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单词 Keep up with
1. Hurry up, or you won't keep up with them.
2. I cn't keep up with the new songs.
3. You're walking too fast. I can't keep up with you.
4. He lengthened his stride to keep up with her.
5. I can't keep up with all the changes.sentencedict .com
6. Don't run — I can't keep up with you.
7. Wages are failing to keep up with inflation.
8. She was skipping to keep up with him.
9. She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.
10. I can't keep up with his constantly changing moods.
11. They don't think they must keep up with their neighbors.
12. It is difficult to keep up with the rapid pace of change.
13. A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change.
14. Jane could't keep up with the rest of the class.
15. Jack was huffing and puffing to keep up with her.
16. Young girls like to keep up with the latest fashions.
17. I had to walk fast to keep up with him.
18. She slowed down her pace so I could keep up with her.
19. We have to work hard to keep up with these excellent students.
20. I read the papers to keep up with what's happening in the outside world.
21. In business it's important to keep up with the times.
22. I've given up trying to keep up with the latest fashions.
23. It is hard to keep up with the changing allegiances between the various political parties.
24. He was walking at a very quick pace and I had to jog to keep up with him.
25. We'll have to quicken the pace if we want to keep up with him.
26. She began to walk faster, but he lengthened his stride to keep up with her.
27. How many of your old school friends do you keep up with?
28. Penny tended to work through her lunch hour in an effort to keep up with her work.
29. I read the fashion pages in the newspapers to keep up with the latest styles.
30. Many people were holding down three jobs just to keep up with the Joneses.
1. I cn't keep up with the new songs.
2. He was walking at a very quick pace and I had to jog to keep up with him.
3. A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change.
31. They were struggling to keep up with their mortgage repayments.
32. The Joneses set the pace and their neighbors try to keep up with them.
33. The procedures are continually revised?it is very difficult to keep up with the latest version.
34. The child could not keep up with his father's strides.
35. The two saleswomen were busily trying to keep up with the demand.
35. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
36. If you do not keep up with the payments you could lose your home.
37. She did not bother to keep up with the news.
38. Keep up with the rest of us and don't straggle.
39. Employees need to keep up with the latest technical developments.
40. Keep up with those New Year resolutions!
41. Motoring: Can R-R keep up with the times?
42. Janir struggled to keep up with the bigger kids.
43. Things were happening too fast to keep up with.
44. Slow down! I can't keep up with you.
45. Owen found it hard to keep up with him.
46. They can afford not to keep up with inflation.
47. Carlton does well to keep up with the drop.
48. It's a complicated film, and some people may find it hard to keep up with the plot.
49. The adverts scold us and cajole us and wheedle us and fawn us to keep up with the Joneses.
50. Practitioners must keep up with it, or lose the case, the money, or possibly even both.
51. Voice over On the M40, our police driver struggles to keep up with a car in the outside lane.
52. He puffed and panted behind the others, gritting his teeth with the effort of trying to keep up with them.
53. A good production person must keep up with every development and ideally acquaint the art directors with every one as well.
54. Many families are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of education.
55. The problem is how to keep up with the pace of voting without putting a foot wrong.
56. As trade in services soars, taxmen will find it harder to keep up with clever finance directors.
57. Maxwell could spend some time in the slammer for failing to keep up with court-ordered guidelines after a marijuana conviction.
58. He was not so ill, however, that he was unable to keep up with what was going on.
59. Mmost everyone deplores inflation, especially retirees who have fixed incomes that do not keep up with rising prices.
60. Jessica and James Kernan are hoping to keep up with international successes and will be competing in tomorrow's Grand Prix.
61. A: Money in savings accounts has no risk, but earns barely enough to keep up with inflation.
62. Even Jimmy Savile, the man who helped bring them here, couldn't keep up with them.
63. The latest update to your trusty old word processor can barely keep up with your keystrokes.
64. The pressure to keep up with the passing dance club trends is rather transparent on some tracks.
65. The butcher starts mincing children to keep up with the demand.
65. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
66. Trade deficits need to be financed and it is simply impossible to borrow enough to keep up with compound interest.
67. You'll have to walk quicker than that if you want to keep up with me.
68. If that helps the government keep up with their debt repayments, that's all well and good.
69. The old and infirm who were too feeble to keep up with the band were left behind to die.
70. The scouts were also working hard to keep up with the many breakfasts they cooked that morning.
71. She seemed tired and unable to keep up with ordinary social intercourse.
72. You see what I mean about having to keep up with things.
73. More than 1, 100 plows struggled to keep up with the high winds and drifts of four to six feet.
74. The condescension can not be denied: look at how hard the poor chaps strive to keep up with the nuclear Joneses.
75. By 1980, when Arizonans capped county revenue growth, counties could not keep up with costs.
76. To keep up with the dizzying pace of change, work and learning will have to occur throughout our lives.
77. Children, also, carrying their bundles and striving in vain to keep up with their seniors.
78. Unless a parent can keep up with its children, its fate is sealed.
79. If your income drops or ends, how will you pay them off, let alone keep up with the accumulating interest?
80. The company has been overworking its employees to try to keep up with demand.
81. Translators are working hard to keep up with the demand.
82. That was my dad - always trying to keep up with things.
83. Your sound engineer should mix the out-front sound at every gig and attend rehearsals regularly to keep up with new material.
84. In clinical practice we try to keep up with the scientific literature and adapt our actions accordingly.
85. Many experts doubt that capital and technology can be created fast enough in poor countries to keep up with the demand.
86. Edie was finding it hard to keep up with her rent payments.
87. Somehow, he manages to keep up with mortgage payments of $ 24, 000 a month on his Rockingham Avenue estate.
88. Living organisms have a similar tradeoff in deciding how much mutation and innovation is needed to keep up with a changing environment.
89. They're hardly moving at all - I can nearly keep up with them just by walking quick.
90. And Des works out in his home gym to keep up with her youthful vigour.
91. The pub has made no attempt to keep up with the times ... no karaoke here ... just conversation.
92. Every day, until we could not keep up with the demand, we would make a few extra loaves to sell.
93. The question is whether they can keep up with the Cowboys on the scoreboard.
94. It can also help you keep up with the rapidly changing world of work.
95. B and L were unable to keep up with their loan repayments and the bank appointed administrative receivers.
96. I always find it hard to keep up with the latest fashions.
97. They skitter along, in a hurry, struggling to keep up with the powerful front end.
98. Struggling to his feet, he realised he was waving his sword. Things were happening too fast to keep up with.
99. Oranges will produce more flowers and an increase in fruit yield, but only if irrigation can keep up with demand.
100. She is struggling to keep up with her schoolwork.
101. But on TV every taxi driver looks as if he had nothing better to do than to drive 90 miles an hour through rain-swept street trying to keep up with a carful of gangsters.
102. We must keep up with the times [ world affairs ].
103. The old international economic order was struggling to keep up with change before the crisis.
104. The child could not keep up with his father's stride.
105. You can't really keep up with world affairs by watching television.
106. Wham 0's bookkeeper could not keep up with the production figures.
107. Clearly an algorithmic approach will find it difficult if not impossible to keep up with fashion trends.
108. Many students are under pressure to keep up with their schoolwork.
109. Will Service platform for Auto Part Industry Keep Up with Industrial Development?
110. The rail delays have stacked up while moving this year's large corn and wheat harvests and to keep up with the fast pace of exports during the first five months of the crop year.
111. They keep up with trade publications, and read help - wanted ads.
112. Federal regulators, desperate to keep up with the New York attorney - general ( and now governor - elect ), ran amok.
113. To keep up with the French and Russians, the cable urged continuous high-level advocacy on behalf of the US company Westinghouse to push its AP-1000 reactor.
114. As we try to keep up with these varying references , inhibitions build upon themselves and multiply.
115. We out-of-school educators must keep up with the times and constantly learn and improve and master of modern teaching methods, and can be used outside of the art teaching.
116. Third, we are revising the non-proliferation export control regulations and their control lists to keep up with changed circumstances.
117. Enterprises of our nation must keep up with the world top grade enterprises in business model, enterprise scale, operation process, distribution management and store location.
118. An imitated chemical fiber alpaca yarn was developed to keep up with vogue and meet practicality.
119. Then you'll be able to keep up with retailer's demand.
120. 'The IEA says that despite the high oil price, market tightness will increase from 2009, because new capacity additions won't keep up with reduced capacity from existing fields, ' he said.
121. It's a hole new look for the Polo. Volkswagen is upping the stakes for its long-serving supermini in a bid to keep up with the trendy new Ford Fiesta.
122. To keep one's head above water means to try to survive by staying out of debt, for example a small business. also, keep up with work or other demands.
123. Most people buy a new mobile device every two years - a cycle which allows manufacturers to keep up with security design - and potentially stay ahead of hackers.
124. In recent years, the highway is developing rapidly, and so the management and maintenance job of the highway also needs to keep up with the development of the construction.
125. Because Alameda SSA caseworkers handle as many as 600 cases each, it was difficult for them to keep up with changes that needed immediate attention and action.
126. Moderating job losses are helping consumers to keep up with their loan repayments. The American Bankers Association said consumer loan delinquencies dropped in seven categories in the third quarter.
127. I aman antelope from highland, I can keep up with spacecraft.
128. You make sacrifices every day to meet your mortgage payments and keep up with your bills.
129. "People want more than just plain text and the technology will have to change and keep up with this need, " says Sene Yee.
130. The ensuing financial crisis meant that not only Germany, but many nations, could not keep up with their war debts; as a result, US President Herbert Hoover introduced a one-year moratorium.
131. A tortilla chip maker invests in new bagging equipment to keep up with the trend in downsized bags.
132. In recent years with the fast development of the computer technique, non-computer professional teaching in high school faces the problem that how to keep up with its development step.
133. Therefore we should keep up with the newest research about extraordinary items, and make systematic research about it according to our accounting environments.
134. Now factor out all of the stuff you buy to keep up with the latest things, or just to entertain yourself at the mall.
135. Everything squishy was being squished -- fluids of all types, soft tissues, organs. It all moves down, because it just can't keep up with the ejection seat.
136. Your mind will keep up with your reading speed ask it to.
137. Speak to any e-tailer, and they'll tell you they can't keep up with demand for Pistols.
138. I would much rather see Gallas in the middle - we need someone who can keep up with Eto'o - he is pretty damn quick.
139. Celia managed to keep up with family banter over the breakfast table.
140. International traditions of supervising on banking are important references for China's supervising system on banking to keep up with the world.
141. Money burns a hole in his pocket because he always tries to keep up with Joneses.
142. But as the modern society is a fast-paced society in which the knowledge update speedily and the information develops rapidly, you can not keep up with the times due toy laxation.
143. You'd have to write a handler to build what amounts to an in-memory buffer to keep up with what's already been read; then you'd need some code to read ahead as well.
144. Sure Betty Draper knows how to keep up with the latest '60s styles, but it's Joan Holloway and those dangerous curves that make workwear look wow.
145. An entire generation of web geeks is functioning more or less self-taught because the classroom can't quite keep up with what they need to know.
146. But he said archaeologists were struggling to keep up with looters, who often ransack ancient sites before the experts can get to them.
147. It is mostly a maintenance release keep up with the new releases of Visual Studio 2008 and IIS7.
148. While our fore-parents simply had just a year's window to keep up with the Joneses (or not) we have a bit more of a cushion in naming our children.
149. An imitated chemical fiber alpaca yam was developed to keep up with vogue and meet practicality.
150. But "what does get us into hairy, difficult emotional ground, " Ms. Meyers said, is when her mother's daily routine changes and her children neglect to reprogram the pillbox to keep up with the shift.
151. Jude , beginning to feel lonely, endeavoured to keep up with him.
152. Wen Jiabao lastly said, "Let us join hands, walk along the historical path, keep up with the trend of the times and move towards the shining path of lasting peace and prosperity."
153. Louisville public schools have struggled to keep up with the influx of foreign-born residents.
154. Businesses say the problem is caused by price controls that do not keep up with inflation and force merchants to sell at a loss.
155. Even Hugo could hardly keep up with the little dark-haired tyke, who never ceased to explore.
156. You should monitor server statistics, particularly the disk queue, to keep up with your clustering performance.
157. With only three legs, it was hard for Sooty to keep up with the old lady.




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