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单词 Uh
1. We can discuss this another time, uh?
2. It's not too far - it's about, uh, five miles from here.
3. Like uh, just as a direct object.
4. It's, uh, resenting authority I suppose.
5. By uh by listing factors and so forth.
6. Uh huh. Oh my gosh!
7. Uh, who the heck is the junior class president?
8. Okay, uh, what is your percentile?
9. Well I the uh main line dancers whoo.
10. Uh, yeah, I guess so.
11. Uh, block call is a busy signal.
12. With uh, with some hash and then some tobacco.
13. Uh, my new girlfriend, I think.
14. With the uh, mental block.
15. Does this all sound a bit, uh(), zany?
16. Yeah my graduation.. uh huh..
17. Okay uh, where the heck is it?
18. Show us your, uh, dominant anatomical feature.
19. So, uh, he was offended by that.
20. Uh I have no for quite some time.
21. And then uh, he was the homecoming king and oh, gosh, that was a bad time in my life.
22. One of the gals on the board has uh some how to stuff got to get that from her.
23. You know, but uh, he was like, Burton Woods, dead ahead.
24. Um, the computer guru, uh, the wizards as it were, is going to be there for emergency calls.
25. Uh, at the bottom of that list it will tell you how the King James translates that.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. Can you kind of hang in there to uh to maybe uh later on this evening, okay.
27. So I think we can round this up uh, the next time.
28. She went and she took um, phonology, some uh voice work?
29. It looked gre, I thought that, are you happy with the, uh, almanac insert?
30. No, actually, remember that has been moved down to uh, to the uh, torture chamber.
31. Um, speaking about projects, the uh grange park there, that proposed park at the grange building there.
32. Plus, the orange juice is fresh and the toast, uh, toasty.
33. And we do, I mean, we both do, we both make a lot of unintentional puns, uh.
34. Uh, jabbed myself on the corner, jabbed myself with the corner.
35. Uh, he is very conscious of the type of person that comes into the office.
36. In nineteen ninety four uh it was almost like a mini presidential election, it was the first nationalized congressional election.
37. There seem to be uh a possibility, a potential for a popular reaction, a populist reaction.
38. And I said well I said for that matter we should really uh think about getting generators.
39. And then I saw it at a dinner theater with uh my sister and Peter.
40. Uh, for a comfortable retirement you should plan on having accumulated at least ten times your peak annual income.
41. We have a uh, rather long list on the consent docket.
42. Well, neither is, uh, some of the other ones here.
43. Uh so as this profound sense of disappointment and disenfranchisement that seems to come with each cycle.
44. I think he you know. he has a very good heart and is. real. very loving and uh.
45. My neighbor, or my, uh, house mates and then we have a pretty big grill.
46. Uh - oh . It's probably the hospital.
47. "Oh that one." — "Uh huh.".
48. Uh - huh. We'll be there in a jiffy.
49. "Did she?" — "Uh huh.".
50. Coma Guy: Uh, a little woozy, but basically okay.
51. Uh, you gave me an exacta.
52. Uh , oh ! I goof it up again!
53. Uh, it must mean something.
54. Take five. Uh, touch - ups ?
55. Uh,(http:///uh.html) it's four - thirty. Oh my!
56. Uh, cup of coffee please, dearie darling.
57. Uh - oh, I hate cloudy weather.
58. I'm, uh, liquidating my shares in Victrola .
59. Riley Poole: Uh - oh! God save the Queen!
60. Paddy: Uh oh, It'sounds like you've belfry!
61. Cobra Pilot: Uh, two, you see anyone left down there?
62. The only thing outside their walled garden is... (wait for it...) "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!, uh, I mean, JAILBREAK!!!"
63. For some reason, the public responded negatively to this, forcing Shockley to, uh, pull out, so to speak.
64. My father had , Uh , had driven your mother and David into town for a music lesson.
65. Oh, my... Oh, uh, don't worry down there! Uh, we'll get you out. Hold on!
66. Uh , we're in the main hangar across from the ship.
67. Bree: I can't really talk about it, but, uh, you should tell your stepsister to be careful.
68. So here's an example uh, Hesperus and Phosphorus are ancient names for Venus.
69. Uh , but what if I just tookpart of the brownie?
70. OK . Right. Uh , We're at La Traviata restaurant in North Beach.
71. Uh, hey, Olivia. How you doing?By the way, I got the syph. How about you?
72. Uh, I'd like to place an exacta on Captain Brody and Mister Hooper in the first race.
73. Although difficult to pronounce presbyopia pee - uh is not a disease.
74. Um, other common complaints in the springtime, as people start to wear, let's say, open-toed shoes, is uh, Athlete's Foot, or Tinea Pedis and Onychomycosis.
75. Philip Marlowe(Humphrey Bogart): Well, I, uh, I try to be.
76. So, uh...Sarah, could you show me that super-cool secret agent choke hold again?
77. Uh be on one's own also has many disadvantages, right?
78. Joshua : Uh, Angus was just here. Where did he go?
79. But uh, there's something bout baby girl I just can't leave alone.
80. Sometimes they, they just, uh, hanker for a little competition.
81. Morley: Yeah, but... uh, I'm not comfortable with you guys seeing me in the buff.
82. Uh , oh, I can kiss my boob tube goodbye.
83. East machinery co will provide engineering assistance and technical service to uh guano corporation.
84. Yeah, the name is uh Ruskin, Barry Ruskin of the Giant Building Machinery Inc.
85. My friends, it's time for the seder to begin. Dan, uh, I need you to know that I'm really sorry.
86. LL : Uh - oh . I have bad vibes about the look Professor Jones is giving us right now.
87. I think so. Uh - oh, I was wrong. They only have full service.
88. Uh, nasty little bug. -Exactly. So, our agent is E- coli . The reservoir is our own GI tract, the Portal of Exit. -I get it.
89. Call it the Yao Ming Effect, a phenomenon where the towering Rockets' center and his deserving All-Star credentials pull along a freight train filled with his, uh, less-than-glittering teammates.
90. JL: Well, I met with Oliver Stone, and then had a reading, which was ... uh ... interesting.
91. Since you saw her boobies, I think, uh, you're gonna have to show her your pee-pee.
92. I dropped my bag at the officer's feet. The bank notes fell out. "Ha ha ha!" he laughed. "Got no money, uh?".
93. Uh... We usually eat battercake , fried doughnuts, tea-boiled eggs, pickled vegetables and soybean milk etc. for breakfast.
94. Vivian Rutledge ( Lauren Bacall ) : Do you always think you can handle people like, uh, trained seals?
95. And , uh , I'm not really a, uh, sweeping sorta fella.
96. Central Bank gold agreement countries have sold significantly less gold, uh in the calendar year 2008.
97. The hardest part about living in the Castro, i think, would have to be, uh just always feeling outnumbered. There's always still that bit of uncomfortableness .
98. Uh, Solan. I'm told that you've applied for outer accommodation. Because of relatives?
99. He used such mannerism as " er " and " uh " to fill in a pause.
100. Uh oh! That's the problem. You were supposed to get off at Rose Bay. Now tell me where you are now.
101. I think Jane has something to say about that. -You know, I think...uh, I don't think that that is provably true.
102. Uh, uh, it's 888 Grant Avenue. It's a block east of Washington Square.
103. GEORGE: I haven't seen it yet, but it's a "two-bedroom", it's on the uh, west 83rd, 'bout a half block from the park?
104. Scuttle: Right, as if you two didn't know, uh ?
105. Uh , one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.
106. RICHARD : Uh , the guy was Lou Gehrig . Didn't you kinda see it coming?
107. Lorraine : ( to waiter ) Uh, can we have three chocolate mousses to go please?
108. And then there's the case of the Kindle, a dedicated device for reading books. Uh, Jeff Bezos—you might want to watch your back.
109. I hope to join the Peace Corps and do, uh, research or field work in India.
110. Did he, uh , leave any personal information, phone number, address?
111. If the winter has come, westerly uh, how can the distant spring?
112. Uh. Yes, it is. $ 500 a month including heat and hot water.
113. But, uh, you know, fruits, you know, you know, the maqui berry from Chile.
114. I consider him the - uh - the greatest playwright,'said Hsin - mei , taking a wild guess.
115. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
116. Uh, first he survives being "finished" in a cruel Aztec tournament, then he kills every one of the raiders who give chase in the jungle – even setting up skewer-happy booby traps.
117. Ron thinks he's puppy chow when a chomping black dog (Sirius Black in disguise) pulls him into the Whomping Willow. But that's just to, uh, pull people's legs.
118. The working principle of UH - 3000 hydraulic rammer is detailed with the testing results of its process.
119. Ariel: Uh, I'm sorry, I've gotta go. Thank you, Scuttle.
120. Now the implications are enormous. Uh, think of Guantanamo Bay and the question of interrogating terrorists.
121. Also, a Happy Veterans Day. Thanks, and uh, gratitude to everyone who has served this country.
122. Chandler : Oh ! Uh , yeah ! Is this a cold pizza talk or a leftover meatloaf talk?
123. It's like I wanted to make a noise without moving anything at all . Uh , uh.
124. And moving to a Copernican system was a great threat to this kind of sacred geography, uh, which was tacitly accepted but wasn't really honestly part of scripture.
125. He said "I do have a Nixie Tube watch"...Uh, sorry?
126. Uh - huh. Then, I followed Washington Avenue all the way to the parkway entrance.
127. Uh guano company will set up a sale subsidiary in singapore.
128. Um - hum [ Uh - huh , Yes ] , I see.
129. SUSAN: Hm. Uh, well it's gotta be here somewhere. Just keep looking.
130. My family has adequate deposit in the bank to defray the expenditures during my UH study.
131. Mrs. Raven. –Apart from Mrs. Raven. –Uh, well, what about him? He looks a bit peaky.
132. Marlowe: Uh - huh. I usually get away with it too.
133. Uh, with the maqui, we're talking, you know, again, 8 times stronger than pomegranate.
134. I took that one at, uh, my granddaddy's ranch in Texarkana.
135. Relieved , Hsin - mei said, " Mrs. - uh - Miss Sun, how good you are!
136. And now we are looking to, to create a flight line of using all the means possible to have the goods available for, uh, to assist the victims.
137. This invention uses server to code the queried PD and to send note to UH and UH decodes the received note and displays PD so as to ensure users to be directly aware of the path situation.
138. Uh, I don't think I did, but you know, if it was a good panto, it might be quite fun.
139. Noel : We'd uh , we'd have to talk about specific songs then wouldn't we?
140. I made you some of those, uh, shortbread biscuits that you like so much.
141. Ratso Rizzo: I was just, uh, noticing that you're out of salami.
142. But there's, uh, still a preponderance of evidence against him.
143. Uh - huh. He agreed to pay by Irrevocable Letter of Credit.
144. Hey, I understand my, uh, dad has you working the cow barn already, shoveling cow manure.
145. Uh, I'd like to request a seat by the window.
146. Elbows are another very common sight of injury, and uh, you can involve the outside of your elbow which is called Tennis Elbow, or the inside of your elbow which is called Golfer's Elbow.
147. PHOEBE: Please, I almost fell for that with, uh, Pride of the Yankees, I thought I was gonna see a film about Yankee pride and then, boom, the guy gets Lou Gehrig's disease.
148. Uh , hi . I'm Philip Stuckey, Edward Lewis's lawyer. - Where's the guest of honor?




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