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单词 Rabbit
1. The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.
2. A dog can tear a rabbit apart in seconds.
3. The hound nips at a rabbit.
4. The rabbit is timid and suspicious.
5. Benny is a pet name for the rabbit.
6. A rabbit was caught in the snare.
7. The eagle swooped down to snatch a young rabbit.
8. My collar is only made of rabbit.
9. A frightened rabbit will bolt for its hole.
10. The rabbit disappeared in the bushes.
11. He waved his magic wand and a rabbit appeared.
12. Suddenly a rabbit sprang out of its cave.
12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
13. The rabbit reared its ears.
14. A rabbit can make long jumps.
15. The rabbit stopped, mesmerized by the beam of the car's headlights.
16. Our dog will nose out a rabbit anywhere it hides.
17. The hawk swooped down on the rabbit and killed it.
18. The hound found the trail of the rabbit.
19. The rabbit dug out for the forest.
20. The dog had chased a rabbit into its burrow.
21. We learnt how to trap and skin a rabbit.
22. She magicked a rabbit out of a hat.
23. I'm afraid we've just run a rabbit over.
24. The rabbit hopped across the field.
25. They watched a rabbit lolloping across the road.
26. The rabbit has gone beyond the trees.
27. The rabbit scampered away in fright.
28. She jumped back like a startled rabbit.
29. The eagle dived down on the rabbit.
30. With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit vanish.
1. The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.
2. A dog can tear a rabbit apart in seconds.
3. The rabbit is timid and suspicious.
4. A rabbit was caught in the snare.
5. The eagle swooped down to snatch a young rabbit.
6. My collar is only made of rabbit.
7. A frightened rabbit will bolt for its hole.
8. He waved his magic wand and a rabbit appeared.
9. A rabbit can make long jumps.
10. The rabbit stopped, mesmerized by the beam of the car's headlights.
11. Our dog will nose out a rabbit anywhere it hides.
12. With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit vanish.
12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
13. The hawk swooped down on the rabbit and killed it.
14. The hound found the trail of the rabbit.
15. The dog had chased a rabbit into its burrow.
16. The magician transformed the man into a rabbit.
17. The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.
18. He took careful aim and fired at the rabbit.
19. She wears a pair of gloves lined with rabbit.
20. The ferocious panther is chasing a rabbit.
21. 'Abracadabra,'said the conjuror as he pulled the rabbit from the hat.
31. The dog smelt the rabbit a long way off.
32. He strolled through the fields, potting the occasional rabbit.
33. Have another piece of rabbit.
34. The rabbit creeps away and hides in a hole.
35. The dog was on the scent of rabbit.
36. The rabbit stopped suddenly, pricking up its ears.
37. The rabbit disappeared by magic.
38. The dog was after the rabbit like a shot.
39. We fed the rabbit some beetroot tops.
40. The rabbit started from the bush.
41. The building was a real rabbit warren of corridors.
42. A rabbit lopped through the garden.
43. She twitched her nose like a rabbit.
44. The rabbit burrowed its way down through the ground.
45. A rabbit darted out of the bushes.
46. The woods are riddled with rabbit holes.
47. The rabbit population was decimated by the disease.
48. The rabbit/bird hopped across the grass.
49. A rabbit was caught in a snare.
50. The council offices were a real rabbit warren.
51. The magician transformed the man into a rabbit.
52. The dog was running after a rabbit.
53. He'd snared a rabbit earlier in the day.
54. An eagle spirals down and catches a rabbit.
55. The rabbit was beaten to death.
56. The dog had smelt a rabbit.
57. The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.
58. He took careful aim and fired at the rabbit.
59. She wears a pair of gloves lined with rabbit.
60. A rabbit lolloped across the path.
61. The dog scented a rabbit.
62. She is as timorous as a rabbit.
63. The ferocious panther is chasing a rabbit.
64. A rabbit ran along the fence and darted through a gap.
65. The rabbit tires and falls, landing inside the hollow trunk of a sycamore tree, where he is trapped.
66. 'Abracadabra,'said the conjuror as he pulled the rabbit from the hat.
67. Suddenly a rabbit ran in front of us,and the dog made after it.
68. She's very good at magic; she can conjure a rabbit out of a hat.
69. The children's eyes goggled as the magician pulled a rabbit out of the empty hat.
70. They are taking steps to keep down the rabbit population.
71. Mother rabbit told him that he was old enough to eat other food, but not keep pestering her to suckle.
72. The rabbit started off as soon as it smelt the dogs.
73. The rabbit seems to be very alert all its life.
74. I'll just say the magic word and the rabbit will disappear - Abracadabra!
75. Their pet rabbit had gone to the great rabbit hutch in the sky.
76. The rabbit got up,[] took four hops and turned round.
77. The dog had picked up the trail of a rabbit.
78. I bagged a rabbit.
79. We bagged a rabbit.
80. The rabbit had one of its back legs caught in a trap.
81. The magician held his wand over the handkerchief and out hopped a rabbit.
82. He turned up at a fancy dress Easter dance in the guise of a white rabbit.
83. The magician made the rabbit disappear with a wave of his wand.
84. The rabbit was caught in the glare of the car's headlights.
85. The rabbit sat without moving, fascinated by the glare of our headlights.
86. My father preferred to eat meat and hated rabbit food .
87. We caught a rabbit and roasted it over an open fire.
88. Rabbit stew is one of chef Giancarlo Moeri's signature dishes.
89. To serve, arrange rabbit pieces on a warm platter.
90. There's no need to look like a petrified rabbit.
91. I was born a rabbit. just look at me.
92. Scatter the remaining fennel leaves over the rabbit.
93. But what is Rabbit Maranville doing in there?
94. We had rabbit and squirrel, too, anything but opossum.
95. The effect of myxomatosis spread far beyond the rabbit.
96. On the table sits a white rabbit, ears erect.
97. Gore reacted like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
98. He buys rabbit and game from a local butcher.
99. The rabbit looked all around, with its ears erect.
100. The rabbit was a non sequitur.
101. Buster is a rabbit, and good pal.
102. Fed-up with watching greyhounds chase a stuffed rabbit?
102. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
103. In 1856-7 his niece Caroline has a pet rabbit.
104. Whisk to smooth sauce and then pour over rabbit.
105. Therefore a rabbit has no fixed abode.
106. Spread mustard coating evenly over browned rabbit.
107. And what would happen to a rabbit who left the shelter of the holly tree and ran down the path?
108. When the flames die out, transfer the rabbit to a plate.
109. Lightly flour rabbit pieces and brown in batches in oil.
110. A rabbit has been pulled out of the political hat, and might be handed to Hong Kong.
111. Transfer the rabbit to a large platter and continue cooking in this manner until all of the rabbit is browned.
112. Brown in oil remaining in saucepan. Return onions to pan and then strain marinade liquid over rabbit.
113. Now for the first time the ferret can progress beyond the rabbit and get at its head.
114. If they have their own pet rabbit, make the bunny in an appropriate colour.
115. She said she felt like a rabbit caught in the headlights and her teeth felt too big for her mouth.
116. Beneath a stunted row an tree the group was busily engaged, perhaps feasting on a rabbit carcase.
117. We wore pixies held fast by little plastic rabbit barrettes.
118. Coming at the end of that big brass lineage, H-4 is as surprising as a rabbit pulled out of a hat.
119. Rabbit anti-human immunoglobulin conjugated with alkaline phosphatase was used to detect the bound antibody.
120. But, as you will realise, the act of digging down towards the rabbit creates a lot of disturbance and vibration.
121. Scattering earth was blasted out into the Rabbit Grounds, and the thudding noises rolled through the air.
122. Topping the dinner menu were roadkill rabbit and squirrel, and of course also deer.
123. Add the rabbit pieces; they should be completely covered by the marinade.
124. There's nothing to beat a handful of mushrooms in with a rabbit stew.
125. I will go with you, I will be rabbit-of-the-stream, Down through the water, the green water and the rabbit.
126. The man was standing undecided in the middle of the road like a rabbit caught in headlights at night.
127. The combination of sweet prunes and rabbit in this classic dish is divine.
128. If liquid reduces too much, add more stock. Remove pan from oven and lift out rabbit pieces.
129. Rabbit should be covered with liquid at all times; if necessary, add water to stock to cover.
130. PelFreez estimates that rabbit sales have climbed a steady 10 to 20 percent over the past few years.
131. The content of platelet activating factor in pancreatic tissue was determined using bioassay technique with washed rabbit platelets as described previously.
132. In the distance he saw a rabbit shivering under a pine tree.
133. No expression was detected in aorta, vena cava and other rabbit tissues.
134. Before dispatching the rabbit it is necessary to induce the ferret to release its hold.
135. Every so often a rabbit would make a desperate, lung-bursting bid for freedom, only to provide an easy target for the twelve-bores.
136. Think of a tall, gray rabbit who wears white gloves and walks around on his hind legs.
137. Figure 1 illustrates the effect of infusion of rabbit bile into the ileal lumen on carbachol stimulated motor activity.
138. She found the rabbit, chewing on a stubby cactus, and stabbed it in the neck.
139. Slides were incubated with 1:16 diluted patient's sera and stained with fluorescein conjugated rabbit antihuman IgG antibodies.
140. They've tried to search that rabbit warren but it's impossible.
141. Add cream and any juices from rabbit that have collected on platter.
142. Talk about stretching your legs - no rabbit within miles was safe.
143. Personally I couldn't have cared less if we hadn't caught a single rabbit.
144. I looked back at the rabbit, then got up and knelt over it.
145. The advantage of a muzzled ferret is that it can not kill a rabbit.
146. But they needed other aids, for their teeth and nails could not readily dismember anything larger than a rabbit.
147. Rabbit wonders how many animals have died to keep his life going, how many more will die.
148. The family has been told a rabbit would be allowed on the head stone of the infant in the parish church.
149. Boscuen which means rabbit of the forest, a dry beer and one he particularly enjoys.
150. Even the nursery's pet rabbit is being tested as a possible carrier of the organism that causes the illness.
151. The rabbit stopped, caught in the blaze of the car's headlights.
152. The most likely is that the ferret has somehow shed her muzzle and has then killed a rabbit.
153. When Pooh is shown the honey, he doesn't get his belief that there's honey from Rabbit.
154. And when Rabbit shows Pooh the honey, again the inference is direct: a honey pot, therefore honey.
155. Whisk to smooth sauce and then pour over rabbit. Garnish with parsley and almonds.
156. A rabbit running from a fox is running for its life, so it has the greater evolutionary incentive to be fast.
157. Pat rabbit dry with paper towels and lightly dust with flour.
158. Numerous cartoon stars make cameo appearances and Kathleen Turner is the voice of Jessica Rabbit.
159. Interestingly, rabbit is one of the most controversial game animals.
160. Add rabbit pieces. Cover pot and bake in preheated oven for 1 hour.
161. Award-winning magician Oscar Mu oz also pulls the obligatory rabbit out of the hat, and even produces a bird or two.
162. Add stock, bouquet garni, tomatoes, and browned rabbit and bring to a boil.
163. Transfer rabbit pieces to a serving platter and keep warm.
164. If not immediately available, 186 most stores can easily order rabbit with some advance notice.
165. The rabbit, she thought tipsily, does not willingly gaze down the barrel of the gun.
166. Rabbit footprints and the very recent removal of fresh soil are good clues but even these are not conclusive.
167. Like a rabbit borne aloft by a hawk, Semele hung gasping in his grip.
168. Two will be described here: pillow mounds and former rabbit warrens, and decoys for taking wildfowl.
169. They can't catch a rabbit that runs, and nearly always you can smell them coming.
170. It eats into their profits and for many of them the only good rabbit is a dead one.
171. She galloped past the rabbit hutches, the ducks swaying towards the pond.
172. The bright flavor of paprika, in combination with sour cream, is a perfect foil for the succulent meat of rabbit.
173. There may be only brief glimpses of the rabbit and it must be shot quickly and accurately or the opportunity is lost.
174. Some cooks find the forelegs of the rabbit too small for cooking and use them instead for making stocks.
175. It can not climb back from a vertical drop since it lacks the body diameter of the rabbit.
176. We probably escape those first fates rather more than the rabbit.
177. Craine says Rabbit has been in talks with various companies, but declined to comment any further.
178. Once the rabbit is dead it can be retrieved in your own good time.
179. Frank White was a better second baseman and flat-out just plain better ballplayer than Rabbit Maranville.
180. One of them was dressed in a Bugs Bunny rabbit costume and was handing out leaflets.
181. As negative controls, additional sections were stained with appropriately diluted normal rabbit or sheep sera.
182. That is, the rabbit still blinks to the air puff but not to the tone.
183. I can't remember ever bolting a weasel from a rabbit warren.
184. Return onions to pan and then strain marinade liquid over rabbit.
185. The dog darted through an opening in the hedge, chasing a rabbit.
186. And the fox and the rabbit were friends and they both ate grass.
187. Remove rabbit, separate meat from bones, discard bones, cut meat into bite-sized pieces and set aside.
188. Not a doghouse, not a rat trap, not a rabbit hutch... not anything, not yet.
189. So Jim killed a rabbit, filled the skin with sawdust, added an appropriate weight and sold it to her.
190. Scatter the 3 split garlic cloves, fennel, onion, pancetta, fennel seeds and the fennel leaves over the rabbit.
191. Add remaining 2 tablespoons oil to saute pan and lightly brown rabbit pieces.
192. Pour strained oil into an earthenware, ovenproof pot large enough to hold rabbit and all liquid called for in recipe.
192. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
193. It was decorated with an overdressed pale-blue rabbit in non-toxic paint.
194. Rub it all over the rabbit pieces. Put them on a plate, cover lightly with plastic wrap, and refrigerate.
195. When Pierson told them it takes her 2 minutes to kill and dress each rabbit, there was this silence.
196. To cook reserved rabbit loins, prepare a fire in a charcoal grill.
197. Eat lean meat and try fish, chicken or rabbit instead of red meat.
198. Cover pan and simmer slowly until rabbit is tender, about 20 minutes.
199. Instead of scraping away at its hindquarters it can now kill the rabbit.
200. Old man Riddle was cracked on religion and the old lady's father made a small fortune out of rabbit skins.
201. Many knowing rabbit connoisseurs and hunters prize simple fried rabbit.
202. The day I call you Chief Rabbit, Hazel, that 'll be the day, that will!
203. Mazelike rabbit hutches made their appearance in the patio or corral of many a Volunteer residence.
204. Rabbit could show off by riding the waves with a women on his shoulders.
205. I then prepare the paper myself using rabbit skin glue and whiting.
206. Add enough stock to cover rabbit barely. Cover pan and simmer slowly until rabbit is tender, about 20 minutes.
207. Reserve fat in skillet. Remove rabbit pieces from marinade, reserving marinade, and pat dry with paper towels.
208. One of the students dressed up as a rabbit and marched around campus carrying a sign.
209. Hocus Pocus features a rabbit magician, as well as a rabbit you can pull out of a hat and other surprises.
210. I knew I wouldn't get back in two hours when I was overtaken by a hopping rabbit.
211. Cereal and root crops are equally vulnerable to rabbit damage.
212. But it is the rear-view binocular field which is of particular use in keeping the rabbit safe.
213. Return rabbit to skillet, cover, and simmer gently until rabbit is tender, about 40 minutes.
214. Cover and simmer until rabbit is tender and begins to pull away from the bones easily, 45 to 50 minutes.
215. Quickly fry rabbit pieces until golden brown on all sides, 6 to 8 minutes.
216. Now Alice had asked her to ride Jack Rabbit, her pony, in the club horse show!
217. A tame rabbit was brought in with a large abscess about the size of an egg on its cheek.
218. That same month, they had bought a white rabbit named Fred.
219. In a large skillet, melt clarified butter and saute rabbit over moderate heat until evenly browned.
220. Successful dig - both rabbit and ferret are in sight.
221. They kept a white rabbit, and took it with them on their travels.
222. In short, rabbit is the ultimate health food meat, offering perhaps the fewest calories per pound of any meat available.
223. Retina I am going to illustrate these ideas by a brief discussion of neurons in the retina of the rabbit.
224. He waylaid Stella in the paint-frame where she had been sent to boil rabbit glue on the Bunsen burner.
225. Remember that when a rabbit comes through your boundary fence on to your land it automatically changes ownership.
226. A rabbit which up to that time may have been perfectly content to sit it out suddenly has more grounds for fear.
227. Rainbow Rabbit would love to read your letters and poems and see your photographs.
228. Place rabbit loins down center of mold, then top with remaining meat mixture, filling terrine to top.
229. I kept it on the premises after that, in a small rabbit enclosure.
230. Antisera R526 was raised in rabbit to synthetic human gastrin fragment 1-17 of G34, coupled to chicken egg albumen using glutaraldehyde.
231. Elsewhere, extensive pillow mounds show that the site was used as a rabbit warren later on.
232. To serve, spoon a pool of mustard sauce on each warm serving plate and arrange rabbit pieces on top.
233. As a 4-H rabbit grower for two years, he had often traded at the local hardware for hutch materials and feed.
234. Little Peter Rabbit has a fly upon his fry.
235. AIM : To explore the significant actions of amnion implant after trabeculectomy in rabbit eyes.
236. Methods: The membranous glomerulonephritis rabbit model was induced by cationized bovine serum albumin (C-BSA) and then treated with sinomenine.
237. Experimental results show that: During freezing of rabbit aorta, the thermal expansion occurs gradually up to a peak point, and then the thermal contraction takes place abruptly.
238. Suitable meats include poultry, rabbit, or beef that has been deboned.
239. If I concentrate really hard, the cloud kinda looks like a rabbit. Actually, now I'm seeing that rabbit, as the wind slowly morphs the cotton candy-like texture, it looks more and more like a rabbit.
240. Objective To investigate the in vitro efficiency of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV2) vector-mediated gene transfection into the rabbit articular chondrocytes.
241. Methods: The antipyretic effect of XNJI and its influence on central febrile medium were observed in rabbit model of hyperpyrexia caused by rabbit hemorrhagic fever virus(RHFV).
242. The Cherokee legend, commonly known as "The Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting, " is about a rabbit who is a braggart and a trickster able to persuade other animals that he can back up his boasts.
243. The blood supply system of the extensor digitorum longus tendon in the rabbit hindlimb is observed by the aid of dye injection technique and dissecting microscope.
244. Well, we asked the librarian for Roger Rabbit, and apparently, she gave us a William S. Burroughs novel instead.
245. The Angora is one of the oldest types of domestic rabbit which can be found in Ankara, Turkey along with the Angora cat and goat.
246. In this photo, he his fondness for rabbit hunting at his private hunting lodge.
247. Methods The blood vessel tension responses to drug were measured by rabbit basilaris arteria rings (RBAR) endothelium being removed and intact endothelium in vitro.
248. Concerning a rabbit want to return to moon to go to heel hearthside story.
249. Objective To study the effects of different extracts of Phrynium capitatum Willd flower on the uterus of rabbit, guinea pig, rat and mouse in vitro.
250. Soapy Smith is a twenty - four - pound calico rex rabbit.
251. A rabbit will shoot off as soon as It'smells a dog coming near.
252. Method:The effects of magnetoelectric stimulation on rabbit cerebral cortex between the experimental and the control groups were compared by histological method.
253. While out on a fishing trip near Plains, Ga., former President Jimmy Carter was approached by what was described as a menacing swamp rabbit.
254. Conclusions:VX2 breast carcinoma model in rabbit was established successfully. Intramammary injection of tissue mass suspension is the best method.
255. Objective: To observe whether a well vascularized temporoparietal fascial flap would improve rabbit intratemporal facial nerve regeneration repaired with chitin chamber.
256. The rabbit still had the whiff of trembly, nervous game.
257. Method: We adopted germfree caesarean section and artificial suckling to make CV New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit biology-cleansing and cultivate SPF New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit.
258. The processing method and technological conditions of soaking , picking, bating , tanning, oiling, dyeing,() bleaching and stripping of beaver rabbit skin were studied systematically.
259. Rabbit VS United Kingdom: Comprising by England, Scotland, Walse and North Ireland, United Kingdowm looks just like a Rabbit with three-lipped mouth.
260. In order to reveal the morphological characteristics of sacculus rotundus(SR) of rabbit, the ultrastructural structure of lymphoid tissue of SR was observed by means of SEM and TEM.
261. Seamus Finnegan : Eye of rabbit, harp string hum , turn this water into rum.
262. Objective To investigate the effect of 6-aminocaproic acid(EACA)on fever reaction of rabbit induced by endotoxin.
263. You couldn't find a rabbit at a petting zoo on Easter Sunday.
264. And no mortician is going to help you bury your pet rabbit.
265. Objective To investigate the coagulation promoting mechanism of a new type of organism coagulation promoting tube with tissue thromboplastin extracted from rabbit brain.
266. Alfalfa or clover hays, although tasty for the rabbit, are too rich in protein and calcium to be fed ad libitum. Instead, offer fresh grass hays such as timothy, oat, coastal, brome, Bahia or wheat.
267. Objective To investigate the effect of cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) and mitochondrial permeability transition pore in the heart of immature rabbit during the late phase of ischemic preconditioning.




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