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单词 Join in
(1) Will you all join in singing the refrain, please ?
(2) I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun.
(3) The whole family can join in the fun at Water World.
(4) My aunt asked me to join in with her on her holidays abroad.
(5) Everybody likes to join in this activity.
(6) You still have time to join in the fun.
(7) He was too proud to join in our fun.
(8) Can I join in ?
(9) I am aching to join in the game.
(10) I hope you'll join in the Christmas celebrations.
(11) There's a join in this piece of material.
(12) Come and join in the merrymaking.
(13) Join in if you want.
(14) She is aching to join in the tournament.
(15) They pestered her to join in the scheme.
(16) I didn't want to join in, but Kenneth insisted.
(17) I wish he would join in with the other children.
(18) Now and again he'd join in when we were playing video games.
(19) Don't be such a drip! Come and join in the fun.
(20) The toddlers often join in the rough and tumble of the older children's games.
(21) The main rebel groups have agreed to join in a meeting to set up a transitional government.
(22) Several Internet sites are inviting people to join in the fun for free.
(23) I decided to join in with him to take the risk.
(24) We only need one more player for this game - can you persuade your sister to join in?
(25) I'll sing the verses and I'd like you all to join in the chorus.
(26) Are you willing that he should be allowed to join in?
(27) It's a fool's errand trying to get Lena to join in anything.
(28) The United States says they are not prepared to join in normalizing ties with their former enemy.
(29) At the end of this verse, we'd like everyone to join in with the chorus.
(30) Moreover, international consortia and large enterprises equipped with high technology are entering into the China market in a steady flow, to join in the competition.
(1) I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun.
(2) We only need one more player for this game - can you persuade your sister to join in?
(3) I'll sing the verses and I'd like you all to join in the chorus.
(4) The whole family can join in the fun at Water World.
(31) Don't be such a drip-come and join in the fun!
(32) She just needed a gentle push to get her to join in.
(33) We were invited to join in their act of worship .
(34) Come and join in the celebrations throughout the year.
(35) Everyone is invited to join in the fun.
(36) We expect babies to join in by approximating conversation.
(37) Everyone is expected to join in the chorus.
(38) It invited him to join in, and he did.
(39) The other dealers would join in.
(40) We rushed to join in, to help Dad.
(41) Participants were expected to join in and make a mark on the proceedings.
(42) Emily wanted to join in but with Hudson alongside she was too shy.
(43) I nursed my damaged finger, and showed it to anyone who wanted me to join in the rough stuff.
(44) Perhaps the adventurers will stay and heckle the puppets, or join in the performance.
(45) The church sends an invitation to any who do not belong to a particular church, but would like to join in.
(46) You can also use his interest in computer or video games to motivate him to join in other activities.
(47) Nehru and the rest had no choice but to join in the general rejoicing.
(48) I have actually developed techniques to overcome this, the major one being to make the parents join in.
(49) Alternatively you can join in activities on a daily basis if you live or are holidaying in the area.
(50) The family of the survivor is encouraged to join in at the end. Relevant photographs and documents can also be incorporated.
(51) Oh, lord, how devastating he looked when he laughed, and how much she longed to join in.
(52) Thus in many places it is becoming customary for the congregation to join in the doxology itself, whether recited or sung.
(53) A woman may turn to bottle-feeding to give him a chance to join in.
(54) Pantomime - what a good excuse to forget your age and join in with the booing, hissing, singing and hilarity.
(55) Join in and have your own boxing career, watch fights and consult your trainer.
(56) The ostrich, anxious to join in the fun again, craned his long neck well forward over the boundary fence.
(57) All the fishermen stop fishing to join in the drive.
(58) Most cats will refuse to join in such celebrations, but those that do will quickly suffer for it.
(58) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(59) Rossi had already stood up to join in the sport.
(60) Louise, sickly, had been obliged to sit on the sidelines: she would join in.
(61) People spontaneously join in when they hear some one else laughing.
(62) He admired them duly and was forced to join in with a chorus of auld lang syne downstairs.
(63) Kloss then put the eggs on the dead miller's body and forced the wife to join in the meal.
(64) The chasers join in the hunt once the monkeys are on the move.
(65) Two Hearthwares, huge in their armour, lumbered over to join in the fray.
(66) And something was running down from the join in thick streaks.
(67) This chapter covers the basics of how to jump on and join in.
(68) It wasn't long before other families on board were sending their children to join in the fun.
(69) We join in prayers for peace with kin beyond sea.
(70) Their bosses, who play the same game with their bosses, join in the annual contest of hide and seek.
(71) Undertakers take up the pastime in middle age, but their juniors will join in to help clean up after a disaster.
(72) He would join in battle or in love so closely with a human that a link was established that worked both ways.
(73) Alternatively use a small tape recorder so that you can join in the conversation without notetaking.
(74) They too join in, even though, strictly speaking, they weren't invited.
(75) The railway will be operating as normal and anyone who turns up on the day can join in the fun.
(76) Even where migrants do join in, they tend to alter completely the nature of the events.
(77) They respond and, quite automatically, more join in as each traveller returns with the good news.
(78) He could not join in the telling of smutty jokes or the foraging expeditions for willing females.
(79) And it's inviting adults of all ages to go along and join in the fun.
(80) But audiences sitting and watching can only join in the fun in their imagination and if the dancers are sufficiently out-going.
(81) I decided to come out and join in the fun , instead of just watching.
(82) You can either buy outright, or join in a coop ownership scheme.
(83) We cordially invite you to learn more about our community, enjoy our warm hospitality and join in the fun!
(84) In real life the onlookers are part of the activity and usually join in.
(85) In practice most mortgagees require to join in the conveyance.
(86) I was invited to join in but always found excuses not to do so, saying that I had early afternoon lessons.
(87) All Brad's friends were very nice to me, but I was too shy to join in their chat.
(88) As literacy proprietors awaken to the failure of their dreams and the aridity of their ideals,[] they join in coalitions.
(89) After singing the song through twice he then encouraged the audience to join in.
(90) We must all join in this - there is no room for anyone to hang back.
(91) But we are not obliged to join in a single currency if we do not want to.
(92) Dependent and insecure, they may find it difficult to join in and to assert themselves.
(93) When it does decide to rouse from its slumbers and join in the fun, it has a flair for the unexpected.
(94) But they're more appreciative of the sport ... they join in a lot more Female speaker I didn't expect them here.
(95) Do you want to join in or just sit and watch?
(96) Join in the fun and celebrate the opening of 1992's Festival.
(97) Louise, who was often sickly, couldn't join in the other children's games.
(98) My role will be to join in with you, so I have asked Mark Drake to lead the meeting.
(99) People came from miles around to join in the revelry.
(100) Mums join in the fun, and Chris introduces Medau themes into the sessions.
(101) The abbot was reluctant to allow the Brethren to join in.
(102) Such luminaries as Elliot Gould and Steve Martin join in the fun.
(103) At all times respect the wishes of residents who do not wish to join in activities.
(104) When a man is willing and eager, the gods join in. Aeschylus 
(105) Why should we join in and help them to unite against us?
(106) People Join in the toe-sucking antics of Fergie and David Mellor without the risk of athlete's foot.
(107) Read more in the February issue of eve on sale now or click reply below to join in the discussion.
(108) Then the members might agree to cooperate, and to join in punishing any member who defects.
(109) They join in an incredible evening of colour and visual performance, which provides an unforgettable experience.
(110) However, effectiveness does depend on managers' ability to use the power they have to encourage others to join in.
(111) One early distinction suggests itself: ballet is performed for an audience; ballroom dancing is where we can all join in.
(112) Join in the sense of achievement as Maiden crosses the finish line off Southampton.
(113) This in turn is credible because if any other firm does not join in this punishment it will be punished, and so on.
(114) About 50 fans poured on to the pitch to join in with the players.
(115) By day, the Pirates Club takes centre stage with games, activities and competitions - even the parents join in!
(116) It would almost be irresponsible not to join in on the fun.
(117) People in his office view him with respect as some one who is self-contained and does not choose to join in casual conversation.
(118) Come down Daniel to the lions' den, Come down Daniel and join in the feast.
(119) Everyone wanted to join in and have a chance of winning a prize.
(120) Shah Jehan had now recovered from his illness and was able to move to Agra and join in the victory celebrations.
(121) Tim donned the Father Christmas outfit to join in the festive fun ... and give everyone another teaser.
(122) We pray for those from the church family who have been unable to join in the services of thanksgiving today.
(123) The poor performer Governors and teachers vary in their capacity to join in the management of a school.
(124) And so he slipped on his anorak and scurried outside, bottle in hand to join in the festivities.
(125) I will join in the project, heart and hand.
(126) Now you can join in on the fun episodically.
(127) No faker join in our vote competition.
(128) Internet is an interactive network on which the customers can release news, join in discussion, perform voting or even chatting.
(129) Subsequently, he diverts Death's attention so that Jof and Mia can escape with their baby while he and his company are trapped in his castle and forced to join in the Dance of Death.
(130) Constructing regional financial centre is one of shortcuts for modern city' s development. Therefore, many regional central cities join in constructing regional financial center.
(131) Of course, it could go much faster if other people join in with ideas and patches (like Ola already did).
(132) When just knowing to prepare to begin to make a station, join in otherly net with great actual strength, big fund is irruptive this industry.
(133) Would you want to be a successful A. D. man? Please join in Hygeia!
(134) "Come along and join in the party games fun with us, " it promised in its list of store events, "to entertain the kids this half-term".
(135) Generals Krebs and Burgdorf did not join in the mass attempt to escape.
(136) He'll never join in a strike; he's a company man.
(137) These women, whose menfolk often leave to seek work or to join in armed conflicts, have been hit by soaring fuel and fertiliser costs.
(138) We must join in a common effort, without remorse or recrimination, without anger or rancor.
(139) If I had a normal thought and calmed down(), I would not join in the besiegement.
(140) Q: If the DPRK nuclear test lead to war on the Korean Peninsula, will China automatically join in the war according to the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance signed in 1961?
(141) A distributed late join algorithm with fault-tolerance based on three multicast group is proposed, which can effectively solve the problem of client's late join in collaborative CAD system.
(142) The theory of LUCC and its method become perfect. and many organizations join in the study enable LUCC to be in the ascendant.
(143) We will join in the parade as soon as possible.
(144) For example, you can express the join in Query 12 in a more straight-forward and efficient manner using XQuery as shown in Query 14.
(145) Join in chain bilk runs rampant, credulous these advertisement, make a lot of people disastrous.
(146) The affected Chinese province mobilized "all staff under the age of 50" at its maritime affairs office to join in the cleanup, Xinhua reported.
(147) You don't have to join in ; there are more than enough people on the job already.
(148) Will you join in with us to clean up the pigsty?
(149) You're talking out of your arse . Get out here. Unless you wanna join in.
(150) Single people queue up to join in three-minute speed dating as they take part in a Bachelor Day Matchmaking party at a stadium in Qingdao city, eastern China's Shandong province,[/join in.html] 11 November 2007.
(151) As a hobby, auxiliary to his readings in Divinity, he developed his slight skill in church-music and thorough-bass, till he could join in part-singing from notation with some accuracy.
(152) Of course, you do not have to accept the award of these share options and you are not obliged to join in the executive share option scheme.
(153) I invited my young fantasy author and her sister to join in the anagram quest.
(154) I did my best to join in, but the conversation was largely unintelligible.
(155) No matter you are a doctor, a master, or white-collar, once you join in it, that means you are one of the unprivileged .
(156) Conclusion: Iron ion can join in the antifungal action of Ciclopirox against Microsporum can i.
(157) They would stoke up with food and then join in the battle.
(158) Croatia had hoped to join in 2009, but that looks optimistic.
(159) On Sunday, Mr. Obama urged all countries to join in a common effort to rid the world of nuclear weapons, calling their existence the "most dangerous legacy of the Cold War."
(160) Both men were immediately swarmed, and they walked slowly through the street staking out a place to join in the prayer.
(161) Both the artist and participator will join in this performance, and also invite passers-by to join in, and let the watchers to choose the bench as the watching flat.
(162) Locals run a little-known homestay — where you get to learn about Tai Dam culture and history and join in village life.
(163) Elizabeth tried to join in her father's pleasantry, but could only force one most reluctant smile.
(164) They didn't want them to join in straightway to rob and kill the Jews.
(165) From the soldiers who rose cast of the return of the filming red mulberry leaves on the join in to the new cast, put to a new round of nervous work.
(166) Let us all work hand in hand and join in a common effort to promote the cause of human rights in the next century, and world peace and development.
(167) I went to join in the celebration dinner party for the twenty-seventh Teacher's Day this evening.
(168) The growing market has attracted more agencies to join in, due to the relatively simple techniques used in mystery shopping and the industry's gross profit ratio margin as high as 50 percent.
(169) Get up and join in the activities by pushing a jogging stroller, hitting the hiking trails, running the bases, biking the neighbourhood, climbing the jungle gym or swimming in the lake.
(170) Inter Milan, Spurs and West Ham are all also chasing the French-born star, and they will hope to persuade him to sign a pre-contract, committing him to join in the summer when he becomes a free agent.
(171) Claim to retire subsequently, then join in U. S. A. 's professional baseball league matches, join Chicago White Sox.
(172) While you don't need an university education to join in the fun and to enjoy, knowing some English will help you to acculturate .
(173) As long as you believe in yourself, or welcome to cicely english studio, join in our foreign teachers to feel their teaching atmosphere.
(174) Russia did not join in the bourgeois revolution, and there appeared absolutely Tsarism, autarchy, terror, individual superstition and police country after its revolution.
(175) I respect them, but I only hope they'll deign to join in when the time comes.
(176) Welcome a man of insight to join in wholeheartedly our company!
(177) As the SIFE team continues to work with the Jiaju village, they will recruit more hostels to join in solar power projects and develop a comprehensive operating system.
(178) He also called on other travel companies to join in the effort to "kick start" business growth in similar ways.
(178) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(179) California's Bridgelux, which makes high-power LED chips specifically for the lighting industry, is in the process of opening a Silicon Valley plant and investors are eager to join in.
(180) But, in Vaduz, Solzhenitsyn, a principled conservative, could not join in the West's euphoria.
(181) Before master station join in data exchanging with salve station, master station needs to make slave station pass through diagnostic, parameter, configuration and second diagnostic state.
(182) In order to maintain stability and unity, comrades working in the fields of propaganda, education, theoretical studies and literature and art must join in a common effort.
(183) Vanessa Hudgens wowed in a flowing white dress at the premiere of their new film last night but failed to join in the fun when her Sucker Punch co-stars broke out into a little impromptu dance.
(184) The penitents were to be able to join in the Easter celebrations; therefore they had to be "reconciled" on the day before the Paschal Triduum began, that is, on Maundy Thursday.
(185) Doug , the owner of Nautilus Resort also join in the fun.
(186) However, as more Chinese join in the Christmas celebrations each year, some feel the Western-based festival is harming time-honored traditions.
(187) I had tried so hard to join in with everything he enjoyed. He had wanted to sample orienteering and I just couldn't get to grips with that.
(188) An NPSI would take advantage of lookaside on the index, for example, with a nested loop join in which the outer rows drive sequential access to the inner.
(188) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(189) Cabell had promised to tear himself away from Tiresia to join in plying the Awareness with questions, but Exedore thought the coded outpourings might outdistance even the master himself.
(190) We like the ad between popular teleplay and TV program buy, because think the person that join in is ordinary common people, love to see those serials mostly.
(191) How is it possible for a country to join in the free market mania and still politically act like tin hat dictator?




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