage.
63 Using either product can result in injury and death.
64 Prolonged usage may result in hypothyroidism or kidney damage.
65 These often result in complaints of daytime drowsiness.
66 Careful design can result in remarkably small GIF files.
67 Result in the disintegration of the entire group.
68 Superficial shortcuts result in incomplete healing.
69 The fact that highly improbable circumstances could result in significant upside potential should not affect the presentation.
70 However, there are countervailing forces which might result in a lower volume of services.
71 Later it was re-thought that recycling might result in reduced increases for garbage service.
72 We usually treat physical violence towards others as gross misconduct and this could result in summary dismissal.
73 The second major observation is that mixed description types result in a low incidence of plural continuations.
74 The result in the vote against the development and for the retention of the airfield was unanimous.
75 It is a positive approach and unlikely to result in the speaker talking in an unnatural way.
76 It forms the backbone of an important result in algebra, known as the Cycle Decomposition Theorem for Modules.
77 Continued presentation of the scenes within the pairing phase is extremely unlikely to result in an unconditioned response.
78 These steps are likely to result in many employees' worries being reduced and their attitudes towards relocation abroad becoming more favourable.
79 This will result in a downward displacement of the marginal cost curve from to.
80 Under such circumstances monopolisation would result in an increase in total surplus.http:///result in.html
81 This restrictive covenant is often included in village or rural sites and can result in lengthy delays and extreme frustration.
82 The discipline of measuring benefits and costs locates waste, helps determine priorities, and can result in increased benefits.
83 Primary taxes were too far above that limit to result in a savings.
84 Any which arrive late will result in the student being refused admission to the Examination Centre.
85 This was to result in an overall increase of fifty beds.
86 This will result in an unpredictable profit or loss, in addition to the certain arbitrage profit that motivated the trade.
87 This should result in cuts of up to 10 percent in fuel consumption.
88 But both seem extremely problematic and poorly thought out, and if implemented might just result in an increase in infections.
89 Contravention of other provisions can result in prosecution either summarily or on indictment.
90 It is the Chief Constable's responsibility to see that these complaints are properly investigated and result in disciplinary action where appropriate.
91 Small desert rodents and the Bedouin goat can survive short periods of dehydration which result in a 20-30 percent weight loss.
92 Lack of awareness of late presentation of traumatic rupture of the diaphragm in children may result in a delay in diagnosis.
93 Failure to comply with the regulations can result in a £2,000 fine or six month prison sentence.
94 Failure to improve could result in the secretary of state intervening.
95 Continued war with the United States would most certainly result in further dismemberment of national territory.
96 A misrepresentation or misdescription could result in the landlord being unable to enforce the terms of the agreement.
97 It followed that further improvements would result in even higher earnings.
98 Most people now accept that global warming could result in an environmental catastrophe.
99 It is possible for an error to result in an improvement.
100 He or she may have emotional problems that result in occasional deliberate binges but that is not necessarily alcoholism.
101 Modifications in curd treatment result in cheeses that are different in moisture content, body and texture, and flavor and aroma.
102 Defects in other systems might result in financial loss only such as where an expert system is used to provide financial advice.
103 Difficult experiences, such as a death in the family, often result in bonding.
104 A future with just one screen for all functions would result in rapid family breakdown.
105 Since caffeine is usually consumed in beverages, the liquid by itself will result in an increased urge to urinate.
106 Expanded pelleted diets result in less wastage by the animals, but food hoppers hold a smaller weight of food.
107 Deadlock between the two bodies might result in compromise and concession on some issues.
108 Rushing through it will result in failure, and very disappointing that can be, too.
109 The lawyer's time will add to costs and is unlikely to result in time savings at a later stage.
110 Not knowing the number of items will result in wasted space due to over allocation.
111 If Jack had been at all concerned that his impulsive gesture would result in an awkward silence he need not have worried.
112 The primary indicator is Attempts to be deadly serious invariably result in unintended comedy.
113 Failure to comply with these conditions could result in prosecution.
114 Providing these will result in stronger management than having authority imposed by workers without a clinical background.
115 It says the changes will result in better connections on both the local and national networks and shorter journey times.
116 Although this complication is unlikely to cause overt clinical problems it may result in diagnostic confusion particularly with peritoneal malignancy.
117 The former might result in a totally false comparison with outside sources.
118 We are interested in analysing the factors that result in participation or non-participation in active sport.
119 The new Home Delivered Readers Club offers discount vouchers and a card which can result in big savings for the shopper.
120 But increased short-term costs should result in overall savings in the longer term.
121 Plunging in with both feet and expending large sums on equipment and delicate fishes will almost always result in failure and disappointment.
122 Neglect and lack of treatment will eventually result in a coma and possible death.
123 Overcooking, however, will result in the dryness and fibrous texture that occur with any bird subjected to too much heat.
124 Unfortunately, this condition causes a loss of sleep that can result in daytime drowsiness.
125 Changes in mortality rates will result in either a decrease or increase in prevalence according to the direction of change in mortality.
126 Under these circumstances, the chain may cause bruising, and can even result in damage to the nerves unless adjusted.
127 Any abuse of the Flexible Working Hours facility can result in its withdrawal, in addition to any disciplinary action which may be taken.
128 This idea potentially oversimplifies the actual process of offering vulnerable people choices which might result in their leading fuller lives.
129 But human variability can also result in system performance that is disorganized, with negative or even disastrous effects.
130 The Apple/IBM/Novell tie-up will result in Object Management Group-compliant technology drawn from existing internal projects.
131 A Research Dissertation which is late may result in your being unable to graduate for a further year.
132 Large doses can result in blockages in blood supply to vital organs and breathing problems.
133 Surely these forces can not result in the ship crawling off the launch pad?
134 If continued for months and years, such exposure will result in soiling of the wood surface and gradual loss of fibre.
135 But she realized that further beatings could result in medical bills.
136 Hometheater systems inevitably result in a cluster of cables and power cords.
137 If he was exploited by landowners and the merchant and artisan classes, this did not result in total dependence on them.
138 Does the library education programme result in an increase in, or more efficient use of, the library?
139 It can also - though by no means always - result in a similar egotism and aggression.
140 In all three countries, the citizenry occasionally votes, which can result in turnover within the national legislature.
140 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
141 At the extreme, accidental loss of life could result in the charge of manslaughter.
142 These result in short lifetimes for the upper states, and hence a loss of definition of the energy levels.
143 There is some evidence that low salinities induced by freshwater may result in physiological damage to corals.
144 Such jealousies may lead to valued career-move expatriates and/or fixed-term contract workers failing in their postings or result in local industrial unrest.
145 Declining the chance to invest may result in considerable losses through lack of maintaining competitive strengths in the industry.
146 What are the factors that result in either early or delayed feelings of love for a newborn infant?
147 What would it be like to be black and watch the election result in Cheltenham?
148 A higher proportion of cases result in acquittal as the ages of the victims rises.
149 Systemic amyloidosis often affects the gastrointestinal tract and may result in this condition.
150 We were fearful that a halt or a delay would result in other unfortunate occurrences in the Soviet Union.
151 Also there is a gradual loss of function of some brain cells which can result in forgetfulness and sometimes confusion.
152 Though often misused, it can result in benefits to some sections of the community for which the cadres claim credit.
153 Volatile and unpredictable exchange rates result in difficulties in interpreting the market's signals.
154 Either of these extremes would result in abnormal intellectual growth.
155 The planned repurchase would result in an extraordinary charge of about $ 22 million against first-quarter earnings, the company said.
156 Officials have said the bonds will be retired with surplus water system funds and will result in no tax increase.
157 On take-off, for example, it would result in excessively high combustion temperatures and detonation.
158 This sometimes causes temporary aggravation of the movement disorder, but may eventually result in its improvement or complete subsidence.
159 The neutrals were delighted with the result in Paris: Balestre 29 votes, Mosley 43.
160 General practitioners need assurance that control of expenditure will result in the savings being retained in local health care.
161 It will result in the destruction of Camley street natural park, which is used by thousands of local school children.
162 Harrassment of ethnic or religious minorities would result in various international sanctions.
163 Severe lipaemia due to chronic alcohol abuse may result in recurrent attacks of pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus.
164 Increased costs will result in increased prices unless entirely compensated by increased efficiency.
165 However, the lack of bile flow into the intestines will result in neither urobilinogen nor urobilin being found in the feces.
166 The random differences in environment result in a range of different vibration frequencies, and so each vibration band is broadened.
167 Carotid sinus hypersensitivity may result in either an intermittent drop in blood pressure or bradycardia, or both.
168 This instability in the workplace and enormous competitive demands on businesses-large and small-will result in extraordinary pressure for maximum performance.
169 Failure to observe that enforcement notice can result in a prosecution in the local magistrates' court.
170 Any request for a change to a confirmed meal plan will result in us having to levy a booking alteration fee.
171 An attempt to give equal coverage to all years would result in a rather useless chronology that provides isolated historical facts.
172 It is tolerant of most water conditions,[http:///result in.html] although very hard water may result in the fish's eyes becoming cloudy.
173 Springs Industries Inc. said lower demand for its home furnishings will result in fourth-quarter earnings beneath investors' expectations.
174 The result in national identity terms is summed up neatly by a couple we interviewed in Berwick.
175 Use of inadequate machinery may result in food poisoning and subsequent prosecution under the Food Safety Act 1990.
176 The result in this case is a 10, 000-bushel surplus or excess supply of corn in the market.
177 While still suffering, the negative feeling of fearful projection may result in craving for the addictive substance or behaviour.
178 In these, migration through the lungs in heavy infections may result in pneumonia and death.
179 Specifically, can chaotic behavior result in a single-loop feedback system with a nonmonotonic nonlinearity?
180 Announcement of the Offer will result in more than doubled dividend income for Palatine shareholders.
181 The marathon will result in the closure of a large number of London streets on Sunday.
182 In others, the need to dominate sexually may result in attraction towards the defenceless.
183 The functional result in patients with ulcerative colitis is extremely variable.
184 It should be noted that an agreed change will not necessarily result in an alteration to computer programs.
185 This could result in the tissue ischaemia leading to the decrease in secretory activity of acinar cells.
186 The odd bar of chocolate is enjoyable for most people and is not going to result in ill health.
187 The exchange should result in a capital gain for Axa.
188 Simply implementing the Directive by means of a statutory instrument would result in yet another regime relating solely to consumer contracts.
189 If the first drug tried does not result in complete control at high therapeutic levels, a second drug should be substituted.
190 Some of these carry toxic cargoes and an accident could result in economic as well as ecological damage.
191 My result in the afternoon race was the worst of the event as I dwelt over my fate up the first beat.
192 But this does not exempt them from liability if their actions result in negligent damage to people or property.
193 The effects are more severe than oxygen depletion and may result in prolonged poor health in your fish.
194 This could result in the blind and pleats falling at an angle to the window.
195 This could result in fewer prosecutions and convictions for indecent assault.
196 Clearly, many factors besides abortion result in children whose biological families are unable to rear them. 2.
197 It is predicted that these changes will result in significance shifts in the rating burden.
198 A serious error could easily result in every semi-conductor in the project being destroyed, possibly in spectacular fashion.
199 Other things being equal, taking aspirin will result in higher and longer-lasting blood alcohol levels.
200 This may result in his experiencing conflicting approaches and being given contradictory advice.
201 Wilsonian excess can lead the U.S. into crusades that ultimately result in failure and cynicism.
202 Other test batteries result in still larger numbers of dimensions of intellectual variation.
203 This would result in those already unfortunate in having one handicap then being less entitled to further medical care.
204 Kumar identifies trust as being based upon honesty and dependability, when these exist they result in greater commitment.
205 In turn this would result in bankruptcies, leading to a depression and unemployment.
206 This could and did result in nasty crash landings which could set the bombs off.
207 At the formal operational level, internal reflection can result in new knowledge-new construction.
208 Ability apart, if such determination should only result in defeat, then what price the victor's clarion call?
209 Failure to show proof of car insurance to an officer will result in a fine.
210 This result in turn insures that students take their efforts seriously and work to get every detail correct.
211 They can create nocturnal confusion, can result in cognitive and motor impairment, and can increase the risks of falls.
212 This will result in downward pressure on prices as domestic firms face foreign competition.
213 The possible dissemination of tumour by percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology may result in these becoming the diagnostic techniques of choice.
214 This is expected to result in the closure of 32 unprofitable lines and a reduction in staff numbers from 48,500 to 30,000.
215 Torture and other forms of trauma often result in devastating long-term psychological effects.
216 For when one is dealing with such volatile temperaments, the slightest thing may result in my instant dismissal.
217 Mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and megacorporations, not to mention cross-company teams, often result in strange bedfellows.
218 Cell divisions cleave the egg, like cutting a cake, and result in a multicellular structure.
219 This is a huge amount: cutting the work-week to four days would result in only a 20 percent reduction in commuting.
220 They believe moves to tighten the gun laws even further could result in even more firearms flooding the black market.
221 Any false starts or false moves will result in error and the telltale bugs.
222 Kidder has a wonderful term to describe the structures that result in creative collaboration.
223 The release of a single by a new act doesn't usually result in a major marketing campaign.
224 Provided there is sufficient interest, tenders should also result in certainty of sale within a defined period.
225 This will result in the loss of about one-third of power generated.
226 Thus hospital recommendations, based on discounted prices, can result in high cost commitments for primary care.
227 Maternal infection can result in fetal infection and damage and is estimated to occur in 0-1-0-5% of pregnancies in the United Kingdom.
228 In other words, does the expansion of highly distinctive words result in a greater proportion of useful information?
229 If this concentration is high, then it will result in the death of fish.
230 It is therefore impossible to predict with certainty what amount of supplementation will result in what increment in the serum phosphate concentration.
231 Settlement cracks go in various directions and result in a depression that collects water.
232 The bureaucrat will almost always say that a budget cut is sure to result in the loss of jobs.
233 An inequitable distribution of wealth, income and employment can result in future political instability.
234 Helen's frustration with people who don't appreciate her could result in a marked reduction in her tolerance level.
235 This can then encourage rot to grow on timber, and may also result in frost damage to masonry in cold weather.
236 The review shows that improvements in nutritional status during pregnancy may result in more successful pregnancy outcomes.
237 However, it does result in small changes in the tabulated values of the molar entropies of gases.
238 They found that the proposals would result in net farming incomes falling by an estimated £11,000 or £12,000.
239 Partnership incentive schemes are comparatively rare but can result in a highly motivated and dedicated work-force.
240 Enclosure might result in every acre being grabbed by private owners, who would sell for speculative building.
241 Misuse through ignorance can result in your getting lost, flying into controlled airspace, and putting other aircraft at risk.
242 Although this theoretically results in black, the inaccuracies in the ink pigments tend to result in a greenish black.
243 For example, a parallel rise in the number of children entering schools will result in an increased need for student teachers.
244 The trouble is that when they are they result in deaths.
245 Often whole sites have been filled which will inevitably result in expensive foundation design.
246 There is also a general feeling that a co-ordination unit will result in more pressure and control on functional departments.
247 The absence of competition in the command political economy can result in problems as serious as those from excessive competition.
248 Failure to comply with the terms of a Default Notice will normally result in the default being disclosed to credit reference agencies.
249 Failure to attend Court on said date may result in the appeal being dismissed, and a warrant issued for your apprehension.
250 Children: the rules will result in rebelliousness.
251 It would result in the floor being rather springy.
252 Clinical study suggests chronic prostatitis can result in infertility.
253 Water resources overabundance or shortage will result in crisis.
254 Wavering from this method will eventually result in disaster.
255 The decreased production costs result in more profitable business and high return on investment.
256 Vitamin D is crucial for bone growth in children and deficiency can result in rickets.
257 Impacts may create undetectable cracks that, because of the continuous loads, could result in structural damage.
258 Such games may result in transformation of family values, orgy sex and crisis in factual marriages.
259 But ignoring them - willfully or innocently - can result in deep embarrassment and lost business.
260 Ultimately it may compromise the quality of medical care and ominously even result in premature death!
261 Pyongyang has warned a shoot down would result in war.
262 R - R interval series is an unevenly sampled series ,[Sentence dictionary] the unevenness which result in some problems.
263 Disturbances about the yaw axis of an airplane will result in disturbances about the roll axis.
264 Improper precipation may cause quicksand and result in foundation pit unsteadiness.
265 During that military sports competition, he had a very good result in the Military Pentathlon.
266 Neural tube defects may result in partial paralysis or brain symptoms such as dysplasia.
267 Will lucky sevens result in wedded bliss for the lucky in love?
268 The sprain of ankle could result in chronic instability without appropriate treatment.
269 I wait for the result in a state of some trepidation.
270 A toenail that has grown into toenail can result in pain, redness , swelling, even infection.
271 The result undefined and will probably result in a serious run - time failure.
272 Renal cell carcinoma ( RCC ) is potential to involve venous sys - tem and to result in acute varicocele.
273 Objective : To characterize treaetment and result in congenital muscular torticollis.
274 Over pressurization can result in a water discharge from the Relief Valve.
275 Train means producing a desired result in behaviour, standard of skill or physical ability.
276 The seawater flowing backward can result in serious salinity of paddy soil.
277 The periodic US - Japan trade talks only result in more recrimination.
278 Irritable, angry telangiectasia, may cause skin redness, and sometimes result in rosacea.
279 Wholesaler's prominent reputation may result in positive carryover effects on allied'retailers.
280 With time , such vaccination could result in reduced rates of HPV - related vulval and vaginal cancers.
281 This can result in rapid spoilage if such foods are stored improperly.
282 Improper rework practices can result in unscheduled maintenance or surface damage that causes crack initiation.
283 Otherwise, we observed that ultraviolet radiation can result in the enhancement of leukocytic phago - cytic function.
284 Preemption is not guaranteed ; however , most JVM implementations result in behavior appears to be strictly divemptive.
285 Destruction or theft of camp or personal property will result in dismissal.
286 Estimation of a single function under simultaneity will result in biased and inconsistent estimates.
287 This will result in demolition, barking, yelping and reshaping your couch.
288 In some cases this heat treatment may result in warping.
289 Perforated eardrums can predispose the ear to infection or result in hearing loss.
290 Poliomyelitis and polyneuritis ( neuritis of multiple nerves ) result in paralysis with muscle wasting.
291 Therefore, food recall system has forbidden prevision on adjusting result in the norm.
292 It's seemed to modern rashness and impulses usually result in a lots homes'destroys.
293 An absence without adequate excuse could result in the suspension of a financial stipend.
294 Transformation of an organic toxicant does not always result in formation of a less objectionable compound.




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