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单词 Occasional
1. The weather was good except for an occasional shower.
2. I've had occasional mild headaches all my life.
3. They caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling.
4. The occasional nude bather comes here.
5. She likes an occasional glass of wine.
6. He made occasional visits to London.
7. He pays me occasional visits.
8. I play the occasional game of football.
9. She went on occasional drinking binges.
10. Despite the occasional lapse, this was a fine performance by the young saxophonist.
11. Everything was quiet, aside from the occasional sound of a car in the distance.
12. The street slept in darkness, aside from the occasional twinkling of lights from two or three windows.
13. He has occasional injections to maintain his good health but otherwise he lives a normal life.
14. Despite occasional patches of purple prose, the book is mostly clear and incisive.
15. There will be occasional showers in southeast England, some of them perhaps heavy.
16. Thicker cloud with occasional rain or drizzle will spread into some western areas during the night.
17. Occasional bursts of gunfire are a reminder that the rebels are still active.
18. I can't help noticing the occasional clanger in war films.
19. Regular exercise is better than occasional bouts of strenuous activity.
20. He supplemented his income with occasional comedy gigs.
21. It was her job to commission occasional articles.
22. They had an occasional coffee together after shopping.
23. The supermarket holds occasional wine-tasting sessions.
24. He strolled through the fields, potting the occasional rabbit.
25. He gets the occasional niggle in his right shoulder.
26. You deserve an occasional evening out.
27. I enjoy an occasional night out at the theatre.
28. There will be occasional showers during the day.
29. From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas, especially around coasts and hills.
30. The silence of the forest was made evident by the occasional snap of a twig.
1. The weather was good except for an occasional shower.
2. I've had occasional mild headaches all my life.
3. They caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling.
4. The occasional nude bather comes here.
5. She likes an occasional glass of wine.
6. He made occasional visits to London.
7. I play the occasional game of football.
8. She went on occasional drinking binges.
9. Despite the occasional lapse, this was a fine performance by the young saxophonist.
10. He has occasional injections to maintain his good health but otherwise he lives a normal life.
11. The silence of the forest was made evident by the occasional snap of a twig.
12. Despite occasional patches of purple prose, the book is mostly clear and incisive.
13. Occasional bursts of gunfire are a reminder that the rebels are still active.
14. I can't help noticing the occasional clanger in war films.
15. Regular exercise is better than occasional bouts of strenuous activity.
16. That sort of thing is quite occasional and not regular.
17. This thing isn't occasional.
18. He has the occasional cigarette, but mostly he smokes a pipe.
19. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I'm not averse to the occasional cigar.
31. He only has occasional use of a car.
32. He works for us on an occasional basis.
33. An occasional glass of wine was his only indulgence.
34. He has the occasional cigar after dinner.
35. She needed an occasional prompt.
36. The occasional mortar burst near our truck.
37. An occasional polish will keep wall tiles looking good.
38. He should be allowed the occasional treat.
39. I enjoy the occasional glass of wine.
40. He reads the occasional book, but mostly just magazines.
41. She does have occasional lucid moments.
42. It's inevitable that doctors will make the occasional mistake.
43. He suffered occasional bouts of depression.
44. Chris has occasional casual work but mostly he is unemployed.
45. It was a superb performance,() despite occasional lapses of intonation.
46. Despite an occasional glimmer of hope, this campaign has not produced any results.
47. He spent five years in Paris, with occasional visits to Italy.
48. There was no light except for the occasional glow of a cigarette.
49. The house only needs an occasional coat of paint to keep it shipshape.
50. That sort of thing is quite occasional and not regular.
51. The coffee cups were placed on an antique occasional table.
52. We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives.
53. Although a very religious man, he is still troubled by occasional doubts.
54. This thing isn't occasional.
55. We should have enough money left for the occasional trip.
56. Esther used to visit him for the occasional days and weekends.
57. He has the occasional cigarette, but mostly he smokes a pipe.
58. She flicked through a romantic paperback between occasional dips in the pool.
59. Her speech was serious, but not without the occasional touch of humour.
60. Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional flashes of temper.
61. As a diabetic she was accustomed to the occasional hypoglycaemic attack.
62. As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss.
63. It is not surprising that most parents experience occasional difficulties.
64. Despite the occasional longueurs, this is an impressive first novel.
65. An occasional wipe with a soft cloth will keep the surface shiny.
66. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I'm not averse to the occasional cigar.
67. I drink an occasional cup of coffee; but usually I take tea.
68. She had a habit of taking an occasional nip from a flask of cognac.
69. Apart from the occasional letter, they had not been in touch for years.
70. He's someone I have an occasional chat and joke with.
71. In the nature of things , there is bound to be the occasional accident.
72. There were occasional air raids on Calcutta.
73. The occasional very expensive, very fast car.
74. Boats taking occasional thornback ray, but cod scarce.
75. Occasional clanks are emitted by some distant valve.
75. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
76. Oliver cast the occasional glance back.
77. He even puts in the occasional bottle of claret.
78. So the occasional gallery owner prepared to support a Black artist gets much credit in this show.
79. Over the years, she said, they kept in touch by telephone and brief, occasional backstage visits at concerts.
80. Occasional cairns led us to a challenging rocky descent into another forest, full of rhododendron blossom, pine scents and birdsong.
81. The occasional guard braved the discomfort for a few minutes before retiring to the cool of the corridors.
82. Under Anne, High Churchmen became preoccupied with trying to eradicate the practice of occasional conformity.
83. The occasional burst of speed is required to outrun real and imaginary predators.
84. These occasional chance encounters could not in any way be said to constitute a satisfactory emotional life.
85. But the occasional visitor who is wanting more will find that he has a genuine opportunity to engage in worthwhile learning.
86. Additionally, there are occasional examples of cycle lanes being carried in streets against the flow of one-way traffic systems.
87. However, after a year or so he had recovered from all his problems except cribbing and an occasional bout of colic.
88. In 1969 he began composing and writing music for his own occasional groups.
89. Otherwise, clinical signs are absent except in the occasional case of intestinal or biliary obstruction.
90. In fact, many of the occasional desert rainfalls are very light and incapable of any serious erosion.
91. That seems a far cry from just a few years ago when the only diesels were lorries, buses and the occasional taxi.
92. The occasional burst of singing wafts up through the yellow leaves, mixed with the mouldy astringent smell of rotting apples.
93. A quiet neighbourhood; no-one about but the occasional delivery man.
94. There was a constant hum of chatter, and the occasional laugh.
95. The river ice was crisscrossed with cracks, and we heard occasional booming as new cracks were made.
96. The occasional incidents of newborn babies being stolen from public hospitals understandably causes a furore.
97. Though he notes occasional heroism, his general verdict on the working classes is unfavourable.
98. While Violette entertained them with stories of increasing complexity, Katherine from beneath lowered lids stole occasional glances at Carlo.
99. Only an occasional boy or girl was able to show off carrying a whole textbook.
100. Even with the occasional gaffe, marketers say placing products in movies is an increasingly important way to enhance exposure.
101. Contacts between the area staff and the students were not limited to formal classroom work and occasional formally ordained informal contact.
102. Not even my occasional corporate consulting was good enough cover for my unrelenting commitment.
103. This was not a collection that sparked shouts, cheers or even an occasional burst of polite applause.
104. Occasional special evenings are held for guests' entertainment and on Fridays a cold buffet is served.
105. A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke. Groucho Marx 
105. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
106. George immediately became a fixture in the Palace side and, but for an occasional injury, he remained there for seven seasons.
107. It deals with the occasional situation when a holiday party arrives on a charter flight and claims asylum enbloc.
108. This pattern of behaviour could be described as generally good with occasional bouts of attention seeking.
109. I hadn't eaten beef for years, apart from the occasional prime organic steak from farmers I happen to know.
110. Third - the occasional sums needed for holidays, car repairs, house repairs, and replacement of furniture and domestic appliances.
111. Thus, in the key area of economic policy, despite an occasional victory, Carter achieved little.
112. It flares on, despite countless local ceasefires, occasional truces and the efforts of the world to get it stopped.
113. There was complete silence but for the occasional sound of distant traffic.
114. They still carried the ball, but the electors moved from being spectators to doubling as occasional umpires as well.
115. And yet, amidst the dirt and grime, grew the occasional camomile, white flowers pressing strongly towards the sun.
116. The soldiers are now housed in five-man rooms; duvets, music systems and the occasional television are in evidence.
117. There is an occasional poorly executed sketch of a tiny organism or of a bone and muscle structure.
118. A carved plaque with an occasional bouquet of cut roses is hardly the memorial those early saints would have wanted.
119. The only maintenance required is an occasional wipe over with a mild detergent.
120. He or she may have emotional problems that result in occasional deliberate binges but that is not necessarily alcoholism.
121. A nimble slip fielder and occasional spin bowler, he played for Suffolk in 1938 and 1939 after leaving Hampshire.
122. These days all that seems innocent stuff - occasional cigarette smoking isn't enough for schoolkids in the Nineties.
123. Recent weeks have seen it ride roughshod over ostrich breeders, society con artists, champagne fraudsters and the occasional fallen tycoon.
124. People who lose weight and keep it off eat a low-fat diet with an occasional splurge.
125. Poole boat anglers found the going tough with just odd pout, dogfish, whiting and occasional cod.
126. An occasional word from an adult visitor may, if appropriate, direct attention to the problem and its solution.
127. I applied for the occasional post that I thought might be interesting, but never heard anything back.
128. He admits to usually having a serious look on his face, though an occasional smile breaks through.
129. He lived a very retired life; gave up games, and took exercise by occasional short sharp runs; and concentrated.
130. There were rare excursions to seaside or country by train or charabanc, or the occasional boat trip on Lough Neagh.
131. The occasional meeting of a backpacker on the trail was different, and friendly words were always exchanged.
132. Occasional low lintels bumped and scraped his head in the blackness.
133. A very occasional half tablet might be prescribed by the doctor to restore a habit of good sleep that has been broken.
134. Their occasional evenings at the card table with the Youngs were one of John's few outside pleasures.
135. Graham knows his defender should be learning his trade by the occasional appearance in a winning team to breed confidence.
135. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
136. The existence of the occasional bad law enacted by a just government does not by itself establish much.
137. I have had chronic low-back pain, with occasional flare-ups of worse pain, for at least five years.
138. In other groups, the dominant male gets most of the matings, and the other males are allowed an occasional copulation.
139. Was it said, she wondered, because of her Alice's - occasional doubts over Andrew?
140. It is subject to grease and grime from the hands, occasional coffee spills, cigarette ash, dead flies and sandwich crumbs.
141. They say they make more phone calls, schedule quicker appointments, do more comprehensive screenings and even make occasional house calls.
142. There were no houses or villages, only the occasional ruined farmhouse surrounded by pine trees and sandy, boggy ground.
143. Theo's occasional complaints, hardly ever voiced directly, were usually muted and so we fail to take note of them.
144. The occasional pint of beer at skittles night is allowed too.
145. Free activities: The brass band gives regular concerts, there are guided walks and even occasional windsurfing regattas!
146. The ties that bind us are stronger than the occasional stresses that separate us. Colin Powell 
147. We had to keep drawing apart as occasional couples, and sometimes prowling single men, passed nearby.
148. There is a low chance of success in identifying companies intending to diversify into a sector other than the occasional press statement.
149. Only an occasional ferry boat makes a last, bleak journey across the river to Birkenhead and the Wirral.
150. Anders believes those psychic perks were partly to blame for the occasional criticism he received from other defense executives.
151. Most people make the change from occasional social drinking to alcohol dependence gradually.
152. She was a reporter with the City Press, and an occasional correspondent for the Star - a radical national daily.
153. Nevertheless, they do occur and occasional assaults and other criminal acts are committed.
154. Except for pasting the occasional coconut tree with small advertisements for acupuncture, the hippies have done little to disfigure this beautiful spot.
155. I get hardly any mail, bar the occasional postcard from my mother.
156. Already emaciated, he would take only occasional bites of food and seemed to shake violently when he drank fluids.
157. All the eye can see are evergreens, a placid body of water and the occasional loon.
158. She also enjoyed taking on occasional press and public relations assignments, and brings that experience to her present work.
159. These cases demonstrate that social care planning involves far more than slotting in occasional services piece meal, as they are available.
160. Sadly, these dedicated servants end up standing in the blazing sun, a routine broken only by the occasional soaking rainstorm.
161. Only occasional flakes came haphazardly down like white sifts of charred paper when a chimney is on fire.
162. There is a buzz of chatter with an occasional burst of laughter.
163. Although no longer used commercially, it was apparently put to occasional use grinding corn up to the start of the First World War.
164. They pretty much run the place themselves, relying on occasional help only on busy weekends.
165. The occasional sound of small-arms fire punctuated the lunchtime action at the company command post.
165. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
166. So, we do not let our children watch network television, except for an occasional sporting event.
167. The breed is prone to occasional stomach troubles and bouts of enteritis so a good-quality diet is essential.
168. To avoid interrupting the flow of the main text, occasional bits of parenthetical material appear as footnotes.
169. Any small inheritance, gift, premium bond prize or money from occasional jobs should not be included.
170. I have never hated hyenas: their occasional maniacal laughter and their eerie whooping cries are among my earliest memories.
171. The bombing had stopped, and all we could hear was the occasional burst of gunfire.
172. For much of the time there was continuous subcutaneous and repressed friction, broken by occasional and emotionally trying attempts at reconciliation.
173. In the case of short-term and occasional courses the answer is no.
174. Falcons, buzzards and golden eagles are sometimes observed but these are occasional visitors.
175. It must have been for the company, the contact, the occasional piece of clothing she made for Lucky.
176. The occasional curtained litter or rickshaw sheltered its rich occupant from the sun as he or she ventured out on some errand.
177. It may be of most value for occasional use, in known responders, to save embarrassment when sleeping away from home.
178. Phat counted the strokes, darting an occasional glance at Duclos to ensure he retained his approval.
179. Regular light exercise is safer and more effective than occasional bouts of strenuous exercise.
180. But although I won an occasional battle, Mom won the war.
181. The singer is capable of delicacy, as well; the occasional pianissimo utterance takes you aback.
182. Some say that the rising number of people in an area is bound to create occasional disturbances.
183. There have been a few telephone calls and some occasional supervision on my part.
184. Both men fired repeatedly, guided by the occasional flash of a rifle ahead of them.
185. And the occasional burst pipe can cause major structural damage rather quickly.
186. When the wind dropped an occasional rumble in the distance reminded them of their first taste of war's excitements.
187. It wasn't too windy, but windy enough to cause the occasional shot to go astray.
188. Alongside the occasional opportunity classes in the 1960s came a little finding for extra staff.
189. Some anorexics combine fasting with occasional binges, followed by self-induced purging or vomiting.
190. A slight breeze picks up and you see only occasional flashes of distant lightning that still illuminate the whole sky.
191. The contributions have been only lightly edited, but the occasional inconsistencies of spelling, nomenclature, etc. cause few problems.
192. An occasional compliment is necessary to keep up one's self- respect. Mark Twain 
193. It is sometimes a mild complaint, with occasional acute bouts - or it can be source of constant pain and discomfort.
194. Chris had occasional casual work, but most of the time he was unemployed.
195. The routine can be enlivened at any time of year by the occasional charter to other destinations.
196. There have been occasional remarks that some players may have dallied for a time with what are known as recreational drugs.
197. If you have occasional bad attacks of your minor symptoms,(http://) mark your calendar.
198. The distance be-tween us varied as each ship dodged occasional coconut trees and tall bushes.
199. In his later years he suffered from occasional bouts of insanity.
200. And there was always the shadow of illness, the occasional disturbing blankness, the spasms of physical distress.
201. The problem occurs in the patient who has an occasional seizure, which alarms fellow workers and disrupts work activities.
202. Anyway, I had no income other than occasional fees from the news media and they would dry up.
203. She still puts in occasional appearances, Graves concluded in all sincerity, as a muse to poets like himself!
204. The occasional glass of wine is both enjoyable and beneficial.
205. The only sound in the house is the occasional last convulsive sob from the top of the stairs.
206. There were the occasional disagreements about money, but mostly we got on well.
207. The only things that made her life bearable were the occasional visits from her grandchildren.
208. These fan deposits extend into the mountain valleys and have been dissected into terraces by occasional floods emerging from those valleys.
209. Walking through the old foundations, you discover broken bits of dinner plates and an occasional fork with its tines splayed.
210. I hear only a distant occasional cowbell and the cheerful nearer transactions of insects.
211. Unseen in the wild night, the occasional wisp of smoke drifted among the trunks.
212. Fishing Deep Sea fishing offers everything from conger eel to codling, even the occasional shark.
213. Certainly not, say 61%, although 23% admit to an occasional twinge of envy.
214. Occasional collective efforts by prisoners to improve their lot have mostly been sharply put down.
215. If you enjoy an occasional drink this may do no harm but by cutting out drink altogether you avoid any possible risks.
216. An entire childhood spent in darkness, isolated from the world, with no human contact except an occasional beating.
217. They can cash in on good ideas from staff and benefit from many small improvements and occasional large leaps forward.
218. Verreaux eagle owl is also an occasional predator of small antelopes.
219. We must figure in occasional expenses in the budget.
220. Underlining works okay for occasional inline links.
221. An elegant occasional table is framed in the window.
222. She saw the occasional glimmer of a moth's wings.
223. When the crystals do not mesh properly, the occasional atom will jut out where it should not, creating a defect to which a phage can stick.
224. Armed with crowbars and the occasional hand winch, the group rescued some 1, 500 artifacts from around the city.
225. Watching for the occasional horse and carriage, we soar up and down the streets, stopping to look in small shops or at historic buildings.
225. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
226. It's extremely quiet at night , only occasional ban be heard, but more beautiful voice of ding-dong from the spring.
227. you're like me, when you think of Google, you think of a lot of folks in jeans and t-shirts, maybe the occasional untucked button down. You know, the uniform of Silicon Valley.
228. We could hear ambulance sirens outside, with the occasional rat-tat-tat of gunfire.
229. So, too, they say, is the idea that because hookah smoking is an occasional activity, users are inhaling much less smoke than cigarette users.
230. A separate study, also published in Sleep, showed that an occasional long lie-in can be beneficial for those who can't avoid getting too little sleep.
231. Although the majority of cases behave indolently, occasional distant metastasis, local invasion or recurrence have been reported.
232. After that, paid occasional upkeep and maintenance, at an agreed price on an ongoing level every few weeks.
233. Many seals live here as well as sea lions and the occasional sea elephant .
234. There may be the occasional criticism but it's clear there is no raging debate right now.
235. Flat round fruit, fruit large, orange-red peel, Near pedicled Department occasional constriction, meat thin, sweet, seedless , easy deastringented.
236. Ross drove aimlessly through the outer suburbs, sharing the wide, wet road with the occasional noctambulant alley cat, a carload of cheering carousers, and electric mini-van delivering milk.
237. For the occasional bout of diarrhea, adding some canned pumpkin and probiotics to the food and feeding a bland diet for several meals may be all that is required.
238. Al Qaeda's top leaders are holed up somewhere along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, apparently too harried to issue more than the occasional online missive.
239. Of course, there is the occasional miscreant standing in front of the classroom who encourages student failure as a backhanded compliment to his self-declared high standards.
240. Toxaemia may be a contributing factor in occasional acute cases in which the pigs collapse and die suddenly.
241. Using his photographs only as an occasional reference point, or to reflect a mood, Vuillard recomposed his subjects at will.
242. The event is ore earthquake of rock burst type related to coal mine exploitation and mining activity, the micro-earthquake swarms belong to occasional local stress releasing.
243. A few small villages and an occasional roadhouse nestled in the forest's shadow.
244. Maxim is clearly a power user of the rhncfg functionality, but hacking code is only an occasional thing for him.
245. In his photographs unexpected camera angles and dramatic chiaroscuro effects transform the occasional squalor and chaos of the actual events into powerful dream-like images.




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