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单词 Grimy
1) His clothes were grimy and bloodstained.
2) Sadly no, his grimy, greasy, talentless ghost lives on.
3) New York City is bigger, but crowded and grimy.
4) Chris was in a grimy apron, sweeping up.
5) It was sparsely furnished and grimy.
6) The whole town was grimy from smoke and coal-dust.
7) Through the grimy window of the boathouse a night-light old-mastered Franky's sleeping face.
8) Though modest and grimy,[http:///grimy.html] they serve good food at last.
9) It was difficult to see through the grimy windows of the cafe.
10) Two doors down had grimy windows and grimier curtains, and a light shining from the kitchen.
11) If the greenery is grimy add a drop of washing-up liquid.
12) Birmingham is still declaimed as smoky, grimy, unpleasant and philistine.
13) All her life had been spent surrounded by grimy bricks with hardly a green grass blade in sight.
14) Gradually she had transformed it from a grimy garret into a cheerful nest.
15) As he spoke a cab appeared, a grimy little robot jitney with the other Twin in the back.
16) Imagine, Tibbs suggests, that we push grimy workaday industrial processes toward the character of biological processes.
17) Her face was grimy, swollen from tears and smeared with food.
18) They have a low, vaulted ceiling and damp, grimy walls which run with water when it rains.
19) He could see some one moving beyond the grimy window of the office.
20) A pile of grimy bed-linen lies in what was once a ward.
21) Under flickering lights at the grimy bus station other groups converge in a clatter of skis.
22) She noticed his collarless shirt was faintly grimy and there was a button missing.
23) A short wooden sword was clutched in one grimy hand and the boy's shirt had been well and truly ripped.
24) Here he is in the bathroom, wearing his grimy raincoat with the turned-up collar.
25) Each upper surface is further highlighted in a dusting of grimy soot.
26) Stretching out their hands, they watched the pink firelight stream between each grimy. finger.
27) She slept unexpectedly soundly, and when she next opened her eyes, daylight was filtering in through the rather grimy window.
28) She began to wave to a seat, but stopped herself - she realised it must look grimy to them as well.
29) His followers halted with him, their banners a gentle flutter of blue and gold against the grimy background.
30) Osaka's decline is evident in the local prefectural office, a grand stone building with grimy linoleum floor coverings.
31) The two girls paused, grimy and breathless, in the middle of the sick display.
32) Then the townhouses give way to dowdy apartment complexes with grimy windows facing the street.
33) The grimy blots grew closer and bigger, sudden thunderclaps made visible, and hurled the little planes from side to side.http://
34) This is a grimy, forlorn industrial town.
35) The blanket was warm, if grimy.
36) Pug rubbed a hand over his grimy stubby face.
37) There is a grate on the grimy floor.
38) Suddenly a grimy hand was stuck out of the window.
39) His costume suggests work and subservience : work - goggles around his neck, a grimy face, knee - pads.
40) It is a humiliating climbdown for a country that, until a few months ago, imported Polish workers to do its grimy jobs.
41) A disgusting , grimy, stinking drunk had been watching all this with great interest.
42) It has shuttered some of its grimy aluminum works on Beijing's orders to cut on overcapacity.
43) The recent arrival of Chinese traders in the grimy alleys of Soweto market in Lusaka halved the cost of chicken.
44) Something was sticking from the pocket of the little man's grimy shorts.
45) Truth, his place of work, towered vast and white above the grimy landscape.
46) Its windows are grimy with soot from Beijing's notoriously bad air.
47) The recent arrival of Chinese traders in the grimy alleys of Soweto market in Lusaka halved the cost of chicken. Cabbage prices dropped by 65%.
48) Heading south, it took 15 minutes to get beyond the town's grimy ring of light industry.
49) The thin phone book was grimy from being thumbed by filling station hands.
50) This place was grimy and low, the girls were careless and hardened.
51) The cell was a small room with a single lightbulb hanging very far away from the cement-decked ceiling; the floor was dark and grimy from urine, tears, sweat, and feces.
52) From their grimy swing doors and shutting, there came forth a smell of and sour beer.
53) He could see grimy roofs, factory chimneys and church spires.




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