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单词 Portrayed
1. Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and powerful.
2. The book portrayed his personal experience.
3. She is portrayed wearing her coronation robes.
4. He was portrayed in the media as a complete fiend.
5. He was portrayed as a ruthless opportunist who exploited the publicity at every opportunity.
6. In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of "Camelot".
7. Religion was portrayed in a negative way.
8. Woman has been portrayed by artists in many ways.
9. He portrayed himself as a champion for democracy.
10. Throughout the trial, he portrayed himself as the victim.
11. Her father will be portrayed by Sean Connery.
12. In effect, modernizing societies are portrayed as battlegrounds.
13. They were portrayed as contemptible cowards.
14. He was portrayed as a feckless drunk.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. His most famous painting portrayed the death of Nelson.
16. He portrayed Napoleon in the play.
17. She portrayed him as a heroic figure .
18. In his war stories he portrayed himself as the all-conquering hero.
19. The father in the film is portrayed as a fairly unpleasant character.
20. She says the programme portrayed her as a 'lady of easy virtue'.
21. He was portrayed in the press as a gold-digger and adventurer.
22. The persons and events portrayed in this production are fictitious.
23. Marilyn was portrayed as some sort of dim-witted, floozy blonde.
24. His many novels have portrayed the sufferings of his race.
25. She was portrayed in the papers as the embodiment of evil.
26. He was portrayed as a hero and,by inference, Thompson as the villain.
27. Dole portrayed the president in campaign speeches as a 'closet liberal'.
28. It is hard work and not a glamorous job as portrayed by the media.
29. It's hard to equate this gentle woman with the monster portrayed in the newspapers.
30. Rodman claims that he is misunderstood, and that the media has always portrayed him unfairly.
1. Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and powerful.
2. The book portrayed his personal experience.
3. He was portrayed in the media as a complete fiend.
4. He was portrayed as a ruthless opportunist who exploited the publicity at every opportunity.
5. In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of "Camelot".
31. She is portrayed as the heroine of the play.
32. Seen any blacks portrayed in Disney films?
33. He's not portrayed as a saint.
34. Critics said the article portrayed Latinos in negative way.
35. They were portrayed as more potent and, moreover, incurable.
36. Certain events and characters portrayed herein have been fictionalized.
37. It portrayed the centaur Cheiron with his family.
38. Congress, have portrayed her as a prisoner of conscience persecuted for her leftist views.
39. The party was portrayed as the vanguard of the proletariat.
40. Although his aides portrayed the speech as adding more substance to his message, Alexander offers no new policy proposals.
41. Fink is not the only writer portrayed in the film.
42. They not only portrayed middle-class life and its problems but attacked the corruption and depravity of the nobility.
43. Mrs Whitehouse was portrayed in many circles as being anti-homosexual.
44. Rawls's representative agent is portrayed as a disembodied party devoid of any substantive human characteristics except rationality.
45. He first described this in Noctambules which showed how the characters portrayed were manipulated by the Hypnotist.
46. But neither I nor my family would have any self-respect left if we let ourselves be portrayed by actors.
47. The life of Brian is often portrayed as a complex one.
48. All but the extreme nationalist opposition is portrayed as traitorous.
49. So reality is portrayed as a series of crises and cliff-hanger plotlines,[/portrayed.html] as opposed to the plodding process of daily life.
50. For themostpart she was portrayed as a frivolous ingenue whose emotional and intellectual development was gently guided by her serious-minded husband.
51. Sometimes the new orientation is portrayed as the balancing of rights with responsibilities.
52. The two companies were portrayed as representing totally contrasting management philosophies.
53. Mitterrand and Lecanuet portrayed the General's refusal to campaign as contempt for the democratic process.
54. His departure was widely portrayed as a defeat for the liberal wing of the party.
55. The outcome of the voting on June 13 was portrayed by observers as a victory for supporters of radical economic reform.
56. Some of the characters they met are portrayed by Minton in the book.
57. Enough for them to relate to the characters being portrayed.
58. Circuit Court of Appeals is being portrayed by many as a big win for Microsoft.
59. Jordan is portrayed as mean-spirited and manipulative in the book.
60. Others portrayed his austere demeanour and mirthless, rumbling laugh in a more sinister light.
61. Once again, one must be cautioned that the relationships portrayed by common-size statements can not be considered in isolation.
62. Gordon Brown portrayed it as a national tragedy that Miss Spence had to apply instead to Harvard, where she was accepted.
63. An insightful, entertaining documentary about how movies have portrayed homosexuality down through the decades.
64. Gypsies have often been portrayed as lawless savages, and the film tries to redress the balance by showing their culture as it really is.
65. Or take the scene in a New York police station as portrayed in a television comedy.
66. Clinton, who initiated welfare reform, is now portrayed as blocking it.
67. The guys here would be the first to refuse to participate if they didn't like the way they were portrayed.
68. This relation is most clearly portrayed in the examples given by Balibar.
69. His views were dismissed by the government, which portrayed the riots as merely criminal acts.
70. He grows exasperated when movie soundtracks feature the songs of birds not native to the region portrayed in the picture.
71. Yet she can not find an entirely satisfactory alternative, for the life of the spinster is often portrayed in stark terms.
72. Fathers have so rarely done the nurturing that their attempts are either portrayed as heroic or summarily dismissed.
73. Invariably old age is portrayed by the image of an old lady living in obvious poverty and social neglect.
74. Instead, he says[Sentencedict], the Goddess was portrayed in human form.
75. Romo treats his women well: Each is finely portrayed, fully explained, lovingly rendered.
76. Synod members were under pressure to crack down on gay clergy, who were portrayed as leading lives of wild abandon!
77. For whites, the fatigue often stems from seeing the case portrayed as a racial issue.
78. These urban comedies portrayed a new moral code in opposition to conventional morality.
79. So, the history of the portrayal of disabled people is that disabled people are portrayed as flawed able-bodied people.
80. In many such stories, women are portrayed as untrustworthy and immoral.
81. They have tended to be portrayed as a bunch of ill-organised youngsters often high on drink and drugs.
82. Situations and characters to be portrayed can be set out for the learner on a worksheet.
83. And the war was portrayed not only as criminal in intent but also as criminal in conduct.
84. Their subtext was that this was a devoted husband and a decent chap, not the apprentice dictator that his detractors portrayed.
85. Students objected to being portrayed as naive, immature and easily-led innocents.
86. Investment is often portrayed as a cure-all for the economic ills of rich countries.
87. He was a social satirist who portrayed the vices and follies of the aristocratic society of the London of his time.
88. The extreme naturalism with which his characters' thoughts and emotions were portrayed was the final inartistic touch.
89. Fiona Grogan, 17, portrayed orphan Sophie with the right quality of childlike credibility without patronising children.
90. At its worst, the life of faith is portrayed in a way that it is tantamount to spiritual repression.
91. Instead, she portrayed herself as a philanthropist, eager to help old friends down on their luck.
92. Its advertisement portrayed two black women, naked, in chains, and a white man standing over them with a whip.
93. Blaming the victim However, the moral status of the victim is often portrayed as ambivalent in murder trials.
94. Romer portrayed himself as a latter-day Robin Hood who took money and gave it to the underprivileged.
95. Rarely in the history of art have little boys or exotic animals been portrayed as sensual odalisques.
96. In the past, they were often portrayed as at grips with civilization in a sort of duel of love.
97. None the less a good deal of basic information can still be portrayed with the traditional concept of population density based on administrative units.
98. Integrate yourself Our hobby is often portrayed as a kind of shady sub-culture, outside the mainstream of society.
99. Indeed, economic development programs at times were portrayed as painless ways to help the poor.
100. Harmony and collective company effort is portrayed as a reciprocal bargain.
101. Producers, and directors, have often been greater villains than those portrayed by actors on screen.
102. Erik, generally portrayed as the weaker brother, testified on behalf of both siblings.
103. All along, the Owens River had been portrayed as a matter of life or death to the city of Los Angeles.
104. This relationship is portrayed by a yield curve, which may be positively or negatively sloped.
104. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
105. Perhaps she really is the long-suffering, devoted wife she's often portrayed to be.
106. They portrayed the family as hopeless, without possibility of improvement, and wanted the children kept in care.
107. First, deficit cultures are portrayed as irrational, as based on ignorance.
108. Liberals are portrayed by the group as sensitive and caring.
109. The snaps these machines took never portrayed her at her best, but they would give the general impression.
110. Neither robot looks much like the androids portrayed in science fiction movies.
111. The soldiers of the legion are vividly portrayed by three lifesize figures - a centurion, a standard-bearer and a legionary.
112. Pavlov's allegations contradicted earlier official statements which portrayed the currency confiscation as an attack on black marketeers and excess money supply.
113. The various non-human beings who hunt humans are not portrayed as violent or aggressive either.
114. The younger man has adopted a contemporary hairstyle, while his older companion is portrayed in the traditional Republican style.
115. Newton is portrayed as influencing eighteenth-century perspective in an unspecified manner, although his effect on colour theory is seen as considerable.
116. Why are the opponents of tyranny still portrayed as hysterical witch hunters?
117. The artist portrayed images of daily life in his native town of Ocotlan with vivid colors, surrealism and magical realism.
118. The sponsoring group must insistently be portrayed as friendly, hopeful, welcoming, and benign.
119. Yet none of the fathers portrayed thus far has actually had to dramatically alter his work life in order to father.
120. This action has led to Madonna yet again being portrayed as a ruthless control freak, which she probably is.
121. Movie companies are understandably uptight about relinquishing control over how products are portrayed by film makers.
122. The black nationalists were portrayed as well-meaning, earnest ideologues lacking the resources to defeat the establishment.
123. Women portrayed as the embodiment of all that is spiritually good are essentially muses.
124. They portrayed her as the hero, and by inference , Mr. Thompson as the villain.
125. If its a civil coroners court it's portrayed as a bumbling court.
126. An image of national unity should be portrayed even if this was not a true reflection of reality.
127. Never before, or perhaps since, have birds been portrayed with such vitality, dexterity, and accuracy.
128. A state of the blocks world is portrayed as an assertion, formed with predicate symbols.
129. The recommendation was a surprise because census officials previously have portrayed adjustment as a solution to chronic undercounts.
130. Uncle Sam is portrayed as scruffy, mean and bitter.
131. He portrayed a serial killer in a Broadway show.
132. He has often been portrayed as Holmes'rather bumbling assistant.
133. The author portrayed his father as a vicious drunkard.
134. He portrayed King Lear in the play.
135. Arthur himself has been portrayed as a weak cuckold.
136. In the film Roman Holiday[http://], Audrey portrayed a princess.
137. In a subsequent long measurement, the momentary position of the mandible (yellow cross) is portrayed.
138. In a courtroom in Portland, she said that Hubbard had been portrayed to her as a nuclear physicist; in fact, he had failed to graduate from George Washington University.
139. Antoinette, portrayed by Jean Rhys is actually the madwoman Bertha confined in the attic by Charlotte Bronte in the famous novel Jane Eyre.
140. A mostly hostile media portrayed him as weird and out of touch.
141. Underlying India's strategy is a traditional policy of "non alignment", a Cold War legacy in which it was portrayed as a leader of developing nations away from the U.S.-Soviet Union axis.
142. It's not a particularly strong movie in terms of plot, action, or pacing. Its best dialog comes its most notable character, a computer portrayed as a disembodied voice and unexpressive camera lens.
143. Maria Von Trapp's only complaint about the musical was that it portrayed her as a goody-goody .
144. Marx of the cultural studies who portrayed the alienation and reification of our daily lives.
145. For example The "Yellow Peril" that fictional character that portrayed the Asians as sneaky, evil, lowlife, scum that was slowly taking over the West.
146. In the second place, the need - want - satisfaction chain does not always operate as simply as portrayed.
147. Curtis earned an Academy Award nomination for his performance in 1958's "The Defiant Ones, " playing an escaped racist convict chained to a black prisoner, portrayed by Sidney Poitier.
148. In the museum, Neanderthals are portrayed as kindly, if not particularly telegenic, humans.
149. In general, USDA portrayed the world grain outlook as one of tight supplies, vulnerable to any further yield setback.
150. In an episode of "The Simpson" titled "The Devil Wears Nada, " Ms. Bruni-Sarkozy is portrayed as a femme fatale.
151. I don't think the new England manager wants to be portrayed as a garlic clove before his first international in charge.
152. Fiat's Sergio Marchionne had spoken too bluntly about the need to cut capacity in Europe, and RHJ was portrayed as a vulture investor.
153. The painting portrayed the beauty of nature as counterpoint to that of a human body.
154. A comparison has been made between Chinese ink painting and underglaze blue decoration, their similarities and their differences have been found and their respective features portrayed.
155. They know that Watson wasn't the kind of bumbler he's sometimes been portrayed as. He's well and truly part of the action, and I wouldn't have been interested in playing someone who wasn't.
156. I think some of the guys are portrayed a negative light if they're strong and opinionated.
157. The combustor resonance properties are portrayed by instability zones, one z one for each acoustic mode.
158. Since a forest could reseed itself on an abandoned Michigan field, Clements portrayed that act as reproduction, a further characteristic of an organism.
159. All too often it is only the negative images of Ireland that are portrayed, colouring opinions and hiding the true nature of the country.
160. The Goddess of love and war, was portrayed as the lover of the shepherd Dumuzi.
161. Fang-fang, who has certain vanward consciousness and wrote the books realistically, portrayed the inhumane kinship of the family members and broke the moral law of traditional ethic.
162. Wine king contest is approaching, my war devil devil is in blue Crassulaceae in vivo ready to, be vividly portrayed, Peter day and night he suffers.
163. In his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.
164. In today's cartoon Rove is portrayed as the puppeteer controlling Bush's wealthy supporters in Texas (notice the Texas-style cowboy hat).
164. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
165. But Sinatra's daughter, Tina, has her own view of how her father should be portrayed, which critics feel would be a sanitised life story.
166. Women are still paid less than men, and they still bear the brunt of childrearing and housework. Women are portrayed in various media as sex object rather than human beings.
167. But dismissing the emails on the grounds that they were obtained illegally misses the important point that they show science to be a more human process than is usually portrayed.
168. I'm going to tune in, with hopes that the single mom is portrayed as a smart, savvy, loving, go-getting mama!
169. This character type is portrayed in literature and movies as the detached and often aloof professor.
170. But the Vatican as portrayed in Noyes' cable is already a model of balkanization and inefficiency.
171. He was toast, confided anonymous officials who portrayed him as an incompetent in the thrall of bed-wetting human rights types.
172. Sinterklass arrives on the eve of St. Nicholas Day in a steamship with his slave Zwarte Piet, portrayed in public processions in several cities.
173. In an attempt to achieve legitimization and acceptance from the larger society, advocates of occultism have in recent years portrayed the occult as basically amenable to scientific investigation.
174. Although she is often portrayed as a femme fatale, Cleopatra was deeply religious and studied to be a nun.
175. The enigmatic woman is portrayed seated in what appears to be an open loggia with dark pillar bases on either side.
176. Pocahontas has since had a mixed legacy, having been portrayed as everything from the mother of a nation to betrayer of her people.
177. Anti-smoking groups have portrayed tobacco as a "sunset" industry citing alleged global concerns over the harmful effects of cigaret-smoking.
178. Science fiction movies and novels often portrayed AI taking the form of a thinking machine embodied as a humanoid robot.
179. In the novel, the author portrayed Lady Wang, a typical hellcat image with the exaggerated writing technique. Meanwhile, he offered a series ways of treating one's jealous psychology in it.
180. Later I slowly crawled under the ramp, flow relented a lot, beating tumultuously bereave barely portrayed the mood also slightly to settle.
181. Through varied media they portrayed the courage and industriousness of the peoples of Africa.
182. Masarat Alam, the hardliner portrayed as his successor, is vice-chairman of the Muslim League, "a constituent of our forum".
183. While many have portrayed him as a clownish and eccentric figure – an image no doubt reinforced by his characterisation in Team America: World Police – others say he is smart and even witty.
184. She truthfully portrayed how a biracial child grows up in the film, which allowed her to win the honor of Best Actress for her first nomination in the Asia Pacific Film Festival.
185. This may seem obvious but bonobo societies are often portrayed as egalitarian affairs.
186. Many Chinese officials and academics interviewed by the authors portrayed the aircraft carrier as a symbol of China's great-power status.
187. When Edward G. Robinson portrayed him in a movie, Johnny was more annoyed than pleased.
188. Who portrayed king Lear?
189. Did you notice how often Thecla is portrayed as gorgeous and even stripped so you,as the voyeuristic reader, can imagine her naked body before she's thrown into the vat of killer man-eating seals.
190. Proof of existence of such Mahatma's, as portrayed by her, has never been found.
191. When he did, the media and the Republicans portrayed it as a cave-in that made him look both weak and too liberal.
192. When the Chinese and Asean leaderships meet, careful choreography ensures they are portrayed as equals.
193. In the "real" movies of the time, as Horne noted on The Tonight Show, blacks were portrayed "as jungle people or in servitude."
194. "Lata always portrayed herself as this very pure, kind of a clean woman,[] " he says.
195. It was easy to see why the cartoonists regularly portrayed him as a malign cherub.
196. In one popular spoof they are portrayed – in the company of Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh, who is still clinging to power – in unflattering flesh-coloured body-stockings.
197. Where was our great Island h! eritage portrayed in all this flummery?
198. The series often portrayed frank discussions about romance and sexuality.
199. They are renowned for their sexual prowess and insatiability and are often portrayed in ancient Greek art with erections.
200. Journalists are portrayed as a soulless group, unconcerned with ethical issues.
201. Kate Chopin portrayed a collection of awakening women in her short stories, who experienced introspection and awakening at a different level concerning love, family, marriage as well as sexuality.
202. Then the artist portrayed a little vaquero who was playing all by himself. The vaquero leaning against a big tree is teasing a little bird with a stick.
203. Perhaps it is no coincidence that Pontius Pilate is portrayed in the Bible as washing his hands of the decision to crucify Jesus.
204. Those that portrayed it negatively had an overall repeat rate 2.9 times higher than positive articles.
205. Journeys, such as those portrayed by Dante and Petrarch , occur within.
206. Mickey was portrayed in Plane Crazy as mischievous amorous as a rogue.
207. Aliens are often portrayed as powerful beings coming down from on high to warn us of our impending self-destruction.
208. She is sometimes portrayed in the media as busy or overburdened and driving a minivan.
209. A form of ancient Greek and Roman theatrical entertainment in which familiar characters and situations were farcically portrayed on stage, often with coarse dialogue and ludicrous actions.
210. She recently portrayed aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart and Swank won the first of her two Best Actress Oscars as murder victim Brandon Teena in 1999's Boys Don't Cry.
211. According to 'objectification theory', women from Western cultures are widely portrayed and treated as objects of the male gaze.
212. He made offerings to the Egyptian gods, took an Egyptian throne name, and portrayed himself in pharaonic garb.
213. There was a small quirk in this alternating pattern when Edward VIII ascended to the throne and was portrayed facing left, the same as his predecessor George V.
214. For on the cover of that magazine I was portrayed like a dead person.
215. Co-star Blake Lively (TV's Gossip Girls), who plays rival pilot Carol Ferris, proved she can act when she portrayed a drug-addled barfly in last fall's The Town.
216. In a classic love story, there are two kinds of man. One is the man who has little difficulty in asking women out. He is generally portrayed as being reprehensibly confident in this way.
217. Ibsen must have had a vision of a free mother, when master stroke , he portrayed Mrs.
218. The World's Richest Man , is usually portrayed as the consummate computer geek.
219. Prof Roger Wotton found that flight would be impossible for angels portrayed with arms and bird-like feathered wings.
220. Politically, unburdening itself of debt can then be portrayed as ridding Greece of a dysfunctional past.
221. The Hispaniola , in that unbroken mirror, was exactly portrayed from the truck to the water line, the Jolly Roger hanging from her peak.
222. In public, the British actress, who won two Oscars in a career spanning 30 years, was portrayed in 1930s Hollywood as the romantic soul mate of another rising star, Laurence Olivier (L).




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