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单词 Math
1. He was reading a math textbook in the dormitory.
2. Tim's good at math and science.
3. No one can parallel him in Math.
4. American children did less well in math than their peers in Japan.
5. A basic grounding in math is essential for the economics course.
6. The four operations are the basis of math.
7. My math class is worth three credits.
8. My favourite subject is math.
9. The math teacher always calls on the boys.
10. I am especially by math problems.
11. She just squeaked through her math test.
12. She's learning calculus in math class.
13. We're in the same class for math.
14. The boy shows remarkable ability at math.
15. I was always bottom of the class in math.
16. The hard math problem tripped up most of the students.
17. His mannerisms are more those of a preoccupied math professor.
18. The exercises let students discover math concepts on their own.
19. Is your math correct?
20. The report stressed that student math skills need to improve.
21. Tina got a 95% on the math test.
22. She can read but she can not do math.
23. Dan had some success in completing math computation exercises.
24. There are real math problems everywhere.
25. Imagine a seventh-grade student finally completing a math assignment.
26. Last year,() Josh joined her fourth grade math class.
27. Women are closing the math gap.
28. The object of the game is to improve children's math skills.
29. Thirty dollars an hour is the going rate for a math tutor.
30. If nothing else, the report points out the need for better math education.
1. He was reading a math textbook in the dormitory.
2. Tim's good at math and science.
3. No one can parallel him in Math.
4. American children did less well in math than their peers in Japan.
5. A basic grounding in math is essential for the economics course.
6. The object of the game is to improve children's math skills.
7. The four operations are the basis of math.
8. I am especially by math problems.
9. The hard math problem tripped up most of the students.
31. He studied math in college.
32. She spent all night correcting her students' math tests.
33. Jacinta's report card showed a definite improvement in math.
34. I don't think Jim should major in math.
35. Girls do better in math class.
36. I really liked my eighth grade math teacher.
37. A math teacher in Waukegan, Ill., he frequently travels to Chicago to catch the latest exhibitions.
38. If a child who will not do math will do art, give the child art.
39. Taken together, these children are a proof of the illogical statement that boys are good in math and girls are not.
40. To the extent math refers to reality, we are not certain; to the extent we are certain, math does not refer to reality. Albert Einstein 
41. Math, science, English, and history form the core of a high school education.
42. Math often works that way-it gives click-rewards that feel incredibly cool.
43. She, the Art Teacher and the Math Teacher went together to the funeral.
44. For example, one chair went to a female math professor.
45. Some of the math is quite sophisticated, using differential equations, linear algebra, and covariance matrices.
46. This has included buying both a computer program and flash cards that drill them on math facts.
47. They do need to know math and language, but music touches the soul.
48. Or a math or science teacher who made inappropriate comments throughout the year.
49. She finds the formula that will release her from her math nightmare.
50. Connecticut is assessing high school students in math and science based on team-oriented projects that take up to a semester of work.
51. He kept a journal now, one filled with assignments from Speech and Psychology and Math and various rough drafts for me.
52. His inauguration cost roughly $ 44 million. Do the math.
53. Policy decisions are always exercises in the iffy math of social tradeoffs.
54. His father, a teacher of math and science, became a school superintendent and then a hospital administrator.
55. Another time he dropped a ball of crunched-up math paper on my desk.
55. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
56. I did a better job with the neighborhood theme; we used the river for science and local jobs for math.
57. Miss Pinkerton, the math teacher; writes problems and equations on the board, and I listen intently to her explanations.
58. Unless Anderson has come up with a new math, the restriction means a $ 250, 000 reduction in gate receipts.
59. As an adolescent, Bennett Lang relishes word math problems but is stumped by the things people say.
60. They would be awakened before daybreak and by eight had already had prayers and a math or science lesson.
61. A good student, particularly in subjects like math and science, he spends hours in his room doing homework and reading.
62. I was talking to a girl in my class about the math homework.
63. Our family calendar has also become a forum for math talks.
64. But it all went wrong when, some 15 years ago, he flunked math and didn't get into college.
65. In life -- as in math -- the key to solving any problem lies in the clear and proper identification thereof.
66. Do the math: Some 2, 250 shows by his own account.
67. Half of the high school mathematics teachers in California are said to lack even a minor in math.
68. Relative weaknesses existed in spelling and math computation that were average for his age.
69. Back at Central Park East yet another team of kids is tackling a complex math problem.
70. He's a normal 11-year-old kid, but he has a flair for math.
71. For example, difficulties with certain kinds of math problems are often related to visual-spatial processing.
72. But subjects that are more abstract, such as scientific concepts or math, may cause them difficulties.
73. Materials and teaching practices may consist of commercial letter-of-the-week programs, math worksheets with accompanying workbooks, and mastery assessments.
74. It might appear to be a child-rearing problem or a personality problem, but it is really a math problem.
75. For example, Go Mental is a tic-tac-toe math game where you have to solve math problems to earn points.
76. And George and Jimmy and Sofia say, Sure, no problem, just do the math.
77. With this theme, I had a hard time working in math and science.
78. But she can also do the work she needs in order to eventually comprehend what this math equation truly means.
79. Math books, unlike any you have ever seen before, flip open.
80. In the evening, he felt useless and frustrated in helping Mark complete spelling and math assignments.
81. And it was true that accredited math teachers were in short supply.
82. The Eisenhower grant, established in the 1950s, is aimed at improving education in science, math and technology.
83. Go to your room and do your math homework before you start watching TV.
84. They had a solid foundation in reading, writing, math, and other core skills.
85. But give them a math problem, and they wander around the room, daydream(), or fidget.
86. Most certainly: they do better than national averages on the math tests given at the high school.
87. Y., a Long Island University math professor, pointed out that saving is often not so simple.
88. Start doing the math, adding up the numbers and you wind up drowning in a sea of them.
89. At least, he said, he could focus on his other math class.
90. Hands-on activities, such as counting money to learn a math lesson, are carried out in every classroom.
91. Film your sadistic high-school math teacher eating gravy with a fork?
92. Even the math behind a simple tax return carries assumptions that are open to challenge.
93. I was just a simple plaque saying that I was rewarded for my outstanding achievement in science and math.
94. I did the math and it adds up to chicken.
95. Robin spent many lunch hours poring over her math assignments.
96. Co-star Jeff Bridges is a hapless Columbia math professor who turns to jelly in the presence of beautiful women.
97. My worst class was math, and every time we took a test, I was certain I had completely flunked it.
98. In a fourth-grade math class, children might estimate and research and graph the average summer temperatures of various 190 countries.
99. And it is not true that a girl decides in junior high that math is, like, so boring.
100. Even today, children spend 90 percent of their math time on these computations.
101. By sixth grade, the girl who was ahead of the boys in math is now even or behind them.
102. Math may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true. Bertrand Russell 
103. There was a chart on the wall that gave some measure of this by keeping a record of math and spelling grades.
104. Neither did several other math professors, including Morris Hirsch(), who was active in the anti-war movement when Kaczynski taught there.
105. For example, brain circuits for learning math, logic and music are thought to develop between birth and age 4.
106. Building computers that could solve difficult math problems and play a mean game of chess was relatively easy.
107. Remember the math teacher you really liked, the one who made math understandable, even fun?
108. Other six-year olds solve math problems for make-believe school, as illustrated in Figure 3. 4.
109. American students lost ground in achievement levels in math and science between the 1970s and 1980s.
110. In an-other, thirty earnest, brightly dressed grade-schoolers work out math problems on tiny handheld blackboards.
111. Kaczynski was an assistant math professor at the campus from 1967 to 1969.
112. At the time, the necessary math was done by a group of young women using mechanical desk calculators.
113. And phrasing math problems in art terms might enhance the appeal of math as well!
114. Students with a strong math background will be at an advantage next year when the statistics course starts.
115. But there are also advantages to a school district following a standard math curriculum.
116. Though I have no trouble grasping its concepts,(/math.html) math continues to be difficult for me.
117. The study debunks the myth that men are better at math than women.
118. His math computation skills were below average, while his math concepts were average to above average.
119. A teacher devised the game as a way of making math fun.
120. Bill: Why , did you flunk the math test?
121. I'm a math teacher at a primary school.
122. Are you a middle school math teacher?
123. He is the math wiz of his class.
124. That's a math problem, a positive feedback system.
125. My math teacher is Ms Yang.
126. I did my level Best in math class.
127. The math teacher frowned disapprovingly at the child.
128. The mole, s, mouse's and moose's math is worse.
129. The math teacher found a path to the bathroom.
130. Use your noodle to figure out the math problem.
131. Jack fagged away at his math.
132. She a cropper in the math examination.
133. My math teacher is of Blang ethnic minority.
134. My math teacher is far too strict.
135. I ran into my Math teacher at a bookstore.
136. That is our math teacher, Mr. Sutton.
137. That is my math teacher, Mr. Sutton.
138. Math can help people to practice logical thinking.
139. The student began to nod off during math class.
140. Activities include sports, language learning, music, and math classes.
141. The thirtieth math question was the hardest.
142. My main academic interest in junior high was math.
143. American children as well in math asin China.
144. Ten - year - old April Cutler , for example , has had trouble with math since second grade.
145. And I'd also like to thank my math teacher for giving me a passing grade.
146. B . M. processors(), it has achieved a top speed of 7 trillion math operations a second.
147. Ecole nationale sup é rieure d'informatique et de math é matiques appliqu é es de Grenoble.
148. Math slides affect all students , according to the Johns Hopkins research.
149. Those who are " numbers and logic smart " excel at math and science.
150. The math - model of predicting the residual nuclear radiation for neutron bomb nuclear explosion is studied.
151. This is where those math classes you took come in handy.
152. It is surprising that he got zero in the math exam.
153. However, many only hold a bachelor's degree in math, business or statistics.
154. I began to flinch the moment I saw the math teacher.
155. Now, I finally understand that math, especially linear algebra are very useful.
156. I stayed up the whole night studying for my midterm math exam.
157. If you use your grey matter, you can solve this math problem.
158. Secondly, a digital IMC method is extrapolated based on the discrete math model of object identification.
159. Andrea : Um, I was wondering, what do you think of the new math teacher?
160. Jun Jun always makes mistakes with the decimal point when solving math problems.
161. Earl: It'seems that girls shy away from careers in science and math.
162. For my math requirements , I'll be taking algebra, calculus, and trig.
163. Our teacher tried to animate the math class by telling jokes.
164. Joey : Hey (), I got one keyhole and about a zillion keys. You do the math.
165. Jane had rough sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared.
166. It is said that the math teacher seems partial towards bright students.
167. Our math teacher, a . k . a . " Darth Vader , " is very serious and strict.
168. I stayed up the all night absorbinging for my midterm math exam.
169. Rough set theory is a new math tool in dealing with fuzzy and uncertain knowledge.
170. He said, Dear Mister President Bush. My favorite subject is math.
171. Her vital statistics must require higher math to work out!
172. All of the math , so centered around Newton's second law, works.
173. Plus and minus within 1000 in sync with Montessori math education.
174. Dan a bored thirty year - old math wiz who's looking for a way to change his life.
175. Linda was failing math, but she is over the hump now.
175. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
176. My math teacher said I was a hard - working student.
177. Math quiz program for addition, subtraction, multiplication and revision of wrong answers.
178. And introduce the conception of the dropper function and deduction of math expression.
179. My friend is a whiz at math. He's also a computer whiz.
180. The Year of Six Million: Math of Population — was Malthus Right?
181. Too many student nurses flunk out of the course because their math is weak.
182. Sometimes people think there is something magic about sensorial math materials.
183. B : You should go ask Glen , he's really good at math.
184. I am a mathematics teacher, math is my profession, is my favorite work.
185. Women have slightly higher grade point averages than men in every major, including science and math.
186. He is one of the most dynamic and innovative math teacher one can imagine.
187. In succession, put forward a math model and verify the hypothesis in describing and regress.
188. But is it possible to explain the beauty of a human face using math?
189. In math, Fundamentals Volume 1 explores numbers and counting, and shapes.
190. Her father was a steelworker, her mother an eighth grade math teacher.
191. Why Malaysian Government insists on using English for math and science?
192. Investigated the math graphic representation in junior high school first time.
193. College: Differential and Integral Calculus , Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Math.
194. At least it is a diversion from my normal coursework. I'm getting tired of math.
195. The paper erects math model of determined ammomial nitrogen compound uncertainty by prismatic photometer.




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