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单词 Insect
1. He scratched the insect bite on his leg.
2. The ant is a social insect.
3. He stamped on the insect.
4. He has a collection of rare insect specimens.
5. Don't be silly, that insect can't hurt you.
6. She scratched at the insect bites on her arm.
7. He instanced the fly as dirty insect.
8. Feathers initially developed from insect scales.
9. They classed this insect under the Coleoptera.
10. Do you think butterfly is a type of insect?
11. Rubbing this special cream into the insect bite will help to take away the worst of the pain.
12. Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests .
13. Put this lotion on the insect bites to stop them hurting.
14. The little boy caught the insect by inverting her cup over it.
15. She was covered in insect bites.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. Why did you stamp on that insect?
17. An insect was buzzing around the room.
18. She's as thin as a stick insect.
19. You put the insect in a matchbox.
20. The insect settled on a leaf.
21. The insect bite itched all night.
22. The insect sucks until it is gorged with blood.
23. The lizard darted out its tongue at the insect.
24. Don't forget insect repellent to ward off the mosquitoes.
25. Not a leaf nor an insect stirred.
26. The insect ran up my leg.
27. The insect anchored fast to its prey.
28. An insect bit me on the arm.
29. Please brush this insect off.
30. Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect.
1. He scratched the insect bite on his leg.
2. The ant is a social insect.
3. He stamped on the insect.
4. He has a collection of rare insect specimens.
5. Don't be silly, that insect can't hurt you.
6. She scratched at the insect bites on her arm.
7. Feathers initially developed from insect scales.
8. They classed this insect under the Coleoptera.
9. Do you think butterfly is a type of insect?
10. Rubbing this special cream into the insect bite will help to take away the worst of the pain.
11. Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests .
12. Put this lotion on the insect bites to stop them hurting.
13. The little boy caught the insect by inverting her cup over it.
14. Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect.
15. You put the insect in a matchbox.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. The lizard darted out its tongue at the insect.
17. The insect ran up my leg.
18. The insect anchored fast to its prey.
19. Please brush this insect off.
20. An insect flew into my eye.
21. He was bitten by an insect in the garden.
22. Leaving some fields fallow provided a natural check on insect populations.
23. They sprayed aerosol insect repellent into the faces of police.
24. She caught the insect by inverting her cup over it.
25. This insect makes its strange noise by rubbing its back legs together.
31. Insect populations fluctuate wildly from year to year.
32. Don't forget to bring insect repellant .
33. An insect flew into my eye.
34. He was bitten by an insect in the garden.
35. Scientists are checking for both insect and fungal infestation.
36. At rest the insect looks like a dead leaf.
37. Wasps are the master builders of the insect world.
38. My leg puffed up all round the insect bite.
39. Insect bites irritate your skin.
40. The pesticide is lethal to all insect life.
41. Gardeners welcome birds as they control insect pests.
42. There's an insect crawling up your leg!
43. The wood should be treated against insect attack.
44. Leaving some fields fallow provided a natural check on insect populations.
45. They sprayed aerosol insect repellent into the faces of police.
45. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
46. She caught the insect by inverting her cup over it.
47. Some trees exude from their bark a sap that repels insect parasites.
48. He put the insect on the palm of his hand.
49. This insect makes its strange noise by rubbing its back legs together.
50. Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area.
51. The little boy caught the insect by inverting the cup over it.
52. These birds provide a useful function in controlling insect pests.
53. Chambers' voice droned, maddening as an insect around his head.
54. In a normal winter, the frost penetrates deeply enough to kill off insect eggs in the soil.
55. I've got some sort of insect bite on my leg.
56. The roof timbers were affected by rot and insect attack.
57. Clean the ventilation ducts to remove dust and insect debris.
58. She hear nothing but the chirps and whirr of insect.
59. Crops are sprayed with highly toxic chemicals to prevent insect damage.
60. Antihistamine is often used to treat hay fever and insect bites.
61. She's just like an insect under my foot.
62. The stain looked like a squashed tropical insect.
63. Their pocket-size farm had been plagued with insect infestations.
64. Liz thought of an insect playing dead.
65. She performed a pantomime of having swallowed an insect.
66. Certain insect species are simply cleverer than we.
67. These cells then swell and burst, killing the insect.
68. Other species eat worms or insect larvae.
69. He contracted the disease through an insect bite.
70. The developing insect passes through several discrete stages.
71. This insect mimics the appearance of a wasp.
72. They are also the insect world's most energetic tourists.
73. Within the chrysalis the insect undergoes complete metamorphosis.
74. The critical breeding season coincides with peak insect population.
75. At Ards, doctors have reported an increased number of patients coming forward for treatment for insect bites and stings.
75. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
76. Plants under stress from drought, disease or nutrient deficiency are the most likely to attract insect pests.
77. These will have been pressure-impregnated, and will be resistant to damp and insect attack.
78. The insect body has produced an almost infinite variety of forms.
79. Other strategies use natural chemicals called pheromones to disrupt insect reproduction.
80. What is interesting is that the insect imagery used to characterise the villeins is continued here.
81. The numbers of damaging insect species resistant to pesticide have multiplied from 160 to 450 since 1960.
82. The venom of most spiders, though effective against their insect prey, is harmless to man.
83. He also used to take me into the insect house, where he kept mosquitoes infected with tropical diseases.
84. It is found mainly in timbers less than fifty years old and is a much larger insect than the furniture beetle.
85. Viruses, generally transmitted by insect vectors, cause very heavy losses in crops.
86. Make sure that there are no small cracks or openings through which the emerging adult insect can escape.
87. Similarly an insect walking on the surface of a pond would have gravity counteracted by the surface tension of the water.
88. A turtle eating the insect that eats the leaf makes a chain of two.
89. The house longhorn beetle is another insect pest which seems to be confined to parts of Hampshire and south-west Surrey.
90. The male catches an insect and carefully parcels it up in silk.
91. The initial resemblance of the ancestral stick insect to a stick must have been very remote.
92. I glued up the cat flap. 1 sprayed the letter box with insect repellent.
93. He was built like a basketball player; tall and as thin as a stick insect.
94. Wild specimens are known to feed predominantly on insect larvae but will also take algae and detritus.
95. If this royal retreat has been trampled by an enthusiastic tourist - which is increasingly the case - the insect is doomed.
96. When the insect is ready to mature, juvenile hormone secretion must stop and allatostatin provides the signal.
97. Such crops occur after a dry spell or insect attack and happen only once.
98. I have heard that swallows follow their insect prey and these feel happiest at a barometric pressure of about 1010 millibars.
99. His only injuries were sunburn, insect bites and chafing caused by spending more than 40 hours in his wetsuit.
100. The old plates split apart, usually along a line running down the back, and the insect hauls itself out.
101. Children's Playground A large adventure playground is situated adjacent to the insect house, conveniently near the cafeteria and main picnic lawn.
102. Nevertheless, these volumes have drawn together many little-known areas of social insect and spider biology in lucid accounts.
103. This has produced noticeable improvements in wildflowers, and insect and bird populations.
104. Vic says not to worry - did I think Father Firmin had insect repellent all those years ago?
105. But their most ingenious use is in the making of insect traps.
106. Her tears died like a flattened insect, quick smear on the table-top.
107. A small-scale industry grew up in Wicken village of guides and insect trappers at this time.
108. Is there any reason to believe an insect may have crawled or flown into the ear?
109. Diet in the wild consists of snails, crustaceans and insect larvae.
110. Imagine the myriads of such infrared and other pathways and signals that the various insect species must be utilizing.
111. Silt, washed from deep forestry ploughing, smothers plants, endangering insect life and therefore fish survival also.
112. Poisoning from tobacco, insect sprays, or a newly painted room is the cause of many fatalities.
113. They were perfectly formed, with no blemishes, no insect or fungus damage.
114. And vast numbers of other insect species fly throughout their adult phase.
115. In soft-bodied insect larvae, where the appendages are reduced or absent, locomotion occurs through quite different physical mechanisms.
116. Some plants already possess genetic resistance to attacks by insect pests while others resist certain fungal diseases.
117. Perhaps each species of bird or monkey has poor vision and latches on to just one limited aspect of an insect.
118. Other mechanisms ensure the appropriate orientation of the insect during flight.
119. The image of the insect may pass over the edge of my retina rather than the more acute central region.
120. Not a bird, not an insect, not a zephyr relieves that hot, heavy silence.
121. If your child becomes interested in insects, encourage her to focus on a particular insect.
122. His sprawl makes me seem like a silent, precise insect.
123. When I was young I was like a stick insect, then at fourteen or fifteen I put on weight.
124. They put the insect into a tin with a perforated lid.
125. Women worried about the cosmetic effects of insect bites on the face make up a significant proportion of those seeking medical assistance.
126. The cedar lining that once protected fine cigars from deteriorating is equally efficacious at preserving cardboard rectangles from insect damage.
127. Just one insect in fifty lives in such a way, but those that take up a shared existence may flourish.
128. They climbed not over but through the sun-red grass, among the awakened insect movement and the light ablaze.
129. Taken with other environmental indicators, such as land snail shells and insect remains, they also give information about the prevailing climate.
130. Out of the drone of insect life around us I could distinguish the sound of an aeroplane engine.
131. There are still a great many unknown insect species in the world.
132. Those alarmed by insect life should consider holidaying in Skegness.
133. Rot in Timber Timber decay which is not owed to insect action is normally the result of fungal attack.
134. Horton picked the spider up, held it in his palm and asked if the insect was bothering anyone.
135. Unprotected by a shell, they are easy meat for insect larvae and flatworms.
136. Although their names make them sound like large predators, they are actually tiny insect larvae.
137. And squeamishness prevented me looking for a tiny insect to place on a sticky dewdrop leaf.
138. She was hanging back with him, pretending to be interested in some insect on a berry plant.
139. Most baculoviruses have one feature that is unique to insect viruses - they produce occlusion bodies in which the virions are embedded.
140. Entomologists, nutritionists and other insect fanciers scoff at Westerners' bias against bugs.
141. I never went out without my insect repellent and waterproof sunblock.
142. For example, we might imagine a population of unpalatable, but cryptic, insect larvae.
143. The insect population of a single large tussock has been estimated at more than 1,000 individuals.
144. Pesticide residues, exposure to chemicals at toxic-waste sites, food additives, bird and insect droppings.
145. The insect life of the leaves and grass was stilled.
146. Indeed it would be just as probable as a jump from insect to one of its immediate neighbours.
147. Beneficial predators: Insect allies that kill off pests like aphids.
148. So use a good insect repellent and remember to keep re-applying it.
149. One wooden jetty crept out over the water on brittle insect legs.
150. This elegant insect is a formidable greenfly guzzler and its larvae are particularly good at exterminating these ubiquitous pests.
151. When she hunts, she whirls this around her head and releases it as an insect flies by.
152. Also insect pests and diseases increase when the same crops are grown year after year.
153. With a wild surmise, 1 began to breed, generation after generation, from whichever child looked most like an insect.
154. I peer through the magnifier at the still struggling insect.
155. Neither the eye of an insect or a human is likely to detect the deception until the mantis moves.
156. His thin companion folded his limbs like an insect as he sat down.
157. The insect spends most of its life underground, eating roots and stems.
158. Many other substances play a minor role as insect pigments, occurring either in small amounts or only in a few species.
159. Each has already developed its own characteristic way of exploiting that major insect invention, flight.
160. A small green insect with folded wings had settled on her forehead.
161. So as soon as the bamboos were skinned, the fishermen coated them with a natural insect repellent.
162. As he cowered on the ground, a small insect ran from the space station.
163. The flickering insect halo began to drift slowly away, keeping a constant six feet above the earth.
164. These are not necessarily human-made objects, since finds include anything like animal bones and insect remains.
165. Both fish prefer live foods, such as worms, insect larvae and small fish.
165. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
166. A state insect hunter found the dried-up male Medfly in a trap in Milpitas on Sept. 29.
167. Any insect would be astonished by our ability to see.
168. The chameleon will then dart out its long, sticky-tipped tongue, impale the insect and swallow it.
169. Good pine shavings are best as they contain resin, which also acts as an insect repellent.
170. She made him feel like an insect playing at being human.
171. He appears among merchants as a merchant, among princes as a prince; even among insects as an insect.
172. In some orchids, a mere one plant in fifty attracts even a single insect.
173. To protect people from being bitten they must be educated and persuaded to use insect repellents and mosquito nets.
174. In a planted pond the fish will find plenty of algae and insect larvae on which they can feed in order to survive.
175. Many birds nest and sleep in hedges and eat insect pests.
176. One of them, anyway - the stick insect couldn't have escaped.
177. In the tundra there is a massive growth of ground vegetation and insect life in a very short spring and summer.
178. So successful was he that he named the new style after the insect.
179. Any insect touching it becomes inextricably stuck and very often buried within it as more resin flows around it.
180. There are thought to be about three times as many species of insect as of all other kinds of animal put together.
181. Smaller birds that prey on insect pests also raid fruit crops, which must be netted.
182. Conifers protect their trunks from mechanical damage and insect attack with a special gummy substance, resin.
183. The temporal responsiveness of insect olfactory organs is truly remarkable.
184. Instead they have to consume foods such as shrimps, snails, algae and insect larvae.
185. The sweet potato's susceptibility to insect damage can slash yields by up to 80 percent.
186. Night-time average temperatures would increasingly leave much larger areas frost-free, leading to increases in insect life.
187. The insect may be 50 yards away, and so make only a tiny image on my retina.
188. If world insect species totals are as high as 50 million, this would extend to 28,345 species per insect specialist.
189. What factors had prevented the insect from multiplying and taking all the red maples?
190. VIP3 shows activity against many lepidopteran insect larvae.
191. The insecticide will kill off the insect pests.
192. Today we have another name forthis insect: the mayfly.
193. I suddenly felt an insect crawling up my leg.
194. Hormones regulate many insect functions, including ecdysis and metamorphosis.
195. The species and individuals of phytophagous insect are largest./insect.html
196. Rub some onion to a bee sting, mosquito bite or any insect bite. After a few hours, the pain, itchiness and swelling will subside.
197. However, pollen insect - pollinated ( entomophilous ) species is also often transported by wind.
198. His research interests lies in: 1) insect fungal pathogenesis and strain improvement by genetic modification; 2) fungal conidiation, conidial germination and dimorphism.
199. Furthermore, the invasion of Spartina alterniflora may affect progenitive birds when it decreased insect diversity in Jiuduansha wetlands.
200. During the Devonian period, insects began to exploit terrestrial environments. Flight, the exoskeleton, and metamorphosis are probably keys to insect success.
201. In other hand, microsporidia played an important role to control insect populations. It is powerful by using local microsporidia for biological controls.
202. This paper reported bionomics and integrated control of the main insect pests on stored blush dogbane stalks.
203. In mice and tobacco, this was overcome by over-expression of prolyl hydroxylase , analogous to what has been done in yeast and insect cell culture.
204. Meiling-mycin obtained by use of Nanchang-streptomycin has the function to kill insect, acarid and nematode.
205. Good weathering resistance. High temperature resistant, low temperature resistant, net easy to distort and jackknifing . alkailproof and acid proof , corrosion resistance, and insect pest resistance.
206. Ripper recognized that resurgence of insect numbers was a common feature of post - spray populations.
207. Medlar use ladybug control aphids, gall midge and other pests, improve wolfberry fruit quality, grade, insect pest control in the future to lay a good foundation.
208. Currano and her colleagues found that during the comparatively cooler end of the Paleocene epoch, 15 to 38 percent of leaves showed insect damage.
209. It was especially to sum up applied research and practical technique of insect hormone and antihormone in the Chinese sericologica production.
210. The fact that the tumor developed a few weeks after the insect bite, favors this line of thought.
211. But poplar production is severely threatened by certain insect pests, e. g. , Hyphantria cunea. Therefore, it is of great significance to breed poplar varieties with high insect resistance.
212. Objective:To study on the toxic effect and palatablity of the Insect Growth Regulation baits against Blattella germanica in the laboratory.
213. The insecticidal plant, Tripterygium wilfordii Hook , showed high effectiveness to many kinds of insect pests.
214. Acylureas have insect killing, acaricidal, plant growth regulating activities and blood sugar decreasing function and so on.
215. The Department of Entomology is an international centre for the study of insect and arachnid systematics, taxonomy, identification and comparative biology.
216. The insect odorant receptors, as other odorant receptors from nematoid to human, have long been perceived to be G-protein-coupled receptors(GPCR).
217. It's love at first sight when a gawky, quirky insect arrives in this bustling community and a fabulous ladybug catches his eye – and the feeling is mutual.
218. In the fifth chapter, iridescent colors of two morpho butterflies and one insect are studied cursorily .
219. Insect repellant : Coffee grounds are a good ant repellent. Sprinkle coffee grounds around ant hills. Coffee grounds also repel snails and slugs.
220. Mites are a tiny parasitic insect, the cask has some defensive effect.
221. The fish feed on benthos, larva of aquatic insect and other fishes.
222. Population dynamics and population structure of parasite wasps on white wax insect were studied by the fixture trapping from 1999 to 2000.
223. The progress and the relationship between the structures and activities of acylhydrazine insect growth regulators are reviewed.
224. The female insect has a clear selectivity on the location and development stage of the fruit for them to oviposit.
225. Chrysopidae and Hemerobiidae ; larvae feed on insect pests such as aphids.
226. Metamorphosis of an insect may be ametabolous hemimetabolous,(http:///insect.html) or holometabolous. Neuroendocrine and endocrine secretions control metamorphosis.
227. In addition, we also carry out a preliminary survey of coeval fossil plants from the same locations and present potential plant candidates which might have been involved in insect interactions.
228. Indonesian stick insect is the largest insect all over the world, only for its height, there is 1 foot long.
229. Hymenoptera is a close relationship insect group in human production and livelihood.
230. Scolytidae is one of the most important insect populations of the forestry and spreaded abroad by international trade.
231. Dredges the sewer, sprays the disinfection insect disinfestation liquid medicines, eliminates the mosquito to multiply, reduces the mosquito density.
232. Differences in susceptibility to insecticides between biotypes of B. tabaci are speculated to be an important mechanism for the B biotype to displace non-B biotypes of the insect.
233. Ginger contains large amounts of alpha copaene, a chemical that is known to attract a range of insect species.
234. Cyromazine is a highly effective insect growth inhibitor pesticide, widely used in livestock and poultry industry as feed additive to control the maggot growth in animal stalls.
235. The action of a pathogen and an insect vector changed the ecology of the rabbit.
236. Mature insect contained carmine acid, accounting for 19 % - 24 % of fuck insect weight.
237. The insect which will cause the quite big losses in the economy will be the flowered thrips, the monitor thrips available yellow and the blue color oriental army worm board.
238. A spider's orb web is one of the most impressive architectural feats in nature, capturing morning dew and insect meals with equal grace.
239. The standing crop of mollusk in subarea of Guozheng Lake, both aquatic oligochaete and aquatic insect in subarea of Shuiguo Lake was maximal.
240. The second proximal segment of the leg of an insect.
241. Water strider is a kind of insect that has the active function of staying, sliding and leaping on water surface.
242. The effects of the structures of the compounds on the insect glutamate potentials were investigated by using electrophysiological intracellular microelectrode recording technique.
243. The causes, controls and biology of insect melanism are significantly different among different insects.
244. Food Fired Shrimp with salted egg, Tuna Omelet, Steak, Fried Insect.
245. In Romanian folklore it was thought that a bat, insect or other flying creature that passed over a corpse, could turn it into a revenant (a corpse that returns from the grave).
246. The Chinese kept tiny fossilized fish in their food stores to keep away insect pests called silverfish.
247. Hormones regulate many insect functions, including ecdysis and metamorphosis. Pheromones are chemicals emitted by one individual that alter the behavior of another member of the same species.
248. The giant water bug, or Lethocerus indicus, a three-inch-long South Asian insect that looks uncannily like a local cockroach, is just one of the items on the menu of this bug-eating bacchanal.
249. Progress in the Study on the Synthesis and the Activities as Insect Growth Regulators of 2,5- Disubstituted 1,3,4-Oxadiazoles.
250. From the shape of the insect, Michael S. Engel, an entomologist at the University of Kansas, identified it as a mayfly, one of the first groups of flying insects.
251. The role of bioassay method in study of relationship between insect and plant volatile as well as the biological significance of attraction of Pterocarya stenoptera to cotton bollworm were discussed.
252. Measurements of the terminal segment of the maxillary palp showed a significant interaction between side (left or right lateral) and sex of the insect.
253. The urea-formaldehyde resin was made from industrial 36% formalin and 46% N carbamide in the laboratory. The urea-formaldehyde resin was used to imbed the insect specimens.
254. Works really great and gives relief no matter if it is a scratch or an insect bite . Just really great.
255. Also being readied for the modern locust fighter's armoury is a class of products known as Insect Growth Regulators, or IGRs, which influence the ability of hoppers to moult and grow properly.
255. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
256. The peach leafhopper( Typhlocyba sudra )is one of the important insect pests of peach tree in Guiyang.
257. From March to October, the two peaks of VB2 content were corresponded to the two feeding and quick development stages of the scale insect.
258. A small, wingless insect (Thermobia domestica) related to the silverfish and inhabiting warm areas of buildings, as around furnaces or boilers.
259. The scale insect Paracerostegia kunmingensis Tang et Xie is an important pest which harms the deconative plants Pittosporum tobira(Thunb.
260. Jatrohpa curcas L. , a multipurpose plant, can be used for medicine, industrial oil, disease and insect pest control and feed exploitation.
261. The study on insect - resistance with plant endophyte has been carried out for a while.
262. Only the third fossil thrips ever found, the woodland insect lived when Africa was part of a giant supercontinent called Gondwana.
263. Parasitoid wasps and flies use their long ovipositors to thrust their eggs into the eggs and bodies of other insects. Roughly 10 percent of all insect species are parasitoids.
264. Sleeping sickness isspreadedspread by the bite of the tsetse fly. The insect can carry a parasite that infects the central nervous system.
265. The developmental threshold and effective accumulative temperature of Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldemann) , an important insect pest of Robinia pseudoacacia, were studied in the laboratory.
266. Microsporidian can infect a wide rage of the invertebrates and vertebrates, especially including the economic insect, fish, rabbits, fur animal, nibbling the teeth and primate.
267. In the northern states fumigation is needed only after insect outbreaks occur.
268. The suface of nacarat interieaves in the book was coated with lead paint which has the function of insect disinfestations.
269. Checklists of the known diseases and insect pests were provided, and the identification keys were prepared separately for the known diseases and insect pests of Cycadaceae in China.
270. Chilades pandava is a new kind of insect harmful to sago cycas.
271. Development period of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover was observed in different cotton varieties with resistance to insect pests by inoculating the insect pest on cotton leave in laboratory.
272. Dendroctonus valens is a dangerous insect pest of several pine species in China.
273. Recently, more and more attention was paid on insect chitinase in plant pest control, for it could degrade chitin, one of the main components of insect integument and petritropic membrane.
274. For the sake of finding out the laws of insect pest damage to apricot trees and providing the basis for controlling the pest, sample plot method was applied to investigate the apricot tree stand.
275. Improving maize resistance to corn borer is an economical and effective technique to reduce the yield loss caused by insect damage.
276. He scratched the insect bite on his leg ( with his nails ).
277. E ...... insect clan the blast-off come out of the plasma ball enlarges for a while,(http:///insect.html) again this jets process of the speed become slowly.
278. In exchange, they enrich the soil, pollinate flowers, and gobble up insect pests.
279. It was concluded that a higher VB2 content in the host plant in some degree was benefit to the scale insect occurring greatly in the polluted city environment.
280. After inquiry into this expect, the bird insect chirography in from the writing write beg beautifully go to the calligraphy art aware of self become process load of history cultural meaning .
281. Google is on a grandiose journey to digitise just about every word, painting, note, street, mountain, stream, ocean, book, newspaper, animal, insect, photograph and email that ever existed.
282. In Great Smoky Mountains National Park, an invasive insect—the balsam woolly adelgid—has killed millions of Fraser firs, as seen here on Clingmans Dome.
283. Odorant binding proteins are thought to play an important role in insect for perceiving odorant molecule.
284. The ratio vegetation index(RVI)method is combined with field survey of insect pest to determine critical values of RVI for different degrees of disaster and the judgement accuracy reaches 73%.
285. Multiple cropping vegetable and rice can improve soil utilization rate, reduce plant diseases and insect pests and prevent soil Stalinization in protective field.
286. The insect tacking ( attacking ) tree farms and can also spread when logs and firewood are transported.




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