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单词 softie
释义 Word family  noun softness softener softie/softy adjective soft verb soften adverb softly  soft·ie, softy /ˈsɒfti $ ˈsɒːf-/ noun [countable]  SYMPATHIZEsomeone who is easily affected by feelings of pity or sympathy, or who is easily persuaded 心肠软的人,易被说服的人 He’s a real softie. 他这人心肠很软。Examples from the Corpussoftie• Such a big strong bloke, and such a softie.• Some New Age softie who babbled about using the right side of his or her brain.• The white stubble on his fleshless jaw was a reproach to my twenty-four years and suddenly I felt an inadequate city-bred softie.• The Baden Powell boys say we're no softies.• Robinson, an old softie, asked if Gruoch loved Macbeth.• How could you take an old softie like Henry and twist him around-your finger that way?soft·ie nounChineseSyllable  of who affected or is by feelings easily Corpus sympathy, pity someone




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