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单词 Continuing
1. They resolved on continuing the struggle.
2. Congress is continuing to oppose the President's healthcare budget.
3. Continuing violence will retard negotiations over the country's future.
4. I am continuing to apply for jobs.
5. Despite the continuing recession, the government has asked people to keep faith with its reforms.
6. The number of car accident deaths is continuing to decline.
7. I see no point in continuing this conversation.
8. Higher education is a continuing developmental process .
9. The board of inquiry is continuing its investigations.
10. Negotiations about his transfer are continuing off the pitch.
11. It wasn't worthwhile continuing with the project.
12. He will be continuing his education in the US.
13. Continuing violence could hold up progress towards reform.
14. The prison population is continuing to rise.
15. Sally Palmer will be continuing as chairperson this autumn.
16. The barometer marked a continuing fall in atmospheric pressure.
17. High interest rates are continuing to depress the economy.
18. I have no interest in continuing this conversation.
19. We are grateful for your continued / continuing support.
20. The report expressed concern over continuing high unemployment.
21. Aerial bombing of rebel positions is continuing.
22. His solicitors are continuing to act for him.
23. He paused for an instant before continuing.
24. The campaign is continuing to run at full throttle.
25. Nurses are continuing to work to rule.
26. He paused briefly before continuing.
27. We are continuing to push the business forward.
28. The continuing search for drugs to combat viral infections presents medicine with one of its greatest challenges in the twenty-first century.
29. The front page is devoted to the continuing saga of the hijack.
30. The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.
1. They resolved on continuing the struggle.
2. Congress is continuing to oppose the President's healthcare budget.
3. Continuing violence will retard negotiations over the country's future.
4. I am continuing to apply for jobs.
5. Despite the continuing recession, the government has asked people to keep faith with its reforms.
6. The number of car accident deaths is continuing to decline.
7. The barometer marked a continuing fall in atmospheric pressure.
31. The achievement of the men's team was overshadowed by the continuing success of the women's team.
32. This action makes a mockery of the Government's continuing protestations of concern.
33. The incident proved the need for a continuing military presence in the area.
34. They received criticism for continuing to supply the faulty goods.
35. These casualty totals have to be set against the continuing growth in traffic.
36. Constant revision of the curriculum must be undertaken to ensure its continuing relevance.
37. Granada and Forte are continuing to telephone shareholders in an attempt to bring them onside.
38. No one would look with favour on the continuing military rule.
39. We made a quick pit stop in York before continuing on our journey.
40. She felt constrained from continuing by the threat of losing her job.
41. Bad debts are continuing to gnaw away at the bank's profits.
42. We had fallen so far behind that it seemed pointless continuing.
43. He has clearly committed his government to continuing down the path of economic reform.
44. Research shows that it is not divorce per se that harms children, but the continuing conflict between parents.
45. I can see no useful purpose in continuing this conversation.
46. There was widespread picketing of mines where work was continuing.
47. The minister has resigned amid continuing controversy over his education proposals.
48. Because of debt repayments, the divide between rich and poor countries is continuing to grow.
49. They are continuing their legal battle to seek some redress from the government.
50. He waited until the laughter had subsided before continuing his story.sentencedict .com
51. There is a continuing debate about the age at which a human fetus can be considered viable.
52. We've seen a continuing deterioration in relations between the two countries.
53. The mere fact that the talks are continuing is a positive sign.
54. The continuing civil war is frustrating the efforts of relief agencies to feed thousands of famine victims.
55. They are chafing at the continuing delays of the buses.
56. The incident was the latest twist in the continuing saga of fraud and high scandal in banks and stockbroking firms.
57. Talks were continuing about the demarcation of the border between the two countries.
58. The capital is calm, but continuing disorder has been reported elsewhere.
59. Continuing strikes are beginning to play havoc with the national economy.
60. The continuing industrial unrest mocked the government's attempts to find a solution.
61. The meeting takes place against a background of continuing political violence.
62. Blue skies are not a guarantee of continuing fine weather.
63. The government is continuing to take a tough line on terrorism.
64. "Actually, I'm leaving you", she said, continuing to examine her fingernails.
65. We expect good results soon, if the board can see its way clear to continuing funding the project.
66. In this case work out the result before continuing.
67. Now Will maintains his positive attitude by continuing to behave in the same way. 5.
68. Before continuing with our main theme there are a few points that may need clarifying.
69. She took a shaky step back, mentally berating herself for continuing to react to him in this inexplicable fashion.
70. More food was to be imported and there would be continuing efforts to boost exports.
71. The company said it was continuing to carry out checks at the well.
72. The introduction of girls into cathedral choirs and the continuing vitality of choir schools are also hopeful signs for the future.
73. Most legislatures also have formal investigatory powers on a continuing or a case-by-case basis.
74. The passage continuing beyond the junction is absolutely out of bounds.
75. Most peace activists remained united by their continuing opposition to rearmament, if by little else.
76. The alternative to the hopeless choice between continuing disorders of mood or continuing recourse to addictive substances or behaviours.
77. Scientists and administrators bickered over whether this should be a continuing program in ocean-bottom drilling or a one-shot drive to the mantle.
78. They made towards it as the first flare hit the sea, continuing to burn, with clouds of smoke drifting upwards.
79. Public relations is a continuing activity which is sensitive to a changing market-place, public attitudes and national and international events.
80. A member of the Council of Foreign Relations,[] his resume shows a continuing interest in international economic affairs.
81. When parents refuse, there is either an almighty bust-up or a continuing groundswell of discontent that lasts for weeks.
82. Barzani stated that negotiations were continuing with the government for Kurdish autonomy.
83. Many had also learnt from bitter experience that a good education was needed in the continuing battle against colour prejudice.
84. In many cases they have the option of continuing on for a baccalaureate at the University of Dayton.
85. Continuing armed conflict Throughout April and May armed conflict continued.
86. The ownership and biases of the media have been an issue of continuing interest to analysts.
87. He glanced briefly about him before continuing along the scattered fringe of trees that girdled it.
88. To make those changes but to maintain the essential spirit of cricket is the continuing challenge.
89. A randomised controlled trial comparing prompted care with continuing hospital clinic care was undertaken.
90. The continuing development of multimedia computers suggests that video lessons and video teleconferencing of chess games may not be far off.
91. Voice over Elsewhere investigations are continuing into a separate security alert in Gloucester City Centre yesterday.
92. Despite planned closures, the continuing decline in demand will continue to generate spare capacity.
93. A more continuing change has been the wearing of smarter suits by most males and of brighter colours by many ladies.
94. The changing nature of the planning context, through case law, government policy and statute, demands continuing attention.
95. Long-term cohort studies show declines beginning in 1982 and continuing steadily through the late 19805.
96. There is nothing surprising in this continuing emphasis on noble birth and high social rank.
97. I think that this was more beneficial than continuing my education directly.
98. Her love of choral singing, fostered at Oxford in the Bach Choir, gives her continuing pleasure.
99. Instead, you will find hidden agendas and other problems continuing to undermine your collective performance and change.
100. His clinical experiences taken together provided the basis for, as well as continuing opportunity to re-evaluate, his theory of early emotional development.
101. Although he felt sure he would win her in the end, he was annoyed at her continuing coyness.
102. But miners say that the continuing importation of cheap foreign coal is helping to put their jobs on the scrap heap.
103. In fact, the longest continuing presence is often the audit partner.
104. As he did so, he heard footsteps passing under the bridge and over the point catwalk and continuing under the box.
105. A rising inflationary trend and a persistent fiscal deficit during 1990 were exacerbated by the continuing civil war and rising petrol prices.
106. The law itself, according to the bipartisan commission, is a source of continuing illegal migration.
107. A general right of accession would have created a major inroad into the continuing bilateralism of even multilateral treaties.
108. Pat Cash and Dave Wheaton have also agreed to play and efforts are continuing to attract other leading players.
109. Some ethnic minority elders may find the continuing experience of hostility and racial abuse which they experience very hard to bear.
110. Nothing unusual - clocks behaving as before, keeping good time and continuing to emit their light beams.
110. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
111. Doctors are continuing to pursue the possibility of a seizure mainly because everything else they can think of has been ruled out.
112. To balance demand against available resources is a continuing function of health service management intra-contractually and extra-contractually.
113. The last nine months have also seen continuing development in the National Certificate and in our advanced courses provision.
114. The search is still continuing for a group of climbers reported missing in the Scottish highlands.
115. Leaving his personal belongings in the room he walks down to enjoy a good breakfast before continuing his journey.
116. There was a general acceptance of the need for further and continuing training with greater emphasis on efficient production as opposed to increased production.
117. The professional associations representing accountants sponsor numerous courses, seminars, group study programs, and other forms of continuing education.
118. In a bizarre twist, the continuing rise in fuel taxes could force the petrol companies themselves to hike prices further.
119. The Independent Labour Party was thus forced to accept full responsibility for continuing the dispute.
120. In practice many of us have become Christians and are continuing to believe for less than the best reasons and clearest motives.
121. There would be little chance of continuing to see flowers in militias' buttonholes.
122. The guerrillas are continuing to recruit minors, and they carry out the death penalty.
123. We are continuing to examine evidence and following up on a substantial amount of information that we are receiving.
124. But the development of continuing education must eventually have a backwash effect on initial professional education at the undergraduate stage.
125. Growth will also come from continuing to build on the core brands.
126. I know that I can do that at home and abroad by continuing to represent the country.
127. To this annual cost a multiplier appropriate to other forms of continuing future expense should be applied.
128. The continuing theme during basic training will be interviewing skills, without which the advisory process may not get under way.
129. He now becomes a consultant, while continuing as a cartoonist.
130. In theory, logging was suspended by law in January 1990, but it is reported to be continuing apace.
131. Continuing on, the path re-enters the woodland to a caravan park.
132. A continuing programme to investigate, evaluate, and disseminate best practice information on teaching large classes has also been developed.
133. There is still a strong case for continuing with at least some three-day matches on uncovered pitches.
134. Marriott will remain chairman and chief executive officer with law, finance and corporate relations departments continuing to report to him.
135. One of the continuing financial objectives is to lengthen this average life of debt through selective refinancing.
136. The company's five-year business plan includes publishing their own partworks while continuing to package continuity series and books.
137. Angry and hurt at the continuing racism and sexism at Columbia, Joanne speaks out but tries to choose her moments.
138. It seems that this was their means of asserting their continuing independence of Moscow.
139. The negotiations are continuing, with prospects for peace hanging in the balance.
140. The exchange has a continuing obligation to monitor markets and to identify and address potential abuses.
141. Some patients had voiced initial apprehension about their continuing to receive medication,[] but most were thought to be neutral about fundholding.
142. But Sepp said continuing the mortgage and charitable deductions at the same time would cancel out the increase from investment taxes.
143. During the next few months and years, we must avoid continuing in the trap that we were in before.
144. That is an argument for having a range of effective analgesics, but hardly for continuing to multiply their numbers indefinitely.
145. Continuing anxiety about the state of the economy forced families to pay off more outstanding debt last month.
146. The Archive guarantees a secure database by a continuing programme of rigorous checks on the database's physical integrity.
147. What tipped the balance against that was my continuing dreadful performance in the classroom.
148. The hon. Gentleman should be ashamed of the lip service that he has paid to employment by continuing to outline such policies.
149. There was also continuing close contact between Eadwine's court and that of Eadbald, king of Kent.
150. It was the first truly successful undersea cable, continuing in business for the next 24 years.
151. This is a story of continuing progress, from the barbarity of slavery to the enlightenment of the contemporary race relations industry.
152. There is enough interest on Newby Moss to evaporate all thoughts of continuing upwards to climb Ingleborough.
153. Bring your arousal level to simmering point and stay there without boiling over by continuing to breathe deeply and reducing stimulation slightly.
154. Such selection has been continued throughout history, and is continuing today in plant and animal breeding programmes.
155. Jean-Francois Lyotard, for one, prefers to see the postmodern as a continuing possibility arising out of the modern.
156. The quest for quality is continuing, but the best means of achieving it are debatable.
157. The second policy issue will focus on the continuing saga of involving clinicians in management.
158. Yesterday, a spokesman for the Shrewsbury-based agents acting for Hafodunos Estates said discussions were continuing.
159. Invest in the continuing education of your employees.
160. BUTCH AND SUNDANCE continuing to ride.
161. Continuing education and retraining will be inescapable.
162. Efforts to sensitize affected communities are continuing, with local volunteers supported by Portuguese-speaking experts from Brazil and Mozambique.
163. The fixed assets is the key economic resources, which the enterprise to maintain a simple reproduction and the material basis for continuing operations.
164. The Air Force test, called Glory Trip 195, was part of a continuing program to evaluate and demonstrate the operational readiness of our ground-based strategic deterrent force.
165. He is continuing his exploration of the molecular basis of cell cycle control in normal and cancer cells as an MPhil candidate at UST.
166. Despite the increasingly open policies toward foreign investment in the Chinese leasing industry, some regulatory hurdles remain, raising continuing debates throughout the country.
167. There is more than 600 thousand ha Salina. It mostly in the west region and the soil basification is continuing enlarged.
168. The gains part of a continuing shift in wealth from the East to the tech - centric West.
169. The ancestral culture must be heart connected continuing, shakes hand is the privity, is the information transmission.
170. Therefore, even if the Hamburg Rules took effect, G. A. would be continuing to exist and develop, and would still have its active adjustment funct...
170. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
171. Additionally, the Jobs Act extends the 100 percent expensing for capital expenditures into 2012, continuing an historic incentive for new capital investments.
172. Seidel. Industries like health care and education are still adding jobs. Public accounting and financial advising are also continuing to do well, although their growth is more muted.
173. Thereal reason that Japan is so hell-bent on continuing its whaling isbecause it fears that a ban would be the thin end of the wedge.
174. At present there exist two protrusive phenomenon, a continuing increase of the rural and urban income gap, and a remaining insufficient demand .
175. Mel paused, to let his appoint sink home, before continuing.
176. Academic libraries are facing continuing challenges from rising costs of materials and services, shrinking budgets, and the impact of new technologies.
177. Keung is continuing his exploration of wireless communications as an MPhil candidate in ELEC.
178. He said good demand for its latest models was continuing, despite macroeconomic worries and longer replacement cycles in some countries.
179. All nurses know the requirements for PREP, with its practice, continuing professional development and re-registration standards.
180. epidemiological team is "continuing to oversee diagnosis, surveillant and treatment protocols, as we work with the Haitian government and other partners to stem the outbreak."
181. His continuing education idea of the combination of "learning" and "practicing" had a profound meaning and had a far-reaching influence on the afterworld .
182. By continuing to employ the full might of mindfulness and wisdom, avijj? is finally extinguished within the citta.
183. Citigroup's acquisition , for an undisclosed sum, underlines the continuing consolidation in the global custody industry.
184. "We had a wide-ranging discussion about the continuing progress that Iraq is making,[http:///continuing.html]" Obama said after a nearly hourlong Oval Office meeting.
185. Those over 50 are increasingly likely to combine part-time jobs with voluntary work, and a growing number of those past pensionable age are continuing in paid work.
186. Beckham said talks about renewing his contract are continuing after they were held up due to the change of chairman and coach at Real Madrid during the close season.
187. The innovation of thesis is multidimensional analysis, business process optimization and the continuing flow reconstitution.
188. By continuing to work shoulder-to-shoulder with in-country partners to increase local capacity under national strategies, the Emergency Plan will continue to build on its early success.
189. First, river levels are continuing to rise in the northeast Australian state of Queensland where an area larger than Texas is being affected by the worst flooding in half a century.
190. In the Southwest, continuing drought shrank Lake Mead, the enormous impoundment behind Hoover Dam that waters much of the region, to a fraction of its former self.
191. The United States is seeking to establish an enterprise fund to help with new business startups, and is continuing work with the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
192. Additional bonus pay available for continuing to write news articles on a long-term basis for this site and others.
193. The EU expressed its satisfaction and gratitude to China for its continuing support of the EU ITER site.
194. Negotiations are continuing with Reebok chiefs reluctantly warning the former Newcastle man that they could take legal action and demand compensation, if he scuppers the deal.
195. And if the academyinsists on continuing to segregate awards, then it should at least remainconsistent and create an Oscar for best directress.
196. 2007 was another big year for Google with the company growing to become America's fifth largest listed stock (by market cap) whilst continuing its march towards world domination.




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