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单词 gardener
释义 Word family  noun garden gardener gardening verb garden  Related topics: Occupations, Gardeninggar·den·er /ˈɡɑːdnə $ ˈɡɑːrdnər/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1. BOsomeone whose job is to work in gardens 园艺工人,园丁,花匠 →4  See picture of 见图 OCCUPATION2  DLGsomeone who enjoys growing flowers and plants 园艺爱好者 Mom has always been a good gardener. 妈妈一直很擅长侍花弄草。Examples from the Corpusgardener• Some shade trees provide their own winter show, and gardeners should count themselves lucky to have them.• Commercial interests like Time-Life and Burpee have established free sites aimed at gardeners.• But, as every good gardener knows, healthy plant growth depends very much on the fertility and structure of the soil.• It's another relic, still in use, from the head gardener Charles Beckett's days.• As an innkeeper and market gardener near Sinope, Phocas would give his excess crops to the poor.• Some gardeners control black rot with sulfur sprays.• On the Move While we are still all romantics at heart we gardeners are also practical.gar·den·er nounChineseSyllable  job is work to in Corpus gardens someone whose




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