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单词 Detector
1, A Roman soldier's pay, found by a metal detector enthusiast in Norfolk, has been declared treasure trove at an inquest in Diss.
2, This detector is a very delicate instrument; it'll go wrong if it's mishandled.
3, Both men refused to take a lie detector test.
4, The first line of defence is a smoke detector.
5, The sensitivity of the detector can be increased.
6, "Do you have a metal detector?" — "No, I don't.".
7, He was asked to take a lie detector test .
8, It might be prudent to get a virus detector for the network.
9, Now they are building a prototype detector.
10, Kids have a built-in lie detector.
11, Lie detector tests are inadmissible in criminal trials.
12, If you meet another detector user,[http:///detector.html] introduce yourself.
13, Internal spring contacts in the detector transfer the power.
14, There are security checks, body searches, a metal detector.
15, He was holding the metal detector.
16, A weapons detector has been installed at the entrance.
17, There were several shouts from other detector users, who must have found something similar.
18, There are now 30,000 metal detector users in Britain alone.
19, Be it in a mousetrap or an atomic detector, the right kind of trip-lever can always trigger an arbitrarily large effect.
20, Every feature detector in the feature-detection stage is linked to every letter detector in the letter-detector stage.
21, He developed a detector for decays of carbon-14, a radioactive form of carbon, that can be used to this end.
22, The detector has active anti-condensation protection to assure trouble free operation in cold-rooms.
23, Computerized detector modules translate those light shifts into stress units, providing advance notice of failure.
24, The position detector pulse sent to the control unit is used to generate the next step command.
25, Their approach is to scan every checked-in bag with a bomb detector.
26, He goes round fields and beaches with his metal detector, hoping to find buried treasure.
27, Although other factors are involved, the depreciation in value is principally due to the number of these coins found by detector users.
28, Always check for electrical wires and eater pipes with a pipe and cable detector before drilling walls, floors and ceilings.
29, Something about his rubbery features and squeaky voice trigger my cootie detector.
30, With the greatest of reluctance, I decided that it was time I bought myself another detector.
1, A Roman soldier's pay, found by a metal detector enthusiast in Norfolk, has been declared treasure trove at an inquest in Diss.
2, This detector is a very delicate instrument; it'll go wrong if it's mishandled.
31, The UV-975 variable wavelength detector has a tapered flow cell giving reduced refractive index effects.
32, Time allowed 00:11 Read in studio A police force is testing a laser speed detector.
33, A laser transmitted faint light signals to an electronic detector.
34, Could he please try out his metal detector in her yard?
35, After some further outside tests and a fair amount of soul-searching, I eventually bought this detector and the 10.5in accessory coil.
36, In astronomy the transmitter is usually a radio telescope, and it usually acts also as the detector.
37, Transformer coupling of the source and/or detector to the Wheatstone network is often adopted to match impedance levels or for isolation purposes.
38, If necessary, use a shield to prevent stray light from reaching the detector.
39, Presumably, the letter detector level is used equally when non-words or words are presented.
40, Why, he asked,[] did the only lie detector test given indicate deception?
41, When you go to a seaside resort, spend an hour or two walking along the beach without your detector.
42, Any reader wanting the right detector to suit his pocket and plenty of sound advice is welcome to give me a ring.
43, Too little; far, far, far too much, straight to a lie detector.
44, These devices illustrate the potential for an easily constructed microchip system with a carbon paste detector that exhibits adjustable selectivity.
45, For his own information, Boesen asked Hicks to take a lie detector test.
46, All the twenty-six letters of the alphabet have links to all the words at the word detector level.
47, I have in fact become something of an addict of detector technology.
48, At the moment[], the first line of defence is usually a smoke detector on the ceiling in every corridor.
49, The detector has an amplifier that is tuned to recognize and amplify only the pulsed signal.
50, Luckily we have a smoke detector on the ceiling in each room.
51, When they go home you can get on with some electronic angling with your detector.
52, The metal detector shrilled as Whitney attempted to walk through.
53, The detector should also never be laid in mud or on wet ground as water may enter the battery compartments.
54, But I fancy I can still hear the sounds of the metal detector and a globe spinning!
55, First they discovered bird droppings in their detector and checked for other possible malfunctions, but soon ruled these out.
56, It is this that allows the NMDA receptor to behave as a molecular coincidence detector.
57, A powerful UV-Vis monochromator based detector allows very low detection limits by reaching 0.0005 absorbency units full scale.
58, But this does not mean that the carbon-zinc battery would be suitable for use in your detector.
59, By the time it sets off the smoke detector, the corridor is blocked.
60, When lock is achieved, the digital detector is switched out of circuit to avoid noise denigration in the analogue circuit.
61, A powerful UV/Vis monochromator based detector allows wavelength selection by the turn of a dial and allows very low detection limits.
62, As a member of the Stella Coal Company rescue team, he used Stephenson's lamp as a methane detector.
63, Three hundred firemen and 400 policemen raced to the Hofburg after a smoke detector set off the alarm soon after midnight.
64, Save for the metal detector and federal guards in the lobby, the place could easily pass for a third-rate collection agency.
65, This letter detector remains active for some brief period of time, until the pattern mask is presented.
66, There is often little need to control the detector electrode composition with a redox reaction simply driven by an appropriate polarising voltage.
67, Hauserman said a First Alert detector sounded in his office, where the only source of carbon monoxide is the nearby interstate.
68, Moreover, the detector would have to be in space, because gamma rays can not penetrate the atmosphere.
69, The highways department has also ruled out police-style speed detector guns because of inaccuracy.
70, A waveform analyser processes the voltage signals and returns Position detector pulses to the control unit at the required Positions.
70, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
71, Lice themselves are best found by combing the hair with a detector comb.
72, The amount of labeled thyroxine displaced can be counted in a detector and the concentration of thyroxine calculated.
73, If you own a detector working from this system you should try to use only batteries with proper crimped terminals.
74, It is a radar detector which sets off an alarm if a ship, with radar working, is in the vicinity.
75, Pectoral cross Among my first finds with a metal detector are this silver cross and two coins.
76, This demonstrates the immense importance of the detector in the overall performance of the zoned system.
77, The activation of this space detector would inhibit all detectors for all words containing more letters than the target.
78, You would still have the problem of needing a large gamma ray detector to observe several gamma ray quanta from the explosion.
79, Security was tight; every guest was searched and walked through a metal detector upon arrival.
80, The range comprises the 759A UV/Vis detector, the 785A for trace analysis and the 1000S photodiode array detector.
81, Although several hundred detector users were present, they were quickly lost in the massive fields.
82, If he is that different from the present denizens, perhaps his influence may extend to more tolerance toward detector users?
83, At the start of the event, one whole side was full of detector users ready for the off!
84, Half way up the hill, the column took a break while Calley and Meadlo went ahead with the mine detector.
85, The electronics inside the pistol consist of a light detector or photo-diode and a small amplifier and buffer.
86, Wagenbach rejected a bid by Elliott to introduce as evidence an offer made to Mrs Moon to take a lie detector test.
87, The detector is housed in a streamlined cylindrical container.
88, The detector tube is filled with nitric oxide.
89, A marine detector is a hydrophone.
90, A detector sampled the reflected intensity at various angles.
91, Thermopile is usually a blackened thermal detector.
92, The detector must be operationally simple, reliable and robust.
93, Each encoder has a fixed light source opposite a light detector.
94, Shards of titanium from the wrecked A-12 scatter the crash site as aerospace historian Peter Merlin recently searches the debris field with a metal detector.
95, The uterine contraction detector could sensitively reflect the uterine pressure change.
96, The detector and sample box system is desirable to set up a two-channel Mossbauer spectrometer, so as to obtain both absorption attd backscattering spectra simultaneously.
97, The principle and structure of a metal detector is proposed in this paper, which is especially suitable for applications in coal transporting systems based-on rubber conveyer belt.
98, Firstly , the photoelectric detector makes sampling from the sign.
99, This paper analyzes the formation of the output wave from a dynamic detector, the relation between the output wave and the magnetic field distribution and the effect of the armature reaction on them.
100, They won't set off a metal detector, nor do they have any distinguishing silhouette.
100, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
101, University of Chicago cosmologist Juan Collar believes his group may have spotted a dark matter signal in their detector inside an abandoned mine in Soudan Minnesota.
102, This paper studies an improved secure algorithm for the non-linear digital image watermark based on error correcting coding and non-linear detector.
103, Sensor element, which consists of a Fabry-Perot etalon fabricated from single-crystal silicon, connects with the LED and detector by fibers.
104, The open loop characteristic of the double detector is calculated in theory and the double magnetic detector comparator is constructed for testing and performance evaluation.
105, This paper presented a optimum linear multiuser detector in terms of minimum mean bit error rate, and given a approximate method of solving the detector - method of training single perceptron.
106, The system hardware include gantry, detector, coincidence circuit, patient table and computer workstation.
107, The efficiency of a liquid scintillation detector may be varied by placing different optical filters between the vessel and the phototube.
108, The article introduce a new-type non-contact fiber temperature detector based on PIC16C923. It is a high precision and response speed system.
109, Laser imaging technology is an important breakthrough for SF6 leakage detection, but feasible verification method was not in hand for this on-line leakage detector in domestic.
110, A continuously variable potentionmeter is connected into the detector bridge network.
111, This highly compact transceiver chipset consists of low noise amplifier, power amplifier with detector, voltage controlled oscillator with buffer amplifier, mixer and harmonic mixer.
112, The signal is fed into a filter - amplifier which is transformercoupled to the video - detector.
113, Digital scan converter (DSC) is an indispensable part in the display equipment of radar, biomedical ultra sound detector, sonar, electronic surface analyzer.
114, The method of fast measuring recommended does not require an additional fast operating fault detector to catch the fault starting time.
115, The detecting principle of the magnetoelastic plate shape detector and the processing method for its output signals are described in detail.
116, A novel high energy laser beam detector for measuring energy distribution was described in this paper.
117, The real performances for both light detector and heavy-ion detector have been practically used are given by means of experimental tests.
118, Sorry, but you have to go through the metal detector again.
119, An aqueous caustic solution removes carrier gas impurities harmful to the detector cell.
120, The common - depth - point technique merely means the manifold repetition of each reflection observation with different source - detector geometry.
121, We are forced to use a multiplicity of separate detector arrays.
122, The measuring principal is given . Simultaneously, the detector of sensor and oscillator circuit is developed.
123, Researchers at Fermilab currently shoot a neutrino beamto a detector in the Soudan mine in Minnesota.
124, The paper concerns in the principle and the experimental results of gas-filled time-of-flight(GF-TOF) detector.
125, Model 4110 ( phase sensitive detector ) and 4114 ( phase control unit ) are integrated circuit modules ( Evans Associates , Berkeley , CA, U.S.A. ).
126, (Injecting water back returns the detector to a flat surface.) Injecting water into the chamber of the lens makes the thin membrane become a convex hemisphere.
127, The measure errors of prismatic and spherical powers are analyzed, from which it is concluded that the precision of the position detector is the key to the method.
128, Hormone-A has a search radar in a large fairing under the nose, and a towed magnetic anomaly detector, while a dipping sonar is housed in a compartment at the rear of the cabin.
129, Using the minisize CCD detector, LED light source and a fiber optic, a fiber optic oxygen sensor based on fluorescence quenching has been developed.
130, The optimum detector for passive detection is energy detector. Yet energy detector usually deteriorates due to fluctuation of background interference and a decrease in SNR.
130, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
131, Incorporating 8PSK. demodulation system, Interpolator, Timing Error Detector, Loop Filter and Numerically Controlled Oscillator in DTTL Algorithm are analyzed in detail.
132, Mini Dewar of IR detector provides cryogenic and vacuum environment for IR photoelement.
133, A scintillation cell is a detector which is often used in measuring radon.
134, The output of the detector is the video - signal proper , with a 2 - volt swing.
135, Detecting by hydrogen flame ionization detector with gas chromatography increased sensitivity and decreased detection limit.
136, The cooled infrared detector in research works at as low as 77 K to 80 K.
137, We can imagine a seismic detector being bombarded by myriads of grains of sand.
138, Using an ultrasonic level detector and a conductometer, the situation of level fluctuation and fluid mixing was determined.
139, The fault detector using this new principle blocks the protective relay no matter how short the power swing period may be.
140, This isocratic system consists of a high pressure solvent delivery pump, an UV/VIS detector, a manual injection valve, and a solvent tray, a column and a Chromatography Workstation.
141, A built in temperature detector ( RTD ) senses the actual temperature in the measurement chamber.
142, Generally speaking, PSK system performance than switch Keying FSK system well, but must use synchronous detector.
143, The Bosnia native fled when the bags set off a metal detector.
144, Moreover, the anode detector head and the cathode detection handle are used to acquire bioelectricity data.
145, This method is simple, rapid and liner equimolar with the sulfide. The detector has a high sensitivity and is not disturbed by the sample substrate.
146, To do so, a straight line is defined between a point source of light and a detector.
147, The output signal from the detector may be the blackening of a photographic emulsion.
148, Usually, we use three components velocity detector to measure X-component, Y-component and Z-component of velocity field. We use the hydrophone tu measure stress field.
149, The DIDAPPER system presented in this paper is a distributed intrusion detector with apperception.
150, We avoid the interfere of different elements with the multiple linear regression Gamma - ray detector.
151, This paper proposes a novel synchronous detector, which use wavelet filter instead of traditional low pass filter.
152, The lie detector tests have been the subject of much controversy.
153, The proposed CPPLL is made up of a no dead zone phase frequency detector(PFD), a loop filter(LPF), a charge pump(CP), a voltage-controlled oscillator(VCO) and dividers.
154, UDTT marketed its productions including the company's bioterrorism detection kits, BSM-2000 (real-time anthrax detector), and radiological detection systems.
155, This Paper discusses the method for uranium exploration based on the analysis of helium in water leaching soil samples using ion pump helium detector.
156, The image - dissector scanner is another heavily used and very successful low light level detector.
157, G-APD array detector has two outstanding characters: single photon sensitivity and pico-second resolving power, which makes the detector very suitable for the weak optical signal 3-D imaging.




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