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单词 Currying
1. I'm going to plump for the vegetable curry.
2. Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.
3. Walt seasoned beef with curry.
4. I went for a curry last night.
5. Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries.
6. I made enough curry for three people and he ate the lot.
7. We're having curry today.
8. Add a teaspoonful of curry powder.
9. That was a pretty hot curry!
10. This curry is a mite too hot for me!
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. "Ruby Murray" is rhyming slang for "curry".
12. That curry is playing hell with my insides!
13. This particular curry is extremely hot - be warned!
14. He brought her some flowers, hoping to curry favor with her.
15. We, the undersigned, strongly object to the closure of St. Mary's Hospital: Jack James , Philippa Curry , Hugh Edwards.
16. Let's make the 9th a definite - we'll have a curry and then go to the movies.
17. He doesn't like a hot curry - he prefers a mild one.
18. If you don't mind me saying , I think the curry could be a little hotter next time.
19. I shouldn't have put that extra spoonful of curry powder in this meal, but I suppose we can all be wise after the event.
20. He's always trying to curry favour with the director by telling her how talented she is.
21. He dislikes so currying favor with to him.
22. Another way to achieve code reuse is via currying.
23. You are currying favor with me.
24. No longer will the path to advancement be assured by currying favor with a few influential bosses.
25. I pass an anonymous function to the filter() method, using currying to fix the first parameter of the dividesBy() method to the value used to create the code block.
26. Unfortunately for Gupta, the man whose influence he was currying is now in jail.
27. If you're using a functional language (such as Python), you can follow up on these compositional tricks by experimenting with currying and other such techniques.
28. While that is true in some ways, you can and should go very far with the basic building blocks of FP; lambdas, HOFs, currying, partial application, and so on.
29. Ever since drugmakers first started selling prescription medicines, they've been currying favor with doctors who write the orders.
30. I felt like a kid in a candy store reading about junctions, currying, and all the other exciting features that Perl 6 promises.
31. Conclusion:Acupuncture treatment as the first important way in the currying of Spinocerebellar Degenerations is effective.
32. Whew! By currying the first two closure parameters you can effectively deliver a new closure that is the combination of the effects of these two.
33. In Listing 7, we've taken things one step further by currying the map closure, resulting in a block that will multiply all the elements of a given list by 12.
34. Scala provides a lightweight syntax for defining anonymous functions, it supports higher-order functions, it allows functions to be nested,[] and supports currying.
35. Grandmother spent a lot of time with the big shot and his family. She considered them the most important members of her social circle and worked hard at currying their favor.
36. The difference is subtle, and the end result is the same, but if you use the terms currying and partial application interchangeably within earshot of a functional programmer, count on being corrected.
37. He was currying favour with Bulstrode for the sake of making himself important.
38. In the next installment, I'll continue my exploration of functional programming constructs in Java and close relatives by introducing currying and partial method application.
39. Hollywood studios complain about their limited access to China. But they are also currying favor with the CFG, gatekeeper to the wallets of Chinese moviegoers.
40. Shipping firms loyal to the new Empire were awarded the most plum contracts, while the fiercely independent Baobabs had trouble currying favor with the nascent regime.
41. Sometimes those payouts are ill-gotten, and a way of siphoning profit into non-measurable ways, and sometimes it's just a way of currying favor.
42. Currying refers to taking multiple arguments into a function that takes many arguments, resulting in a new function that takes the remaining arguments and returns a result.
43. Partial application is a broader technique that resembles currying but does not restrict the resulting function to a single argument.
44. In quick succession, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Hungary –the last unabashedly currying political favor from Beijing –have pleaded for China to rescue national budgets.




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