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单词 Aired
1. The sheets were aired on the line.
2. The prime minister aired some ideas about pepping up trade in the region.
3. The rooms had all been cleaned and freshly aired.
4. The show will be aired next Tuesday night.
5. I had your rooms cleaned and aired.
6. The whole issue was thoroughly aired at the meeting.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. She aired the room by opening the window.
8. The program aired last week.
9. The television interview will be aired to all parts of the country.
10. The issues were openly aired and discussed by the group.
11. The game will be aired live on CBS at 7.00 tonight.
12. The damp blanket needs to be aired by the fire.
13. From the petrol-soaked armchair he aired his views.
14. The newsconference will be aired live at 7 p.m.
15. The hard news about this interview aired on Monday.
16. Real and deep anxieties were aired.
17. The feature was aired Sunday morning.
18. The music that's finally being aired, fifty years on.
19. Her story was aired on national crime-fighter television shows.
20. The station repeatedly aired a commercial for the tape.
21. And yet another plot twist was aired in court Wednesday.
22. The statement was aired for the first time in a recent television documentary on his life.
23. Why should they not be aired on the Floor of the House?
24. Anyway, the story never aired on the news, leaving our observers with a painful case of unrequited news lust.
25. But as they viciously attacked one another, Feingold aired clever and humorous ads that won wide acclaim.
26. He has aired radio ads in Iowa, whose caucuses are a mere three years away.
27. One day a week her mother systematically cleaned and aired each room.
28. Meetings need not be addressed by any one person although a specific topic can be aired for discussion if the group wishes.
29. Cabinet meetings were something to be got through, not the place where views were to be aired and decisions reached.
30. This could have been problematic among competitors, but was openly aired and dealt with by the group.
1. The sheets were aired on the line.
2. The prime minister aired some ideas about pepping up trade in the region.
3. The issues were openly aired and discussed by the group.
31. It had probably been the only one aired and ready for the unexpected guest this morning.
32. Nor is an anti-abortion candidate who aired graphic television commercials with footage of dismembered fetuses.
33. The music that's finally being aired, fifty years on. Easy pickings.
34. Voters deserve an opportunity to hear unpleasant alternatives fully debated and aired.
35. For years marginal radio stations paid the rent with late-night or Sunday-morning preacher shows, which they aired for cash up front.
36. Emotional issues get aired,[http:///aired.html] people share their feelings to therapeutic effect.
37. Yet Harrison had cause to cringe at the casual manner in which his case was opened and aired.
38. He makes the key editorial decisions including when a story is aired, its length and position in the program.
39. Interviews done in the week after the shows aired found dramatic increases in awareness and understanding of medical issues surrounding both topics.
40. Although, by now, many of the arguments it used had been well aired, the letter created a great impression.
41. He talked about events in the Middle Ages as if they'd happened-yesterday and been fully aired on the nine o'clock news.
42. Even seemingly wild ideas may be aired at this point to break away from stale thinking.
43. Concerns that were aired by many transit executives last month were just a big bureaucratic misunderstanding, says Rep.
44. Two further programmes alluding to the resignation, due to be aired on Jan. 4 and 11, had also been blocked.
45. Tired of this paternalistic and oppressive regime, Beida students aired their complaints over several evenings in mid-December.
46. It is quite right that members sensitivities should be aired.
47. Mostly she aired herself on the front porch after dark in a lap rug.
48. So far, only Black Entertainment Television has accepted and aired the 60-second ads.
49. Keep the tent clean and always pack it away totally dry, storing it in a well aired place.
50. The mat tress needs to be aired.
51. The straw mattress needs to be aired.
52. They aired their dirty laundry in front of strangers.
53. Meanwhile, the campaign was not aired in Knoxville. This resulted in a comparison analysis.
54. It was released theatrically in Europe but aired in the United States as a TV movie.
55. Two weeks ago they began appearing in stingingly negative TV ads aired in crucial states where currently undecided voters will probably determine the outcome of the election.
56. When Dame Cicely Saunders, who founded the Saint Christopher's Hospice in London in 1967, first aired those ideas, the medical world was hostile.
57. This feature p aired with the ability to spread a st ate machine over sever al tr ansl ation units makes possible virtu ally unlimited sc al ability.
58. Recently it was announced that this original PV would not be aired and will be instead available as a digital download on mobile phones due to objections and inappropriateness for TV.
59. The episode titled "Mom's Birthday" was aired on February 29, 2008 on Disney.
60. It was aired all over the country with very minimum censorship.
61. If the sheets aren't aired properly, they won't be dry; put them in the airing cupboard.
62. On prime time, a new talk show will be aired tomorrow.
63. Swing into action only after your child has aired the entire list of grievances, advises Lila.
64. Before Friday's protest march, some Yimian Group workers aired grievances to the Baoding City Government and the company on March27 about 400 job cuts and poor treatment.
65. When the shirts were clean, I ironed them myself, aired them and placed them in drawers in his room.
66. Often cited as the best April Fool's prank of all-time, the Swiss Spaghetti Harvest was dreamed up by BBC News cameraman Charles de Jaeger and aired on the well-respected show Panorama.
67. This program is not suitable to be aired during prime time.
68. This is a documentary aired in the UK recently. It features interviews with people who have met Bin Ladin. They cover his childhood upto the current day.
69. The network has aired eight so far and will air three more in fourth quarter before bringing the series back in all first-run in January.
70. But ultimately, the grand chapeau is raised to Jermaine Jackson and CNN's Larry King for their graveside interview, to be aired tonight.
71. For instance, should views be aired in a big way or in a small way?
72. Television news bulletins usually contain a story that affects you at the precise moment it's aired.
73. Cool Linen Breeze: Reminiscent of freshly aired laundry - a simply cool and breezy blend of patchouli, clove and galbanum oil, neatly lifted with soapy notes of soft lemon and cleansing chamomile.
74. As a sign of the new openness on this question earlier this month, Russia's public Kultura television channel aired "Katyn", a film by Polish director Andrzej Wajda about the massacre.
75. Closed-circuit footage aired on Pakistani television stations shows how easy it was for the attackers to hit the five-star star hotel in Peshawar.
76. Now please enjoy a promotion video program of Hefei and watch a special TV report on the development of the city aired by CCTV in its "Half-Hour Economy".
77. I was recently interviewed on an early morning radio show that aired in Providence , Rhode Island.
78. Under the Mountain was previously adapted in 1981-2 as an eight-episode television series, which aired in the United States as part of Nickelodeon's series The Third Eye.
79. I must have the bed and bedclothes aired and put to sundry.
80. The episode named "Journey to the Center of Candace" was aired on February 29, 2008 on Disney.
81. Saunders, who founded the Saint Christopher's Hospice in London in 1967, first aired those ideas, the medical world was hostile.
82. Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden urged European countries to end their military cooperation with US forces in Afghanistan, in an audio tape aired by Al Jazeera television on Thursday.
83. This type of program was pioneered by Allen Funt, the creator of Candid Camera which was first aired in the United States in 1953.
84. This article also aired their students an integrated vision of learning problem, in the appendix there are two typical curriculums.
85. Grains must be aired in the sun before it can be stored.
86. Pierre de Fermat had proposed the theorem in 1637, and a proof had only recently been discovered when the episode aired.
87. Here she applies her skills to Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi and their vituperative joint interview that aired Monday on "The Bachelorette."
88. After Ning's speech, all heads of the delegations made their comments on that meeting, and aired views on how to bring the Working Group Meeting to a success.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 1:55:25