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单词 Marsh
1. He led them away from a marsh.
2. A miasma rose from the marsh.
3. A good deal of the marsh was taken in from the sea.
4. The marsh is an area of great scientific interest on account of its wild flowers.
5. When they tried to cross the marsh, their shoes sank into the soft ground.
6. The damage to the marsh has alarmed environmentalists.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. The field was a marsh, the track a trough.
8. She caught a few words: marsh, explosion, death.
9. For example, a salt marsh, cold soil.
10. Caro said her stepbrother was Robert Marsh the naturalist.
11. It cut Romney Marsh off from the mainland.
12. Tony Cottee and David Marsh have shown the way.
13. A red glow was rising from the marsh.
14. A filled-in marsh is a sluice for sediment.
15. This is essentially a marsh plant.
16. Professor Marsh eventually took almost five hundred ton-sized wooden boxes of bones from the Como Bluff quarries.
17. The moon was shining on the Great Grimpen Marsh, and a fog was rising from it.
18. Meet at Boyton Marsh 8.15 am sharp for ferrying to the island in the club boats.
19. And there are marsh plants in the bossy bits and beside the little streams.
20. At the mouth of the river is a large area of marsh.
21. After so much rain, the field had become a marsh .
22. Rain had been falling steadily all day and the ground had become a marsh.
23. Perhaps when unhappy people die they release an effluvium of depression, like marsh gas.
24. The majority of these had probably escaped back across the marsh, they thought; indeed many had never been engaged.
25. Nature was given its due, but only at the southern tip of the marsh.
26. He trailed along behind her through the sand dunes, along the edge of the tidal salt marsh.
27. The swarm-bearing man glided down a hill into a marsh.
28. Mark Taylor was named as deputy captain to Allan Border in place of Marsh.
29. In this respect Sarah had made herself as indispensable as Daniel Marsh.
30. The bell rings and as I approach the front door I can see Mrs Marsh through the frosted glass.
1. He led them away from a marsh.
2. At the mouth of the river is a large area of marsh.
31. On the map it was pretty well blank space, save for the thin blue lines of creeks or marsh drains crisscrossing it.
32. Caltha palustris, the marsh marigold her in its single and double-flowered forms, brings sunny colour to the bog garden.
33. Few people were out around Snowdrop Street and Marsh Lane police station, the scene of the disturbances the night before.
34. Behind the shingle formation Romney Marsh gradually grew up and completely filled the former bay.
35. A tell-tale phrase came back to her as she ran over the dew-wet marsh grass: The White Girl's Grave.
36. Strong and prescient words,[http:///marsh.html] yet Marsh was not calling for a halt to all human interference.
37. Marsh had spent some of the money on buying a Jaguar, followed by a Porsche which had now been repossessed.
38. Differs from marsh terns in winter by square white tail, smoky underwing and no sharply defined white shoulder.
39. Guppy and Marsh, son of a multi-millionaire advertising executive, each had £15,000 shares in Inca.
40. On Monday, Phil Marsh used the train as a taxi to ferry the media to lineside locations for photographic purposes.
41. Ell had scraped her shins and there was a nasty wound dispensing blood over the marsh.
42. Mounted knights struggled across two abreast, and plunged immediately into a marsh.
43. That evening, as the sun sank over the marsh and the sea an odd group gathered in the dusk.
44. Before I settled among the Tuthanach I wandered further up the river, crossing the great marsh.
45. Arkansas saw nine million acres of marsh and swamp forest converted to farms.
46. She must have galloped through marsh and mire for an hour.
47. You play over a salt marsh, or bayou, from tee to green.
48. In order to stay the night with Bobby at Hamilton Terrace Marsh would occasionally lie to her parents.
49. The Chubb connects the electronic warning system to Guy's Marsh police station.
50. Only the homeless had close-up views, from makeshift shelters in a marsh east of Interstate 5.
51. They realised that with a car slowly sinking into the marsh there was not a minute to spare.
52. Cromwell Marsh, a quick-talking cockney, pops up like a minor devil.
53. From 1829 Marsh was translated to Birmingham to a diocese under the direction of the first evangelical bishop in the Anglican hierarchy.
54. He wasn't surprised to find the marsh blanketed in a thick fog.
55. With the car sinking into a marsh, there wasn't a moment to spare.
56. The moon was high and the first birds had begun calling from the shrubs and marsh grass by the edge.
57. Frizzell Group is to be bought by Marsh and McLennan, the world's biggest insurance broker, for £107m.
58. He led the way around the edge of a marsh and then through drier land, with limestone boulders on it.
59. But Marsh needed no second invitation and sent keeper Nigel Martyn the wrong way to level the score.
60. White fronted geese Back at Cley, a long-tailed duck rested on Arnold's Marsh.
61. Streets around the normally tranquil town of Morton in Marsh were sealed and long traffic jams built up.
62. The building of sea-walls helped to protect its marsh manors from flooding.
63. The corncrake and marsh fritillary have been the victims of intensive agriculture as ploughing and pesticides destroy habitat and insects.
64. On the following morning Miss Stapleton took us to the path through the marsh.
65. Comments: Acorus is a marsh plant, and therefore does well in emerse rather than submerged conditions.
66. Miles of salt marsh stretched before us, reaching to the shores of the River Severn.
66. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
67. A flock of dunlin flew across the marsh in a silver swirl, catching the sun, dazzling the eye.
68. Between the 1740s and the 1820s, Romney Marsh was openly terrorized by armed gangs of smugglers.
69. But I didn't see any sign of it at Winter Marsh - the place just looked down-at-heel.
70. Being a marsh plant, it prefers to be grown emersed.
71. The now desolate Central Avenue at that time had the crowded, exuberant vitality of a Reginald Marsh urban nightlife painting.
72. It was a place of scrubland and marsh less than sixty-five kilometers north of Saigon.
73. A short-eared owl beat low over the salt marsh on long rounded wings.
74. Having made Winter Marsh from the Crouch I anchored off a shallow bay and rowed ashore in the dinghy.
75. Marsh, did you ever think of dying your hair red?
76. The Reds, desperate to open the scoring, fought well and pressed hard, with Hutchison and Marsh testing Cherchesov again.
77. Plus, Marsh said, it is a material that works with many kinds of decorating styles.
78. Many species are marsh plants which have not yet been tested for use in the aquarium.
79. Patricia Marsh, 23, of Ivyleigh, Liverpool, faces six charges and was remanded in custody until tomorrow.
80. The Marsh End at that time had at least two moles who held sway in their different ways over moles of their generation.
81. The stem is delicate, seldom branching, prostrate, and rooting as a marsh plant.
82. Guppy and Marsh, having lodged their bogus insurance claim, flew back to New York on Concorde.
83. Mary could see a row of white stones marking the pathway across the marsh.
84. Many of those who died at Moreton in Marsh are buried in the local cemetery.
85. We drove back towards Titchwell Marsh, stopping to look out over the miles of salt marsh on the way.
86. The species may be encountered in any suitable marsh or dense area of aquatic vegetation at the coast or inland.
87. Having digressed on our way around the village, all that is left is the marsh and the woods.
88. A low white church hovered on wood piles over a salt marsh off to the left.
89. We followed them through the marsh, which smelled of dying plants.
90. Marsh and colleagues found that there was a clear and established career structure among the youths on the terraces.
91. The chief acting honours, however, go to Jean Marsh as the tense but battle-hardened Miss Madrigal.
92. The water in the marsh is hosting a fire that feeds untended like jealousy or wrath, choler on black bile.
93. Turn left along this road for three quarters of a mile until the road turns sharp right to become Marsh Road.
94. On the other hand Marsh did find that there was a statistically significant drop in the excess returns after 1968.
95. Nearly all of the species are marsh plants which also grow on the banks of still as well as moving waters.
96. Here is Doty describing a salt marsh near his Provincetown, Mass., home.
96. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
97. All foliage on leggy marginals such as marsh marigolds should also be cut back.
98. Lapland buntings and skylarks swirled and settled, searching for the last seeds of salt marsh plants below the bank.
99. Marsh harriers pass through and have recently bred, and even a passing osprey is a possibility.
100. On the cliff top, marsh orchids, pink and lush, clustered in damp hollows.
101. The marsh was not like water, and the car didn't sink to. he bottom.
102. On Romney Marsh, silting of river mouths was worsened by the problem of peat shrinkage.
103. They take up residence in some numbers in marsh and swampland.
104. A marsh hawk appeared from behind and swooped low over him, perhaps smelling fear and hoping for leftovers.
105. A CRASH victim had his head held above icy water by rescuers after his car plunged into a marsh.
106. They have created an experimental salt marsh by allowing coastal farmland at Northey Island in Essex to be flooded.
107. The land is rich in wildlife and many plants still survive from the time when the area was marsh.
108. She stood there staring, poised like a disturbed marsh bird for instant flight.
109. This had provoked hostility in some quarters towards him - a hostility that lingered still in the family-orientated Marsh End.
110. If Marsh has not fully recovered, his likely substitute will be Robinson.
111. Last month Marsh was found guilty of running misleading advertisements on medical products under the Medicines Act.
112. He gazed down the empty street, and then across it to the marsh, and saw her.
113. It was a quiet walk through the marsh and dune land and the patchy pasture.
114. When I get home Mrs Marsh has polished off half the biscuits in the tin and the teapot is all but empty.
115. Channels and salt marsh, reed beds and pools, shingle and fore shore.
116. I feel that I would like to go there and fall into those flowers and sink into the marsh near them.
117. Kym Marsh, 24, revealed yesterday she and the other four members lived on junk food.
118. A former pool had silted up and was turning into a miniature reed marsh.
119. Species included in the new list include the Sussex Emerald Moth, the sturgeon, floating water plantain and marsh saxifrage.
120. They made their way slowly out of the marsh.
121. They sometimes sank knee-deep into the marsh.
122. The word kavir is Persian for salt marsh.
123. Phil! Too much marsh not enough mallow!
124. The little boy was sucked into the marsh.
125. There was the solitary flat marsh on the shore.
126. There are a lot of frogs in the marsh.
127. The warrior followed the stallion into the great marsh.
128. Low , flat [http://], swampy landa bog or marsh.
129. The red deer was fed out on the marsh.
130. The country is made up of meadow and marsh.
131. Raptors include Marsh Harrier and Black winged Kite.
132. A salt marsh, spring, pond, or lake.
133. Doesn't Karen Marsh look old!
134. Mark Doty, whose Fire to Fire: New and Selected Poems won in its category, noted that he and his partner, the writer, Paul Lisicky, had been recently married in a salt marsh in Truro, Massachusetts.
135. Marsh Hanson and Jay Wilson were lucky to find their surrogate friend and to be able to inseminate her privately in their home.
136. These results are consistent with the observation that the salt marsh plants often grew better near tidal creeks than in the inner areas.
137. C/N ratios of surface sediments are from 6 to 11, indicating the predominately riverine source of organic matter in the marsh with minor contributions from marsh vegetation.
138. Helophyte A perennial marsh plant that has its overwintering buds under water.
139. The Outlaws of Marsh " described many cannibalism plots. "
140. By the time the Marsh joins the immense Nimrod Glacier, some 35 miles from our camp, the ice is on a rapid charge to the Ross Sea Ice Shelf.
141. The scientists began decoding that record by mapping the distribution of different foraminifera species -- or "forams" -- at 10 North Carolina marsh sites.
142. Of, resembling, or characterized by a marsh or marshes; boggy.
143. I spotted this lone Great Egret in a large area of marsh grass.
144. The peat is a carrier of the wetland nitrogen in the marsh.
145. Coenobite is the magnum opus of Marsh Lewis who lived in England in the late 18th century.
146. At her London Hotel today Miss Marsh told reporters she might retire.
147. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the failure cause of a stainless steel pipe for carrying marsh gas.
148. As an example of such useless lands , the court referred to a prior case salt marsh.
149. Some of those species on the upland and salt marsh areas are Canada Geese, Yellow, Common Yellowthroat and Redstart warblers, Osprey , Oystercatchers, Willets, and Tree Sparrow.
150. Secretive marsh birds like clapper rails, king rails and soras—one of which has already been found oiled—frequent brackish and salt marsh habitat.
151. That dirt very likely contained the common nightcrawler and the red marsh worm.
152. Any of various marsh birds of the family Rallidae, characteristically having brownish plumage and short wings adapted only for short flights.
153. Tests indicate that modified tractor operated on marsh gas-diesel blended fuel can save more than 65% of diesel oil at full load.
154. The ecosystem of saline lakes can be divided into two subecosystems i. e. brine area and sur-rouding salt marsh ecosystems.
155. Helophyte A perennial marsh plant that has its overwintering buds under water. An example is bulrush ( Typha ).
156. Without breaking his stride,[http:///marsh.html] the tricky winger fizzed a fine ball into the box and Marsh buried a half volley into the roof of the net.
157. The marsh is home to a vast array of plants, fish, reptiles like the North American Alligator, and mammals.
158. The air, too, smelt more freshly than down beside the marsh.
159. In this paper, it is suggested that the salt vegetation along the Hexi Corridor in Gansu can be divided into salt desert, salt meadow and salt marsh.
160. The amphibious geophone is suited for operating in land, wetland, lake and marsh etc.
161. The restoration of a habitat of salt marsh grasses and shallow estuarine waters along the park's edge allows visitors the opportunity to appreciate the area's marine ecology and wildlife.
162. Natural lubricants and herbal extracts — including certified organic aloe, echinacea and marsh mallow — help provide excellent detangling.
163. Sea-level rise also threatens coastal wetlands, including salt marsh habitats and mangroves, adding to threats to these ecologically valuable areas by human actions.
164. The Parana floodplain marsh retains a large amount of nutrients being stored mainly in the sediment compartment.
165. "You see the river is a tree line, and all this is basically fresh-water marsh, " said Blaize.
166. His name was Tracy Bill Marsh, a tall handsome young man who worked in a pizza shop.
167. Long low ridges which rise above the marsh form the only inhabitable areas on the plain.
168. The marsh hawk, sailing low over meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life that awakes.
169. Can papyrus grow tall where there is no marsh? Can reeds thrive without water?
170. Marsh orchids, marsh and meadow thistles, meadowsweet and ragged robin thrive.
171. Matthew Marsh, swigging from a whiskey bottle with little finger crooked, subtly suggests the contradictory impulses behind Kelly's bullish swagger.
172. Moreover, the Falcated Duck show up again at the freshwater marsh today too!
173. I noticed the natives:a marsh deer, a Muscovy duck and ducklings, a pair of hyacinth macaws crossing the sky.
174. Only silence lay over the fields and woods and marsh.
175. Zhou Qing carry arouses villagers expand the marsh gas that can improve household environment.
176. More recent data from Australia suggest that salt marsh mosquitoes test positive for M. ulcerans DNA, although transmission by this type of mosquito has not been established.
177. Earthworms, to be precise—especially the common nightcrawler and the red marsh worm, creatures that did not exist in North America before 1492.
178. A ribbon snake is seen on salvinia in a cypress swamp adjacent to marsh that stretches to the Gulf of Mexico in Barataria Preserve.
179. Workers wipe oil from marsh grass in St. Tammany Parish, La.
180. The marsh hawk, sailing low over the meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life that awakes.
181. Wild rice stem belongs to herb of marsh of gramineous vivacious perennial root.
182. Juror No. 10 , Richard Marsh , was for Cowperwood in a sentimental way.
183. "I had to find questions and answers quickly," said Judge Melba Marsh.
184. The citric acid plant is just one of 10 similar enterprises fueled by marsh gas.
185. Puxi mine field contains rich marsh gas, more than 70 times coal and gas outbursts have been taken place in the Puxi mine field since 1986.
186. This is a stretch of salt marsh , it can grow nothing.
187. She recognized the country more precisely, the desolate marsh and the sea.
188. Instead of just two tides a day like in a marsh, the gravel is flooded and drained 16 times a day to boost bacterial activity.
189. A spinner who has thought only of the loom, the dinner pail, the bed, and then the loom again - this spinner might drink some on a Sunday and come across a marsh lily.
190. From facies logo the clastic rocks of investigative area mainly develop in lake. The microfacies mainly include beach and bar, also include marsh mud flat facies and storm facies.
191. The invention can be widely used for purifying various organic waste water and preparing marsh gas.
192. Will she destroy his average like Erica Marsh threatens to destroy this reporter's GPA?
193. The marsh gas service car organically integrates a biogas dregs and liquid clearing car, a small excavator, a cargo carriage, a special carriage, a computer, a network system and the like.
194. Can papyrus shoot up without marsh ? Can reeds grow without water?
195. My name is mildew. My name is bog, fen, marsh and swamp.
196. The heavy snow got down one day of one night of 3 hour, the pinery , wilderness, the marsh land accumulated the thick snow.
197. She thought that the thing in the marsh was a flying saucer.
198. At present, the world's top three insurance brokers Marsh , Aon and Willis are our partners.
199. Richard Marsh, Myriad's general counsel, said company officials would not be able to comment on the lawsuit until they had fully reviewed the complaint.
200. The battle began at 5.30 a.m., when shots were exchanged over Marsh Creek. In the face of Buford's resistance, Heth pushed on cautiously until he reached a point about two miles west of Gettysburg.
201. The Marsh Funnel ( Viscometer ) is used for routine viscosity determinations.
202. A seasonally flooded bottomland with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog.
203. He picked off a wild duck rising from the marsh.
204. The invention relates to a marsh gas biological desulphurization device.
205. THE daughter of a shipwright in the Royal Navy, Elizabeth Marsh had her first sailing adventure as she travelled in her mother's womb from Jamaica to England in 1735.
206. The development area then was still a stretch of desolate salt marsh.
207. Standing at the edge of an enormous marsh, a visitor is overwhelmed by the vast area of tall water plants and the abundant bird life, which reminds one of the coasts of the southeastern United States.
208. Marsh plant has very important function in constructed wetlands system. It has not only adsorption and application nutrient in sewage, adsorption and enrichment heavy metal of sewage.
209. When marsh tea is abloom, air is permeated with stupefying odor of this medical and poisonous plant.
210. In gratitude, he soon afterwards bought a piece of property at Burgh - le - Marsh .
211. Morrigan: "Do you want tales of the Chasind Wilders who dwell in the marsh?"
212. Thus, under Marsh, the agency must demonstrate that its decision was not arbitrary or capricious.
213. To the one side of the mountain is the boundless and melancholy marsh.
214. We gonna mosh through the marsh, take us right through the doors.
215. Still, that doesn't mean the exact relationship between temperature and sea level rise evident in the salt marsh data will hold as climate change accelerates in the future, Miller cautioned.
216. I was neither at the hot gates Nor fought in the warm rain Nor knee deep in the salt marsh, heaving a cutlass, Bitten by flies, fought.
216. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
217. A tall marsh plant (Hibiscus moscheutos) of eastern North America, having leaves covered with whitish down and flowers with white, pink, or rose petals with crimson bases.
218. In addition, some Accipiter, such as Northern Goshawk, Common Buzzard, Eurasian Marsh Harrier, Eurasian sparrowhawk, Common Kestrel, etc.
219. Tide was the main hydrology course, which influenced the Shanyutan Phragmites australis marsh of Min River estuary.
220. Marsh gas has been supplied to the village instead of coal gas.
221. This paper used the intertidal sediments and salt marsh plant Suaeda heteroptera as materials to study the plant - microbial remediation of POPs contaminated sediments.
222. Marsh calls for fairly careful review of the agency decision.
223. As a science journalist with a regular column in Scientific American, Jeremy Marsh specializes in debunking the supernatural.
224. Thus we can infer that Nihewan ape-man may either rest under the bare cliff of the Gorge Area or be buried in the marsh country or deep in the lake bed, or in the accumulation layer of the cavern.
225. Burning hot on a winter’s day, a brush fire consumes a patch of dried marsh, drawing spectators at a golf course in Denver, Colorado.
226. ( The lease area was adjacent to the greatest estuary and marsh area in the United States.
227. Marsh gas It is composed mainly of methane which is naturally decomposed from the residue of plants under the condition of air isolation, marsh gas is used mainly as fuel.
228. Can the papyrus grow up without a marsh? Can the rushes grow without water?
229. The coal measure facies can be divided into five ones such as dry peat marsh, moist forest peat marsh, transitional margin marsh, living water peat marsh and open water facies.
230. An adult Grus americana makes a splashing run-up to flight through a marsh in Canada's Wood Buffalo National Park.
231. The paper denotes that the marsh gas fermentation starting could be accelerated with increase gas volume(11.45%)by use large amount of residue liquid as inoculator instead of NH_4HCO_3.
232. An American Egret takes flight from an oil-impacted marsh along the Louisiana coast Monday, June, 7, 2010.
233. Total flavonoids of Spartina alterniflora(TFS) are immuno-active materials isolated from Spartina alterniflora, a salt marsh plant.
234. It was like my own marsh country, flat and monotonous.
235. The 5)marsh hawk, sailing low over the meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life that awakes.
236. Longfeng Marsh locate in the city zone, ecosystem frangibility, should strengthen protect.
237. Many of the details of the HMDS are classified, but NIITEK provides training at installations around the U.S. and in Afghanistan, said company spokesman Terrance Marsh.
238. Marsh , C . J . and Willis G . ( 1999 ) . Curriculum: alternative approaches , ongoing issues. 2 nd ed. New Jersey: Prentice - Hall.
239. The first itinerary touches the following places: Marsh Harbour Great Guana Cay Treasure Cay New Plymouth Manjack Cay Powell Cay Green Turtle Cay.
240. Jianghan Plain is typical flood plain, composed of much of interfluvial lowlands, which become interfluvial lowlands lake or marsh after storing water.
241. Buried tidal marsh or coastal forest soils point to sudden land subsidence of about 1 meter occurring at the same time from Vancouver Island to Northern California.
242. Use of new energies such as marsh gas is increasing in the rural areas.
243. At lunchtime we streaked through Elkhorn Slough, a salt marsh reserve near Monterey, where egrets preened and massive sea lions lolled in the mud.
244. It is also found that the soil organic matter in the salt marsh of Spartina alterniflora Loisel has high correlation with its growth age, and has little correlation with its growth status.
245. The important role of sulfate reduction in mineralizing organic carbon and the significance of energy flow in salt marsh ecosystem were discussed.
246. They had been making a comeback for a while, Burke says, but their numbers are now declining again, partly due to the disappearance of salt marsh in the area.
247. Any of various aquatic or marsh ferns of the genus Marsilea, having floating, four-parted palmate leaves rising from long runners.
248. The red wolf diet consists mainly of white-tailed deer and small mammals such as marsh rabbits, raccoons and nutria.




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