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单词 different
释义 Word family  noun difference differentiation adjective different verb differ differentiate adverb differently  dif·fe·rent /ˈdɪfərənt/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective  1  DIFFERENTnot like something or someone else, or not like before 不同的,不一样的,相异的 OPP similardifferent from Our sons are very different from each other. 我们家几个儿子大不相同。different to Her jacket’s different to mine. 她的上衣和我的不一样。different thanAmerican English American English He seemed different than he did in New York. 他和在纽约时好像不一样了。 The place looks completely different now. 这地方现在完全变了。 They decided to try a radically different approach. 他们决定尝试一种全然不同的办法。 We found women had significantly different political views from men. 我们发现女性的政治观点与男性大不相同。 a slightly different way of doing things 稍有区别的做事方法 What actually happened was subtly different from the PR people’s version. 实际情况与公关部那些人的说法有细微的差别。 The show is refreshingly different from most exhibitions of modern art. 这次展览与大多数现代艺术展不一样,令人耳目一新。 The publishing business is no different from any other business in this respect. 从这一点来讲,出版业和其他任何行业没有什么差别。 It’s a different world here in London. 伦敦这儿的情况完全不同。5 GRAMMAR 语法• In spoken British English, different from and different to are both common. Different than is also used in American English and occasionally in British English, especially when it is followed by a clause. 在英国英语口语中, different from 和 different to 都很常用。美国英语中还使用 different than, 英国英语中偶尔也会用 ,尤其是在后面接从句时He looks no different than when he was 20.他看上去和20岁的时候没什么两样。• Teachers prefer different from , so from is the preposition to use in writing. 老师们更喜欢用 different from,因此写作时 different 后的介词一般用 fromTheir homes are completely different from ours.他们的家与我们的完全不一样。 ►Do not say ‘different of’. 不要说 ‘different of’.n GRAMMAR: Prepositions with different• You usually say different from: Their home is different from ours.• In American English, people also say different than: Their home is different than ours.• In spoken British English, people also say different to: Their home is different to ours. ✗Don’t say: Their home is different of ours.2  [only before noun]VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS used to talk about two or more separate things of the same basic kind 〔同一大类事物之间〕不同的,有差异的 SYN various Different people reacted in different ways. 不同的人有不同的反应。different types/kinds etc There are many different types of fabric. 有许多种不同的布料。 I looked in lots of different books but couldn’t find anything about it. 我查看了许多不同的书,但找不到任何有关它的内容。3  [only before noun]DIFFERENT another 另外的,别的 I think she’s moved to a different job now. 我想她现在已经换别的工作了。4  spokenUNUSUAL unusual, often in a way that you do not like 与众不同的〔常指自己不喜欢的那一种〕 ‘What did you think of the film?’ ‘Well, it was certainly different.’ “你觉得这部影片怎么样?” “唔,确实与众不同。” —differently adverb I didn’t expect to be treated any differently from anyone else. 我没有想过得到任何特殊待遇。 Things could have turned out quite differently. 事情的结果原本可能完全不一样。 THESAURUSdifferent if something or someone is different, they are not like something or someone else, or they are not like they were before 不同的,不一样的You look different. Have you had your hair cut? 你变样了。剪头发了吗?We’ve painted the door a different colour. 我们把门漆成了另一种颜色。The cultures of the two countries are very different. 两国的文化差异很大。unique very different, special, or unusual and the only one of its kind. Don’t use words such as very before unique 独特的,唯一的〔前面不用very等词〕The book is certainly very rare, and possibly unique. 这本书无疑非常稀有,说不定是孤本。the unique wildlife of the Galapagos Islands 加拉帕戈斯群岛上独特的野生动植物distinctive having a special feature or appearance that makes something different from other things, and makes it easy to recognize 〔特征或外表〕独特的,特别的,特有的Male birds have distinctive blue and yellow markings. 雄鸟有独特的蓝色和黄色斑纹。unlike [preposition] completely different from a particular person or thing 不像…,和…不同In Britain, unlike the United States, the government provides health care. 和美国不一样,英国是由政府提供医疗保健服务。have nothing in common if two people have nothing in common, they do not have the same interests or opinions and therefore cannot form a friendly relationship 〔两个人〕没有相同之处Apart from the fact that we went to the same school, we have absolutely nothing in common. 除了上过同一所学校之外,我们毫无共同点。there’s no/little resemblance used when saying that two people or things seem very different 没有/几乎没有相似之处There’s no resemblance between the two sisters at all. 这两姐妹一点也不像。The final product bore no resemblance to the original proposal (=it was very different). 最终产品与最初的提议大相径庭。dissimilar formal not the same as something else 不同的These four politically dissimilar states have all signed a treaty of friendship and cooperation. 这四个政治形态不同的国家共同签署了一份友好合作协定。be like chalk and cheese British English informal if two people are like chalk and cheese, they are completely different 〔两个人〕截然不同It’s hard to believe that they’re brothers – they’re like chalk and cheese! 很难相信他们是兄弟俩——他们一点都不像!be (like) apples and oranges American English informal used when saying that two people or things are very different 〔两个人或物〕截然不同You can't compare residential and commercial real estate markets. It's apples and oranges. 住宅房地产市场与商业房地产市场无法比较,两者截然不同。nObama and Romney are apples and oranges.nComparing homemade soup to canned soup is really comparing apples and oranges. Examples from the Corpusdifferent• "Do you like my new shoes?" "Well, they sure are different."• He took the photo from three different angles.• The bookstore has many different books on Kennedy.• I always check the prices of different brands before I make a major purchase.• His hair was dyed in at least three different colors.• We've painted the door a different colour.• Let's compare the prices of five different detergents.• The religion took different forms in the islands where slaves were taken.• This computer's different from the one I used in my last job.• Whatever the factors underlying the different growth rates, it is consistent with the uneven relationship emerging in the inter-war years.• You look different. Have you had your hair cut?• All of us have different levels of tolerance to the demands on our mental energy.• I'd like a totally different look in the kitchen - something brighter and more modern.• The word can have completely different meanings depending on the context.• Things are different now, since John left.• The drug affects different people in different ways.• a drug that affects different people in different ways• Their members may have different professions, different beliefs, different sets of skills.• He kept his reputation intact to run again another day, with a different result.• And each opinion produces surprisingly different results.• Alice transferred to a different school last year.• There are four variants of this system, all of which have different shoot requirements.• Life today is different than ten, fifteen years ago.• He looked so different that his own daughter didn't recognize him.• Tables 6.6 and 6.7 give two views of this shift, considering different time periods and employing different classifications.• People are all so different. You can never tell how they will react.a different world• He had been to school one day and already he was using phrases and assuming roles that belonged to a different world.• I felt as if I had awakened in a different world.• She meant quite a different world.• I still couldn't believe I was here, in a different world, all peace and beauty.• This was a different world altogether.• According to Bergson, however, the field was a different world: I had an excellent infantry company.• This had the odd effect of making Tam and Richie seem to be moving in a different world to me.• A letter from his wife gave the feeling that she was in a different world, which he would never again inhabit.different types/kinds etc• No, they have 17 different types of caulking guns!• The idea of a crossroads is a difficult concept to pin down because we have to distinguish between different types of changes.• It is ingesting many different types of foods, living and dead, plant and animal.• We are curiously unreasonable in the distinctions we make between different kinds of goods and services.• To understand even the simplest text, we need many different kinds of knowledge.• Task 11 A computer has several different kinds of memory.• The application of conservation principles to different kinds of problems usually follows a sequence and thus constitutes a scale of development.• A balanced read-aloud diet gives our children an appreciation for the sounds and shapes and purposes of many different kinds of texts.Origin different (1300-1400) French différer; → DIFFERdif·fe·rent adjective →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  else, before something not not Corpus like like someone or or




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