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单词 Controversy
1. There was a controversy over the plans.
2. His inclusion in the team has caused controversy.
3. Her latest book has engendered a lot of controversy.
4. The judges' decision provoked controversy.
5. His views have excited a lively controversy among fellow scientists.
6. The recent food-poisoning scare has reignited debate/concern/controversy over farming methods.
7. There was a big controversy surrounding/over the use of drugs in athletics.
8. As a politician he has often courted controversy.
9. He is no stranger to controversy.
10. That is a fact beyond controversy.
11. Much controversy surrounds the new exam.
12. That is an ironclad fact that is beyond controversy.
13. An instance of this controversy occurred last year.
14. Her unorthodox views tend to attract controversy.
15. The President resigned amid considerable controversy.
16. The controversy should be fought out once for all.
17. This year's championships have been dogged by controversy.
18. Controversy exists as to how safe these drugs are.
19. The new system is the focus of controversy.
20. The controversy is unlikely to die down.
21. They were tangled in the labour-management controversy.
22. A fierce controversy has broken out over the issue.
23. The proposed cuts have caused considerable controversy.
24. The book raised a storm of controversy.
25. The band toured Ireland amid a storm of controversy.
26. The Government is keeping aloof from the controversy.http://
27. He is a lightning rod for controversy.
28. The present controversy dates from 1986.
29. The speech has resulted in a firestorm of controversy.
30. The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.
1. There was a controversy over the plans.
2. His inclusion in the team has caused controversy.
3. Her latest book has engendered a lot of controversy.
4. The judges' decision provoked controversy.
5. His views have excited a lively controversy among fellow scientists.
6. The recent food-poisoning scare has reignited debate/concern/controversy over farming methods.
7. There was a big controversy surrounding/over the use of drugs in athletics.
8. That is a fact beyond controversy.
9. That is an ironclad fact that is beyond controversy.
10. The present controversy dates from 1986.
11. This controversy was expected to figure importantly in their discussion.
12. Whenever there arises a controversy, he tries to keep his feet clean of it.
31. All the arguments and counter-arguments serve to emphasize the controversy surrounding this disease.
32. Controversy arose over the use of the chemicals on fruit and vegetables.
33. Far from getting into a flap over the controversy, the government has used the media attention to its advantage.
34. He was a showman, an extrovert who revelled in controversy.
35. There has been a lot of controversy over the use of these drugs.
36. He says there is "not a scintilla of evidence" to link him to any controversy.
37. Controversy is raging over the route of the new motorway.
38. The government is taking care not to rush headlong into another controversy.
39. The policy has caused fierce/heated controversy ever since it was introduced.
40. The British media have created a fierce controversy over Oxford's admission procedures and elitism in general.
41. The director is just using the controversy to hype his movie.
42. Many of the papers focus their attention on the controversy surrounding the Foreign Secretary.
43. This controversy was expected to figure importantly in their discussion.
44. The controversy reached such a pitch that the paper devoted a whole page to it.
45. The decision had been agreed in principle before today's meeting, but some controversy surrounded it.
46. The controversy surrounding the take-over yesterday continued to reverberate around the television industry.
47. The singer deliberately courts controversy with his racist and sexist lyrics.
48. A bitter controversy about the siting of the airport is rumbling in the designing institute.
49. The prime minister seemed anxious to avoid controversy about these appointments.
50. The minister has resigned amid continuing controversy over his education proposals.
51. Overhanging the controversy is the question of how much the government knew about the arms deal.
52. The network ran into controversy over claims of faked documentary footage.
53. The MP, who is no stranger to controversy herself, said the scandal could have serious repercussions.
54. The mayor and the city council are anxious to avoid getting entangled in the controversy.
55. The newly published review on the book has evoked much controversy.
56. What they are doing is bound to stir up controversy.http://
57. The controversy centred on the issue of compensation for the victims.
58. Whenever there arises a controversy, he tries to keep his feet clean of it.
59. We may not have seen the last of this controversy.
60. There was much controversy during the passage of the bill.
61. Someone took an inappropriate use of words on my part and tried to blow it into a major controversy.
62. Fox-hunting still succeeds in arousing a great deal of controversy.
63. The controversy has arisen over the text of the preamble to the unification treaty.
64. But it's already created quite a bit of controversy.
65. The cold fusion controversy provides a vivid illustration.
66. Controversy, too, continues to surround the abortion issue.
67. Dahl's letter to "The Times" provoked controversy.
68. But controversy over the allegations of child abuse continued.
69. He resigned Tuesday after months of controversy.
70. There is controversy about the management of pancreatic pseudocysts.
71. Bennett also criticized Gingrich for his handling of a controversy surrounding Jackson and Rep.
72. Any controversy over the new legal framework would give ammunition to Mr Meacher's critics within the party.
73. Clinton limited his speech to development and relief issues, ignoring the controversy surrounding his pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich.
74. Apart from Mary, however, black images are too rare to arouse much comment or controversy.
75. It aroused as much controversy as any Alsop column up to that time.
76. These issues are still the basis for debate and controversy.
77. But the speaker is not a wealthy man and could dip into campaign coffers, causing more controversy.
78. Brighton caused controversy by proposing to teach full-time and sandwich students together for part of the time.
79. The Singlaub episode created a political storm, deepening the controversy over the withdrawal plan.
80. With the Clintons, such masterful performances can seem surreal, since they inevitably unfold against a backdrop of turmoil and controversy.
81. There has long been controversy over who invented the travellers cheque.
82. This had all the makings of another long-running acrimonious dispute, when again wider political events quite unexpectedly overtook the controversy.
83. Today he seemed anxious to avoid controversy as he spoke about his new role.
84. Throughout his brilliant career with Airdrie, Newcastle, Chelsea and Derby, controversy followed his every move.
85. But his officials are stirring up their own controversy over social policy.
86. Montanism, the Easter controversy,[Sentence dictionary] and the debate about baptism were all complex issues which required consultation between bishops.
87. An issue which has also caused controversy involves the release of results of individual schools.
88. Irvine has presented a detailed analysis of the controversy regarding the role of these two inositol phosphates in regulating calcium entry.
89. Although arguably the most constructive approach, this is usually the one which creates the greatest controversy.
90. As might be expected, such a policy aroused enormous controversy and opposition, and was later modified.
91. Rapeman duly foundered - worldwide, it must be said - and then Steve moved into an area of similar controversy.
92. What's more, the growing climate of controversy surrounding punk had aroused Branson's instincts.
93. But since the controversy is still very much alive, it seems advisable to take a new look at this issue.
94. The controversy surrounding the film was doubtless a contributory factor to Hollywood's subsequent avoidance of the subject.
95. Whether it was the very controversy surrounding the habeas issue that fueled his interest can not be said.
96. The justification for Gloucester's assumption of power confused contemporaries and has continued to arouse controversy.
97. The issue engendered controversy.
98. Political Pluralism and the Media Media analysis often arouses controversy, not just about the findings themselves but about their policy implications.
99. Introduction Prior to the recent controversy over the transfer of arms, little international attention was devoted to Sierra Leone.
100. The controversy was so deep that an appeal was made to Rome by the combatants.
101. It is compatible with the canon of artistic detachment, but it can cause controversy.
102. Not surprisingly, the building of branch lines and the provision of freight sidings never failed to create controversy.
103. A serious controversy arose when the Wawne clergy decided that all the burials from Sutton should take place at Wawne.
104. At all costs we must avoid appearing to want attention and to cause controversy.
105. The change depended upon changes in the wider context of controversy, which provoked the development of formerly implicit attitudinal aspects.
106. On appeal, the Supreme Court affirmed the Lower Court's ruling, but not without some controversy.
107. The controversy has led other law enforcement agencies to take another look at the chile pepper extract.
108. The case of smoking and alcohol abuse illustrates the controversy.
109. The Senate's add-ons to the proposed budget are likely to cause controversy.
110. The about-face came quickly(), though not easily and not without controversy.
111. Much controversy has surrounded Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb.
112. The move, disclosed by health chiefs, is likely to create controversy after the outcry over school league tables.
113. The controversy ran contemporaneous with a delicate question of authority.
114. Researchers who speak plainly are likely to find themselves embroiled in controversy and accused of unscientific bias.
115. Below turning to the Gobitis Case, however, it is desirable to notice certain characteristics by which this controversy is distinguished.
116. One assumes other factors were at work, perhaps clinical depression,[Sentence dictionary] so that the medal controversy precipitated his decision.
117. Still, the press jumped on the pygmy owl angle, splashing headlines about the controversy across the top of both dailies.
118. It emerged in public consciousness as a reaction to Charles Darwin and the evolution controversy.
119. Jones International, a for-profit university, recently caused controversy by gaining full degree accreditation.
120. That job was completed, but not without Hart expressing his views on the Santa Rita controversy to a few company bosses.
121. Controversy surrounds the TV show, which many consider to be racist, sexist, and homophobic.
122. This ended the controversy and at last the Sutton villagers were able to be buried in their own churchyard.
123. Then, in 1994, Clinton won a round when the Senate approved Deval Patrick without much controversy.
124. Some of these questions are confronted by the Supreme Court in the following controversy.
125. The introduction of the community charge aroused considerable controversy around three main issues.
126. Since the book seemed to be one that would cause some controversy, she had better proceed with caution.
127. Yet marital relations were a constant theme of controversy, discussion, humour and, of course, song.
128. What were the central features of this democracy, which aroused such controversy at the time, and still provokes debate today?
129. It was in the International Amphitheatre, and there had been a big controversy about it.
130. Snow was involved in a whiff of controversy about some experimental results obtained in the 1930s.
131. There was some controversy surrounding a production of Swan Lake recently.
132. In controversy abolitionists found arguments in common whatever their religious affiliations.
133. There has been a huge controversy over where to put the city's new sports stadium and who should build it.
134. Black leaders have held demonstrations, candle-lighting ceremonies and town hall meetings over the controversy.
135. Sir Nicholas, who is defending a majority of 6,733, is accustomed to controversy.
136. The controversy over lethal-versus non lethal methods of predator control is clouded by uncertain science and by politics.
137. Even though the Directive was agreed, Britain's policies have still caused controversy.
138. A prominent figure in the major controversy that arose was Mrs Castle.
139. It is a controversy over the issues of risk versus efficacy.
140. Another area of heightened tension is the controversy over the draft of the new constitution proposed by Mr Mugabe.
141. The first major demonstration of this was in 1983, in the controversy over the abortion amendment.
142. The public has an insatiable appetite for scandal and political controversy.
143. There has been a certain degree of controversy in recent years over the practice of self-investment by pension funds.
144. Whether that will arouse great controversy among any but the most convinced monarchists is doubtful.
145. Although the existence of coherent structures is well established, there is often controversy as to the most appropriate models.
146. Furthermore,[http:///controversy.html] science is not supposed to involve the kinds of compromises on political and financial grounds that this controversy has involved.
147. The 1980s saw another twist in the controversy surrounding the structure of local government.
148. Though angry, both sides quickly sought to defuse the controversy.
149. Controversy has also surrounded the long-term effects of artificial fertilizer on the soil structure.
150. I wanted to give our activists every opportunity to prepare themselves for the firestorm of controversy and political backlash that would ensue.
151. The legalization of euthanasia is an issue of controversy.
152. Yun Mei's request has set a firestorm of controversy.
153. However, the politics surrounding HotSpot are shrouded in controversy.
154. Kept a low profile until the controversy had abated.
155. Drexler also needs to keep an eye on averting controversy the Gap's use of third - world labor.
156. The roots of the law controversy go all the way back to the fallen angel, Lucifer.
157. In the United States during peacetime, daylight saving was a subject of controversy.
158. There exists a controversy between anthropocentrism and counter - anthropocentrism on the ecological environment problem.
159. Moreover, there is controversy regarding the use of protective measures with mini - c - arm fluoroscopy.
160. The needlessly extended controversy over the New York mosque is a case in point.
161. This tides once contribute to postmodernist controversy on philosophy, aesthesis, sociology, literature and pedagogy.
162. Since global warming received its Hollywood makeover, such talk has stirred up controversy in scientific circles.
163. These objectives are met by the threshold requirements of standing, case or controversy, and ripeness.
164. A smaller - than - usual increase in China's - exchange reserves last quarter a - than - usual controversy.
165. Olympic gold missing from the controversy involved, Wang Hao 's career nose - dive.
166. The controversy brought clearly into focus an important difference of opinion.
167. He has been no stranger to controversy and vitriol during a tumultuous political career.
168. A key pressure point in the controversy was the building permit.
169. Part Three: The Sino - Russia controversy is representative of pinko dogmatism.
170. Another ( no overblown ) climate change controversy may also be receding from view.
171. The modern controversy between logicism and intuitionism arose, in fact(), from disagreements over infinity.
172. Whether the criminal intention includes the understanding of illegality is still a controversy.
173. This work stirred up another ground for controversy about the allowable solutions.
174. They kept a low profile until the controversy had alated.
175. It would be useful to avoid controversy and keep a low profile.
176. Preemptive Self - defense aroused a bitter controversy over international law of self - defense and the United Nations.
177. The court adjudicates the controversy sound that draws give tit for tat again.
178. Controversy is being outweighed by catharsis as Cambodia faces up to its past.
179. To avoid controversy,[http:///controversy.html] many economists choose to remain silent and while away in their complacency.
180. It turn out logical nature of the controversy between is in - consistence in induction and deduction.
181. US House Votes Heavy Tax on Bonuses After AIG Controversy.
182. The upshot of the controversy is that the pure geometers reasserted their role in mathematics.
183. Controversy of different environment policy tool's validity consequentially returns to controversy between Caose and classicality.
184. Rania is glamorous, brainy and not afraid of a little controversy.
185. Controversy over the crowds will not extend to the pitch.
186. The application of intracranial stent - angioplasty has been in controversy.
187. Giving birth at such a late age has triggered controversy in US.
188. The lie detector tests have been the subject of much controversy.
189. There has been controversy over whether international trade affects domestic price level.




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