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单词 Right-wing
1 He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance.
2 At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.
3 His political masters are all old right-wing politicians.
4 He received death threats from right-wing groups.
5 The National Front is an extremely right-wing political party in Britain.
6 Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals.
7 Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians at the moment.
8 The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting.
9 Recent elections have shown significant gains by right-wing groups.
10 Several members hold very right-wing beliefs .
11 The harshest criticism came from right-wing ideologists.
12 The measures provoked vigorous opposition in right-wing circles.
13 He is known to have right-wing sympathies.
14 The organization is very right-wing.
15 The bomb was planted by right-wing extremists.
16 She is entrenched in her right-wing views.
17 Mead calls the group "rabidly right-wing".
18 This newspaper's views are very right-wing.
19 They were blacklisted because of their extreme right-wing views.
20 He's on the extreme right-wing of the party.
21 It's a newspaper with a large right-wing readership.
22 He believes there is a right-wing conspiracy organized by the CIA and the military-industrial complex to maneuver the country into another war.
23 He used to be very right-wing, but he's undergone something of a conversion recently.
24 He criticized such right-wing nostrums as wage freezes or cuts in public spending.
25 The nation as a whole was thoroughly polarized into left-and right-wing groups.
26 He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest.
27 He accused politicians of whipping up anti-foreign sentiments in order to win right-wing votes.
28 Greater demands were being placed on the police by growing violence and left- and right-wing extremism.
29 By mid-1988 there were clear indications of the extreme fragility of the Right-wing coalition.
30 The result of last week's election will be seen as a victory for the right-wing government.
1 At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.
2 His political masters are all old right-wing politicians.
3 He received death threats from right-wing groups.
4 The nation as a whole was thoroughly polarized into left-and right-wing groups.
5 The National Front is an extremely right-wing political party in Britain.
6 Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals.
7 Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians at the moment.
8 He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest.
9 The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting.
10 He accused politicians of whipping up anti-foreign sentiments in order to win right-wing votes.
31 Some people think the party has been hijacked by right-wing extremists.
32 Polidori, the right-wing politician, is mining a rich seam of fear and prejudice.
33 The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners.
34 The party is seeking to find a middle way between extreme right-wing and left-wing policies.
35 His right-wing opinions come out quite strongly in his later writings.
36 He narrowly escaped with his life when suspected right-wing extremists fired shots into his office.
37 South Africa's ruling National Party has beaten off a right-wing challenge.
38 A vociferous opponent of gay rights, he is well-known for his right-wing views.
39 Those right-wing people who most honour their monarch see no reason for any apology.
40 The accused is alleged to be a member of a right-wing gang.
41 Right-wing parties tabled a motion of censure against the government.
42 Extreme right-wing parties gained a foothold in the latest European elections.
43 The right-wing group had already been poleaxed mentally and emotionally.
44 He will do all he can to trip up the new right-wing government.
45 A hard-core group of right-wing senators had hoped to sway their colleagues.
46 Right-wing groups fired on left-wing demonstrators.
47 Extreme right-wing parties scored more pronounced successes.
48 He is known for his extreme right-wing views.
49 Many right-wing politicians opposed the treaty.
50 Status: International grouping of conservative and right-wing parties.
51 The disclosure was strongly criticised by right-wing Cabinet members.
52 The region is a bastion of right-wing Republicanism.
53 Is he a Trotskyite or a right-wing mole?
54 Woodhead played well to the right-wing press.
55 The US supported several right-wing regimes in central America.
56 Right-wing think-tanks have an even firmer grip.
57 Right-wing paramilitaries killed 25 civilians in six incidents.
58 During the year there were over 20 political killings by left- and right-wing groups.
59 If left-wing radio talk show hosts got higher ratings, the right-wing hosts would be off the air.
60 Right-wing columnists are refusing to rally to Mr Major in his hour of need.
61 Boxer, a renowned liberal, defeated right-wing Republican Bruce Herschensohn in a campaign noted for its level of personal invective.
62 They are fertile ground for the emergence of an explicitly right-wing political force.
63 McLamb and Gritz, a former Green Beret, long have been leaders in the right-wing patriot movement.
64 Conversely, reading a right-wing paper had much more influence upon perceptions of Britain's performance than on perceptions of family circumstances.
65 On Aug. 25, after a football match, right-wing extremists stormed the home and set the ground floor ablaze.
66 But then right-wing, upper-class fictional characters would have fun even if tentacled Martians were chasing them through sewage.
67 Recent events have done much to neutralize the influence of the right-wing.
68 But as soon as some right-wing rag called her a lesbian, she started screaming defamation.
69 And a growing number of right-wing groups had decided to shore up their opposition with physical violence.
70 Apart, Inkatha and the Afrikaner right-wing parties represent significant but relatively small groups.
71 We would all do well to remember that, and not transform a debate about right-wing imagery into a witch hunt.
72 The town needs a feisty, right-wing tabloid to shake it up, to have a debate.
73 An adoring right-wing press gave him his platform to denounce 15,000 teachers as incompetent.
74 The right-wing populist Progress Party is the only one of the eight parliamentary parties opposed to the treaty.
75 I really didn't understand the kid gloves, but it was still a slap up-side their right-wing heads.
76 There were two candidates for the presidency, Lyndon B Johnson and Senator Barry Goldwater. The latter was known to hold extreme right-wing views.
77 My kids used to scorn my politics as right-wing selfishness.
78 Left-wing and right-wing, labour and management have never wavered from the pursuit of economic growth.
79 Simon Heffer, gingery and right-wing, took his vile coffee and sat next to Joshua Morris.
80 Even some Right-wing opposition politicians reckoned it was the best Mr Mitterrand could have done in the circumstances.
81 In the South, the right-wing Rhee supporters clearly had the upper hand.
82 He was perilously close to losing control over House Republicans, especially the newly-elected class of 73 right-wing ideologues.
83 Right-wing military rebels also vowed to overthrow the government, and continued their bombing campaign.
84 It is a right-wing movement from Alberta that is having only very limited success catching on east of the prairies.
85 Extreme right-wing groups offered support in exchange for the release of imprisoned right-winger(sentence dictionary), General Salan.
86 If right-wing radio talk show hosts get high ratings, they will be the ones on the air.
87 Her views on capital punishment, immigration, and the trade unions resemble those of the right-wing tabloid press.
88 He also held out the possibility of including right-wing parties in his coalition, in return for their support for Labour policy.
89 After the elections of 1988 brought the ultra right-wing Arena party to power, a new wave of kidnappings and murders began.
90 Right-wing rumblings of rebellion over the reshuffle have raised the prospect of them mounting a challenger to Mr Major's leadership.
91 A Right-wing extremist group, the White Wolves, yesterday claimed responsibility for the attack.
92 Right-wing activists found fertile soil for their anti-immigrant ideas in southeastern regions.
93 Even more widespread demonstrations took place when Dutschke was shot and wounded by a right-wing extremist in April 1968.
94 A paper long allied to the Liberal tradition had been allowed to be taken over by the right-wing Mail.
95 On Dec. 29 Eitan's right-wing nationalist Tsomet Party formally withdrew from the ruling coalition.
96 The two December marches by right-wing women were important public relations exercises in support of hardliners in the government.
97 Le Pen sparked protests when he recently flew to Britain at the invitation of the right-wing Western Goals group.
98 Almost everyone, from right-wing businessmen to left-wing union and student leaders, condemned it.
99 In March he was shot and seriously injured by a right-wing extremist.
100 Right-wing newspapers singled her out for every conceivable hostility, particularly the circumstances of her divorce from her first husband.
101 Another approach is to group together the readers of various right-wing papers and contrast them with readers of left-wing papers.
102 Nevertheless, the moves towards positive change are being frustrated both by threats from right-wing activists, and by sectarian conflicts.
103 Mobs of Right-wing thugs set ablaze a tent city housing refugees outside Leipzig and torched a hostel in Zielitz.
104 There were those who found him an oddity and some who were repelled by his right-wing and reactionary views.
105 About 50 Left-wingers clashed with 20 Right-wing extremists in Chemnitz.
106 President Vinicio Cerezo has blamed the killings on right-wing extremists trying to destabilise his government.
107 Support for the extreme right-wing parties was strongest among city-dwelling, working-class men under 30.
108 Thatcherism was widely viewed at the time as a mad right-wing aberration which the people would not stand for long.
109 In parliament, Mr Rabin's Labour Party defeated by 50 votes to 41 a right-wing no-confidence motion prompted by the bloodshed.
110 He wants the kid to help galvanize his right-wing religious movement.
111 When the war was over his father had carried on the fight against right-wing tyranny.
112 Among right-wing circles this perception simply intensified their existential feeling of Angst, of having lost their bearings.
113 On the face of it, such activity would seem to be more expressive of right-wing rather than left-wing sentiments.
114 Immigrant families in the area have received threats from right-wing extremist groups.
115 Government officials feared a rebellion by right-wing members of the party.
115 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
116 In the past the National Front has sometimes managed to enter into local pacts with the two mainstream right-wing parties.
117 But what happens when the right-wing minority decides that they've had enough of this liberal claptrap about integration?
118 At the time Longstreet broke through his lines to attack his left wing, he was with the right-wing troops.
119 These powerful voices have far more allegiance to right-wing causes then they do to Republican leaders.
120 A 16-year-old girl works herself into a frenzy of grief for a friend killed by right-wing vigilantes.
121 Left-wing incumbents are expected to adopt high-inflation, low-unemployment positions and right-wing governments the reverse.
122 At the legislative elections in 1990 it had advocated a strongly right-wing economic programme.
123 Members of the right-wing Solidarity Group picked up so many shadow cabinet posts that they no longer needed to organise.
124 Failure to correct them only fuels the right-wing demands that obliterate the very protections that liberals cherish.
125 Such arguments serve to remind us that scientific management has right-wing as well as left-wing critics.
126 As a result, the mainstream right-wing parties have been hit hard.
127 Nor has he condemned right-wing extremism without condemning the rarer left-wing sort in the same breath.
128 It was noted that the Hibbs contribution suggested that right-wing governments tended to see inflation as more of a problem than unemployment.
129 The aim was to attract intelligent revolutionaries disgusted by the ramshackle right-wing local Labour Party and the once influential Communist Party.
130 Radicalism from a right-wing government spawned radicalism in its opponents.
131 A combination of pressure from civil libertarians and right-wing militias, interesting left-right jabs....
132 Such resistance has, curiously, made Koresh a hero and martyr among some conservatives and right-wing militia groups.
133 The Crusade received very substantial financial backing for the organization of the march from the right-wing military and political parties.
134 Right-wing activists used people's fears of unemployment as a way of stirring up extremism.
135 This is the big stick treatment for violent criminals which is traditionally associated with an extreme Right-wing attitude.
136 In general it was almost exclusively extreme right-wing elements who were first involved, but they tended to be of two distinct types.
137 Right-wing politicians have called for a tight curb on immigration.
138 Ideas from these right-wing "think tanks" eventually percolated through into policy decisions.
139 Despite an immediate reprimand from Chamorro, Godoy's statements during the strike reportedly encouraged the formation of right-wing armed groups.
140 No one ever turned up such a child, whose existence seems to have been yet another figment of fertile right-wing imaginations.
141 A vicious right-wing colonel is the main villain in the book, much of which deals with the cruelties of the war.
142 The extreme right-wing National Front promoted anti-semitism.
143 He was demonized by the right-wing press.
144 His appointment to the Cabinet would please the right-wing.
145 Liberals say the paper is too right-wing.
146 The right-wing populist Pro Cologne movement has campaigned against the mosque and moved a step closer to its goal last week after joining forces with Austria's far-right Freedom party (FPO).
147 Their clearest chance came on55 minutes as Jeffers met a right-wing corner from close-range, only to see his effort turned brilliantly over the bar by Kuszczak.
148 Most have growing right-wing movements opposed to subsidizing the poorer countries in the euro-currency zone.
149 Right-wing historians have claimed the planning for the murder of six million Jews was carried out by SS chief Heinrich Himmler.
150 Even in a state like Iowa, where roughly half of Republican caucus-goers identify themselves as born-again Christians, Mr Romney is leading in some polls because the right-wing vote is so fractured.
151 The government persuaded some 30,000 right-wing paramilitaries to demobilise . It is trying to integrate many of them into civilian life through education and training involving 34,000 people.
152 It is right-wing forces rampancy that induces and accelerates the development of Japan political right deviation and that is a threat to the peace of Asia and even the whole world.
153 Right-wing opponents of reform would have you believe that President Obama is a wild-eyed socialist, attacking the free market.
154 Centuries later, torch-lit parades of right-wing German students burnt pillaged books in protest against what they saw as the creeping stain of Jewish intellectualism on national culture.
154 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
155 Two of the groups so named were the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), a leftist group, and the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a right-wing group.
156 China envy has the same root as large penis envy. It's a condition suffered by right-wing Sun readers with tiny pricks. Simple really.
157 Bar-Ilan University is the fount of the right-wing political teaching in Israel, who is the stage for a speech that offer one important shift made in otherwise heavy show of movability.
158 His right-wing politics and persistent warnings about the rise of China have earned him the sobriquet "Japan's Jean-Marie Le Pen".
159 a right-wing paramilitary group.
160 Due to a mistranslation of our latest project car - the Audi RS6 V10 biturbo - there were lots of radical right-wing rumors on all different blogs and pages that received our first press report.
161 The two main right-wing opposition parties together won 29.8 per cent.
162 Afterwards, by the analysis of the international and national background of the rampancy of the Japanese New Right-wing groups, the thesis explains the objectivity of its existence.
163 A court in Netherlands has ordered that a controversial right-wing politician should stand trial for insulting hatred against Muslims.
164 A report by European police agency Europol on security in 2010 said that there was no right-wing terrorism on the continent in that period.
165 I'm not becoming a right-wing nut who's going to be moving halfway across the world.
166 Right-wing commentators agreed with its criticism of single parents and working mothers, left-wing ones with its call for more redistribution of income and less advertising to children.
167 Stuart Butler of the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think-tank, argues that their approach is a scorched-earth policy that will lead to "great uncertainty for a few years".
168 In a report this year Europol said there were no European right-wing terror attacks in 2010. It said extreme left wing groups carried out 45 attacks.
169 Protesters accused Wilson of buckling under to right-wing religious groups.
170 Michele Bachmann, a right-wing congresswoman, can carry the tea-party banner.
171 It was a brazen lie, pushed initially by Andrew Breitbart, a right-wing blogger and self-described provocateur, and his allies at Fox News and other conservative outlets.
172 In light of the right-wing bloc's majority, Likud appears to face a brighter cabinet-making picture in the expectable intense political jockeying that is already underway.
173 At last, it was buffeted by the ruin of Prussian monarchism, then attached itself to the right-wing conservative group, which further led to its incompetence to counteract Nazi's rule.
174 The regime served as a crucible for the forging of right-wing ideas and values.
175 While proud of, the right-wing aircraft by an antiaircraft artillery shells penetration, smoke afterRudelfeel right foot missing, but also a dark eyes.




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