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单词 Opened
1) That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. 
2) She opened her mouth to say something.
3) I opened the important letter with tremulous fingers.
4) A fine perspective opened out before us.
5) Modern technology has opened our eyes to many things.
6) He opened the box, disclosing the contents.
7) He gave in to curiosity and opened my letter.
8) She blinked when I opened the curtains.
9) She opened the door and let me in.
10) The inquest into their deaths opened yesterday in Enniskillen.
11) If the enemy opened fire,(http:///opened.html) keep down.
12) Julie opened her handbag and took out her purse.
13) We opened the sluice and the water poured in.
14) Suddenly a huge chasm opened in the earth.
15) Gwen lifted the latch and opened the gate.
16) The ceremony opened with a fanfare of trumpets.
17) The dog ran in when she opened the door.
18) He opened a small store and sold self-made candies.
19) With the coming of railways, new markets opened up.
20) The door opened and Jo walked in.
21) He opened the box and out jumped a frog.
22) Queues formed even before polling stations opened.
23) The market opened in a bullish mood.
24) They opened a tin of sardines.
25) The gates opened and the crowd surged forward.
26) The bank recently opened a branch in Germany.
27) He opened the door with his key.
28) He opened the drawer and took out a cheque.
29) My hairdresser has opened a new salon.
30) The door opened with a squeak.
1) She opened her mouth to say something.
2) Modern technology has opened our eyes to many things.
3) He gave in to curiosity and opened my letter.
4) She blinked when I opened the curtains.
5) She opened the door and let me in.
6) The inquest into their deaths opened yesterday in Enniskillen.
7) Julie opened her handbag and took out her purse.
8) We opened the sluice and the water poured in.
9) Suddenly a huge chasm opened in the earth.
10) The ceremony opened with a fanfare of trumpets.
11) The dog ran in when she opened the door.
12) He opened a small store and sold self-made candies.
13) With the coming of railways, new markets opened up.
14) The door opened and Jo walked in.
15) He opened the box and out jumped a frog.
16) Queues formed even before polling stations opened.
17) They opened a tin of sardines.
18) The gates opened and the crowd surged forward.
19) The bank recently opened a branch in Germany.
20) He opened the door with his key.
21) He opened the drawer and took out a cheque.
22) My hairdresser has opened a new salon.
23) The door opened with a squeak.
24) He opened the letter with trembling hands.
25) The research has opened up new realms for investigation.
26) A little old lady opened the door.
27) She opened the door and stepped across the threshold.
28) She opened up a glass jar of plums.
29) I turned the handle and opened the door.
30) A great gulf opened before us.
31) He opened the letter with trembling hands.
32) The research has opened up new realms for investigation.
33) He gave it a mighty push and it opened.
34) A little old lady opened the door.
35) He opened the doors and they all piled in.
36) A new bookshop had opened in the high street.
37) She opened the door and stepped across the threshold.
38) Gingerly he opened the door of the rat's cage.
39) She opened up a glass jar of plums.
39) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
40) I turned the handle and opened the door.
41) Their new musical opened to glowing reviews.
42) Police opened fire on a peaceful demonstration.
43) A great gulf opened before us.
44) She opened the door and the cat whipped in.
45) She opened the window and stuck her head out.
46) He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort.
47) He never even opened the letter .
48) He opened the door and flung the parcel in.
49) They opened the parcel with whoops of delight.
50) When he opened the bottle it went pop.
51) I opened the packet just to satisfy my curiosity.
52) The door opened and the prisoners dashed out.
53) He opened his schoolbag and took out a notebook.
54) The flowers opened out when spring was coming.
55) The door opened and the teacher came in.
56) The new church was officially opened on July 5th.
57) An agency has been opened at the following address.
58) When the doors opened, there was a mad dash for seats.
59) When her knock elicited no response , she opened the door and peeped in.
60) He left strict instructions that the box should only be opened after his death.
31) She opened the door and the cat whipped in.
32) She opened the window and stuck her head out.
33) He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort.
34) He never even opened the letter .
35) I opened the packet just to satisfy my curiosity.
36) The door opened and the prisoners dashed out.
37) The flowers opened out when spring was coming.
38) The new church was officially opened on July 5th.
39) When the doors opened, there was a mad dash for seats.
39) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
40) When her knock elicited no response , she opened the door and peeped in.
41) He left strict instructions that the box should only be opened after his death.
42) The new building was opened with great fanfare in January 1895.
43) Political changes in eastern Europe opened the floodgates to thousands of people who wished to emigrate.
44) He knocked on the door and after a brief interval it was opened.
45) The doctor opened up his stomach to get at the source of the trouble.
46) Deborah opened her mouth to contradict, but closed it again.
47) The Redskins opened the season by scoring a resounding/stunning/impressive 25-3 victory against/over Detroit.
48) As I opened the scroll, a panorama of the Yellow River unfolded.
49) The door opened and an icy blast of wind swept through the room.
50) The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window.
51) He thought the door was locked, but he turned the knob and the door opened.
52) The fraud depended on hundreds of bank accounts being opened on behalf of straw men.
53) We only had a couple of hours to set up before the exhibition opened.
54) She opened the window and swiped at the flies with a rolled-up newspaper to make them go out.
55) A broad valley opened up leading to a high, flat plateau of cultivated land.
56) a new play that opened to the plaudits of the critics.
57) He opened the cardboard box and took out each item.
58) The visitor opened the wrong door and broke in on a private conference.
59) He opened the door with a scornful look on his face.
60) When the gates of the ground were opened, all the football supporters crowded in.
61) When the end of the pipe was opened,the water flowed in.
62) Something is a knot when you reserve it,a scar when it's opened.
63) Bill was among the first to gain entry to Buckingham Palace when it opened to the public recently.
64) When we had all zeroed in our guns on the enemy post, we opened fire.
65) The new building was opened with great fanfare in January 1895.
66) Political changes in eastern Europe opened the floodgates to thousands of people who wished to emigrate.
67) He knocked on the door and after a brief interval it was opened.
68) The doctor opened up his stomach to get at the source of the trouble.
69) Deborah opened her mouth to contradict(/opened.html), but closed it again.
70) He opened the gate and started walking up to the house.
71) Some thing is learned every time a book is opened.
72) As soon as I opened the front door I smelled the distinctive aroma of fresh coffee.
73) According to eyewitness accounts, soldiers opened fire on the crowd.
74) The Redskins opened the season by scoring a resounding/stunning/impressive 25-3 victory against/over Detroit.
75) As I opened the scroll, a panorama of the Yellow River unfolded.
76) The door opened and an icy blast of wind swept through the room.
77) The establishment of the socialist system to we opened a reach the ideal state of roads, and the ideal into reality needs to rely on our hard work.
78) The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window.
79) He thought the door was locked, but he turned the knob and the door opened.
80) The fraud depended on hundreds of bank accounts being opened on behalf of straw men.
81) We only had a couple of hours to set up before the exhibition opened.
82) She opened the window and swiped at the flies with a rolled-up newspaper to make them go out.
83) Just then the door opened and the cat whipped out, with the dog chasing it.
84) They opened a shelter to provide temporary housing for the city's homeless.
85) A broad valley opened up leading to a high, flat plateau of cultivated land.
86) a new play that opened to the plaudits of the critics.
87) College life opened up a whole gamut of new experiences.
88) He opened the cardboard box and took out each item.
89) The visitor opened the wrong door and broke in on a private conference.
90) He opened the door with a scornful look on his face.
61) Richards claimed he acted in self-defence after Pagett opened fire on him during a siege.
62) I opened the window and filled my lungs with cool fresh air.
63) She opened her arms wide in an expansive gesture of welcome.
64) The programme opened with the overture to Wagner's Flying Dutchman.
65) The present Kew Bridge was opened by King Edward VII and is correctly named "King Edward Bridge".
66) The swing door will resile automatically after it has been opened.
67) I just opened the drawer as usual and the handle came away in my hand.
68) As soon as I opened my mouth, the teacher pounced on me.
69) She opened all the windows wide to let some fresh air in.
70) A pile of magazines tumbled out when he opened the cupboard.
71) He slowly opened the lid that hinged to the box.
72) As soon as the doors opened people began to crowd in.
73) She opened her suitcase and took out a pair of shoes.
74) She opened the door to her bedroom, thinking how restorative a hot bath would feel tonight.
75) He worked in the key and opened the door of the office.
76) We decentralized our operations last year and opened several regional offices.
77) A maid in a white apron opened the door for me.
78) His mother rehearsed his lines with him and by the time the play opened he was word perfect.
79) Two shoppers were injured in the stampede as shop doors opened on the first day of the sale.
80) Slowly, he opened his eyes. As he did so, he began to groan with pain.
81) The library will be officially opened by the local MP.
91) When the gates of the ground were opened, all the football supporters crowded in.
92) Richards claimed he acted in self-defence after Pagett opened fire on him during a siege.
93) I opened the window and filled my lungs with cool fresh air.
94) The company opened an account abroad, in order to circumvent the tax laws.
95) She opened her arms wide in an expansive gesture of welcome.
96) The programme opened with the overture to Wagner's Flying Dutchman.
97) The present Kew Bridge was opened by King Edward VII and is correctly named "King Edward Bridge".
98) Finally, you opened its mouth before I put a hand.
99) As soon as the school doors were opened, the children flew out to play.
100) She managed to offend her boyfriend's parents as soon as she opened her mouth.
101) The swing door will resile automatically after it has been opened.
102) He gave in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his sister.
103) From your parents you lean love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other.But when books are opened you discover that you have wings.
104) I just opened the drawer as usual and the handle came away in my hand.
105) As soon as I opened my mouth, the teacher pounced on me.
106) She opened all the windows wide to let some fresh air in.
107) A pile of magazines tumbled out when he opened the cupboard.
108) He slowly opened the lid that hinged to the box.
109) As soon as the doors opened people began to crowd in.
110) She opened her suitcase and took out a pair of shoes.
111) When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
112) She opened the door to her bedroom, thinking how restorative a hot bath would feel tonight.
113) He worked in the key and opened the door of the office.
114) We decentralized our operations last year and opened several regional offices.
115) A maid in a white apron opened the door for me.
116) His mother rehearsed his lines with him and by the time the play opened he was word perfect.
117) Two shoppers were injured in the stampede as shop doors opened on the first day of the sale.
118) Slowly, he opened his eyes. As he did so, he began to groan with pain.
119) The library will be officially opened by the local MP.
120) When the gates were opened, crowds of football supporters crushed into the ground.
121) He dodged to left and right as the gunman opened fire.
122) When we opened on the former things good record,the face will unconsciously reveal the truth's smile.
123) The exhibition will be opened day and evening.
124) He opened Ingrid's letter by mistake.
125) He sank into his chair and opened the letter.
126) She laid the book flat and opened it up.
127) I opened the door and looked outside.
128) I shoved hard until the door opened.
129) With some trepidation , I opened the door.
129) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
130) The police have opened an investigation into the death.
131) We opened the sluice and water poured in.
132) We opened a can of sardines for lunch.
133) In 1959 the St Lawrence Seaway opened to shipping.
134) The top door opened outwards.
135) She watched in satisfaction as he opened the present.
136) Lillian opened up to Frank about her bisexuality.
137) A new territory has been opened up for trade.
138) The door opened and in walked my father.
139) The gunmen opened fire on the police.
140) Eileen leaned across and opened the passenger door.
141) The general secretary opened the congress on global warming.
142) Anna flipped the switch that opened the front gate.
143) He opened the letter and read it.
144) The window opened and a dog's head popped out.
145) The cutters are opened by turning the knob anticlockwise.
146) She obeyed and cautiously opened the door.
147) His stories opened up new worlds of the imagination.
148) She gave a hard push, and the door opened.
149) She opened the bedroom door and went in.
150) Leonora's eyes opened wide in horror.
151) He opened the box gingerly and looked inside.
152) A second terminal was opened in 1998.
153) Gunmen burst into his home and opened fire.
154) Quaking with fear, Polly slowly opened the door.
155) A bell tinkled as the door opened.
156) The Chinese market has opened up recently.
157) Pollard opened the conversation with some small talk.
158) A gulf had opened up between the former friends.
159) The doors opened and people started filtering through.
160) The children were delirious as they opened the parcels.
161) At that very minute(), he opened the door.
162) I opened the window and called for help.
163) The police have opened a file on local burglaries.
164) The Inspector opened the packet of cigarettes.
165) When I opened the door a ball bounced out.
166) Suddenly the heavens opened and it poured with rain.
167) Our bombs opened up over the enemy's heads.
168) He opened the door and they all piled in.
169) They opened the door and welcomed him in.
170) A rift had opened up within the party.
171) At a/the touch of a button, the door opened.
172) The door creaked as she opened it.
173) The door opened without a sound.
174) She was shaking as she opened the letter.
175) He opened the letter and began to read it.
176) The lion opened its jaws and roared.
177) He hummed to himself as he opened the trunk.
178) The Chairperson opened the proceedings with a short speech.
179) She opened the door and went in.
180) The lift rocked slightly, steadied, and the doors opened.
181) The flower opened out when the sun came out.
182) The new road will soon be opened to traffic.
183) I've opened an account with Barclay's Bank.
184) A series of fortunate opportunities opened to him.
185) She opened the letter-box and slipped a newspaper through.
186) She opened the book at random and started reading.
187) The coal-mining industry wants new pits to be opened.
188) The gate screeched as it opened.
189) He opened the gate with/at one push.
189) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
190) He broke the seal, and opened the envelope.
191) Indignation grew as more nightclubs opened.
192) Ann froze with terror as the door opened silently.
193) Barry was awake long before he opened his eyes.
194) The door opened with a groan.
195) The soldiers opened fire without warning.
196) Suddenly the eagle opened its wings.
197) The harbour lights opened in the distance.
198) Gleb scrabbled about in the hay, pulled out a book and opened it.
199) The owner opened a corporate checking account at the bank.
200) The famous star Celine was huzzahed before she opened her mouth.
201) Since the supermarket opened,() many small local shops have lost up to 50% of their trade.
202) The gate slid opened at the push of a button.
203) There was the rasp of a bolt and the door opened.
204) The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain.
205) The assault element, led by Captain Ramirez, opened up from their right flank.
206) The poor girl opened her mind and told me everything about herself.
207) The view opened out in front of us as the fog cleared.
208) He opened the gate and smilingly welcomed the travellers home.
209) As I climbed higher a wonderful view opened out before me.
210) She turned the door knob and quietly opened the door.
211) I just turned the piece of wire in the lock and hey presto, the door opened.
212) Last night was the first time that Ken had opened up about his feelings.
213) A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world.
214) It was his dying wish that the house be opened to the public.
215) I have an apology to make to you - I'm afraid I opened your letter by mistake.
216) The group who had been shouting offensively opened to let her through.
217) He opened the door and motioned me to come in.
218) She asked the man sitting opposite whether he'd mind if she opened the window.
219) As leader, he opened up exciting vistas of global co-operation.
220) Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.
221) The two dogs went at each other as soon as I opened the gate.
222) Somebody must have opened the cage the lion couldn't have escaped on its own.
223) It was also felt that the collapse of the system opened up new possibilities.
224) She opened the letter with hands that were not quite steady.
225) He flashed his headlights and jumped lanes whenever a gap opened up.
226) The women's medical school opened in 1874, to the accompaniment of much ridicule of "lady doctors".
227) The US attorney's office has opened an investigation into the matter.
228) My heart was in my mouth when I opened the letter.
229) The door opened onto a courtyard, as shown in the drawing.
230) The hotel porter opened the door for me and then called a taxi for me.
231) She opened the door and admitted me into the house.
232) The concert opened with a lively performance of a piece for two pianos.
233) The workforce has tripled in size since the new factory opened.
234) Her curiosity got the better of her and she opened the door and peeped inside.
235) My father opened a real can of worms when he took over the ailing company and tried to get it doing business.
236) He grabbed my purse, opened it and stuffed it full, then gave it back to me.
237) Traffic in the town has dropped off since the bypass opened.
238) He opened the oven door to see how the food was coming along.
239) A blast of cold air hit him as he opened the window.
240) She opened her mouth to speak and found she couldn't.
241) She opened out a lot while she was staying with us.
242) She opened her mouth to receive the papery - thin wafer.
243) She opened the shutters and gazed out over village roofs.
244) Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate.
245) The sky diver had a plunge of more than 10 , 000 feet before his parachute opened.
246) The new hospital will be officially opened by the mayor on Tuesday.
247) The gunmen opened fire, killing a policeman and a passer-by.
248) There was a rush of air as she opened the door.
249) They opened an office abroad in order to circumvent the tax laws.
250) McArthur opened the bowling on the first day of the match.
251) My heart was in my mouth as she opened the envelope.
252) As I opened up the computer to try and fix the problem, I realized that I was getting into completely uncharted waters and considered whether to leave it to the experts.
253) In the second half the game opened up and several attractive shots began.
254) A division has opened up between the two ministers over the single European currency.
255) Just as we got to the park, the heavens opened.
256) After a few seconds, the door opened and Mrs Barnes invited me in.
257) His team-mates opened hotel windows, shouting "Jump!" and somewhat less printable banter.
258) Her mouth opened and shut, but no sound came out.
259) He went to the door, opened it a crack, and listened.
260) She opened her bag and began fishing for her dictionary.
261) She opened the door and stood back to allow the man to pass through.
262) She opened the door wider to get a better look.
263) The robbers had just opened the safe when they were surprised by the police.
264) The Chinese team had opened up a lead of more than two minutes.
265) We opened the sluices and the upstream water of the river poured into the lock.
266) She opened the door for me and threw herself in my arms, screaming joyously and demanding that we decorate the tree immediately.
267) The company opened its doors for business a month ago.
268) A new branch has been opened to serve clients in East London.
269) As I opened the letter, my heart missed a beat.
270) She broke away from the pack and opened up a two second lead.
271) We decentralised our operations last year and opened several regional offices.
272) The rabbits popped out as soon as we opened the hutch.
273) She really opened my eyes to how stupid I'd been.
274) He went and opened his big mouth and told them the whole story.
275) Taking her courage in both hands, she opened the door and walked in.
276) The Queen's death opened the way for him to return.
277) When the city business was established the firm pushed out into the suburbs and opened branch shops.
278) She crept downstairs and opened the front door quite softly.
279) She opened her arms and gave me a big hug.
280) When I opened my eyes I saw a man with an axe standing at the end of my bed.
280) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
281) Alberg opened his mouth, as if to protest. But he thought better of it.
282) The door opened and Harriet stood in front of him.
283) When the Berlin Wall came down it wasn't just the roads that opened up but the waterways too.
284) The children were all eyes as we opened the parcel.
285) 'Much obliged,' he said as I opened the door for him.
286) When the theatre first opened it was widely regarded as a white elephant.
287) She opened the tie box and looked at her purchase. It was silk, with maroon stripes.
288) She opened the door and stepped out into the sunshine.
289) My curiosity finally got the better of me and I opened the letter.
290) Never close your lips to those whom you have already opened your heart. Charles Dickens 
291) Every now and then one paints a picture that seems to have opened a door and serves as a stepping stone to other things. Pablo Picasso 




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更新时间:2024/7/9 5:33:17