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单词 Patrol
1. The patrol was waylaid by bandits.
2. They made hourly patrol of the area.
3. The army regularly patrol the border.
4. The policeman was on patrol.
5. An armed patrol boat will escort the shipment.
6. The army regularly patrol along the border.
7. Prison officers continued to patrol the grounds within the jail.
8. The scouts paired off and began to patrol the area.
9. The device was thrown at an army patrol but failed to explode.
10. Every police car and foot patrol in the area is on full alert.
11. The police have been instructed to patrol the building and surrounding area.
12. In Tobruk, leading a patrol in no-man's land, he was blown up by a mortar bomb.
13. Guerrillas attacked a patrol with hand grenades.
14. The highway patrol flagged us away from the accident.
15. We'll have to chance meeting an enemy patrol.
16. Mortimer almost ran headlong into a patrol.
17. Highway patrol officers closed the road.
18. The patrol had covered 200 miles without incident.
19. They laid an ambush for the enemy patrol.
20. Our forward patrol has/have spotted the enemy.
21. Three reconnaissance aircraft are permanently on patrol.
22. They were detailed to patrol the border.
23. Gangs of youths patrol the streets at night.
24. Police patrol the streets at night.
25. He failed to return from a patrol.
26. The patrol have reported that all is quiet.
27. A hand grenade was thrown at an army patrol.
28. They staged an ambush on an army patrol.
29. They attacked two soldiers on patrol.
30. Many a night, you and the death and disease resistance, when treatment is the doctor 's arm, patrol is the relatives of the patient, monitoring health Messenger,() rescue is the life guard.
1. They made hourly patrol of the area.
2. The policeman was on patrol.
3. An armed patrol boat will escort the shipment.
4. Prison officers continued to patrol the grounds within the jail.
5. The scouts paired off and began to patrol the area.
6. The device was thrown at an army patrol but failed to explode.
7. The police have been instructed to patrol the building and surrounding area.
8. In Tobruk, leading a patrol in no-man's land, he was blown up by a mortar bomb.
9. They attacked two soldiers on patrol.
10. A patrol was sent on reconnaissance.
11. The patrol have [ has ] reported that all is quiet.
12. Policemen patrol the streets.
31. Guards patrol the perimeter of the estate.
32. Terrorists attacked two soldiers on patrol.
33. The patrol came under attack from all sides.
34. Our patrol came under fire from rooftop gunmen.
35. He ran headlong into an enemy patrol.
36. The patrol car was rapidly closing on us.
37. A patrol was sent on reconnaissance.
38. I ask the mounted patrol to keep their eyes open.
39. Britain can maintain a continuous patrol of the seas with only three submarines.
40. We're going to jump on the enemy patrol party later this evening.
41. A new type of patrol boat was launched from the Essex coast yesterday.
42. A routine police patrol spotted signs of a break-in at the offices.
43. The bomb went off as a police patrol went by.
44. Two officers on patrol became suspicious of two men in a car.
45. Two policemen were killed when gunmen opened fire on their patrol vehicle.
46. Putting more police on patrol doesn't provide a real solution to the problem of increasing violence.
47. Dummy patrol cars will be set up beside motorways to frighten speeding motorists.
48. A shot rang out and galvanized the patrol into action.
49. The patrol police on duty are on the alert against any possible disturbances.
50. The captain of the boat was accused of ramming a patrol vessel.
51. A sniper hidden on a roof picked off three of the soldiers on patrol.
52. The biggest man in the patrol, a giant of a man, lifted Mattie on to his shoulders.
53. He saw the flashing lights of the highway patrol car in his driving mirror.
54. The army is now on patrol in Srinagar and a curfew has been imposed.
55. The patrol car followed the BMW for a few miles and then lost it.
55. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
56. The patrol have [ has ] reported that all is quiet.
57. I think it's the thin end of the wedge when you have armed police permanently on patrol round a city.
58. Policemen patrol the streets.
59. During the riots last year, the nighttime patrol force was beefed up with volunteers.
60. He must patrol by night and walk by day.
61. To patrol and ambush, call in artillery fire.
62. Five hundred riot police now patrol the streets.
63. They must have been a border patrol.
64. Another had himself chauffeured around in patrol cars.
65. His successors now carry body armour in their patrol cars.
66. A solitary males will patrol the cliffs in search of bands of sexually mature females.
67. Agents bundle four tires together and attach them to the back of the patrol vehicle.
68. A military police patrol asked that he tour the area with them to find his friend.
69. When built, the arsenal ships will have the smallest crews of any Navy ship except small coastal patrol craft.
70. Stirling's patrol drove into Benghazi with the aim of planting mines on enemy ships.
71. Border Patrol agent at a sandwich shop on Highway 11, shortly after he dropped the men off.
72. The mood is relaxed, and two border patrol officers chat across the fence.
73. B Company had already sustained heavy casualties from the landing and the patrol lost.
74. A patrol is already searching, and other mobiles are on stand-by.
75. Alternatively, let him fly high to act as a aerial patrol to intercept an enemy trying the same thing.
76. Standing firm Only in recent years have Border Patrol agents perched themselves so close to the border.
77. Former gang members shall be given a chance to be patrol buddies in assisting in the protection of the neighbourhoods.
78. He says the crossing patrol has poor visibility because of parked cars and the lollipop lady has to weave in between stationary vehicles.
79. Our deterrent involves one boat on patrol at all times with no more than 128 warheads.
80. As the patrol commander approached the door of the bank, he spotted a black briefcase leaning against a wall.
81. When Lombardy left home about 8 a.m., the detective followed and alerted an officer in a patrol car.
82. On patrol, game warden Jay Little Hawk discovers the bodies of a herd of mutilated deer.
83. The army's main task was to patrol the border regions.
84. My platoon went deepest into the wooded area we were going into to set up an ambush patrol.
85. Armoured vans patrol Manchester estate Armoured vans are patrolling an estate in Manchester following three separate shotgun attacks.
86. The drugs were recovered Feb. 4 by the cutter Morgenthau during an anti-drug patrol,(http:///patrol.html) Clayton said.
87. The patrol car arrives again and parks across the road from us.
88. They were forced to beat a hasty retreat and arrived at their rendezvous with Morris's patrol on time.
89. The dawn patrol rolls into action from the Askwith Road depot, Linthorpe, today.
90. It always bugged me, going on the same patrol, going on the same hill, setting up the same ambush.
91. Warships on patrol in the Red Sea spotted two enemy jets.
92. Leslie Sharp, Strathclyde's chief constable, last year won an extra £4.7 million to put another 155 officers on patrol.
93. This was invaluable, it also aroused the interest of the Californian Highway Patrol!
94. By this time I had joined the Scouts and had reached the dizzy heights of Patrol Leader.
95. But lifeguards on a patrol boat sent to the area could not locate the whale.
96. Sometimes the brawls erupted in public; the future candidate often found himself in the back of a patrol car.
97. Read in studio Two police officers have been injured after a gang of twenty youths ambushed their patrol car.
98. This patrol will last two hours while our men are laying their charge.
99. A short while later, patrol boats, equipped with depth charges, approached from the flanks.
100. They were quickly spotted by a police patrol who ushered them off the motorway and down the A41 slip road.
101. The Border Patrol hosted a community meeting of its own last night at the Boulevard firehouse.
102. The big patrol boat cut its engines as it drew level, and the grey-painted military hull sank down into the water.
103. Local, civil, and military personnel patrol or enclose ancient sites.
104. Two officers on a police patrol launch stationed just across the river at Westminster Pier saved the youngster's life.
105. A patrol car spotted us and the officers inside made it clear that we were under observation.
106. Their lead over the patrol boat was down to two hundred yards.
107. When Mr Horton is on hall patrol, he always witnesses one of my hallway scenes with a current boyfriend.
108. He immediately withdrew the patrol to a safe distance and together they began to clear the area for any other suspicious signs.
109. Do mid-day supervisors, cooks, cleaners, caretaker and crossing patrol receive copies?
110. A large cavalry patrol moved across it stage by stage like bedbugs across a clean sheet.
111. This is the monthly magazine, for Guides, with lots of help and ideas for fun Patrol activities.
112. Pollution control work also differs in important respects from routine police patrol work.
113. Longtime residents recall seeing police cars overturned and set afire because the officers had dared tried to patrol here.
114. Earlier, it had been one or more a day, Border Patrol agents say.
115. The assault on Watson and the theft of his patrol car are two separate crimes, he contended, requiring separate sentences.http://
116. Guards with AK47 assault rifles patrol the camp perimeter but there is no need to keep people in.
117. The detachment of the two fleet carriers for patrol duty was designed only to guard against this worst eventuality.
118. Trent looked back straight into the bows of the patrol boat.
119. Then further enemy aircraft arrived and bombed and strafed the patrol for several hours.
120. My day is over, but the soldiers on the line will continue to man observation posts and patrol throughout the night.
121. Despite the protection of the reef, there was sufficient sea running to make the patrol boat roll through sixty degrees.
122. A simple system of flag warnings is backed up by volunteers with loudspeakers who will patrol the shore areas.
123. Above, our full combat air patrol was on the alert.
124. The evening's entertainment concluded with yobbos trying to evade the patrol of hefty stewards to get to the pitch.
125. It's not known if the patrol which spotted the stolen car was part of this operation.
126. A police patrol car also became a casualty after officers attempted to help stranded motorists.
127. The campaign came in response to a spate of fatal stabbings and involved extra police officers being drafted in to patrol late-night trouble spots.
128. The patrol drove in a widely scattered formation in case Stukas arrived from the north.
129. At night, we would go on ambush patrol or sit in a foxhole or listening post.
130. Soon after, lifeguards gave up their search and ordered the crew to moor their patrol boat.
131. By the end of the first day the patrol had manoeuvred its way across the narrow neck of the Calanscio Sand Sea.
132. Only later did it become apparent that the flight had also been on anti-piracy patrol.
133. The patrol sat motionless for three minutes until the chaos eased.
134. A patrol in the city centre was crossing a road when a small explosion occurred near a fence-post.
135. From here I watch a patrol of pelicans skim the ocean surface while waves crash against the rocks.
136. We can tell Mr Goodwin to patrol the grounds in case he is dumped, tied up, or something like that.
137. One patrol car crashed during the pursuit, injuring two officers, but the police say it's incredible no one was killed.
138. The patrol plane has an infrared capability, so that searches can be made in the dark.
139. Border Patrol officials say the tactic discourages illegal border crossings.
140. Anglos traveling with Latinos are also targets of Border Patrol probes, says Castillo.
141. This was his fourth patrol of the day and only his first kill of the week.
142. Patrol cars cruised the intersection looking for a naked lady, but never stopped at the gas station.
143. Patrol officer Bob Edwards says heavy wash from cabin cruisers can kill young ducklings and harm other wildlife.
144. There will already be a couple of chaps in a patrol car down a side street as a matter of course.
145. Mayor Brown exhorted the Mission police station to patrol the park every day.
146. A policeman on patrol discovered the bodies at a remote beauty spot near Charterhouse, Somerset.
147. The Royal Hong Kong Police share patrol duties with the army, and they are equipped to detect an invasion.
148. Instead they took the kids away in the patrol car and told me to wait.
149. Since the federal government began pouring money and manpower into the Border Patrol here, experience also has become an issue.
150. The Pentagon ordered up cruise missile attacks from two of the six cruise-missile equipped warships on patrol in the Persian Gulf.
151. If a Highway Patrol car was going to slip up from behind, it would be right about now.
152. He didn't bother to look back to see whether the shots were coming from the patrol boat or from the tender.
153. Security is a high priority in all military establishments, and sentries are constantly on patrol, twenty-four hours a day.
154. It may be called the state police, state troopers, militia, the rangers or the highway patrol.
155. As they patrol their area regularly you should not have to wait long.
156. They also patrol camp sites and parking and picnic places.
157. Prior to the patrol I had been given a verbal briefing on the night's events.
158. If so, will he ensure that a police officer accompanies every military patrol whenever humanly possible?
159. Behind every bend lurks a potential patrol, road-block or hidden camera.
160. They treated me a bit like a kid, on that first patrol: one who needed help with the simplest things.
161. I was awakened around noon by the Sergeant who was in command of yesterday evening's patrol.
162. Increasing the number of patrol cars on the street has not had any effect on the level of serious crime.
163. The patrol changed direction, and their beams swept over another barren area.
164. The police say they don't have sufficient manpower to patrol the area.
165. It is the male's prime function to patrol his territory against intruders.
166. At the beginning of the war, patrol and legislative enactments were rigidly enforced.
167. Partygoers rocked a bus and threw stones and bottles at police officers and patrol cars.
168. Governor Wilson declared a state of emergency, imposed a curfew and called in reinforcements from the California Highway Patrol.
169. He had pulled a hamstring during his warm-up and had done well to patrol as relentlessly as he did for an hour.
170. The ambulance was already gone, but patrol cars were still there, radios squawking in the night air.
171. But it is a good excuse for us to send out a patrol of our own.
172. The property tax the county collects from city residents supplies millions of dollars for sheriff deputies that patrol in the foothills.
173. Border Patrol agents there stopped northbound cars and trucks to search for illegal aliens and drugs.
174. The buddy patrol will not interfere with any police matter, unless instructed by a commanding officer.
175. None the less, all three uses experienced a greater need to warden or patrol their areas in seasons of recreational use.
176. There were eight extra police officers this year, seven of them on patrol duties.
177. Border Patrol spokeswoman Andrea Privette says the federal agents can work anywhere in public domain.
178. It was those who suffered the isolation of the front-line patrol who demanded changes.
179. However, I can assure you that we have only one patrol operating in the Jebel right now.
180. Being mostly new, they were exceedingly useful to the Navy, serving as minesweepers and coastal patrol vessels.
181. Consequently, the riders were escorted to the state line where Mississippi patrol cars took over.
182. Benson used 6 extra patrol cars to patrol the area where the black bikers met.
183. But when necessity dictated, the patrol was adept in suppressing rebellion without outside help.
184. Border Patrol agents and Roseau police moved in on them.
185. In March 1985 she allegedly took part in a machine-gun attack on a police patrol and television technicians at a sports centre.
186. Infantry traditionally performed three roles: It held ground, took ground, and con-ducted precise reconnaissance when on patrol.
187. The Border Patrol received an anonymous call one night about drug activity in the area.
188. Guards People were wandering past with their luggage, security guards were on patrol.
189. At the end of the patrol I was to submit a comprehensive report of our findings.
190. Brown received much heat for his proposal last month that gang members patrol the 14 Mission line.
191. Small patrol helicopters hovered over the treetops beyond the barbed wire.
192. Detecting suspicious activity in the community is where the bike patrol agents come in handy.
193. The Clinton administration has beefed up the Border Patrol, but illegals still are slipping though in unacceptable numbers.
194. Within minutes he had been picked up by a patrol car on the M5 in Gloucestershire.
195. Fifteen to twenty minutes later a patrol car drove up.
196. In the pocket of his trousers beside his feet was the knife he had carried on patrol.
197. But Freenet and Gnutella can not patrol the contents of their networks and delete copyrighted material.
198. A neighbourhood patrol can thus assume the proportions of an armed convoy.
199. Border Patrol agents in Nogales say they have been shot at 21 times in the past 15 months.
200. Two Civic Patrol officers will work with the community to combat litter and graffiti.
201. Civil police, who perform investigations, tend to be paid slightly less than military police, who patrol communities.
202. New police squad starts patrol on horseback.
203. Will you please explain net-line patrol, etc.
204. Later another patrol would be raised from the southern area of the colony of Rhodesia and this patrol would take the letter " S" for south.
205. Authority say the militants were killed by an Israeli gunship as they were attempting to set up an explosive device in an area where Israeli troops patrol.
206. The North's patrol boat crossed the disputed western sea border this morning, drawing warning shots from a South Korean navy vessel, the statement said.
207. Sting Ray Mod 1 will arm the new Fridtjof Nansen-class frigates and will be integrated with the new NH90 anti-submarine warfare helicopter and the Orion P3-C maritime patrol aircraft.
208. Based on the Chinese postman problem solving ideas, the solving step of the patrol routes is given by application of Hungary method.
209. Single - frequency resistance - wave technique has been introduced from power-driven carrier wave communication to patrol - measurement, thanks to its easy manipulation and stable reliability.
210. An integrity test is an artificial situation engineered by IAB to look like a situation a police officer might encounter any day on patrol.
211. And when they encountered a patrol boat during the nighttime voyage, Mestas' friend cut the engine on his boat for silence.
212. The chief invigilator shall, at least one day before the commencement of the examination, convene a meeting attended by all invigilators and patrol inspectors to explain their invigilation duties.
213. A pair on patrol and one at high altitude on overwatch.
214. Last month, a Malaysian police patrol boat fired warning shots before arresting three Indonesian maritime officers.
215. There's a guard on patrol at the dock in the evenings.
216. In an incident in March, a Chinese patrol boat threatened a Philippine oil-exploration ship in the area, Mr. del Rosario said.
217. The sloop HMS Gannet protected British trade routes and did anti-slavery patrol in the 19th century.
218. Neighborhood patrol: Pakistani troops patrol on tanks during a military operation on Jan. 2 in Jamrud, the gateway to the famed Khyber Pass linking Pakistan and Afghanistan.
219. These two legends Zhenwu Great Dragon is the Royal riding, riding Zhenwu Tati their regular patrol everywhere.
220. The thermal imaging infrared system used as radiation thermometer has been applied extensively to energy-saving, industrial inspection and seizing smuggled goods at night on patrol etc.
221. The use of the vessel is a milestone for China's marine law enforcement patrol work, as it can combine air and surface surveillance, said the report.
222. The governments at all levels, except chief executive, especially set up parallel patrol officer, one surveillant at every way and one patrol officer at every state.
223. Tokyo Electric said the No. 5 reactor of the staff on the evening of 28 patrol inspection, found that the device useless, and emergency notification of a nuclear power plant.
224. Infrared detection is an item in periodic detection and patrol inspection on HV electric equipments.
225. His instructions to the passengers were clear: "No one talk, no nothing, " Mestas said. "Because the patrol boat is the one that was killing people."
226. Patrol inspectors and inspectors of workshop do patrol inspection during production.
227. An Afghan policeman smiles during a joint patrol with US policemen from the 504-th Military Police Battalion, 170th Company in the suburbs of Kandahar city, Kandahar province, August 18, 2010.
228. According to reports, the incident in which a Chinese patrol boat severed the multi-million dollar seismic survey cable operated by a PetroVietnam research vessel took place in this disputed zone.
229. The second , research the acting means of presentiment system, this part is consist of spy and patrol signal fire transferring and recovery per se.
230. "The first female platoon of 26 traffic officers will patrol the centre of Volgograd (in southern Russia), " Izvestia daily quoted regional police chief Mikhail Tsukruk as saying.
231. Being the auto-mode of patrol inspection, auto-patrol inspection is more convenient.
232. Our products are widely used in the field of animal management, logistics management, food security, power patrol inspection and smart card system.
233. Sergeant First Class Joseph Denny of Franklin, Indiana (right) shakes hands with an Afghan boy during a patrol on June 6, 2010 in Rambazi, a village south of Kandahar, Afghanistan.
234. A sniper hide on a roof picked off three soldier on patrol.
235. An 18-hour curfew remains in place in Concepcion, the country's second largest city, and military personnel are on patrol to make sure food and water are distributed properly.
235. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
236. Besides, China has recently sent a maritime patrol ship to Singapore. Is this action conducive to peace and stability of the South China Sea?
237. One day in December, Ty was on patrol in Anbar province when an Iraqi insurgent detonated a carload of explosives beside the convoy's troop truck.
238. With the whole figure visual support, the functions such as inquiring , localization of fault , maintenance , patrol and so on can be realized more conveniently and effectively.
239. China's marine patrol ship Haixun 31 arrived in Singapore Sunday for a 5-day visit.
240. Complete the wk of patrol, point duty, inspection so on. Security guard is responsible f finding repting all the hidden dangers.
241. Automatic anti-theft system: Including entrance control system and access control system, anti-theft alarm system, visual monitoring system, intercommunication system, patrol system, etc.
242. What does the wind power field patrol the route to be supposed to on to formulate?
243. The State Oceanic Administration and other non-military maritime patrol and law enforcement organizations have in the past acted carelessly, he said.
243. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
244. Other unmemorable early credits include Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol (1987), Action Jackson (1988) and the umpteenth remake of Blood and Sand (1989).
245. As we consider the road that unfolds before us, we remember with humble gratitude those brave Americans who, at this very hour, patrol far-off deserts and distant mountains.
246. The rollerblading officers, who patrol the streets of Paris in blue uniforms, wearing knee and elbow pads and crash helmets, provoke mixed reactions among Parisians.
247. The patrol got lost and the leader suddenly realized that the enemy were on all hands.
248. One dead, two missing after S. Korea patrol boat sinks.
249. South Korea will deploy two destroyers, a fast frigate, a patrol craft, P-3C aircraft from Carrier Air Wing-Six and an attack submarine.
250. The arrival of the next generation of man-portable surface-to-air missile capable of threatening Predators and other patrol aircraft could threaten a huge advantage currently enjoyed by U.
251. Dor, this is Dor 10, Azulai on a routine patrol.




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