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单词 Drastic
1. Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession.
2. Talk to me before you do anything drastic.
3. The situation calls for drastic action.
4. The government is threatening to take drastic action.
5. Many employees have had to take drastic cuts in pay.
6. NATO threatened drastic action if its terms were not met.
7. The situation called for drastic action .
8. Our budget needs drastic revision.
9. The scheme has recently undergone drastic revision.
10. People are not ready for such drastic actions.
11. We need to take drastic steps to reduce pollution.
12. Drastic measures will have to be taken to restore order.
13. He has promised drastic disciplinary action if they do not mend their ways.
14. Drastic changes are needed if environmental catastrophe is to be avoided.
15. He's not going to do anything drastic about economic policy.
16. There are going to have to be some drastic changes.
17. Unions will disappear entirely or undergo drastic change.
18. Labour's Whitehall plans are more drastic.
19. A drastic overhaul of land-ownership and farming is urgent.
20. But this would be such a drastic step.
21. But this seems much too drastic.
22. Drastic overnight changes will certainly lead to digestive upsets.
23. Drastic situations require drastic measures.
24. Recent violence made it necessary to take drastic measures.
25. The situation brings home to us the need for drastic preventive measures.
26. The situation brings home to us the need for drastic preventive actions.
27. Most of the council members are reluctant to make such a drastic move .
28. Lisbon's foreign earnings have been badly hurt by the drastic drop in tourism.
29. The clear message of the scientific reports is that there should be a drastic cut in car use.
30. Linda knew that for both their sakes she must take drastic action.
1. Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession.
2. Talk to me before you do anything drastic.
3. The situation calls for drastic action.
4. The government is threatening to take drastic action.
5. Many employees have had to take drastic cuts in pay.
6. NATO threatened drastic action if its terms were not met.
7. The situation brings home to us the need for drastic preventive measures.
8. The situation brings home to us the need for drastic preventive actions.
9. Lisbon's foreign earnings have been badly hurt by the drastic drop in tourism.
31. Nothing drastic or even very specific was proposed.
32. The rising incidence of drunken driving requires drastic countermeasures.
33. The protein eats normal cells, leading to the drastic weight loss which weakens patients and prevents them fighting the disease.
34. The vaccine brought a drastic drop-80 percent-in paralytic polio cases by 1957.
35. We need better computer models and more reliable climate data before we take any drastic countermeasures. 3.
36. Britain in mid-1979 was unlikely to lurch into any drastic transformation, let alone a dictatorship.
37. He was able to sit up(), his back injuries seemed to be less drastic than they had first appeared.
38. A: Oh, we don't have to be quite so drastic.
39. But now even bigger and more drastic changes are on the horizon.
40. However, other less drastic methods of resolving disagreements are available.
41. Of all physician weight-loss treatments, surgery is the most drastic.
42. But performances have been consistently below par for too long and drastic action needs to be taken.
43. Assume the most drastic situation, complete closure of the entire euro-dollar market.
44. The ground was frozen, and digging foundations was practically impossible in such drastic weather conditions.
45. Drastic changes, up or down, hamper longer-term development and can mean re-drafting the national budget at short notice.
46. Nothing drastic - it's just that his studio is taking on a more Tardis-like appearance than before.
47. The result in each case had been the conversion of my patient into pork pies and a drastic plummeting of my self-esteem.
48. Yeltsin took drastic steps to move his country toward a market economy, steps that required severe sacrifice for millions of people.
49. California in 1990 enacted a plan requiring drastic cuts in air pollution from automobiles.
50. A conflict between two fellow-workers may not require such a drastic step.
51. This is after the economic miracle, drastic military government,(/drastic.html) unserviceable debt.
52. Why did I think it necessary to take such drastic measures?
53. Start your kitchen reorganization with a drastic sort-out and throw-out.
54. California law protects him from having to take such drastic measures, however.
55. Competition has forced drastic improvements in some areas, such as express mail.
56. The situation is drastic, but I suspect that we will not hear special pleading for Bass workers from Conservative Members.
57. Methods for dissociating cells are therefore more drastic and not necessarily compatible with long-term viability.
58. With prolonged heavy drinking, the effects of alcohol on health can be drastic.
59. When reception class children fight back, schools take drastic measures to avoid clashes.
60. Beginning last spring, art museums have been reeling from drastic cuts in government support.
61. Although Crossroads would change radically during its life under Central's leadership, the most drastic decision came in 1987.
62. The wider and more drastic the clause, the more care must be taken to bring it to the buyer's attention.
63. The present idiotic trends can not go on for ever, and there could soon be drastic changes.
64. The effects on public expenditure have not been as drastic as might have been expected.
65. The turnover of wild individuals in an established population is a drastic weeding out of animals that are either unfit or unlucky.
66. This, in effect, would outlaw the inflationary creation of money - a drastic change, if it happens.
67. If drastic steps are not taken - a crucial qualification - it seems set to grow even further in the coming years.
68. Some local authorities have taken drastic measures to deal with the problem.
69. I was beginning to get desperate. Drastic measures were called for.
70. This could have taken years, so the President decided on more drastic action.
71. The change of government policy can not be too drastic.
72. The result is that, chapter after chapter, there are errors ranging from factual detail to total distortion through drastic editing.
73. In the midst of a losing streak, Harbaugh decided drastic action was needed.
74. To clear static, persevere by taking drastic steps to fight all interference and distraction.
75. Not that she wanted to lose her virginity - nothing as drastic as that!
76. Therefore, the Beeching proposals were quite drastic, although arguably there was no commercial alternative to closing numerous uneconomic lines.
77. Indeed, although regulatory offences in the abstract may be regarded as of minor consequence they may in certain cases have drastic results.
78. The drastic cuts come a week after Aldershot were wound up and rekindle fears for several Fourth Division clubs facing closure.
79. Often this passes unnoticed because changes in other areas, such as lifestyle, seem so drastic and appear so obvious.
80. Some countries have taken more drastic protective measures to save the rhinos.
81. The effect on the final rent review would be even more drastic.
82. He predicted a 25 percent fall in national income by the end of the year if drastic steps were not taken.
83. I had the feeling Ted might have gotten a tattoo or something, made some drastic alteration in himself.
84. Companies these days also reduce costs by taking drastic measures within.
85. He certainly seems to have been asking for something, if not something quite as drastic as he got.
86. Obviously, such a drastic revision created a significant amount of tension at the plant.
87. This may not sound too drastic, but these overall figures do not do any kind of justice to the overcrowding problem.
88. The measures to contain this latest outbreak are drastic and require a reversal of our attitudes towards the countryside.
89. The choices ahead are as drastic and clearcut as the choice between trad jazz and new jazz.
90. A more drastic effect of temperature on the stability of HLA-B5 is evident.
91. With conventional weapons, the destruction is not so drastic, far more controlled, and more accurate and economical.
92. In 1983 the Procedure Committee recommended drastic revision of parliamentary procedure on taxation.
93. Even with such a drastic cut, we estimated our losses for the first year as being in the region of £148,000.
94. The inauguration of the new astronomer royal presaged a drastic reversal of fortune for John Harrison, whom Halley had always admired.
95. The council would spend £10m more than Governments limits, putting off the need for drastic cuts.
96. I mean to take drastic action in this matter, I assure you.
97. Last year, the Republic of Texas set up headquarters in San Antonio and resolved to take more drastic measures.
98. They are drastic pieces of legislation which should rightly occupy a large part of the time of the House.
99. Yet far from leading him to abandon or modify his policies(), opposition incited him to more drastic methods.
100. Choose battery powered projects as these enable you to make mistakes without any drastic consequences.
101. Drastic changes of policy would have been very difficult, as attempts to cut Federal spending and to balance the budget revealed.
102. Not every case requires such drastic action, but it's still a growing problem.
103. The reforms are designed to reverse the drastic decline in the Party's support.
104. In practice it has not proved easy to achieve the drastic cuts in spending that are wanted.
105. Other more drastic proposals were ventilated but never put into practice.
106. The picture has suffered from drastic cleaning operations in the past, and has been retouched at various times with oil-based paints.
107. The latter policy could also entail a drastic withdrawal of royal favour from those who did not fit into Edward's plans.
108. When competition enters, cutting costs invariably means sacking staff, sometimes to a drastic extent.
109. Within five minutes all six eels were loose in the aquarium, apparently unaware of the drastic difference in water conditions.
109. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
110. In the early 1980s, the world of work at Sparta underwent a drastic change.
111. If it's a drastic change you're after, take your time and choose a new style carefully.
112. But it isn't always necessary to take such drastic action.
113. He and Dean had just been laid off during a seniority lapse because of a drastic reduction of crews.
114. In any case, there may be no need to resort to the drastic measure of buying with friends.
115. Another reason is the drastic reduction in housing benefit in 1988.
116. The call-up is drastic, with farmers leaving their crops, and businesses crippled as their men go.
117. Rooms have recently had a lick of paint, but nothing too drastic, making this an unbeatable central London bargain.
118. The insulation from the immune system is substantial, but not sufficient to overcome the drastic incompatibility.
119. Also, be prepared to make drastic changes in your occupation.
120. Yet solicitors had considerable anxieties about aspects of the preparations for this drastic re-engineering of the civil justice system.
121. In fact, you can make drastic changes in your tables with just a few keystrokes.
122. Inland changes to sites over the last 1000 years do not seem to have been so drastic.
123. How does the less drastic task of captaining a cricket team compare?
124. In this plant was a milky substance which was a drastic purge and irritant.
125. It is not difficult to see how this approach lays itself open to abuse and drastic criticism.
126. The drastic reduction in the number of committees was felt to be impracticable.
127. There would thus have to be drastic cuts in public expenditure,() particularly in the soaring cost of unemployment benefits.
128. The cuts, although severe, were not as drastic as had been expected.
129. From 1957 Macmillan and his cabinet tried to rectify this by drastic cuts to conventional forces as Britain's nuclear armoury expanded.
130. Jude Medical and Medtronic gained as federal budget talks stalled, making drastic cuts in the Medicare health insurance program less likely.
131. To hold otherwise would mark a drastic change in our understanding of the Constitution.
132. Thankfully, prevention of split ends isn't as drastic as the cure.
133. Philip wouldn't allow anything too drastic, that was one comfort.
134. Since any small area is exposed to drastic attrition or change, these isolated species are the most frequently endangered.
135. They have other drastic consequences, including birth defects and strange behavior problems.
136. The liberal democrats and labour say their budget was the only way to prevent drastic cuts.
137. His own lazy, selfish body might require a more drastic discipline.
138. Drastic, unprepared liberalisation can lead to economic chaos, as in the Ivory Coast in 1988.
139. We could, I suppose, have carried out such an experiment without the drastic consequences the Lieutenant has suggested.
140. It felt like a drastic step, but he felt desperate.
141. Edith's murder is one of several cases that have fuelled demands for drastic measures to stop child abuse.
142. The report, drawn up by a special council management team, says drastic measures are needed to stop the decline.
143. Few in the scientific community would argue that the scientific evidence justifies immediate extremely drastic action.
144. He is in favor of drastic cuts in social spending in order to balance the budget.
145. C., making drastic cuts in Medicare reimbursement unlikely for now.
146. On a tough Oxford estate drastic measures were needed to prevent further damage.
147. She wondered what the advertising people had in mind for her and hoped it wouldn't be anything too drastic.
148. But the emotional impact of drastic life changes can never be wholly sorted out in advance.
149. I was too numbed still to take in the situation and to realize fully the drastic change in my life.
150. Such drastic outcomes may never come to pass.
151. His view brings a drastic argument.
152. Add to that the potential loss of coastal property from rising sea levels, crop loss from drastic weather related incidents, and the need to reforest large swaths of land to sequester CO2.
153. The characteristics of the size of pith, the ratio of pith and the ratio of tegument vs. xylem have drastic variation among the three hybrid combinations of Dongzao seedlings.
154. Even if the government works hard to keep such incendiary events out of the official media nary a month goes by without news of a desperate evictee taking drastic measures.
155. Pressure for men to be tall is on a level with the "thin is beautiful" mantra. And, people are going to drastic lengths to conform to unrealistic standards.
156. Smuggling, privateering, and legal trade with overseas partners only partially offset the drastic trade reductions with Britain.
157. The drastic reduction in industrial output has meant that many companies are producing well lower than their quotas and are seeking to sell their excess allocation.
158. Pledge was an exceptive phenomenon in social life of Pre-Qin which was a true reflection of the drastic social changes and the shift in ideas of that time.
159. Therefore, it is obvious that drastic competition in city are not only affect adult, but also influence hobbledehoy .
160. These two factors conspire to cause a temperature runaway with drastic lowering in yield.
161. His dissertation is on the drastic social change brought about by the French Revolution.
162. The most drastic of the changes presently happening is the mutation from bipolarity to monopolarity.
163. A minor change in a single axiom produces a drastic change in the game.
164. F.N) is preparing to fire U.S. salaried employees over the next two months due to the sudden downturn in auto sales, a drastic step it has so far avoided during its 2-1/2-year restructuring.
165. If that fails, he adds, civil-society groups, courts and the police force should be utilized before resorting to something as drastic as self-immolation.
166. It was obvious Hill had come over to keep tabs on Johnson and make sure he didn't do anything drastic.
167. In the 1940s and 1950s, the bikini was so small that it could easily be packed into a matchbook, but the suit would undergo even more drastic shrinkage as the years went on.
168. Now there is a dawning realisation that drastic action is necessary.
169. Coagulation of such systems requires rather drastic treatment with massive doses of coagulant salts.
169. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
170. And so when the woman tried to repeat one more time the same vicious argument, my mother used drastic measure in her unappealable manner.
171. Kennedy was confronting the first drastic decision of his administration.
172. Their mud-brick structures have not stood up too well against the eroding winds, drastic temperature extremes, and infrequent rain storms.
173. An outstanding example of the drastic alteration of the estuarine environment is found in the Netherlands.
174. With the development of internet technology, network English or Smiley has not only seen a rapid increase in its number of vocabulary but also a drastic change in its style of word-formation.
175. Today no such drastic deprivation exists as that ordered by Frederick.
176. It takes drastic chemical changes to morph a squirmy caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly, and scientists have estimated that this process requires loads of energy to go forward.
177. Perhaps the scariness effect is much more "drastic" as you call it, if they use a long haired girl to do the spooking.
178. Mixing 'poppers' (amyl nitrate) with Viagra for example, can lead to a drastic drop in blood pressure and can cause stroke, heart attack or death.
179. The drastic changing business environment turned the supplier management to a very important part of enterprise horizontal integration.
180. Landscape fragmentation is one of the major reasons drastic degression loss of biodiversity over the world.
181. With digit inflation and rising unemployment, drastic remedies were called for.
182. A drastic reformation of the present housing system has been carried out.
183. Zhengzhou's drastic makeover is typical of those under way in cities around China.
184. The drastic competition by WTO accession didn't concussion the average capital profit ability of industry. On the contrary, the average capital profit ability of industry increased gradually.
185. During the global competition becomes more and more drastic, traditional CAE analysis mode can not adapt the individuation and diversification of customers' demands and rapidly changing market.
186. That suggests the authorities should take drastic steps to reflate the economy, jolting it out of its stupor and weakening the currency.
187. One of the problems here is that you cannot finalize or order your Montpelier White Bridesmaid Dresses too early because many brides experience drastic changes in their weight after their engagement.
188. Without some drastic and immediate cutback in expenses, It'simply wasn't possible.
189. You might be taking drastic measures and you've got to have the backbone to do that.
190. Corporations must manage, promulgate and dispose the information resource via new technology because of drastic competition.
191. After going into WTO, with the deadline of all-around opening for foreign capital to enter Chinese petrochemistry industry coming, the competition in this area will be more and more drastic.
192. But you have to bear in mind that the really outlandish actor here is China: never before in history has a nation followed this drastic a mercantilist policy.
193. Nowdays, the competition of market economy is drastic increasingly, talent and technology are the key of success for the corporation getting the indefectible room in the market.
194. I imagine Methods : Will be a little less drastic.
195. Elderly people are not in a position to make drastic changes at this stage of their life.
196. This course turned out to be more drastic than was expected.
197. Loan sharks and other informal lenders were reminded not to use violence or other drastic measures to collect debts.
198. A certain amount of change may be normal during the teen years, but too drastic or long-lasting a switch in personality or behavior may signal real trouble — the kind that needs professional help.
199. The drastic reduction in the geometric dimension leads to great simplification in mathematical analysis.




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