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单词 manoeuvrable
释义  ma·noeu·vra·ble British English, maneuverable American English /məˈnuːvərəbəl/ adjective  MOVE/CHANGE POSITIONif something, especially a vehicle, is manoeuvrable, it can be moved or turned easily 〔尤指交通工具〕容易移动的,转动灵活的 a ship which was surprisingly fast and manoeuvrable 一艘速度奇快且非常机动灵活的船 —manoeuvrability /məˌnuːvərəˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusmanoeuvrable• The gap specialists are fast fliers whereas those in the canopy are slower and more manoeuvrable.• The rest of the tail feathers are more manoeuvrable.• It has five forward and five reverse speeds, is highly manoeuvrable, and weighs less than the battery that powers it.• Draughts of cold air were difficult to avoid, and manoeuvrable folding screens offered a practical and often beautiful solution.• Gemini was a much larger two-man capsule that was designed to be highly manoeuvrable in space.• The YF-22 proved more manoeuvrable than its opponent, although marginally less stealthy.• It will be quiet, manoeuvrable, virtually invisible to radar and capable of supersonic flight without the use of·noeu·vra·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  can Corpus it is especially if manoeuvrable, a something, vehicle,




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