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单词 Separation
1. Separation is a time of high emotional stress.
2. After a long separation,they held a glad meeting.
3. Distance doesn't mean separation,the longing feeling remains the same no matter how far it is.I'm your friend on the journey of life.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. All children will tend to suffer from separation from their parents and siblings.
5. If there is no separation growth also does not have belongs to.
6. The fragmentation of the separation, this is you want to end.
7. The separation is by mutual agreement.
8. She is visiting her family after a long separation.
9. They agreed to a trial separation.
10. One common cause of homelessness is separation or divorce.
11. The long separation was a test of their love.
12. After years of separation they were finally reunited.
13. They're considering separation as an option.
14. The couple agreed on a trial separation.
15. Separation from his friends made him sad.
16. Separation from her friends made her very sad.
17. They were reunited after a separation of more than 20 years.
18. He saw their separation as a test of the strength of their love.
19. The anxiety of the separation often expresses itself as anger towards the child for getting lost.
20. A large minority favors formal separation.
21. Then comes what is called gravity separation.
22. This enforced separation might make him feel her loss.
23. My husband and I are considering a separation.
24. Two chapters focus on modes of separation.
25. Also patron of spousal separation. Feast day, March 21.
26. Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. Kahlil Gibran 
27. Couples may agree to divorce each other after a separation.
28. The bitter split which has developed within Solidarity is likely to harden further into separation.
29. After many years the government finally abandoned its apartheid system of racial separation.
30. They were pleased to meet after such a long separation.
1. Separation is a time of high emotional stress.
2. All children will tend to suffer from separation from their parents and siblings.
3. She is visiting her family after a long separation.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
31. This is done using washing and gravity separation.
32. The Commission also advocates separation between operators and regulators.
33. Separation is advisable to avoid confusion and aid development.
33. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
34. I would not, however, make the separation too rigid.
35. Stage separation was achieved by a small explosive charge.
36. Since the separation they've each been seeing different people.
37. His separation of science and religion was more accurately a differentiation in which theological arguments played a prominent role.
38. The Air National Guard said the F-16s had maintained proper separation from the civilian plane.
39. The separation of skills into these groupings is simply an organisational device.
40. None the less, as Miller reminds us, devolution does not mean absolute separation from Westminster and the creation of independent new nations.
41. The separation into sequential categories of response is merely a means to an end.
42. Thus, there is still enough separation between the Goldens and the Jerseys to keep Warriors fans from abandoning hope entirely.
43. In 1965 members of parliament regretted that the separation of children into different types of secondary schools impeded the raising of standards.
44. Horizontal segregation: This is the separation of women into different occupations from men.
45. In his day, the main problem, to which he referred frequently, was the separation of adults from juveniles.
46. For these reasons we shall drop references to the separation of science and religion during the scientific revolution.
47. It provided for a separation of powers, the establishment of a constitutional court and the holding of direct presidential elections.
48. A separation of science from religion has also been seen in a diminished authority for the Bible in matters of natural philosophy.
49. There is so much beauty in autumn and so much wisdom; so much separation and so much sorrow! Mehmet Murat ildan 
50. First, there is the actual death or separation leading to the formation of the majority of such families.
51. The first physical separation must later be followed by a psychological separation so that the child can become an independent adult.
52. That will involve significant change from the separation, suspicion, and even outright confrontation that have existed for decades.
53. The institutional separation of the state from the capitalist class is not simply a charade.
54. There can be no neat and tidy pluralistic separation of racial groups in this country.
55. The worst part of the divorce was the separation from his three children.
56. Towards the end of the war separation allowances were extended to the families of commissioned officers.
57. And in that separation, in that accommodation, there was no place for industrial democracy.
58. Whenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe. Edmund Burke 
59. The separation of the Borders and fife from the proposed South-east region was more controversial.
60. Hello and Goodbye is a powerful play about a brother and sister who come together again after years of separation.
61. Judicial separation proceedings can be started at any time should the full protection of court proceedings be required.
62. But it would be misleading to speak of separation given the religious foundations of his natural philosophy.
63. The man-hater is locked into the initial stage of separation, where repressed hurt and previously unarticulated anger are explored.
63. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
64. In the case of separation or divorce, the children's needs should come first.
65. He must understand the technique being used, along with methods of eliminating possible interference effects by using classical chemical separation techniques.
66. Also implicit within, but fundamental to, Dicey's conceptual structure is the idea of the separation of powers.
67. Even on the issue of biblical interpretation, the concept of a total separation would be too crude.
68. Passing through humid cornfields back to town brings the mind around to separation.
69. In an attempt to gauge the significance of family separation, a count was made.
70. The consequence in the terminology of Berle and Means is that there is a separation between ownership and control.
71. Bottle-wrack, on the other hand, makes a clear separation between growth and reproduction.
72. She was manifesting a great deal of anxiety about separation.
73. People may go from house to house with their gifts of eggs to greet each other again after the separation of winter.
74. In their view separation should only happen in extreme situations where the child is physically at risk.
75. I was desolated by the emotional separation from my mother, whom I thought the most wonderful person in the world.
76. As long as you set the proper goal: not integration with your home life, but separation from it.
77. But we have seen that vertical separation with restraints may well be more socially undesirable than vertical integration.
78. Moore's handling of the Abraham case helped to vindicate the separation of powers between politicians and judges.
79. It was, after all, 1906, a time of growing, not diminishing, racial separation everywhere else.
80. The increasing incidence of separation and divorce makes this a growing difficulty - and a difficulty which sadly has no solution.
81. Was diagnosed at two as possibly having separation anxiety or attachment disorder.
82. How much worse the separation seemed then! at least for Helenhow much more real.
83. Particularly after divorce or separation this may be essential for a sense of independence and starting again.
84. Deconvolution analysis of the TACs was used to improve separation of the arterial and portal venous phases of total liver blood flow.
85. By choosing a series of gel columns with an appropriate range of pore sizes, an effective size separation can be obtained.
86. The majority of lone parents become so as the result of separation, divorce or death.
87. Although general separation of points by environment was achieved there was always some overlap between adjacent fields.
88. The voyage meant to resolve a crisis of separation seemed instead only to promote one.
89. The justices are deeply divided on such issues as abortion, affirmative action and the separation of church and state.
90. There is an inevitable escapade in Paris, followed by dithering, separation and reunion.
91. But was this some kind of hangover from that early separation experience?
92. Separation gives us so much else, for it turns part of our minds into a sanctuary.
93. Often the first separation was literal, through hospital isolation and quarantine,(http:///separation.html) practices firmly established during the 1916 polio epidemic.
94. The double standard of morality relied upon this separation between the public and the private.
95. He did not say so, but I presumed that a mutual friend had told him about my separation and divorce.
96. Rough, because of the emotional issues of separation and abandonment and being uprooted.
97. She had seen her general practitioner a week after the separation and he had prescribed a tranquillizer.
98. Separation of the components on or in the stationary phase by a continuous flow of the mobile phase.
99. Six simulation runs were thus possible, with two train crossing times for each of the three vehicle separation times.
100. The Air National Guard said its planes more than exceeded the minimum required separation of 1, 000 feet in altitude.
101. This separation from the mainstream arts community is the first stage towards true integration.
102. To public administrators and political scientists the word accountability generally relates to the separation of power and responsibility.
103. With the separation and distinction, light and life can make an entrance.
104. Many of those who constitute it would adhere to a world-renouncing ethnic based on a doctrine of separation from the world.
105. Barn interiors were generally open from end to end - there was no physical separation of the threshing floor from the bays.
106. New York and Detroit will come up with an attractive separation package, you can be sure of that.
107. The separation between the entryway and the living room can be further accentuated by placing a screen near the doorway.
108. Regulation ought to involve precise definition and separation of wastes into hazardous and non-hazardous, or different levels of hazard.
109. They weld together mineral grains of radically different compositions and properties, rendering most techniques of mineral separation and enrichment ineffectual.
110. The biggest problem for Stokes will be getting separation on Sanders while running his routes.
111. This distinction reflects the separation of the state from the individual in a liberal society.
112. The idea of the separation of powers also seems to influence Dicey's belief that Parliamentary sovereignty favours the supremacy of law.
113. Diana and Charles were divorced last year after a long, bitter separation.
114. It violated the essence of the principle of the separation of governmental powers.
115. Meanwhile, biophysicist Professor H. Ti Trien and his team have been trying to mimic photosynthesis, in particular the charge separation step.
116. The only solid and lasting peace between a man and his wife is, doubtless, a separation. Lord Chesterfield 
117. A person bereft by permanent loss or separation feels this range of emotion multiplied many times.
118. However, the physical separation, differences in jargon, and differences in mode of operation present yet a third communication gap.
119. A swift wartime courtship, a deep passionate love of a few weeks, then marriage, separation and death.
120. This separation creates inevitable tensions between the team and the consultant, which are inimical to good multidisciplinary work.
121. The move would be a decisive step towards the separation of the 999 service from routine ambulance work.
122. Coupling chromatographic methods based on different separation mechanisms can enhance the separation potential of the individual methods.
123. He was six now and understood that I had played a role in his parents separation.
123. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
124. Buildings can be seen that may be associated with two techniques for uranium production: gas centrifuge and laser separation.
125. However, children rarely seem to be informed about the possibility of separation or divorce.
126. In order for this separation to have taken place, the interior must have become hot enough for iron to melt.
127. The resulting charge separation, is in many ways analogous to photosynthetic charge separation.
128. If you must, then it is crucial to set up a clear separation.
129. It is imperative that we begin to end this harmful system of separation.
130. More often, of course, separation involves a younger carer giving up the role, about which there is often profound ambivalence.
131. The separation of strategies into generic versions is a useful conceptual device, even if such strategies become intertwined in practice.
132. Julio Lugo gets the nod at shortstop from the start, assuming he is recovered from a mild shoulder separation.
133. At the same time, family disruption by separation and divorce looms large among the reasons for social work intervention.
134. In the absence of mitigating factors the virus is likely to hit a dead end wherever strict role separation is practiced.
135. The researchers questioned whether parents of premature infants suffered from deprivation due to their long physical separation from their hospitalized infants.
136. They should be kept together in one place, as far as possible, as separation would reduce efficiency.
137. All children will tend to suffer from separation from their parents, siblings and familiar surroundings.
138. Separation from someone you love can bring loneliness and despair.
139. Fear about the spread of infection accounted for the physical separation of the obstetrical and pediatric divisions in large general hospitals.
140. But as the separation from her husband lengthened, she found herself becoming increasingly despondent.
141. Instead, the separation occurs much later when the embryo is made up already of many hundreds of cells.
142. Separation is not always the factor which is chosen to delimit the marital rape exemption.
143. Prayer in schools may be against the separation of church and state that the Constitution requires.
144. It was hoped some aspects of traffic separation would be made mandatory, although he would not specify which.
145. Fig. 3.3 shows the separation between neighboring galaxies in this model.
146. He estimated the separation between the stripes of excited neurones from reported hallucinations to be 2 millimetres.
147. Failure of a student to maintain a minimum average for two consecutive semesters results in his separation from the university.
148. The critical composition at which phase separation is first detected is then and which indicates that at infinitely large chain length.
149. The Education Reform Act of 1988 in promoting that separation will undoubtedly contribute to the raising of educational standards for some.
150. On the contrary, the prohibition makes sense precisely because the psyche was thought to continue after its separation from the body.
151. Talking to a counsellor can help divorcees to bear the pain of separation.
152. The military said the distances between the military and civilian aircraft more than met air-traffic-control separation standards.
153. The subject material is predominantly allied to separation technologies on an industrial scale with the likely audience being chemical and process engineers.
154. The details of the restrictions were announced yesterday and included the traffic separation scheme around Fair Isle.
155. His death made him a martyr to the cruelties of minority white rule and racial separation.
156. The separation is at its most apparent in the summer, when the males feed on rougher pastures higher up the mountain.
157. The principle of the separation of powers is, for example, clearly evident in his views on administrative law.
158. But the great change is that nowadays there is a complete separation of children of different classes.
159. To effect the separation it was needful that the particle size was more or less the same.
160. The separation of children at eleven was a classification system that perpetuated social class division; it was also an educational typology.
161. They were convinced there should be no long periods of separation.
162. The separation also resolves the problem of remorse when we tax ourselves about an unphilosophical action we may have taken.
163. We therefore should aim at integration rather than separation from orthodox medicine.
164. Now after seven years separation I have come to see my family.
165. Companies are flattening management hierarchies and erasing the operational separation between managers and workers.
166. These involved marital, loss or separation, social relations or isolation,() and criminal behaviour problems.
167. Despite pressures for differentiation, the result was the very opposite of separation.
168. The mere physical separation of personnel can be a real source of frustration.
169. Judicial separation by the ecclesiastical courts, which did not give a licence to remarry.
170. There was a clear separation between the Cabinet and Mrs Thatcher in the minds of many Conservative activists and observers.
171. Reproductions is by the separation of daughter plants which arise on the leaf margins or fully developed specimens and take root readily.
172. The second main source of internal energy is heat from gravitational separation.
173. Maybe the mothers were fearful that their daughters would marry and live abroad, the idea of permanent separation being too painful.
174. Despite the integrative intentions of recent legislation, the Authority continued its administrative separation of special educational needs from primary education.
175. So it should be clear that the separation of husband and wife has nothing to do with infertility of the woman.
176. He said he understood her doubts and perhaps a trial separation might be the answer.
177. The insecurities created by separation in the early and formative years take their toll in adult life.
178. But it is not to this distinction that the theory of the separation of powers points.
179. It is a book for those of us with a general but deep interest in separation sciences.
180. One problem with setting the neck so deep into the body is that relatively little space is left for pickup separation.
181. And because artificial contraception caused such a separation, it was inherently sinful.
182. In 1912 the Guild annual congress passed a resolution that divorce should be available after two years' separation.
183. We chart each separation and see how it affected child.
184. These two actions would provide a separation of industrial and residential areas to a degree, creating a better environment.
185. Newspapers splashed feature stories across inside pages talking about the separation.
186. And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. Kahlil Gibran 
187. There is a separation between science and ethics, between technology and social responsibility.
188. Preventive work spans these contrasting situations because child abuse cases are those where there is more likelihood of separation.
189. The average separation between the stars at its centre is no more than a tenth of a light-year.
190. The second option is separation or divorce with the trauma and pain that inevitably follow.
191. But do they really cauterize the wounds of historical separation and loss?
192. Despite its physical separation from the continuously built up conurbation, Cramlington is now socially a part of Tyneside.
193. The image of a separation between science and religion during the scientific revolution is certainly attractive.
194. Brigitte's grand reunion with her new found family came after a separation from Nicolas of more than 10 years.
195. In both(), the main class order can be criticized on the grounds of the separation of Sciences from their respective Technologies.
196. Eud provides only the barest information; the separation took place.
197. The result was that in these cases the separation between legal and equitable ownership ceased.
198. They were seated at a table together, with scarcely a separation between the five judges and the two accused.
199. The fear of separation I suddenly understood that day to be a fear as primordial as the fear of death.
200. A first step toward secularization was the separation from the Church of Rome and the beginnings of toleration of religious diversity.
201. As I contemplate the process of separation / individuation I may have feelings and sensations that I can not articulate.
202. Beveridge made proposals for a separation benefit, to be paid only in cases of formal separation not caused by the wife.
203. This means that physical separation of the free labeled antigen from the antibody-bound labeled antigen is not necessary for measurement.
204. But we identify with this physical separation even at a mental and spiritual level, where such separation has begun to dissolve.
205. Autumn is an honest month; it does not delude man like spring does! It shows him the dark face of life, the tragedy, the rot, the separation, the sadness! Mehmet Murat ildan 
206. Is it really news that a couple on the brink of separation should be arguing about the custody of their children?
207. As hydrogen bonds are thermally labile a rise in T reduces the number of bonds and causes eventual phase separation.
208. Surprisingly, identical twins rarely arise from the separation into two cells at the two-cell stage.
209. The potential problems can be aggravated by separation from relatives and friends.
210. Separation from the Goddess allows the possibility of immortal perfection.
211. The scientific revolution, it is often said, saw the separation of science from religion.
212. In a company this is interpreted as the absence of a clear separation between strategy and implementation.
213. The French maintain a rigid separation of personal and professional life.
214. It is a thought form of separation and dishonor.
215. Stereo channel separation of 50 dB and low harmonic distortion for testing FM stereo receivers.
216. A method for separation and determination of cantharidin from the culture of medicinal fungi using capillary gas chromatography was developed.
217. This article introduces the process design of rectification separation of methylnaphthalene and acenaphthylene fraction from Wash Oil with twin furnaces and twin column.
218. With IaaS, there's more separation of the CPU and the server's responsiveness—but you're still contending for shared storage and network bandwidth.
219. An application to mineral separation engineering is introduced of the pyroelectric infrared transducer and the system of Intelligent speech production.
220. Finally, the model is tested by simulated telemetric data and exterior data. The results show that the model of initial launched parameter errors separation is correct and feasible.
221. Analyzing the three-column system of extractive distillation,() two-column system adopting o-xylene as an extraction agent for separation of azeotropic methanol-dimethyl carbonate mixture is developed.
222. In 1959 when the No. 1 Jianghan Bridge was built in Wuhan, allowing the riverside road to pass through its side span, our first half- cloverleaf grade separation was constructed.
223. Secondly, coarse composts should be separated by airflow density separation system.
224. The method of matrix matching subtracting matrix interference was introduced. The measured elements are determined directly without separation.
225. With the carbonium 5 separation unit as an example, the operational performance and the energy saving effects of the thermal-ly coupled distillation was simulated and analyzed for the nonideal system.
226. With building of a fictitious grade separation bridge on freeway, the paper introduces the turner design for pla...
227. Its technological steps for preparing it include separation of muscle tendon, water washing, acid dissolution, salting-out, acid dissolution and dialysis.
228. A physical and distillation method was applied to the separation of an isopropanol - cyclohexane andisopropanol liquids.
229. The Lateran Treaty signed in 1929 indicates the settlement of the "Rome Problem" and the complete separation of the Holy See and the Italy nation-state.
230. Shaped microporous articles are produced from polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and nucleating agents using thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) processes.
231. This separation of data and header files makes visualization processing easier with tools like kst.
232. In the pilot experiment of separation of purified brine with Gore membrane, we study the quality of brine treatment and brine purification as well as cleaning technology of Gore membrane scaling.
233. Krishnamurti: We separate it because the rememberer, the experiencer, the thinker, becomes permanent by separation.
234. Image separation conditions, effects of recording medium resolution . Computer - generated holograms, real - time holography.
235. Preparative high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) was used for the separation of calycosin and formononetin from the ethyl acetate extract of Astragalus membranaceus Bge.
236. The process flowsheet, equipment parameter of jigging separation used for waste slag and metal from ferrochromium manufacture is summarized. Its economic result are also given.
237. The matrix precipitation separation technique in trace analysis is a recent development.
238. Separation of clay from vegetable oil using ceramic microfiltration membrane in the oil refining process was studied.
239. Proper torquing avoids elastic separation of the mating parts under load and resists gradual loosening over time.
240. The main method of separation used in refineries is fractional distillation, although further processing is normally required to produce marketable petroleum products.
241. Signal - noise separation using mid-value correlative filtering has been developed by analysing some existing noise elimination techniques.
242. Now, L-lysine is produced by zymotechnics and its technique is mature, but the down-stream processing such as separation and purification are still weak.
243. Conclusion : Extraperitoneal cesarean section by two fingers separation from upper and side of bladder is a safe, fast and good postoperative recovery operation.
244. The dynamic equilibrium of medium and production could be reached though coupling of fermentation and separation.
245. A method for determining mercury(Hg) in reprocessing process was investigated with separation by dithizone extraction and determination by cold atomic fluorescence spectrometry.
246. Many opposition deputies boycotted the event, held at the palace of Versailles , once Louis XIV's royal seat, on the grounds that it breached the principle of the separation of powers.
247. The state and the direction of research in speech separation technique, including computational auditory scene analysis (CASA) and blind source separation (BSS), are reviewed.
248. This separation allows the generalization of test results and meaningful stability data.
249. The most common type of membrane separation is called reverse osmosis. Seawater is forced through a semipermeable membrane that separates salt from water.
250. OBJECTIVE To extract the polyprenol homologues from Ginkgo biloba leaves and optimize the separation process.
251. The massecuite thus obtained is then separated into anhydrous crystals of maltitol and mother liquor by conventional separation methods.
252. Separation of concerns is fundamental to well-structured code, because it encapsulates responsibilities and dependencies.
253. The error analysis by the Time data - Separation Approach of unequal interval sequence is difficult.
254. Evolutionary algorithm is applied to solve distillation separation sequence optimization synthesis problems that are characteristic of combination explosion.
255. With chromatographic separation by extraction column, the system was successfully applied to determine the heavy rare earth element dysprosium in ores with satisfactory results.
256. The govern equations, the separation and numerical solution of the govern equation in the orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, the boundary condition and the movable boundary technique were given.
257. This paper combined the construction of Yue-Gan Highway, and introduced the comprehensive designing for highway grade separation of mountain areas. For reference to the sane occupations.
258. Western democracy includes , among other features , the separation of the three powers and multiparty elections.
259. The possibility of its potential application is discussed for separation of actinon - lanthanon mixtures by ion exchange.
260. The FCMC cyclo-microfroth flotation column is a kind of new effective separation equipment for fine particle ore.
261. However, agency theory thought dividend policy can solve the agency problem which caused by the separation of ownership and management right.
262. Taking the water dropping scheme - the large-diameter vacuum deep well water dropping used in the pit construction of a grade separation and subway project as an example, the artic.
263. The FBS (fluorous biphase system) makes homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous separation possible and easy to separate the catalysts dissolved in PFC (perfluorocarbons).
264. Non - love can be equated to separation and division thought - form.
265. Fits for high-frequency mechanical transmission system, movement in active department operation conditions, driven department and active departments combined or separation.
266. This review summaries the application of ion exchangers in the separation and determination of alkali metals, alkali-earth metals, noble metals, rare earth elements and actinoid.
267. By means of noise sources separation experiment of mini-car and the surface acoustic intensity measurement of the engine, it has been found that the main noise source of the car is the intake noise.
268. Through the symbolic notation provided by supernatural motifs, we can identify the features of four principal paradigms: annihilation, compulsion, separation, and transformation.
269. The application and further research on SAPO-5 includes MeSaPO-5 molecular sieve in the field of shape-selectivity, material preparation, adsorption and separation and its carrier are prospected.
270. The axial velocity and stagnation point offset of two opposed jets coming from two asymmetric nozzles oppositely located with large separation distance were studied by using hot-wire anemometry (HWA).
271. Since the business computing environment changes from time to time, the separation of logical and physical data modeling will help stabilize the logical models from phase to phase.
272. Nanofiltration membrane separation technology is the key technology for realization of decomposition at low concentration and crystallization at high concentration.
273. The "religious and political obscurantism" in "Neo-Obscurantism" has impacted and is impacting negatively the constitution and the constitutional separation of politics and religion.
274. In this paper, a comparision was made between distillation and extractive distillation for separation of naphthalene and thionaphthene to produce refined naphthalene.
275. The Separation efficiency of red blood cell, white corpuscle and blood platelet from pig blood was investigated by chromatographic columns of four celluloses and two ion-exchange resins.
276. Some fractions with low molecular weight have been obtained by silica gel chromatography separation of Pingshuo coal extracts.
277. The solvent capacity of ionic liquid for alkane is important to he separation of the alkylate and the catalyst.
278. Some multiple texture features as the input characteristics for classifier are selected and then fused. Lastly, the neural network is used to realize the separation of coal and gangue.
279. Dongshan concentrator has been transformed to the stage grinding and stage magnetic separation technological flowsheet by adding the trommel screens and low intensity magnetic separator.
279. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
280. A multi-cyclone dust separator according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises at least three dust separation units for separating dust stepwise from relatively larger size.
281. In the oxygen making, any careless use will cause explosion of the air separation equipment, whose consequence is extremely serious, either suffering injury or personnel casualty.
282. Compared to conventional software design based on flow chart, the protection software is developed based on relay function module, which leads to the separation of time sequence and logic.
283. Methods: The separation and identification of volatile oil of Anaphalis Margartacea were carried out by GC MS method.
284. An air separation method employs the aforesaid nitrogen selective adsorbent for separation between nitrogen and oxygen by selective adsorption of nitrogen in air.
285. Obviously, there's not much sense of stereo-channel separation unless you have a very skinny head.
286. Although pains of separation are vividly felt at every corner, the mine-studded Demilitarized Zone is a home to many near-extinct animals.




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