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单词 irreducible
释义  ir·re·duc·i·ble /ˌɪrɪˈdjuːsəbəl◂ $ -ˈduː-/ adjective written  CAN'TAMOUNTan irreducible sum, level etc cannot be made smaller or simpler 〔金额、水平等〕不能缩减的,不能简化的 → reduce —irreducibly adverbExamples from the Corpusirreducible• In James, it is civilized, social man negotiating and experiencing a world of irreducible ambivalence and complexity.• Amid all these fantasies and equivocations, however, there were two irreducible facts: death and Judith.• To follow this, an irreducible minimum of biochemical knowledge is necessary.• From the point of view of demand management, therefore, frictional and structural unemployment is an irreducible minimum unemployment rate.• It is the irreducible seat of strength.• It is imagination, and the irreducible sovereignty of the individual which engender disequilibrium and·re·duc·i·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  an made be smaller irreducible etc cannot level sum, Corpus




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