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单词 With regard to
1. How are you situated with regard to equipment?
2. I am writing with regard to your recent order.
3. They have been circularized with regard to the new design.
4. I have nothing to say with regard to your complaints.
5. The company's position with regard to overtime is made clear in their contracts.
6. Try to view situations more objectively, especially with regard to work.
7. I am writing to you with regard to your letter of 15 March.
8. The department is reviewing its policy with regard to immunisation.
9. He's crossed the Rubicon with regard to the use of military force as an option.
10. Lockwood reaches similar conclusions with regard to work situation.
11. What is the situation with regard to leaded petrol?
12. Superstitions abound with regard to salt.
13. The conclusions of the Evershed Committee, particularly with regard to the division of work between solicitors and barristers, are open to challenge.
14. Other authors found similar findings with regard to circulating platelet aggregates.
15. That power can be exercised only with regard to vessels flying the flag of the member state concerned or registered there.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. Edward gave successive popes few grounds for complaint with regard to episcopal appointments.
17. All multiplex companies operate similar regimes with regard to staff behaviour to ensure that their work is predictable.
18. It appears that there has been some misunderstanding with regard to the sand pit cover. 3.
19. The nurse's main responsibilities with regard to breathing are set out in the following pages.
20. These hazards may lead to complications with regard to insurance.
21. With regard to acquittal rates in the magistrates' courts, our data are too uncertain to draw firm conclusions as they are incomplete.
22. The position with regard to merchant seamen on Tyneside is rather complex.
23. With regard to circumcision, this too remains a central ritual.
24. It therefore referred to its observations with regard to the nationality requirements. 74.
25. With regard to his mental make-up, his disposition is basically friendly and peaceful; he is faithful, obedient and willing to work.
26. Until now, the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships.
27. Chatichai's Jan. 9 announcement ended days of speculation over his intentions with regard to his Cabinet.
28. Actually, the brigade had been there since 1963. journey from idealism to a hard line with regard to the Soviets.
29. Indifference rather than intention may be the cause of greater human suffering, particularly with regard to corporate crime.
30. The Royal Commission on Legal Services took a more fundamental view with regard to financial conditions, which has not been accepted.
1. Until now, the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships.
31. However, similar problems can arise with regard to kitchen units and fitted bedroom furniture, etc and similar considerations apply.
32. With regard to treatment, this subject has already been covered in some detail.
33. The Lindop report made it fairly clear that safeguards with regard to access and illegal use are needed.
34. This, however, must be looked at with regard to aspects of employment law.
35. With regard to second-hand values, a good pipe organ is a better investment than an electronic instrument.
36. Socialism cannot exist without a change in consciousness resulting in a new fraternal attitude toward humanity, both at an individual level, within the societies where socialism is being built or has been built, and on a world scale, with regard to all peoples suffering from imperialist oppression. Che Guevara 
37. With regard to the search for consensus the results are often contradictory.
38. Judith Williamson has also discussed this with regard to a Lancia car advertisement from around 1978.
39. It is with regard to these latter companies that additional disclosure requirements must be considered.
40. Yes, you memorized all types of lists and pieces of factual information with regard to, say, the physical sciences.
41. Second, analysis was carried out of the existing capabilities of the Management Committee with regard to what might be appropriate economic objectives for them.
42. The corresponding provision for licensed premises with regard to structural alterations directed by the licensing board will be found in s.36.
43. Coleman also gave brief summaries of how each supervisor has done with regard to youth issues.
44. Depending on the form of government, the voters express their preferences with regard to public decisions.
45. Number and diameter as indicators of the total stone mass seem to be important determinants with regard to complete stone disappearance.
46. Particular difficulties with regard to finding suitable accommodation at the right price(sentence dictionary), have been experienced by married students arriving with their families.
47. Analyzing each of the members of the critical mass with regard to readiness and capability.
48. Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them, while on the other hand to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. Galileo Galilei 
49. The string spacing is far too narrow, not only on the fretboard but more especially with regard to the right hand.
50. The private developers have pursued the investment route with regard to the shopping centre, and to smaller sector shopping centres on particular estates.
51. The main priority on the Soviet foreign-policy agenda at this time was to secure its objectives with regard to Berlin.
52. The nature of the access road to the site and adjoining development can be influential with regard to market potential.
53. This touched upon a sensitive nerve with regard to confidence in the leadership.
54. With regard to crimes that are known about, the police and courts may be more lenient with female offenders.
55. The government's starting point with regard to block funding was that they would not provide a safety net.
56. But the principle of user autonomy was limited with regard to freedom to leave the building during opening hours.
57. He was seeking advice with regard to the Council's refusal to rehouse him in suitable ground floor accommodation.
58. With regard to charging at the door, again fear must play part in her behaviour.
59. He is a renowned and honourable man, but with regard to this matter he is either being naive or obtuse.
60. Enquiries are being made with regard to the setting up of a private nursery. 2.
61. With regard to the diagnosis in approximately 10% of inflammatory bowel disease patients with colonic involvement a definite distinction can not be made.
62. The requirements of the social science historian with regard to the archiving of computer-generated data are the same as those of any social scientist.
63. It is not exacting with regard to temperature and is suitable for tropical as well as cold-water aquariums.
64. It is a good idea to do some preliminary tests, particularly with regard to the field of view.
65. Thirdly, some proposals do warrant a more detailed examination with regard to their desirability and practicability.
66. The evidence on uptake was more mixed although there was a clear class gradient with regard to preventive services.
67. As might be supposed complications arise with regard to transfers of votes.
68. Equally conflicting results with regard to glycaemic control and platelet-specific protein levels have been reported in longitudinal studies.
69. The same is true with regard to enlisted troops, if the conduct has a direct and palpable effect upon the military.
70. Internally the value of the rouble decreased seventy-two times with regard to goods during 1922.
71. The position of ethnic minorities with regard to the use of education services is predictable.
72. Unfortunately, current trends, especially with regard to unemployment, are in the opposite direction.
73. If signs are to be effective for user orientation, they must be carefully planned with regard to position, content and presentation.
74. Systematic Cleaning Systematic cleaning is the adoption of the right combination of energy for the circumstances with regard to time and cost.
75. It might be somewhat different with regard to the other occupant of the grave.
76. A number of major innovations have been attempted with regard to the student body.
77. The general situation with regard to such counter-indemnities granted by businessmen was also unclear.
78. By doing so, I readily acknowledge that we are changing, ever so slightly,(Sentencedict) the role of the Crown with regard to sentencing.
79. The research will examine the behaviour of visitors with regard to group activity and movement within areas commonly used for interview.
80. With regard to independence, Chas is shown as both wanting independence and in practice being independent.
81. Contributions with regard to future events are invited for publication in Campus.
82. This involves significant benefits with regard to financial and foreign trade operations, as well as financing.
83. With regard to the replacement tape cassettes for your echo machine, I haven't got a clue!
84. This mime of his never failed to invoke my deep defensiveness with regard to all things Kip.
85. This principle operated absolutely with regard to monastic vows, even in their most inchoate state.
86. Under these difficult conditions, some firm decisions had to be made on cost savings, both with regard to investment and labour.
87. There are no employees with serious disabilities on the payroll either, though with regard to that issue also they are open-minded.
88. With regard to the 1990 figures, there was, as Vogelmann put it, no doubt about it.
89. Such a process will require the same form of periodic review mentioned with regard to Principle 5.
90. With regard to the origin of the pores, the intra-skeletal types were probably preserved during deposition and escaped infill by sediment.
91. The study included pairs of twins both concordant and discordant with regard to ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.
92. In regard to pollution, the report calls for far tighter controls, particularly with regard to global restrictions on air pollution.
93. With regard to housing development in, as opposed to around, North Shields, the same is true with one qualification.
94. He must also come to an agreement with the customer with regard to performance characteristics, key schedule dates, costs, and funding.
95. Just as she had put off ringing Livingstone until it was too late, so she procrastinated with regard to contacting Gwen.
96. Effect steeping hot spring hydrotherapeutics and hot pack, contract especially with regard to if bone joint disease people, degenerating nature arthritis, have cutting down pain effect.
97. Riant only have three some how elegantly we become old going to , each person correct and penetrating views having self also all with regard to this problem.
98. An elastic analysis of a structure is important with regard to serviceability.
99. The unemployment insurance funds have differing procedures with regard to how often the unemployed person receives benefit – monthly or fortnightly. Payments are made through a bank.
100. This article discusses the changes in properties, in particular with regard to frictional resistance and the enormous reduction in wear, which can be achieved by adding aramid to PA66.
101. There are obvious differences between clones with regard to their self - fertility.
102. But with regard to the creative method, everyman has his own views.
103. With regard to the goal INR, different clinical guidelines present differing recommendations.
104. Concept of subsidy volunteer is congruous with the concept of volunteer with regard to the spirit of volunteering service.
105. This plant is up to the minute with regard to the equipment used.
106. And a harmonious family relationship helps raise people's general condition with regard to their mental harmony.
107. If we do not despise him with regard to the whole, we shall commit opportunist errors.
108. With regard to the advantageous conditions for a multilateral settlement regime now in existence, establishment of such a regime within the CIS is in prospect.
109. Bupropion and naltrexone are both widely regarded as having a fairly good profile with regard to risks and side effects.
110. With regard to the nuclear weapon issue, China is a trustworthy and responsible country.
111. The as-prepared composites were characterized with regard to their components, size, structure by X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), differential thermal analyzer(DTA-TG).
112. The radiation doses calculated from the two sets of CT were compared with regard to the planning target volume (PTV) and the organ at risk (OAR) by using Wilcoxon's signed rank test.
113. Therefore, price discrimination may be employed, that is, different water rate is collected with regard to different market.
114. With regard to the smaller span and more suspension points for rigid suspension, the software for layout arrangement of overhead rigid suspension and has been applied in project of line No.
115. It is crucial for the therapists to gain as much knowledge as possible with regard to the patient's history, as this allows the adoption of a specific, individualised cell therapy against the disease.
116. With regard to the evidence of Bin Ladin's engagement of terrorism, I remember that before and after the United States took military actions against Afghanistan, it has briefed the world successively.
117. With regard to hardness, the diamond is in a class by itself.
118. As Secretary Clinton emphatically noted in Chennai with regard to our long-term commitment to Afghanistan’s stability, “we will be there.”
119. Japan is suggested to keep in line with major trading countries with regard to the amendment.
120. These patients analyzed with regard to presentation, imaging, and outcome.
121. However, there shall be no such exoneration of the Fund with regard to preventivemeasures.
122. He went on to describe a pet peeve of his with regard to the technology industry: [Linus Torvalds] there is a great deal of talk about "innovation" and "vision."
123. We investigated the pattern of electrolyte disturbances with regard to enteral malabsorption , renal compensation, and the influence of immunosuppression.
124. With regard to the spot market, the largest buyer is India.
125. To maintain friendly relations with other organisations in the Benelux and elsewhere with regard to intellectual property issues.
126. With regard to the former, natural-law theories from Grotius to Locke had been emphasizing that Christianity could safeguard moral foundation.
127. They are selected with regard to disease prevalence, evidence of efficacy, safety, and comparative cost-effectiveness.
128. They are selected with regard to disease prevalence, safety, efficacy, and comparative cost-effectiveness.
129. Her impression with regard to Isabel's writing was quite illusory.
130. The transformer isolates the transistors with regard to d - c bias voltage .
131. With regard to purchase confirmation No.85 , please ship the goods as soon as possible.
132. With regard to security exceptions, the provisions of Article XXI of GATT 1994 apply.
133. Hence with regard to environmentalism we have a distorted hubris, even dark influence.
134. It's with regard to your enquiry for a semidetached house.
135. With regard to the site of recurrence(), intrapelvic cavity recurrence had the lowest and survival rate.
136. With regard to solid-state microwave power transistor operating in class C, reducing the operation voltage is an efficient means to improve the transistor reliability.
137. With regard to the research methodology, the author adopts the descriptive approach proposed by Gideon Toury.
138. Lysolecithin is probably best studied with regard to its fusing capabilities.
139. Because we have only recently begun to understand basic nuclear processes, nuclear engineering is still in its "pioneering" phase with regard to its impact on our lives.
140. Demand full disclosure from doctors with regard to both diagnosis and treatment.
141. Also, promotion of condom use among high-risk groups allows us to kill two birds with one stone, with regard to preventing sexually transmitted HIV and other STIs.
142. She, like any bride-to-be, was all ebullience with regard to plans for the ceremony and reception.
143. If the assets of the association do not devolve on the treasury, a liquidation must take place, unless insolvency proceedings have commenced with regard to the assets of the association.
144. The monetary unit's purchasing power never changes evenly with regard to all things vendible and purchasable.
145. With regard to the question whether a party organization with its dominating non-proletarian elements can be developed into a proletarian party,() no any available answer may be found in Marxist theory.
146. In order to improve the clutch disk device, in particular with regard to its torsional vibration damping capacity, the receptacle for the fixing element in the side disk opens radially outwards.
147. To claim absoluteness of justice with regard to its content represents an immediate negation thereof.
148. The Namibian visited restaurants and bars around Windhoek to ask how informed they were with regard to the law.
149. So there's a kind of wedge shape with regard to the instruments too.
150. There have three theories with regard to the valid basis of inculpatory act of rescue: subjectivism doctrine, the benefit weight doctrine, and the laissez faire behavior doctrine.
151. We are also precautious of unusual tides of policy surrender and will improve the emergency response mechanism with regard to such surrenders in life insurance.
152. Let's think about the tangent plane with regard to a function f.
153. What are their broader interests with regard to nuclear nonproliferation, with regard to the Middle East?
154. Can our students model ethical behavior and civic responsibility with regard to their subject matter?
155. Describe and discuss various religious traditions with regard to intersexuality .
156. In our ten years of war two deviations often arose with regard to the strategic defensive; one was to belittle the enemy, the other was to be terrified of him.
157. Are there sufficient and effective processes put in place to address the following with regard to the current operational environment?
158. We have described a technique of primary simultaneous repair of the lip, maxilla, and nose in cases of a unilateral cleft with a discussion of postsurgical results with regard to the nasal alae.
159. Nationalism is a form of universalism when it makes universal claims about how the world should be organized, but it is particularistic with regard to individual nations.
160. Through amending risk priority number with regard to expected-cost and integrity, failure modes and effects analysis process becomes more scientific and applicable.
161. Women's rights with regard to divorce and remarriage are also duly guaranteed.
162. His attitude with regard to her, though it was contemplative and critical, was not judicial.
163. With regard to extending the upper limit for dynamic range of seismometer, the merits and demerits of the loop filter are discussed.
164. With regard to their influencing public manners, Miss Crawford must not understand me.
165. Hitherto she had felt no dread with regard to the coming interview.
166. With regard to costs: water, electricity, gas and other expenses shared equally.
167. Methods:The ultrasonic signs were retrospectively examined in 67 cases with thyroid neoplasm with regard to the presentation, calcification type, echo intensity and cystic change.
168. Thus, it is necessary to study the process of acculturation with regard to translation and tackles related questions of identity, hybridity and metamorphosis.
169. With regard to the future orientation of China's literature, this dissertation holds that translated literature will play a vital role in the cultural exchanges between China and the West.
170. With regard to principle of insurable interest insurancean effectinsurance contracts, different scholars have different ide.
171. An analysis is made of seepage forces around shield under river by finite differential method and the stability factor of workface with regard to seepage effects is deduced.
172. Additionally, this algorithm was tested with regard to gender differences.
173. Several studies suggest that intrathoracic blood volume index might be superior to central venous pressure with regard to preload assessment.
174. In order to build up the calculating formula of the lateral stiffness for the bell shape rubber spring, a group of heuristic functions are assumed with regard to its deformed feature.
175. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains.
176. A result of fundamental importance has been proved with regard to the matrix representation of symmetrizing operator on tensor space.
177. With regard to the transaction, the company previously disclosed only in August 15,2008 semi - annual report released.
178. With regard to the design of oil-fired boiler rooms in highrise buildings some special conditions should be considered.
179. With regard to the problem of residual static correction with short cycle, quite a few papers have been published both at home and abroad.
180. Chapter three points out the problems existed in the legislation with regard to the mortgagee's insurable interest, and puts forward some suggestions.
181. A statement of a lawyer's conclusions with regard to the state of the legal title of a property, issued after the lawyer has completed the appropriate investigations of title.
182. With regard to gold, silver, jewelry, pearl and jade processed on order of individual consumers, consumption tax may temporarily be levied in light of processing charges.
183. The US Department of Commerce issued two reports with regard to digital economy in 1999 and 2000.
184. The medicines included in the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines are selected with regard to disease prevalence, evidence of safety and efficacy, and comparative cost-effectiveness.




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