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单词 Gravity
1. Gravity is a natural phenomenon.
2. Gravity is a form of magnetism.
3. Europe's economic centre of gravity shifted northwards.
4. An apple falls down because of gravity.
5. All objects are subject to gravity.
6. I don't think you realize the gravity of the situation.
7. I could not hide from her the gravity of the situation.
8. The Consul spoke slowly and with great gravity.
9. The plane defied the laws of gravity.
10. Gravity governs the motions of celestial bodies.
11. The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.
12. Falling objects obey the law of gravity.
13. Anything with strong gravity attracts other things to it.
14. Punishment varies according to the gravity of the offence.
15. There was an appealing gravity to everything she said.
16. His manner was perfectly poised between gravity and teasing.
17. Europe's economic centre of gravity shifted northward.
18. Not all acts of vengeance are of equal gravity.
19. The water flows from the tank by gravity to the houses below.
20. He doesn't think you realize the gravity of the situation.
21. A heavy car with a low center of gravity will hug the road.
22. Professor Gravity now seems to have become an unwanted fixture in the college.
23. The punishment should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence and the degree of culpability of the offender.
24. Increasing gravity is known to speed up the multiplication of cells.
25. They're trying to solve the puzzle of how gravity works.
26. The penalties should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence.
27. Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity, which brings them down to earth.
28. Criminal law does not treat traffic offences with the gravity they deserve.
29. Newton proposed that heavenly and terrestrial motion could be unified with the idea of gravity.
30. The building leans so much that it seems to defy gravity.
1. Gravity is a natural phenomenon.
2. Gravity is a form of magnetism.
3. Europe's economic centre of gravity shifted northwards.
4. An apple falls down because of gravity.
5. All objects are subject to gravity.
6. I could not hide from her the gravity of the situation.
7. Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity, which brings them down to earth.
8. He doesn't think you realize the gravity of the situation.
9. A heavy car with a low center of gravity will hug the road.
31. I don't think you realise the gravity of the situation.
32. For an offence of this gravity, imprisonment is the usual punishment.
33. I don't think you realize the extreme gravity of this offence.
34. The force of gravity pulls things towards the earth's centre.
35. They deserve punishment which matches the gravity of their crime.
36. Given the gravity of the situation, I'm not surprised she's panicking.
37. They were asked to behave with the gravity that was appropriate in a court of law.
38. I was trying to remember what I had learnt about gravity in school science.
39. The specific gravity is measured by Archimedes' principle.
40. Children grow fast in this low gravity.
41. But to find out what happens in strong gravity.
42. The whole area was under zero gravity.
43. For larger animals gravity becomes much more relevant.
44. They speak with passion and gravity.
45. Then comes what is called gravity separation.
46. Gravity stifled her, hammered her red blood cells.
47. Hammore to suspend the law of gravity?
48. Mars' gravity is only about 38% of Earth's.
49. This is done using washing and gravity separation.
50. Correction for altitude alone gives the free-air gravity anomaly.
51. However, the matter is all attracting itself by gravity.
52. It was a moment of gravity following laughter.
53. The closer in you get, the stronger the gravity.
54. We do not yet know the exact form the correct theory of quantum gravity will take.
55. Ultimately there is a direct contest between internal gravity and the tidal forces.
56. No air resistance means that it is easier to demonstrate one of the most important features of how gravity works.
57. It was not unlikely that they were closely linked, or even identical, with the forces of gravity and of electromagnetism.
58. The data are reduced using standard procedures to produce Bouguer gravity anomalies to an overall accuracy of 1 m Gal.
59. The light had now changed to a soothing pinkish-white, but, more important,[Sentence dictionary] he was under gravity again.
60. For this reason, beyond a certain stage, any remedial measure to counteract gravity becomes self-defeating.
61. But it is not as strong as gravity on the Earth - because the Moon is smaller and lighter.
62. But the nature of space, time, and gravity really is as remarkable as you have now learned.
63. One has to use a quantum theory of gravity to understand how the universe began.
64. Gravity returned, though briefly, to the weightless world of the control deck.
65. Like sand in an hourglass, simultaneously pulled in both directions by the mysterious appetite of a two-headed gravity.
66. Even if disease or injury does not nullify our appearance, the law of gravity will soon alter it significantly!
67. A liquid takes the shape of its container as it finds it own level under the influence of gravity.
68. Over the next hours the spacecraft is in free fall toward the lunar surface, constantly accelerating in the lunar gravity.
69. If it has a fairly low speed, gravity will eventually stop the rocket and it will start falling back.
70. They pass judgment on an accused taking into account the gravity of the crime and the circumstances of the accused.
71. Similarly an insect walking on the surface of a pond would have gravity counteracted by the surface tension of the water.
72. Steadily it turned, gradually gaining speed when he started his descent and gravity took over.
73. The same misinterpretation of the gravity vertical is possible in a co-ordinated turn.
74. The camera, re-entering the world of normal gravity, dropped hard beside my shoes. Beer bottles were everywhere.
75. This holds precisely because all objects fall at the same speed under gravity. Air resistance is being ignored here.
76. Opposing lines - the cross A vertical line is highly energetic in its defiance of gravity.
77. Under Democrats and Republicans the centre of gravity of politics has moved steadily to the right.
78. They know the law of gravity that rules planets and stars and the universe at large.
79. Just stop tensing and let the muscles relax with gravity.
80. Using quantum theory to understand gravity makes as much sense as trying solve a crossword puzzle with the key to your door.
81. Initial indications are that the basic rocks responsible for the gravity anomaly are more extensive than originally mapped.
82. To use violence against them was an offence of extreme gravity.
83. In fact Mozart did not fully appreciate the gravity of the situation.
84. This difference in the force of gravity causes the tides.
85. It allows relatively inexpert people to communicate the gravity of the problem to others so teamwork can be handled sensibly.
86. A minor, but important constituent of many sandstones are the heavy minerals, with a specific gravity in excess of 2.9.
87. This spectacular technique uses gravity to enhance the force of the kick.
88. Venus could lack such an inner core because of the lower central pressures corresponding to its lower gravity.
88. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
89. Gurney reckons this design makes the bike more stable because the centre of gravity is lower.
90. We didn't like grandma and grandpa, and we didn't like their gravity either.
91. Not even Mr Morton can play down the gravity of this latest crisis.
92. Real understanding comes with the realization that a spacecraft can not remain in orbit unless the force of gravity is acting.
93. Whipped by bad fortune, surrendering to the inexorable gravity of downward-sliding consequences, Edna enforced home order without compromise.
94. His slack, slaked face seemed about to drop off with sheer gravity of dissipation.
95. The force of their own gravity is so great that their collapse can not be halted at all.
96. Award-winning entertainment that flies in the face of gravity lands in Tucson for two nights only.
97. Bayfront Park, lined with gently swaying Palm trees, was a marked contrast to the gravity of the day.
98. Eating in zero gravity was no real problem, contrary to the dark forebodings of the early astronauts.
99. Despite the gravity of the situation I can see Grant wondering if the blood will stain the seat's white plastic.
100. Flares feature highly in the line up, as do dizzy platform shoes that defy gravity.
101. When rock comes to rest under the influence of gravity it just stays there.
102. You can change the center of gravity by adding weight to one part of the object.
103. Its centre of gravity had shifted markedly to the right.
104. We don't yet have a complete and consistent theory that combines quantum mechanics and gravity.
105. A system can only be stable if the center of gravity is under the pivot point.
106. Lift your legs slightly against the force of gravity, holding them for at least ten seconds, then let them relax again.
107. At home, she has learned to use gravity to help fold laundry.
108. When corrections are made to take account of these differences in crustal density the magnitude of gravity anomalies is significantly reduced.
109. So one has to use a quantum theory of gravity to discuss the very early stages of the universe.
110. The critical point, where gravity becomes so strong that escape is impossible(), is called the event horizon.
111. It also decides whether the gravity is strong enough to halt the expansion and bring everything back together again.
112. Stepping high in the light gravity and brandishing the bag before her, she ploughed her way out into the open air.
113. Any more massive star that exhausts its nuclear fuel will collapse completely under its own gravity.
114. Therefore a crouched position should be taken up which keeps the centre of gravity lower.
115. About 4.5 billion years ago a large cloud of gas slowly contracted under gravity into the glowing ball that became the Sun.
116. Observations of graded bedding, trough structures and cross-layering suggested sedimentation from magmatic currents induced either by convection or by gravity currents.
117. The clocks work normally - perfectly normally, whether they're accelerating or in strong gravity.
118. Weight is the force of gravity exerted on an object.
119. The court should have regard to the gravity of the offences under consideration and the offender's criminal history.
120. Left A fifth-order residual gravity map has been enhanced by the removal of the regional field to accentuate short wavelength anomalies.
121. During a quake of magnitude 6.1 on 20 February 1990, ground acceleration was measured at 10 percent of gravity.
122. It seemed to geophysicists that the continents should shape the gravity field in some way.
123. This is clearly a result of the higher surface gravity on Mercury, a little over double that on the Moon.
124. It seems that symmetry is a useful means of combating a dominant force, such as gravity.
125. He had the revolutionary idea that gravity was not just a force that operated in a fixed background of space-time.
126. This, however, is difficult to determine in the case of quantum gravity, for two reasons.
127. And with her body positioned at a slight incline, her spine benefits from the normal force of gravity.
128. Because of the low gravity of the Moon the uncompressed density will not be much less.
129. Even when their offences are of the ultimate gravity, some people are getting off far too lightly.
130. As the seventies progressed, the center of gravity of much of urban life seemed to shift.
131. Physicists define weight as the force of gravity acting on an object.
132. They are being pulled towards the ground by gravity and being pushed upwards by the ground beneath their feet.
133. This kind of theft was a universal law, like the pull of gravity.
134. The rise is a result of the capillary suction which acts against the force of gravity.
135. They looked at each other with a sudden lightheartedness that had gravity mixed into it.
136. On a world of higher gravity, the maneuver would have been far too extravagant of fuel.
137. It’s true, the scale can only give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity. That’s it. It cannot measure beauty, talent, purpose, life force, possibility, strength, or love. Don’t give the scale more power than it has earned. Take note of the number, then get off the scale and live your life. You are beautiful! Steve Maraboli 
138. In an unusually frank speech, Glenn acknowledged the gravity of the economic situation.
139. Of course, that will mean a big shift of gravity inside the Community to the east.
140. Another day and a half of zero gravity after takeoff and your ship brakes to enter Earth orbit.
141. Colluvium Recent weathered material or hill wash transported by gravity.
142. This system also permits a very low centre of gravity for the total fin profile.
143. Burkett was rather small, rather bow-legged, a low centre of gravity.
144. In effect, the debris is captured and contained locally by the Martian gravity field.
145. Albert Einstein spent the last 50 years of his life unsuccessfully trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity.
146. This is because the center of gravity of the hammer is in the iron part.
147. Ten years later he produced singlehanded his monumental theory of gravity - the general theory of relativity.
148. But the lunar gravity field was then so poorly mapped that the chances of achieving a successful preprogrammed landing were very small.
149. This is the effect of gravity pulling on a developing skull.
150. The centre of gravity had at last moved away from Berwick.
151. Does the low gravity make it easier to travel light?
152. Another version of this exercise uses gravity to work against your splayed legs.
153. At least this sort of pedagogy acknowledges the gravity of the remedial task.
154. The massive gravity wells of Jupiter and Saturn make them very unattractive sources of materials.
155. What are the prospects of obtaining a quantum theory of gravity and of unifying it with the other three categories of interactions?
156. I overhear two girls talk in utmost seriousness and gravity about the gross inequities in the grading system.
157. This pressure is maintained by means of water towers and gravity, or by booster pumping stations.
158. A consistent theory of how gravity affects light did not come until 1915, when Einstein formulated the general theory of relativity.
159. We should also recall that asteroids have very weak gravity fields.
160. Brewers pay tax - excise duty - on the gravity.
161. Now she had trouble getting up and walking, gravity too painful for her.
162. It did not want the political centre of gravity to shift across the river.
163. This holds precisely because all objects fall at the same speed under gravity.
164. The world-lines of particles in free motion under gravity are actually geodesics according to this rule.
165. Certain types of knives that have no legitimate use - such as flick, gravity and butterfly knives - are banned.
166. In the same way, when running for a shot, try to keep your centre of gravity under control.
167. This force is universal, that is, every particle feels the force of gravity, according to its mass or energy.
168. All three of the experiments you did are related to the center of gravity in your body.
169. Warmth, low gravity and the security of being held creates a feeling of release and overall relaxation.
170. Astronomers have observed many systems in which two stars orbit around each other, attracted toward each other by gravity.
171. Opponents say Nader is overstating the gravity of the problem.
172. So the acid simply flowed by gravity to the digester.
173. It is defined as an average distance from the centre of gravity of a polymer coil to the chain end.
174. She would spin off, like a Texan tornado, and establish her centre of gravity in paradise!
175. Physicists are searching for one all-embracing theory that covers matter, energy, radiation, and gravity.
176. By sheer brute strength and blind defiance of the laws of gravity he almost reached the top of the incline.
177. Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion. Isaac Newton 
178. You may want to provide the words balance and center of gravity and demonstrate them.
179. In very strong gravity ... light ... in fact,[Sentencedict] everything ... absolutely everything ... What a thought.
180. Haulm destruction is carried out to stop the specific gravity from getting too high.
181. They'd fly right across the tube, riding the gravity gradients, making it look easy.
182. Generally, different theories are used to explain widely different phenomena, from the forces in the atom to gravity.
183. The stem of the poppy snakes down and up again, in defiance of gravity, the head faces the viewer.
184. The recorder came in with an adagio-like slowness and gravity, momentarily wobbled off-key, then recovered.
185. Also shown is the manner in which the pull of gravity decreases with distance.
186. As it goes up, it will be slowed down by the effect of gravity.
187. Similarly, in the quantum theory of gravity, there are many different possible quantum states for the universe.
188. Zenaida Yanowksy, outstandingly, finds an innocence and gravity in the role of the Chief Nymph that are of another era.
189. In every case only one well-known galactic force is involved - gravity.
190. A south-southeast-trending gravity high follows the trend of the 1989 fracture system and is displaced 100m west.
191. Some 3D systems can calculate volume, weight, moments of inertia, and centre of gravity of fairly complex shapes.
192. Here was a gravity you could argue with; here was a horizon close enough to reach out and grasp hold of.
193. Clinging to the hillside amid scenic splendour, these houses sternly defy gravity by not tumbling down to the sea below.
194. Consequently the force of gravity at perigee is not enough to hold it in a circular orbit.
195. If gravity was strong, I could go to the top floor of the building and speed up my time.
196. Defying gravity, wrecked buildings leaned drunkenly over the forlorn rubble-filled streets.
197. At this distance the force of gravity provided by the planet is equal to the centripetal force required.
198. They then interact with microwaves on their way up and again on the way down after gravity has turned them round.
199. There are three basic types of fixed dispenser the swivel(), the lift pump and the gravity feed.
200. Because string theory has so much symmetry, it can accommodate the disparate faces of nature displayed by gravity and quantum theory.
201. The cold clouds seen at 100 micrometres are large and diffuse, evidently just beginning to condense under their own gravity.
202. Centrifugal force can be greater than the force of gravity.
203. Even in the simpler Newtonian theory of gravity, one can solve the equations exactly only in the case of two particles.
204. In free fall, only the force of gravity is acting so the body is not in compression.
205. Small animals are dominated by surface forces other than gravity in ways unknown and unknowable to us.
206. Physicists like the mathematical beauty of string theory because it banishes the absurdities that pop up when quantum mechanics and gravity combine.
207. The acceleration by Earth's gravity acts on asteroids falling through the atmosphere.
208. Contemporary things have no regard for gravity,[http:///gravity.html] except video machines.
209. For example, the gravity field on the lunar surface is about one seventh as strong as on Earth.
210. Some years later Newton, using his newly discovered law of gravity, proved that all objects must orbit in elliptical paths.
211. When this happens take a hydrometer reading and if the gravity is about 1010 syphon the beer into the wine cube.
212. You should feel your centre of gravity to be located down through the hips.
213. There is, however, a predilection for materials and principles of gravity, weight, mass, density and balance.
214. In October 1981, I went to Moscow for a conference on quantum gravity.
215. On the Moon, the gravity is so low that no atmosphere remains.
216. I don't think you quite understand the gravity of the situation.
217. Galileo was mainly concerned with the motion of objects under gravity.
218. From here the water was pumped to a tank atop of Stanton Avenue and gravity fed to householders.
219. All the other deep boreholes were located within gravity lows.
220. In the quantum theory of gravity, on the other hand, a third possibility arises.
221. The distribution system is a low pressure hot water one operating by gravity.
222. In Northern Ireland, a detailed gravity survey was made in the Cushendall area.
223. Water may enter the soil or bedrock simply through percolation through interconnected voids between particles under the force of gravity.
224. But he's fighting a slow-motion battle against zero gravity and deafening interference.
225. The alternative is to use the effects of gravity, the dart losing height as it flies.
226. Density contrasts at intermediate depths would be expected to occur at footwall ramps, suggesting that detailed gravity studies might be rewarding.
227. Its momentousness and its gravity are past human comprehension.
228. In other words, the gravity drop is a constant acceleration and the hand is accelerating, even during the key drop.
229. Some results are as follows:(1) A 1:25 scale model was built following the gravity similarity criterion. The gate closing and opening force in hydrodynamic conditions was studied.
230. As speed increases, the American Eskimo Dog will single track with the legs converging toward the center line of gravity while the back remains firm, strong, and level.
231. Newtonian gravity assumes action at a distance, in clear violation of the principle of relativity.
232. Based on the theory of potential and flexural isostatic compensation, the relationship between ocean depth and the vertical component of gravity gradient anomalies is derived.
233. According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, gravity is the result of an object's mass deforming space itself, like a bowling ball on a trampoline.
234. Send a mission to Mercury and you risk frying it with solar radiation or wasting tremendous amounts of fuel to correct against the influence of solar gravity.
235. By using threshold segmentation, edge recognition, pixel labeling and center of gravity method, the accurate sites of every model can be acquired from the image.
236. Because the craft is excluded from the planetary gravity, the crafts are capable of fantastic acceleration and sharp turns in high speed without the crew inside the craft feeling any G-force effects.
237. Mineral process of hematite in the early time often adopted gravity separation, and it mainly included jig, centrifugal separator, spiral chute, spiral concentrator, shaking table and so on.
238. Gravity Bomb: Charges the target with dark energy (the gravity well), causing them to explode and pull in nearby allies after 9 sec.
239. But a broader change is under way as the economic centre of gravity shifts eastwards.
240. The working principles, structure, and heat transfer characteristics of the gravity heat pipe heat exchangers, and their application in production of pyromellitic dianhydride anhydride were presented.
241. In addition, the influence of some system errors to anomaly gravity and vertical deflection estimation accuration is explained, and finally some problems on Kalm...
242. This mismatch in coefficient is certain to result in instability of the center of gravity.
243. The terrigenous elastic gravity flow deposits are more significant due to its great thickness and broad distribution extent.
244. The particle motion is dominated by inertia and gravity effects.
245. There is a careful balance of heat and gravity holding the planet in place.
246. The teacher give a demonstration of the law of gravity.
247. Einstein didn't see gravity as Newton did, as a kind of force of attraction between two bodies, a star and planet, for example.
248. In Einstein's theory, the notion of gravity as an attractive force still holds for all known forms of matter and energy, even on the cosmic scale.
249. The planar gravity anomaly zone reflects geologically active zone, it also easy tof metallic ore deposits formation.
250. Static charge produces an electric field around its space, materials with mass produce a gravity field around the space.
251. Moreover after Kyd has come, the attack center of gravity had already had the change.
252. There is a lot of noise in the data observed by airborne gravimeter. Digital lowpass FIRfilter is needed to extract the factual gravity field information from such data.
253. Gravity, which is such a strong force, will pull it down into the net.
254. The centre of gravity of machinery of Chinese paper box, moving by boreal Xiang Na.
255. The general methods to determine the three-phase transformer connected group were Clock law and Coincidence voltages are triangle of gravity , but they both have disadvantages.
256. For when Shenton rides his motorbike, he says it is not gravity that pins him to the road, but the rapid upward motion of a disc-shaped planet.
257. In the point-supporting glass structures, the glass planes are supposed to bear both the bending load such as wind load and the shear load such as gravity.
258. However, the overall mean coordination number is essentially a constant and independent of porosity or volume fraction for the binary packing under gravity.
259. Its reasonable and feasibility are discussed by analyzing Xiloudu arch dam under gravity and water pressure.
260. Drum line at a certain angle of inclination fixed to the shelf beam, the tray from the high-placed, along the drum line from their own gravity down.
261. Although it is starting off as a cyclical downturn, the bigger story is that the law of economic gravity is catching up with China, too.
262. A stone sits unmovable , a satellite bends with gravity, history moves beyond the past, a great person walks humbly.
263. The result of gravity separation for quartz - calcite type scheelite is not ideal.
264. He identifies himself with its centre of gravity, its mass, its weight.
265. Realising the gravity of guarding her rule for the peace and well-being of the nation, he embarked on solving the whodunit.
266. When the bulk specific gravity of coarse aggregate and the apparent specific gravity of fine aggregate are used to compute VMA value, the VMA value is greater than the VMA value by American method.
267. Under the influence of gravity and seepage, this work loose .
268. The value of gravimeter surveys for gravity change detection lies in the fact that gravity change indicates elevation change.
269. The principle of the calibration is the following : An accelerometer, on a vehicle at rest measures a constant vector ( the opposite of gravity ) in the earth frame[http://], expressed in the vehicle frame.
270. Based on the present state of knowledge about the morphology of atmospheric gravity wave field, the concept of atmospheric gravity wave field is reexamined.
271. Moon's weak gravity let the gasses slip away into space.
272. The crumpled leaf shape defies gravity, giving it the grace of a suspension bridge.
273. It is defined by a loss of function of about 75 percent of the filtration system of the kidney and characterized by azotemia and low specific gravity of the urine.
274. Einstein's theory was the first concept of gravity that offered a hope of providing a self-consistent picture of the whole universe.
275. One of the most popular approaches to extract the gravity field information from the much noisy measurement that observed by airborne gravimeter is lowpass filtering.
276. Adding properly sand ratio can prevent gravity segregation and weeping of concrete mixture and keep the water content constant.
277. If a protoplanet was large enough, soon enough, its gravity would pull in the nebular gas, and it would become a gas giant. If not, it would remain a rocky or icy body.
278. Dark energy is a mysterious repulsive force that opposes gravity, causing the universe to expand.
279. Obtaining balance over a horse's constantly changing center of gravity takes time to learn.
280. The calculation shows that the increase of heat gradient, over the depth of isostasy, will cause the negative gravity anomaly.
281. The Ark Crystal of Gravity was constructed by modifying an enormous natural crystal in the complex beneath Arkansas, near the area of the Toltec Mounds.
282. The first is propositional knowledge about natural phenomena and their regularities, e. g. , the law of gravity and the germ theory of disease.
283. The scientists discovered that two Waardenburg-linked genes matched mustard plant genes for sensing gravity.
284. So if you are 100 times further away like Pluto compared to Mercury then the gravitational... the centripetal acceleration which is due to gravity is 10,000 times smaller.
285. The failure process of the model was simulated by RFPA2D software. Simulation results show three failure modes of gravity dam, such as surficial slide, deep slide and mixed slide.
286. But unlike light, which deposits all its energy when it splats against matter, gravity passes ghostlike through solid objects with only a tingle of interaction./gravity.html
287. Theoretical analysis and tests have shown that the prospects for the engineering application of the plate thickener are bright, and it can counteract the weaknesses of the "gravity sett..."
288. Sitting on a horse with the legs too far forward disturbs the vertical line of gravity.
289. However, there occurs 5-70 milligals gravity anomaly in this region, the residual anomaly being 30-50 milligals after eliminating the effect of Mohorovicic discontinuity.
290. Restore torque for pitch and roll orientation is provided by gravity gradient. Restore torque for yaw and pitch orientation is provided by aerodynamic torque.
291. Statolith One of a number of large starch grains found in the statocytes, plant cells that are thought to be gravity sensitive.
292. This paper presents the high precise gravity survey and primary results before and after the impoundment in the Three Gorges reservoir.




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