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单词 Representation
1. Minority groups need more effective parliamentary representation.
2. No legal aid was available to cover representation before tribunals.
3. The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity.
4. His originality as a painter lies in his representation of light.
5. They had a strong representation in government.
6. This statue is a representation of Hercules.
7. The party has increased its representation in Parliament.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. A map is a form of symbolic representation.
9. All parties won representation in the national assembly.
10. The accused was not allowed legal representation.
11. Can he afford legal representation?
12. The green movement lacks effective representation in Parliament.
13. He claims that their electoral system ensures fair representation of all parties.
14. The clock in the painting is a symbolic representation of the passage of time.
15. There has been a decline in union representation in the auto industry.
16. A graphical representation of results is shown in figure 1.
17. He gave a talk on the representation of women in 19th-century art.
18. The painting is a representation of a storm at sea.
19. He is writing a book on the representation of woman in medieval art.
20. The new bill would remove student representation from the university Senate.
21. They may make representation to government on matters affecting their organization.
22. We are especially encouraged by the strong representation, this year, of women in information technology disciplines.
23. She received praise for her effective representation of Garcia during the trial.
24. There are many ways of generating a two - dimensional representation of an object.
25. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens but they have no representation in Congress.
26. Different methods to touch the keys will result in different representation of timbre.
27. Different Methods : To touch the keys will result in different representation of timbre.
28. Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation.
29. Both realism and naturalism are mimetic systems or practices of representation.
30. I am studying the iconography of Islamic texts, with special reference to the representation of women.
1. Minority groups need more effective parliamentary representation.
2. No legal aid was available to cover representation before tribunals.
3. The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity.
4. There are many ways of generating a two - dimensional representation of an object.
5. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens but they have no representation in Congress.
6. His originality as a painter lies in his representation of light.
7. All parties won representation in the national assembly.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. Different Methods : To touch the keys will result in different representation of timbre.
9. The painting is a representation of a storm at sea.
31. We will improve consumer representation on government advisory committees.
32. She is denied the economy of representation that would reflect feminine desire and sexuality.
33. Whereas relationships express the association between two entities, relations are a tabular representation of an entity, complete with attributes.
34. In short, male dominance can be strongly suggested in pictorial representation without the patriarchal male being directly represented at all.
35. Representation at board level of the workers is declared, in effect, to be a natural right.
36. For weeks, Schwarzenegger has been meeting with other agencies, including William Morris, in anticipation of changing representation.
37. From this viewpoint any highly segmented representation of worker interests in relation to employers, such as via individual enterprise bargaining, had little appeal.
37. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
38. It need not be an accurate representation but more of an expression of local features and history.
39. The role of a solicitor is to provide clients with skilled legal advice and representation on all legal matters.
40. Of the total seats, 75 are filled by direct election and 25 on the basis of proportional representation.
41. Some method is then used to derive the syntactic representation for the derivative form from combining the root form and the affix.
42. A number of issues arose that emphasised the difficulties that safety committees encounter because of the absence of trade union representation.
43. Figure 7.2 shows the distinction between raster and vector representation, and further discussion can be found in Chapter 2.
44. This representation is decoded into a representation of the same message that the speaker originally chose to convey.
45. There is considerable dissatisfaction among lesbians and gays at their lack of representation, or misrepresentation, on television.
46. However, the Baudrillardian collapse of certainties has precipitated a crisis in our understanding of representation and realism.
47. He has a right to legal aid and legal representation.
48. There was a representation of the devil carrying off the wicked to Hades.
49. Indeed, in many cases it appears that the ellipsis is interpreted with reference to a content-based representation.
50. Two issues are at the center of the dispute: representation in local religious councils and the right to carry out conversions.
51. Neither artist was content that painting should be confined to representation, or even abstract decoration for an existing room.
52. A Levy-Jennings quality control chart is a graphic representation of the acceptable limits of variation in the results of an analytic method.
53. They argue for a more equal representation of women and men among psychologists.
54. They also measure the difference between the scores for the successive decades to capture the change in political representation.
55. A major factor accounting for this development is the absence of legal aid for representation before tribunals.
56. Below: A graphical representation of: The crystalline structure of silica.
57. Often the burial site is destroyed, or there is a differential representation of habitats.
58. Representation could not, however, be provided for contested cases or committal proceedings.
59. Representation allows for the creation of images of experiences, including affective experiences.
60. In principle, for a complete representation of the turbulence, this process has to be continued to all orders.
61. Croydon is indeed a borough fortunate in its parliamentary representation.
62. A player representation, led by caretaker manager Edwin Stein, received a rapturous welcome.
63. Is it a whitewash or an accurate representation of the result of a searching investigation?
64. Without counsel, Val was forced to cancel a due process hearing, asking it be postponed until she could get representation.
65. Thus a disordered sequence of clauses or sentences can act as an iconic representation of material or emotional disorder.
66. Internal representation and language development facilitate the development of truly social behavior and spark social learning.
67. The main areas of dispute had been an executive president, a second house of parliament, and proportional representation.
68. A democratic process of elections should ensure a fair level of representation.
69. Parent representation on governing bodies under the 1986 Act did not have an auspicious beginning.
70. Although counting has not yet completed, the party is on course to increase its representation by two.
71. This system ensured reasonably fair representation for each party, whilst preventing a large number of parties being elected to parliament.
72. For the bureaucracy, allegiance to the Emperor came before democratic representation.
73. A hydraulic representation of his system dominated in which the historical evolution and context of Keynes's ideas could find no place.
74. Perhaps then the apparent bilateral representation of language in young children was an artefact.
75. Representation schemes once fair and equitable become archaic and outdated.
76. It also blocks the creativity of black artistic imagination and practices of representation.
77. Each kind of representation begins to emerge around age 2.
78. It is normal, then, to expect a high representation of black youth in youthful crime statistics.
79. Philanthropic work, like workhouse visiting, inevitably raised the question of women's representation on public bodies at the local level.
80. He sees that Shakespeare discovered how he might use analogy and metaphor as themost acute representation of a mind engaged in thought.
81. The representation must allow us to compute a link between descriptions of acoustic input and stored descriptions.
82. I would discuss the script, say, on proportional representation, and then give him free rein.
83. In other words, there is a clear distinction between application logic and the computer representation of that logic.
84. We have a right to be represented in a women's magazine that's fighting for equal representation.
85. The five other parties contesting the election failed to secure sufficient support to gain representation.
86. I found an excellent microscopic representation of a cancer cell, used by the Cancer Research Campaign in their appeal advertisement.
87. The Democratic party's demands include equal representation on committees, but they have yet to win Republican agreement to this.
88. Legal Advice: Access to independent legal advice, assistance and representation is essential to any refugee determination process.
89. He maintained his refusal to comment on the polls, and remained adamant he would never do deals on proportional representation.
90. The screen shows an accurate representation of how the composition will look as a printed score.
91. Overall, these various proportional systems achieve a greater or lesser degree of proportionality in representation.
92. It pledged to continue the struggle for democratic representation but appealed to its supporters to continue to exercise restraint.
93. This stage is characterized by the development of language and other forms of representation and rapid conceptual development.
94. Nature is the setting but abstract nature; feeling, not representation.
95. Rather it is the quality of representation resulting from the overall balance of interests.
96. The particular conception sees both processes as necessary features of a social representation.
97. The political element would be secured through the adoption of proportional representation.
98. However the courts are in general reluctant to exclude the possibility of such legal representation intoto within a particular area.
99. Calls for consideration of electoral reform and a new form of black representation are both expected to be defeated.
100. Other discourse types do not have such overtly marked units; but they may also be susceptible to the same representation.
101. No legal aid is available to provide representation for employees.
102. Hanson skilfully exploited the system of proportional representation(Sentencedict), which asks voters to list candidates in order of preference.
103. Patterns are made from drawings and are three dimensional representation usually in wood of the product.
104. I like several of his ideals, including, perhaps(), the campaign for proportional representation.
105. We will provide a statutory framework of protection, including employee representation on occupational pension trusts.
106. New Zealand's electoral system, a form of proportional representation, is a key difference.
107. First, there appears to be no absolute right to such representation.
108. Rather, they require a careful analysis of contemporary political struggles over questions of representation, symbolic boundary formation, and identification.
109. Half a dozen other parties also contested the elections without securing representation.
110. At the political level, proportional representation was abolished for local elections in 1922 and for Stormont elections in 1929.
111. Rather than drawing some evolutionary ladder or tree, the best representation is a sort of multi-twigged bush.
112. The painting was not an accurate representation of the Falls but a kind of Platonic ideal.
113. Gradually the grotesque body of the carnival was displaced by the dominant representation of the body epitomised by the classical nude.
114. That is, everything must feed into a privileged representation in order for the brain to be conscious.
115. In addition, we will use government's powers of appointment to ensure fair representation of women on public bodies.
116. Coun Ord, a member of Sedgefield District Council, has called for a concerted campaign to get the proportional representation across.
117. It continually updates so that you can see the exact amount of bytes free along with a graphical representation of the percentage free.
118. Check the draft for arithmetical accuracy and internal consistency Obtain representation in writing from the client acknowledging its responsibility.
119. Blacks were demonstrating against employment discrimination and a lack of political representation.
120. This substantial representation of Leapor's work drew the attention of at least two eminent reviewers.
121. Riche told reporters that the samples will be taken in each county to ensure equal representation.
122. The question of management and legal representation for aspiring new-comers is just as valid in publishing as it is in recording.
123. Save for the exceptional case of Mental Health Review Tribunals, legal aid does not cover representation before tribunals of first instance.
124. Using this method, the input device is an optical scanner, which captures the image as a pixel representation.
125. Regional bodies of this sort encourage the representation of interests as interests, rather than their fragmentation through electoral politics.
126. There was increased military representation, reflecting the leadership's concern that economic reforms might lead to civil unrest.
127. Medieval representation of Frederick Barbarossa as a crusader,(Sentencedict) the role in which he met his death.
128. These could then serve as the basis for further testing, allowing the best candidate for a true representation to emerge.
129. These arrangements with established publishers also make it possible to reach bookshops through direct sales representation.
130. To combat some of these problems, there should, argued Bell, be increased opportunities for representation before the tribunal.
131. The Read codes adopt a particular approach to the representation of medical concepts.
132. There won't be any Labour representation at the dinner, because the town's Mayor has now declined his invitation.
133. The purpose of the subsection is to ensure that there is local representation on the licensing board for a division.
134. Delegates also demanded the representation of democratic forces in a provisional People's Hural until the parliamentary elections.
135. The final section will discuss her representation of the female body, especially in relation to contemporary ideals of beauty.
136. Consider Figure 2.2 where we illustrate the shifting by one bit position of a six-bit binary number using two's complement representation.
137. The first approach is to perform syntactic analysis first then have a second pass convert the syntactic tree to a semantic representation.
138. Dryden's position was that popular belief in such beings was enough to justify their representation in poetry.
139. In understanding spoken language, lexical access is achieved by using information from the acoustic representation of a word.
140. On Dec. 30 the Majlis approved a bill allowing defendants the right to legal representation in court.
141. Half of the 400 national representatives would be elected on a constituency basis and the other half by proportional representation.
142. Often the only striking feature of such a representation is the very erratic behaviour of the observations in relation to time.
143. Hewlett-Packard Moscow head of representation Nick Rossiter says the contract is fully paid for and took 18 months to negotiate.
144. Men must change sufficiently so that their representation of life and their political expression uphold humane values.
145. Teaching material is scrutinised for equal representation of gender in illustrations and text.
146. The error is in taking the polynomial to be a structural representation of the system, but the basic underlying fallacy remains.
147. A tribunal is master of its own procedure, and this provides the foundation from which it can permit such representation.
148. She admitted four charges of making a false representation to obtain benefit and asked for 18 others to be taken into consideration.
149. We increased the acoustic information by incorporating lexical stress into the representation.
150. The fifth representation is the growing vacancy rate.
151. It is parsimonious representation of a possibly complex thing.
152. The mnemonic representation is useful for manual analysis.
153. Women's representation helps keep them inplace of relative powerlessness.
154. Candidates are elected under a proportional representation system.
155. Returns a string representation of this stack trace element.
156. A number representation system with a base of eight.
157. Proportional representation in a non - parliamentary system obviously [ clarify ] does not have this result.
158. Figure 3 shows a graphic representation of a tri level sync signal.
159. These instructions are a pictographic representation of the least imaginative way to assemble these components.
160. An person who has been declared incompetent should have legal representation.
161. Chinese rural and urban people are about to get equal representation in lawmaking bodies.
162. The time of problem representation of children with learning disability is shorter. 3.
163. The study examined the mental representation of Chinese two - character words by the word decision task.
164. Objective To discuss the representation and value of CT examination of mycosis of sinus.
165. If the integer is negative(), the representation is prefixed by a minus sign.
166. Perhaps a France Savings bank group subordinate bank manager's view has certain representation.
167. This thesis deals with the semantic and syntactic representation in noun phrase conjunction.
168. Inaccurate representation of the holy is the greatest sacrilege against the holy.
169. Either way, we are going to end up with some version of proportional representation.
170. It was financed in part ANEC, the European Organisation for Consumer Representation in Standardisation.
171. The schema of mathematics concept is a whole of mental representation which people builds up.
172. The mental representation of imagery is mental image but not abstract proposition in some special condition.
173. Quentin : Well a proportional representation system would solve that problem.
174. Standard genetic operators are not always suitable for task matching and scheduling based on permutation representation.
175. Because of the singleness and tediousness on representation, the traditional historical documentary lacks of visibility.
176. An excellent example to illustrate this symbolic representation is Kaitakelan Boulevard in Taipei.
177. Essentially a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.
178. Whether a particular representation be material or not is, in each case, a question of fact.
179. I hope the visual space on the canvas is the representation of a definite mental space.
180. This is a standard floating point representation that the first bit of mantissa must be 1.
181. These shares offer dividends like ordinary shares but don't give their holders voting power or representation.
182. I hope visual space created on the canvas is the representation of an ideal mental space.
183. The knowledge base module depicts semantic - level representation from multimedia features.
184. In the first chapter, we construct a QT - tree on the QT - graph as its tree representation.
185. The kinematic state space representation and its corresponding control equation of the ice - skater robot were presented.
186. The poll suggested the ruling party could see its representation plummet from 302 to just 103.
187. Fig .5.13. Representation of the wind system and precipitation area ( stippled ) in a middle - latitude cyclone.
188. Based on pedagogical scheme of representation of fundamental dependent equations relating thermodynamic functions is suggested.
189. The algorithm first produces a multiresolution representation for the polygonal mesh by introducing volume preserving constraints.
190. Minority nationalities are entitled to appropriate representation on the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
191. The poetry of Langston Hughes is considered as a representation African - American experience.
192. Magnetic core. Single or double line representation can be specified.
193. His earlier Dialogues are generally accepted as giving a true representation of Socrates'personality and teaching.
194. B - splines are piecewise polynomial curves that have a parametric representation.
195. The Perl interpreter then converts the byte - code representation to machine code before execution.
196. Essentially, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality(/representation.html), a theory is an abstract.
197. Representation of road network topology in the intersection is a difficult point in transportation GIS.
198. The Duty Lawyer Scheme provides legal representation to virtually all defendants who are charged in magistrates.
199. Essentially, a theroy is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.
200. Magnetic core. Right - click for single or double line representation.
201. Thus, promoting diversity is a minefield and minority representation in French politics still remains a dream.
202. The character representation of the real number is dictated by the specified format.
203. Representation of the wind system and precipitation area stippled in a middle - latitude cyclone.
204. Semiotics is a subject focusing on semiotic structure semiotic representation, message communication, etc.
205. Many sentient civilizations gave of their DNA to have representation of their coding upon this planet.
206. To give a quantitative description of spatial relation , the author uses a new tool: Partitioning representation.
207. If the integer is negative, the character representation is prefixed by a minus sign.
208. Essentially, a theory is a abstract, symbolic representation of what conceived to reality.
209. Virtually every computer - generated solid has an explicit mathematical representation as a meshed surface or volume.
210. Bayesian network is a powerful knowledge representation for decomposing joint probability ( or probability density ).
211. A written language is the representation of a language by means of a writing system.
212. Investigated the math graphic representation in junior high school first time.
213. The function of spatial relation representation much lies on its mathematic theory or logical foundation.
214. Annotation is the keystone of the knowledge representation of any natural language processing ( NLP ) research.
215. Which one of the following parliaments or assemblies does not use proportional representation?
216. Governs the format of the character representation of the real number.
217. He said the proponents of proportional representation were advocating a gigantic and fundamental constitutional change.
217. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
218. OAT ( Object - oriented Thinking ) is an object - oriented based model for the representation and operation of mental imagery.
219. As a representation of open source, Linux's function and performance are excellent.
220. In a floating - point representation , the numeral that represents the expon ent.




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