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单词 Well over
1) Sledges run well over frozen snow.
2) Sleds run well over frozen snow.
3) In full light,(http:///well over.html) you could see Alison was well over forty.
4) The cost of the trip amounted to well over £500.
5) The mountains here rise to well over 2,000m.
6) We must consider well over the matter.
7) The project is now well over budget.
8) Beef now costs well over 30 roubles a pound.
9) I met George well over a year ago.
10) It cost well over £100.
11) There are well over a million Muslims in Britain.
12) Sound carries well over calm water.
13) He suspected that man must be well over fifties.
14) She was driving at well over the speed limit.
15) He was driving at well over the speed limit.
16) He'd been drinking and was well over the legal limit.
17) Gaviria had been widely expected to obtain well over half the votes cast.
18) The law was held in abeyance for well over twenty years.
19) The government got a massive majority — well over 400 votes.
20) A light signal can travel well over 16km before it halves in intensity.
21) She had sent out well over four hundred invitations that afternoon.
22) The estimated costs of the building project are well over £1 million.
23) They heeled the sloop well over, skimming it along to windward.
24) She had gone well over the half-hour.
25) Opposed were well over 100 of the nearby residents.
26) In just two years Opren captured well over half the market for drugs to treat arthritis.
27) He was well over six feet, his hair was black and his eyes gleamed amber from between luxuriant lashes.
28) I don't know how old he is, but he looks well over/past forty.
29) Total jobs, which dipped to nearly 450, 000 in 1991 have climbed well over 500, 000.
30) In addition, art thefts are likely to be pursued by their rightful owners for well over twenty years.
1) Sledges run well over frozen snow.
2) Sleds run well over frozen snow.
3) In full light, you could see Alison was well over forty.
4) The cost of the trip amounted to well over £500.
31) Well over half the parents mentioned relationships between parents, teachers and children as being an important factor.
32) Standing in the doorway was a man well over six foot with shoulders like a professional bouncer.
33) By the mid-1980s well over a hundred hypotheses had been put forward to explain the forest decline.
34) The impact of the Peace Corps has inspired requests from communities and government agencies for well over five hundred more Volunteers.
35) Unit-linked policies by and large have performed fairly well over the last few years and have consequently been growing in popularity.
36) In a population of well over a billion, this may not seem like much of an imbalance.
37) The correlation between fertility trends and relative wages and work-force participation works well over time within particular countries.
38) They sold whisky and champagne to about 4,000 investors, who all paid well over the market price.
39) The way I and others who witnessed the incident feel now is that Ian Woosnam's game is well over par.
40) Projects such as the west coast main line and the Channel Tunnel rail link are expected to come in well over budget.
41) They're household names in the States where they've sold well over a million copies of their album Sooner Or Later.
42) Well over half the freemen were occupied in providing clothes, food and drink, household goods and buildings.
43) About 85 new restaurants will be opened in the next two years to bring the total to well over 500.
44) Well over two million people are at risk from excessive concentrations of lead, which damages children's brains.
45) The largest Jilin stone weighed in at well over one thousand kilograms.
46) A normal distribution has a kurtosis measure of 3, and a leptokurtic distribution occurs when the kurtosis is well over 3.
47) Its daily circulation in the 1960s stood at well over 1.3 million copies.
48) Well over £2 billion has been invested in such assets since the stock market collapse in October 1987.
49) Extensive market research revealed that the site was substantially undervalued and a more realistic figure would be well over £100000.
50) Between 1987 and 1989 annual salaries for assistant solicitors rose by well over half, to £20,000-70,000.
51) Today, there are more than 1, 058 tech-prep consortia nationwide, serving well over 500, 000 students.
52) That's well over £5,000 up in smoke - or, to be exact, an average £44.66 a month.
53) Jamie Shepherd was well over eighty, yet he was as mentally alert as a man half his age.
54) This VAT rate increase would raise about 10,000 million, amounting to well over 10% of our 30% standard rate of tax.
55) Jeffries spoke for well over an hour, without pause, without notes, as fluent and long-winded as Fidel Castro.
56) We must have worked on well over a hundred different substances and there was absolutely no doubt about it.
57) Most modern computers will function perfectly well over short cable lengths at these reduced signal levels.
58) The tonnage carried was always well over half the total volume of freight traffic.
59) The smallest tribes would get 250; the largest, well over 1,000.
60) Well over eighty years of age, and unable to walk without support, he now rarely leaves his room.
61) The gods under the apex of each gable are some ten feet high, and all the figures well over life-size.
62) By 1972, well over half of the student body had scored under 80 in high school.
63) For as we have already seen(Sentencedict), the long-term growth rate of the United States has historically been well over 3 percent.
64) Spending on social security has increased by 41% over and above inflation - to well over £1 billion per week.
65) It ran counter to the ideas most Christians had held for well over a thousand years.
66) The pistol shot is so loud it can be heard well over half a mile away.
67) Scattered through it are a few white pine trees well over five feet thick at the butt.
68) Altogether the riots cost 130 lives and well over $700 million in property damage.
69) At the same time I think some people are going well over the top in slagging off Wilko.
70) In the latter incident on Sept. 13 at least 26 people were shot or hacked to death(), and well over 100 injured.
71) For well over a century the White House had been looking west.
72) And then for well over an hour she held a line toward the southeast.
73) A vast American conglomerate has announced plans to buy the site at a cost of well over a billion dollars.
74) Four tons of machinery travelling at well over a hundred and twenty miles an hour is very unforgiving.
75) The black hood was pulled forward, well over the face.
76) Both Alpha and Beta are very distant, and are well over 5000 times as luminous as the Sun.
77) The Daily Mail sold well over 200,000 copies daily in its first years and reached half-a-million sales after three years.
78) I think the defence as a whole unit has played tremendously well over the hols.
79) The Sox would like to see him throw as well over the top as he does underhand on the move.
80) Wider coverage accounts for well over half of the increase in the proportion of output devoted to welfare provision during the 1960s.
81) They are Luddites well over a century before the term was coined.
82) But he was banned for a year - because he was well over the alcohol limit at the time.
83) After well over an hour the race was abandoned as the fleet slowly drifted backwards out of the harbour.
84) When talking about the elderly in this sense we are referring to people in an advanced age group of well over eighty.
85) We continued talking for well over an hour, duly keeping the next appointment waiting.
86) The two are the highest-paid coaches in the game, both making well over $ 1 million.
87) Serve warm; it will stay warm for well over an hour.
88) By the mid-1980s he had been senior partner or managing co-partner in twenty projects worth well over a billion dollars.
89) The production lasted well over three hours, and then it was soon time to get ready for the evening performance.
90) He was a big bear of a man, well over six feet tall and perilously close to three hundred pounds.
91) Well over half of profit still came from overseas, and marine paint and powder coatings were narrowly the largest contributors.
92) A statistical analysis based on this data suggests that well over half the stars are being orbited by rocky terrestrial material.
93) Well over thirty distinct hard-rock types, each representing a different rock outcrop,(http:///well over.html) were utilised for artefacts in the prehistoric period.
94) The North Hey itself was still well over its banks, and flowing like an express train.
95) He must be well over fifty.
96) After all, the gabfest involving senior Congressional leaders from both parties lasted well over six hours, with no tangible results.
97) With a number of products now on the market, electric power generation applications accounted for well over half of all commercial fuel cell sales in 2006.
98) He is now well over sixty, but is still going strong.
99) The amount of national income last year ran well over the estimate.
100) The South American Indians have been cooking and eating potatoes for well over two thousand years.
101) However, at higher throughput, the untuned latencies were well over a second, while this advanced configuration brings those down, to under 400 microseconds.
102) With a discography of well over 150 recordings The King's Singers have garnered both awards and significant critical acclaim.
103) At its peak, the Indus Civilization may have had a population of well over five million.
104) The more readers you get, the more money you will rake in. Some blogs make well over 6 figures a year and the sky is the limit.
105) Under Mike Goldberg 's management, the insurance business should treat us well over time.
106) At last count, Snoop has lived well over 100 alter - egos.
107) Citigroup currency economist Steven Englander points out global reserves have risen to well over 50 percent of all outstanding government bonds from just over a quarter in 2000.
108) They heeled the sloop well over, skimming her along to windward.
109) Those regions will contribute "well over half" and possibly as much as 100 percent of Apple's total earnings growth in the next two years, Morgan Stanley estimates.
110) Until 2008, when it was overtaken by Toyota, GM was the world's biggest carmaker, producing well over 9m cars and trucks a year in 34 different countries.
111) The test distance was also quite short—and many DSL users live well over a mile from their local exchange.
112) Boeing's 737 aircraft accounts for around 40% of the jet maker's commercial aviation revenue and well over half of its profits.
113) This last time he netted well over a million dollars.
114) After registering a blood alcohol level well over the legal limit, the man ran onto the road and picked up a live snake.
115) The candidates launch their campaigns well over a year before the first primary election.
116) He's well over sixty, but he doesn't look at all old.
117) Invented in ancient Greece and resembling nothing more than a giant crossbow, the Ballista is capable of flinging a javelin with lethal force well over 100 meters!
118) My website design was done through the barter system, so I saved well over $1,000 there, for example.
119) Dating from the Eocene Epoch, the crater is likely less than 50 million years old, but the impact bored into Proterozoic sandstones well over 500 million years old.
120) For the input state linearization method, the states are related linearly to the inputs, so the system can operate well over a wide region.
121) Her family was separated shortly after raging floodwaters destroyed her modest, mud-brick home, and it has been well over a month since she last saw her three teenage daughters.
122) This is a vast improvement over the untuned result at 30x, with most of the latencies well over 1 millisecond.
123) The day was well over ere the last Fitu - Ivan bank note had been redeemed with coin.
124) Holsten, the golden pilsener from Hamburg, was first brewed in this throbbing cosmopolitan city well over 100 years ago.
125) In English the word shows up well over 1100 years ago in the works attributed to King Alfred the Great.
126) For the first time in well over a month, the G-Force helmsman smiled.
127) The expected cost of the program was well over $ 2 billion.
128) In the summer(sentence dictionary), the tarmac could get well over 150 degrees F. Standing out there with leather-soled shoes could give you second-degree burns!
129) Initial estimates said economic damage could be well over NT $ 100 billion.
130) Well over eight million cases have been averted since large–scale administration of OPV began 20 years ago.
131) The total direct access storage device (DASD) attached to this physical system, through its various fiber channels, was well over 200 TB.
132) He is a well-known author, who has well over 100 papers, and a dozen patents to his name in control, adaptive control, multivariable control, control software and languages.
133) Thanks to a lean operation with some 45 employees, Dropbox reportedly experiences well over 10 times year-over-year growth and positive cash flow.
134) The books' publisher, Bungeisha, says the series - one each for types B, O, A, and ab-has combined sales of well over 5 million copies.
135) Already people are talking of box office records for the finale of a franchise that has already amassed well over $3.5 billion at the box office and $9 billion in merchandise sales.
136) It had been well over a decade since he had acquired his last speedo.




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