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单词 Wagon
1 He always takes a wagon to carry his newspapers.
2 A wagon trundled up the road.
3 The wagon was full of vegetables.
4 When her husband died, she fell off the wagon.
5 The wagon jogged along .
6 The wagon broke free from the train.
7 We have to fork the hay into the wagon.
8 The company is bringing out the welcome wagon for the new sales recruits.
9 He was on the wagon for ten years,[] when he was living in Connecticut.
10 The wagon jolted again.
11 A man in a station wagon cut me off on the freeway.
12 I'm on the wagon for a while. Cleaning out my system.
13 There's a station wagon waiting out front.
14 In the background, a railway wagon awaits collection.
15 Remains of wagon trails run just off the pavement.
16 The pictures show just a few shapes of wagon.
17 On Sunday, Ellingwood hitched up the wagon.
18 Intrepid pioneers came to California by wagon train.
19 The rotted-out Ford station wagon has been replaced.
20 The new Accord station wagon offers safety and convenience.
21 One teamster was run over by his own wagon.
22 She attacked a wagon train two years ago.
23 Hungry people crowded around the relief wagon for food.
24 They had a horse-drawn wagon full of clocks.
25 Yanto crouched down and peered under the wagon.
26 An abandoned circus wagon with peeling paint is in the background, in it a hopeless dark woman imprisoned behind bars.
27 On Sunday the horses were harnessed to a heavy wagon for a day-long ride over the Border.
28 My brother - in - law goes on the wagon for a month after Christmas every year.
29 For bogies and underframes the rolled steel bars were dealt with similarly to wagon components.
30 Mr Gregson took me home, jolting on the back of the wagon.
1 He always takes a wagon to carry his newspapers.
2 A wagon trundled up the road.
3 The wagon was full of vegetables.
4 We have to fork the hay into the wagon.
5 The wagon jolted again.
6 My brother - in - law goes on the wagon for a month after Christmas every year.
31 I was trying to ease the wagon down a short slope when it broke loose and almost broke my leg.
32 In other words, the commercial band wagon is huge enough to be unstoppable.
33 Everybody circled up like wagon trains around the bleach vats and wood room and even the goddamn lunch table.
34 Then some one suggested beating the wheels of the wagon with branches of broom.
35 After fetching the wagon bed, they rolled out the wheels and axles and assembled the vehicle.
36 A Pump Wagon is dependent on its crew for mobility, so once its crew are all slain it can not move.
36 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
37 A rusted Radio Flyer wagon carried an unclothed crybaby doll with no legs.
38 It's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential. Barack Obama 
39 In Wagon Mound the kind of damage that needed to be foreseeable was fire damage.
40 On the opposite corner a dusty station wagon idled noisily at the red light.
41 If the War Wagon is forced to move into terrain it can not cross it automatically sustains D6 strength 6 hits.
42 Before long, friends pitched in and helped the family buy a used station wagon.
43 A-bar-gi, possibly her husband, in a wagon drawn by oxen.
44 The noises got nearer and shapes became clearer - horses pulling a long wagon train.
45 The pole is carried between a pair of turning wagon wheels, pulled by two red horses outfitted in bronze finery.
46 The metal band on the outside of a wagon wheel was a tire.
47 Finally, he shows off the pioneer wagon, a huge lumbering cart drawn by oxen.
48 It had been an honest mistake, though, the paddy wagon men believing he was dead or dying.
49 But still I feel that one more thing of immense value must have been taken away with that wagon.
50 Pressing himself against the last wagon he peered around the side for any sign of the guards.
51 Sitting Bull drove her in his wagon to the town of Cannonball.
52 She rode in back of the station wagon, probably on a wheeled stretcher, with a battery-run respirator on her chest.
53 Why not stay here tonight and on the morrow I will have some one take you over to Briar Cottage with a wagon?
54 In some of the other states, the usual means of locomotion was still a horse and wagon.
55 The driver of a steam-driven wagon was unloading warm loaves of bread fresh from the bakery.
56 I went limp when they carried me to the wagon.
57 The latest in the field are a soft top and station wagon Defender 90 models from Land Rover.
58 Would you mount the dray for a ride in the country, or hitch a saddle horse to a heavy wagon?
59 As sundown approached, scores of settlers and a wagon train of police vans moved down the hill as Maj.
60 There is also an old goods wagon at this spot, but it is not from this line.
61 Nathan peered through the thick flakes at the wagon that serviced the plane at every stop.
62 They rode in the rickety wagon across the prairie until they reached a railroad track.
63 A big dray horse might be suited to haul a coal wagon, a more delicate saddle horse to recreational riding.
64 The bales that are still in one piece are piled on to a wagon as they are brought in.
65 Mothei; struggling on tiny bound feet, was hauling a wagon uphill in the snow.
66 He was given the silent treatment during the wagon ride home.
66 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
67 They were chained to the wagon of taxes and services.
68 After a few days we swapped the wagon for the much sportier 5 version of the S70 sedan.
69 In these situations the Pump Wagon sustains D6 strength 6 hits due to damage sustained as it crunches and smashes its way through.
70 Jeep tours, hayrides, chuck wagon cookouts and trail rides are available for a fee.
71 The Pump Wagon is heavily constructed and has the same basic profile as a chariot.
72 By 1800 wagon services were numerous enough in most parts of the country to be timetabled.
73 In the early afternoon a farmer stopped his wagon and offered Jimmy a ride.
74 The lead horse will accept nothing less than pulling the wagon, and that is where the first breakdown in communication came.
75 The unlocked handcuffs dangling from his wrist dragged along the ground as he was lifted into the wagon.
76 Learning by discovery doesn't mean reinventing the wheel each time you need to move the wagon.
77 It was also determined to introduce wagon building at Wolverton.
78 He and Jimmy lay beneath the wagon as a barrage of hailstones beat hard on the planks above.
79 When squirreling away the wax seals, Colley had thrown the parchments into the property wagon as so much litter.
80 Many times when we were set up in our wagon wheels out in the bush somewhere, we would receive mortar fire.
81 Parked ahead on the distant corner was his old dusty station wagon.
82 But I was in the back of the wagon once and fell asleep.
83 Sometimes I would go on the wagon for a few days then have a binge.
84 Towards the end of the 1980s attention was being focussed on some interesting developments in wagon design.
85 All the crew may fight against any enemy in contact with the War Wagon, whether to its front, sides, or rear.
86 The property wagon was still sprawled within sight of the monastery on its smashed undercarriage.
87 This five-passenger wagon, with lots of standard luxury equipment and few options, listed for $ 33, 600.
88 Also there is no legal obstruction to you taking the coffin to the crematorium in a station wagon.
89 And an all-wheel-drive version of the wagon will arrive at dealerships this month.
90 A wagon wheel was no trifle; neither was a stove.
91 He fought the urge to jump out of the wagon and run toward them.
92 A servant hitched up a wagon and drove her the short distance to Mount Pitt.
93 But what he had taken at first for raindrops on the wagon floor were actually pennies, halfpennies and farthings scattered everywhere.
94 After the van had been loaded it drove to another loading bay and backed up against a second wagon.
95 To avoid any risk of being noticed he drove his wife's Volvo station wagon.
96 He was left behind by the rest of the wagon train because his vehicle was so cumbersome.
97 When the soldiers have drunk more, they will take turns going into the wagon with the women.
98 Some children pass by, staring out of the back of a station wagon moodily.
99 There is also an 1830 Conestoga wagon, an observation platform of a railroad car, and a replica of a Tepee.
100 Before he took off, he couldn't resist another quick peep under the wagon.
101 The War Wagon tower has its own toughness value, wounds, and other characteristics as shown below.
102 Old men and women lined the dirt street and cheered as her wagon passed by.
103 Then it returned to the original wagon and backed up against it again.
104 There must be people in these old graveyards who came out on wagon trains.
105 And this doesn't look like the inside of a covered wagon: this looks like the inside of a metal box.
106 A quarter bought a large family-sized dish of ice cream from a horse-drawn wagon that circled the neighborhood.
107 I passed long wagon trains filled with wounded and dying soldiers, without even a blanket to shield them....
108 Some of us are standing on the sidewalk and others are running after the wagon not sure if they want on.
109 They just put them in the meat wagon and dropped them up town.
110 City leaders have rolled out the welcome wagon for several new businesses.
111 The force materialized then, several trucks and a crowded station wagon, about a hundred and fifty ragged recruits.
112 Till light and birdsong come Walloping up roads with the milk wagon.
113 They still lived in the row house with their 1955 station wagon.
114 Once or twice a week Howard climbs into the station wagon and drives over to the little market town fifteen miles away.
115 They adopt franco wagon shenzhen in their consignment contract.
116 Cobb, George L. : Water Wagon Blues. Piano solo.
117 For decades, newcomers were greeted by the Welcome Wagon.
118 Wagon wheel, blue ribbon, come in handy.
119 The problem of collecting and delivery shunting of non-through wagon flow on the actinoid private line belongs to a kind of the combinatorial optimization problems.
120 The paper presents the structure, features, main specifications and operation method of the new door lock device for covered wagon.
121 A distracted Pompey dispatches Durio, his top aide, to take care of the gold, loading his vault onto an ox- drawn wagon.
122 The wheel was typically a large wooden wagon wheel with many radial spokes, but a wheel was not always used.
123 Then during the following spring, he nearly fell off the wagon.
124 Suppose one day scientists pick up a transmission they think is generated by aliens. Now what? Do we build a landing strip and break out the welcome wagon?
125 The first is historical fiction called By Wagon and Flatboat.
126 Martin washed woollens that day, by hand, in a large barrel, with strong soft-soap, by means of a hub from a wagon wheel,[] mounted on a plunger-pole that was attached to a spring-pole overhead.
127 The adjustment of empty wagon is one of the cardinal elements of railway transportation technical program and is also significant guidance to transport production.
128 They leaned over the fence rail to shake hands with Scarlett when she called and they laughed at her rickety wagon, their black eyes bitter, for they were laughing at themselves as well as her.
129 Subaru nailed the utilitarian wagon so thoroughly with the Outback that we can forgive it for using Paul "Crocodile Dundee" Hogan as a pitchman.
130 Their journeys by wagon train are fraught with danger, across distances never imagined possible.
131 When my grandparents moved from Bodcaw, which had a population of about a hundred, to the metropolis Hope, Papaw worked for an icehouse delivering ice on a horse-drawn wagon.
132 By Monday, most people will have fallen off the wagon as they fail to keep resolutions.
133 The paperboy used a wagon to help him make his deliveries.
134 Many of the World War I veterans on the scene suspected that the "infernal machine" that wreaked such destruction had come from the skies, but the delivery system consisted of a horse-drawn wagon.
135 Hastings was not at Fort Bridger at the time-he was leading an earlier wagon train along his new route.
136 The Republicans believe that the wagon train will not make it to the frontier unless some of the old, some of the young, some of the weak are left behind by the side of the trail.
137 Owing to the addition of a flight deck over the existing hull, the USS Langley (CV-1) became known as the "Covered Wagon."
138 The origins of the distinctive horse-drawn freight wagon known as the Conestoga wagon can be traced to the Conestoga River region of Pennsylvania's Lancaster County in the mid- to late-18th century.
139 A man without mirth is like a wagon without springs, in which one is caused disagreeably to jolt by every pebble over which it runs.
140 The mid-century expansion of railroad lines ended the regular usage of the Conestoga wagon to haul heavy freight, and by the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 they were no longer being manufactured.
141 The white canvas cover on the Conestoga wagon protected the freight from inclement weather; it was stretched taut over a series of wooden hoops that arched over the wagon bed.
142 Bearing the pain, Oscar sent the criminal to the police wagon with other associates.
143 It would be a lonely life for a woman, ma'am, and a scarey life, too, with animals creeping under the wagon all night.
144 He said he had quit, but then hastily added that he occasionally off the wagon.
145 Professor Luria is an authentic pioneer of molecular biology. Even before the first wagon train set out he ventured as a mountain man among bacterial viruses.
146 Even before the first wagon train set out he ventured as a mountain man among bacterial viruses.
147 Hipping agence railway wagon arranging shipping space, shiping the storage, container to change trains.
148 The man would drop his reins, go to the back of the wagon, bisect a hundred-pound block with his pick, swing half of it to his shoulder pad with his tongs, and proceed to someone's back door.
149 Based on bolt looseness broken analysis for railway wagon core plate, puts forward the preventive measures.
150 The bottom and the four walls of the wagon must be fairly flat, without any spine or obvious embossment to diminish damage to the goods due to shake, abrasion or bumpiness during transportation.
151 Software Description: About Backcountry Christmas, This theme is based on an image of the Clydesdale horses pulling a wagon full of Christmas presents.
152 In the early 1900s, William Pennington and Lisle Updike spent most days traveling the four corners area of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona in a wagon photographing the people and landscapes.
153 Software Description: About Snowing at Sunnyridge Farm XII, This wallpaper is a picture of a snow encrusted antique wagon wheel.
154 A resident sits on top of a water wagon during a fire on the Mount of Penteli, east of Athens.
155 “On to Oregon.” This outdoor saga, written almost 90 years ago, is loosely based on the true story of the Sager family journeying by covered wagon in 1848, in the early days of the Oregon Trail.
156 He talked most of them around and kept the wagon train moving.
157 Tan Qing Rui instanter the buck come forward deliming, and that small car engine driver the resultant force commit suicide a said the female save down,[sentencedict .com] and settle it to the paddy wagon inside.
158 And when I was first in this stadium, my track buddies and I got in a sta tion wagon—you remember them—and I drove up here to go to a track and field event with the great Marty Liquori.
159 The starting resistance of a roller bearing wagon is an elementary parameter and an important basis for traction calculation and the gradient of station yard design.
160 It is a popular misconception that the Conestoga wagon played a role in the great westward migration towards territories like Oregon and California during the 19th century.
161 As soon as a covered wagon halted at a new homestead, the head of the family took out his spade.
162 To improve the load space area, the wheelbase is extended to 86 inches while a new long wheel base Pick Up version and a Station Wagon appear.
163 In this paper a design scheme about realtime inspection of police wagon based on the technologies of Geography Information System (GIS) and Global Position System (GPS) is presented.
164 The other main feature on the website that impressed me was the wagon wheel-like TV programming guide. It is under the tab labeled On TV.
165 A teamster cursed as the Poor Fellows ordered his wagon out of the way.
166 Yo momma's so ugly, she'd scare a buzzard off a gut wagon.
167 A common example is the axle on a horse-drawn wagon. Live axles are attached to the wheel so that Both the wheel and the axle rotate together.
168 The contingent forced the chador onto aunt Badri's head and pushed her into the wagon, leaving me behind in the confusion.
169 She swung full around toward her husband so she could not see the little covered wagon and the mismatched team as the car passed them.
170 A sport utility vehicle,() or SUV is a passenger vehicle which combines the towing capacity of a pickup truck with the passenger-carrying space of a minivan or station wagon.
171 Do we build a landing strip and break out the welcome wagon?
172 So it was arranged that Mr. Sam, one of Bettie's neighbors and friends, should go and help Bettie deliver Bedeel to Union headquarters at Harpers Ferry in his wagon.
173 Would the Paris police allow Gallimard and Song Liling alone together in a paddy wagon?
174 Main business: rail transport, wagon transportation, vehicle transportation, bulk transportation; steel trading, trade...
175 He just took the wheel of our station wagon, his mouth a grim line as we set off on the 150-mile drive back to Duluth.
176 Bulk raw material will be received by tank wagon and stored bulk storage tanks.
177 Poor Joe has fallen off the wagon again - he is completely incoherent today.
178 It is legal to shoot an Indian on horseback, provided you are in a covered wagon.
179 The exterior design is a unique blend of the wildness and enthusiasm of sports car and the practicability of station wagon, which shows SVW's attempt at a breakthrough in the traditional type.
180 Many of the cysts are elongated and radially arranged from the center of the kidney on the right, much like spokes on a wagon wheel.
181 Tensions increased following the 1857 Mountain Meadows massacre, in which a group of Mormons killed members of a wagon train passing through the region.
182 The cushion coated and the wagon wheel coated links had similar impact characteristics.
183 Elisa, squatting on the ground, watched to see the crazy, loose-jointed wagon pass by.
184 Wagon wheels left their mark on the Santa Fe Trail, The Santa Fe Trail was an important international trade route. It carried goods south into Mexico and north into the United States.
185 And they brought their offering before the LORD, six covered wagons, and twelve oxen; a wagon for two of the princes, and for each one an ox: and they brought them before the tabernacle.
186 Okay, Yael, so suppose one day scientists pick up a transmission they think is generated by aliens. Now what?Do we build a landing strip and break out the welcome wagon?
187 This optical illusion, called the wagon wheel effect, also can occur in the presence of a strobe light.
188 Suffering was terrible. An officer who led the wagon train said he learned more about the horrors of war on that one trip than he had learned in all of his battles.
189 An average wagon train included twenty-five to thirty-five wagons pulled by oxen. They traveled about twenty-four kilometers a day.
190 CIP loaded in container and free on railway wagon at...station . Payment against SINOTRANS combined transport bill of lading.
191 A conveyor used for separating the draining cullet from water and transferring the cullet to hopper wagon has been described, which helps mechanize the cullet transfer.
191 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
192 Now, as they came to the Pecos River, the wagon hit a big rock.
193 He heard the clip-clop of horse's feet and the rumble of wagon wheels.
194 The problem of delivering and fetching non-through wagon flows for the dedicated industrial lines distributed in actinoid shape is studied.
195 All the cars must go along the safety-check, including police wagon.
196 The design method of new wagon wheel grain has been furnished according to requirement of propellent loading process and thrust project.
197 The size of our "wagon" meant plenty of room for four, with a yacht-style galley, comfortable bunks above the driving cab for our 11 year-olds and a queen-size room at the rear for my wife and me.
198 This paper introduces the components, working principles and system features of the rail weighbridge wagon number's auto-identifying system, and expounds its operation results in the enterprises.
199 The accumulation time is an important component of car staying time in technical station. It has a great effect on determining the method of organizing wagon flow.
200 In order to analyze the dynamical performance of a D35 schnabel wagon bogie, the rigid-flexible-coupling full-vehicle model was established with template-based modeling mothdology.
201 Covered with canvas and drawn by four to six horses, the Conestoga wagon rivaled the log cabin as the primary symbol of the pioneer.
202 The covered wagon rolls along the muddy path. The gentle motion of the wagon almost puts you to sleep.
203 Even today life for the farmer has not changed greatly here—horses may still draw a covered wagon on a lonely grey-white lane.
204 The reiterative adjusting method is introduced in the paper to solve the problem of empty wagon distribution on large scale railway network.
205 By the requirement of the wagon wheel descale technics and manufacturing which is needed before detection, a new type automatic synchronizing deruster was developed to realize these functions.




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