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单词 Traditionally
1. The number thirteen is traditionally considered unlucky.
2. Traditionally, the president designates his or her successor.
3. Politeness is traditionally part of the British character.
4. Scientists traditionally divide the oceans into zones.
5. The marketplace was where commerce was traditionally carried on.
6. Traditionally, white flannels are worn when playing cricket.
7. Agricultural work is traditionally seen as a male occupation.
8. Traditionally piglets were weaned at eight weeks.
9. Lichun traditionally signifies the beginning of spring in East Asian cultures.
10. The bride's father traditionally walks with her to the altar to give her away.
11. Married women have traditionally been treated as dependent on their husbands.
12. Traditionally, United Nations troops have been deployed only in a peacekeeping role.
13. Sons are traditionally expected to emulate their fathers.
14. Traditionally, the bride pays for her bridesmaids'dresses.
15. In England, turkey is traditionally eaten on Christmas Day.
16. The hotel is traditionally furnished, with cool marble floors.
17. Newspapers traditionally align themselves with one political party.
18. Housework has traditionally been regarded as women's work.
19. The color black is traditionally associated with mourning.
20. Foxes were traditionally regarded as vermin.
21. The festival is traditionally held in May.
22. Doctors have traditionally enjoyed high social status .
23. More women are entering traditionally male jobs.
24. Gold is traditionally a hedge against inflation.
25. Brahmins traditionally become priests in the Hindu religion.
26. Mousetraps are traditionally baited with cheese.
27. Women are traditionally supposed to be good at multitasking.
28. Fierce rivalries have traditionally fragmented the region.
29. Quaker meetings are traditionally held in silence.
30. Traditionally wood was seasoned in the open air.
1. The number thirteen is traditionally considered unlucky.
2. Traditionally, the president designates his or her successor.
3. Politeness is traditionally part of the British character.
4. Scientists traditionally divide the oceans into zones.
5. The marketplace was where commerce was traditionally carried on.
6. Traditionally, white flannels are worn when playing cricket.
7. Agricultural work is traditionally seen as a male occupation.
8. Traditionally piglets were weaned at eight weeks.
9. The bride's father traditionally walks with her to the altar to give her away.
10. Married women have traditionally been treated as dependent on their husbands.
11. Traditionally, United Nations troops have been deployed only in a peacekeeping role.
12. Traditionally, the bride pays for her bridesmaids'dresses.
13. Foxes were traditionally regarded as vermin.
14. Degree courses have traditionally focused on the established great writers of the past.
31. Miners have traditionally enjoyed high rates of pay .
32. Men traditionally monopolized jobs in the printing industry.
33. Long hair was traditionally regarded as a sign of femininity.
34. The source of meat for much of this region has traditionally been the pig.
35. Villagers traditionally have the right to graze their cattle on the common land.
36. Traditionally, vigilante groups have found greater favour on the political right.
37. The fast is broken at sunset, traditionally with dates and water.
38. Traditionally these days were set apart for prayer and fasting.
39. Drama is an art that is traditionally performed in a theatre.
40. In the UK visible imports have traditionally been greater than visible exports.
41. Traditionally, the company's main markets have been Britain and the US.
42. African tribal societies were traditionally ruled by a council of elders.
43. The poor suburbs traditionally formed the bedrock of the party's support.
44. Thursday is traditionally the day when Britain goes to the polls .
45. Traditionally young Asians in Britain have gravitated towards medicine, law and engineering.
46. Dr Jaffrey handed us a plate of dates:traditionally the delicacy with which to break the Ramadan fast.
47. Appraisal has traditionally been seen as most applicable to those in management and supervisory positions.
48. Winter is traditionally the dead season for the housing market.
49. Degree courses have traditionally focused on the established great writers of the past.
50. In some cultures, people traditionally greet each other by rubbing noses.
51. The Liberals were traditionally seen as the more pacific party.
52. John Bull is traditionally depicted as a short fat man wearing a waistcoat with the British flag on it.
53. At the end of the game players traditionally exchange shirts with each other.
54. Girls may be given fancier names because this fits in with a traditionally feminine image.
55. Traditionally reared animals grow more slowly than those reared under intensive farming conditions.
56. The British traditionally tend not to display much emotion in public.
57. Traditionally, the Brahmins, or the priestly class,[] are set at the top of the social pyramid.
58. He is loathed by some of the more traditionally minded officers.
59. German beer has traditionally been made from just four ingredients — hops, malt, yeast and water.
60. Traditionally men have compartmentalized their lives, never letting their personal lives encroach upon their professional lives.
61. Rural areas have been traditionally thought of as a stronghold of old-fashioned attitudes.
62. Traditionally, miners commanded higher wages than other workers.
63. The county clerk has traditionally performed civil marriages.
64. Traditionally, their burials lay in the suburban cemeteries.
65. The babies have traditionally been clubbed to death.
66. Traditionally, there have been two major constraints.
67. Traditionally the province has functioned as the country's breadbasket.
68. Traditionally, professors were the heads of academic departments.
69. The office has traditionally had a political complexion.
70. Traditionally, these days were set apart for special prayer and fasting.
71. The comfortable, traditionally furnished bedrooms all have a private balcony overlooking Positano.
72. London has traditionally preferred a free-wheeling culture with minimal bossing by government, big banks or regulators.
73. Kikuyu farmers had traditionally farmed several plots which were within easy walking distance but had different characteristics of altitude and soil type.
74. Even those from poorer backgrounds - traditionally fitter - find exercise boring.
75. These traditionally built homes are designed with comfort and convenience in mind.
76. Food that is traditionally grown and free from the intrusion of technology will become increasingly desirable among the cognoscenti.
77. As a result they have traditionally commanded higher wages than most other manual workers.
78. Meanwhile, the big construction companies are trying to grow by making inroads into turf traditionally held by medium-size builders.
79. Traditionally, governmental audit has been concerned with the financial and regularity audit.
80. Traditionally, the study of politics and its relationship to the mass media has focused on institutions and bonafide political actors.
81. The United States has traditionally offered the poor relatively easy access to the middle class if they can find steady work.
82. Moreover[http://], surveys reveal that the process committee overlay to the traditionally managed organization is winning limited employee acceptance at best.
83. Traditionally, collaboration in the classroom, for instance, has been taboo, condemned as a form of cheating.
84. Traditionally, government-appointed district auditors have been responsible for examining most local authority accounts.
85. Traditionally, key information about the business particularly information related to competitive strategy and financial performance-was considered confidential.
86. The coalition includes members of the Social Democratic Party, which has traditionally been opposed to the nuclear option.
87. This reflects the antipathy towards industry and commerce from traditionally educated, liberal-humanist teachers.
88. Victorian Bell Pulls were traditionally finished with brass end fittings.
89. Traditionally, rain-fed terraces are constructed on steeper slopes in the Middle Mountains for the production of maize, millet and buckwheat.
90. Traditionally, Democrats opposed any limits or bans on PACs and Republicans opposed any limit on overall spending.
91. Even the broader categories in which we have traditionally grouped people are breaking down.
92. Mr Constable said later that the provost was traditionally chairman of the board, which was not run along political lines.
93. Traditionally, lenders have calculated the interest annually, which means you effectively pay interest on money you no longer owe.
94. Traditionally, of course, the man is the breadwinner who enhances his desirability by demonstrating his earning prowess.
95. Traditionally parents have tried to keep a lot of information about life and about their own affairs from their children.
96. It is women who have traditionally borne the daily burden of caring for ill parents, children, relatives and friends.
97. Marketing traditionally has been an Achilles' heel for phone companies because of their monopoly mind-set.
98. Many women workers exhibit labour market characteristics traditionally associated with vulnerability to unemployment.
99. Some argue that downsizing is dissolving the glue that has traditionally held companies together, and without which they may never flourish.
100. Traditionally it is a peaceful event, without confrontation between police and what they describe as the hippy convoy.
101. Traditionally, the rare earths have been used as catalysts in the chemical industry and in flints for cigarette lighters.
102. These dimensions apply equally to employees of new fishnet organizations and to team members working outside traditionally defined business spaces.
103. Disasters of this sort were confined to neither traditionally flooded land nor the winter months.
104. Or the society constituted by the class that traditionally was born to rule?
105. Traditionally, that has meant injecting people with a weakened or killed version of the virus itself, triggering antibodies.
106. For the Tuvans, traditionally, music has served as a means to communicate with the spirits.
107. One other key variable that has traditionally been used to delineate rural areas is the percentages employed in agriculture and forestry.
108. Cable systems traditionally use coaxial cable and a series of amplifiers throughout the distribution network.
109. Evolving Hardware Hardware design has traditionally been done by hand, and more recently with computer-aided design and optimization.
110. Traditionally, iron oxide is converted to the metal in a blast furnace.
111. Traditionally, the law centres have not levied any charges on those using the service.
112. The Lisburn event traditionally draws big names, as a glance through the previous winners list confirms.
112. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
113. Arbitration has traditionally been seen as a cheaper alternative to lawsuits because legal costs are lower.
114. It's very difficult then to exercise the same kind of partnership control which traditionally those firms had.
115. Some middle-class voters have supported the Labour Party and about one-third of working-class voters have traditionally cast their ballots for Conservative candidates.
116. Such postoperative headaches have traditionally been considered an unavoidable side effect of the anesthesia itself.
117. Traditionally, this cooling requirement has been accomplished using slices of solid carbon dioxide, better known as dry ice.
118. Training which is job related must be provided in West Belfast in skills traditionally denied to the Catholic population.
119. Fat women may not feel confident about exposing their bodies in those ways traditionally associated with eroticism.
120. Organizations have traditionally relied on structure and threats of insecurity to control the behaviour of employees.
121. Traditionally it was an area of peasant insurrectionists, schismatics, and sectarians whose acerbic style was reflected in Lenin's own.
122. Now there is talk of recruiting blacks and Latinos, traditionally absent from the higher union ranks, to more prominent positions.
123. Even in a traditionally Conservative parliamentary constituency, the youthful team could be crucially important.
124. Traditionally, ostertagiasis has been prevented by routinely treating young cattle with anthelmintics over the period when pasture larval levels are increasing.
125. Paints traditionally were made with volatile organic compounds, which can pollute indoor and outdoor air.
126. Traditionally, an intimate connection has been seen between style and an author's personality.
127. Traditionally management has called upon labor to cooperate in increasing productivity and improving the quality of the product.
128. Yuletide in Walford is traditionally a combat zone with crackers, but the soap excelled itself this year.
129. Traditionally, a company of White Lions acts as the personal bodyguard of the Phoenix King.
130. For the areas of work traditionally offered by lawyers, the legal aid scheme provides very good coverage for the poor.
131. Traditionally Byzantine in the building materials and plan, it is more eastern in the decoration and treatment.
132. Traditionally, societies have specified an age as being appropriate for marriage or union formation and the commencement of family building.
133. Traditionally this was the time for artists to add the final touches.
134. Traditionally, the layering process ends in late autumn with the addition of fresh pineapple chunks.
135. As animals have traditionally been allowed to graze amongst them, the lower branches have been rubbed or eaten away.
136. Capricorn 22 December to 20 January Traditionally, Capricorns are meant to be serious and sober.
137. Traditionally, women have been viewed as dependent and passive, and males as aggressive and assertive.
138. The allowances have traditionally subsidised landing charges - so there's a risk that the cost will be passed to the consumer.
139. This is the big stick treatment for violent criminals which is traditionally associated with an extreme Right-wing attitude.
140. Traditionally, Tucson Water officials have also been allowed to call the shots.
141. The Conference is traditionally accompanied by an Exhibition, and this year is no exception.
142. Confusion also arose when schools took over administrative functions which traditionally had been located in LEAs.
143. Despite the breakneck advancement of women on one level,[sentencedict .com] traditionally sexist assumptions and time-honored bigotry remain enshrined on another.
144. Traditionally, ships and weapons systems are developed by different contractors with little coordination during the design phase.
145. They had to be more specific about the traditionally accepted forms of behaviour, customs, occupations and particular national characteristics.
146. Computers traditionally talk to each other over phone lines, which have sharply limited capacity compared with cable.
147. Chemical has traditionally concentrated its underwriting activity in New York and the eastern region.
148. These terms have traditionally been studied because of their role in cognitive development.
149. Tents and marquees have traditionally been used in the grounds of hotels and country clubs for special functions such as receptions and parties.
150. Traditionally, organizations operated in a steady-going environment.
151. Retail services in China have traditionally been somewhat limited.
152. Martin Luther King Day is an annual federal holiday, traditionally marked by taking part in volunteer activities for the public good.
153. Traditionally, Russian bear hunters would find a den burrowed into the roots of a cedar tree, gingerly approach and take a position on the opposite side of the tree from the opening.
154. Saris are traditionally worn by Nepali women and they are also used as a kind of "shower curtain" when the women take baths at the village water tap.
155. The rope is made from horsehair , and was traditionally claimed to be able to block a sword.
156. Traditionally the past tense is defined as a deictic tense mainly used to locate an event or state at some point or period in time prior to the moment of speaking, .
157. After the consolidated data is applied to the target, it is traditionally not refreshed before the next cycle.
158. Traditionally, a long midline incision extending from the xyphoid to the pubic symphysis was required to treat synchronous multifocal lesions in both the upper and lower urinary tract.
159. Traditionally, the tempurature of Solid Rocket Motor (SRM) is predigested as invariableness and uniformity, but the protean and unhomogeneity of tempurature are rarely involved.
160. Traditionally, pure XML validation techniques only extend to syntactic validation -- that is, the presence or absence of elements and attributes, and their ordering.
161. Traditionally, the security of cryptographic chips depends on the mathematic complexity of the cryptographic algorithms, the authentication mode and the secure protocol.
162. Traditionally , the largest set of newsgroups has been the computer - related ones under the hierarchy comp.
163. Traditionally made of papier-mache by mascherari, the masks are used during Carne celebrations that envelop Venice for two weeks before Ash Wednesday.
164. Mr. Talabani's Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) party has traditionally been close to Iran.
165. Traditionally, messages came into IMS through its SNA data communication protocol from VTAM.
166. These people, known colloquially as bushmen, traditionally make their livings by hunting and gathering.
167. Traditionally, the main role of Customs is the collection of import and excise duties and the prevention of smuggling and trafficking in drugs.
168. Static data are traditionally used to select unqualified plans from mutual exclusive investment plans, which is applicable for a kind of special cash flow and can not solve all cash flow problems.
169. Traditionally, in advertising planning, problem identification is followed by a statement describing the opportunity.
170. Farmers traditionally used long - term rotations of hay, pasture, and corn.
171. The Nordic countries traditionally have been known for generous social benefits, and the high-ranking nations have made it easier to balance work and family life, the report said.
172. Traditionally, retransmission fees were paid almost entirely to cable channels,[http:///traditionally.html] not broadcast networks.
173. The sage Vyasa (fl. c. 5th century BC) is traditionally named as the Mahabharata's author, but he probably compiled existing material.
174. The ethical code by which physicians traditionally conduct themselves is based on the relationship between the physician and the patient: both work toward the goal of improving or maintaining health.
175. For example, Japanese systems traditionally use SHIFT-JIS encoding. Text encoded as SHIFT-JIS can not be read by TinyXML.
176. Traditionally the women break down lanes together in the track area (7-12 board) and the graphs taken afterwards show the lane to almost be blocked after bowling.
177. The bridal bouquet has traditionally been a symbol of fertility.
178. The principle of traditionally absolute ownership undoubtedly cannot solve this kind of new important social problem efficiently.
179. The Rowan or Mountain Ash was traditionally regarded as a tree of magical power, believed to protect against evil and give long life to those who ate its fruit. Scottish Food.
180. Aragonite saturation in the Gulf of Alaska, of which Resurrection Bay is a part, has traditionally extended down to 250 meters, Mathis says.
181. In traditionally static and deterministic parking models, the time dependence and stochasticity of road networks is ignored.
182. Wastes resulting from man's activities have been traditionally discharged into the ocean.
183. In contrast, under-the-table donations and payments to voters, traditionally called "black money, " are a fact of life, say party representatives and government officials.
184. Traditionally, syringomyelia has been treated with shunting of the cyst by placement of a catheter between the cyst and the subarachnoid space or pleural cavity.
185. Translation has traditionally been regarded as a matter of linguistic transfer, dismissing extralinguistic factors out of its field.
186. Traditionally dyed a garish yellow nowadays increasingly eaten undyed .
187. Traditionally, wind generation was not involved as a part of the distribution systems during design, planning and operating considerations.
188. Wen also announced an ambitious plan to set up "a nationwide basic minimum cost of living allowance system" for the rural residents, who traditionally had no access to social security coverage.
189. Traditionally, computational linguistics was usually performed by computer scientists who had specialized in the application of computers to the processing of a natural language.




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