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单词 Innovative
1. The company manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles.
2. Japanese companies have been pumping out plenty of innovative products.
3. She was an imaginative and innovative manager.
4. There will be a prize for the most innovative design.
5. He was one of the most creative and innovative engineers of his generation.
6. Each is dusting off schemes for supporting innovative industry.
7. One can be most innovative here.
8. Being innovative can damage your career.
9. Wonderful stuff, and very innovative for its time.
10. Some innovative schemes have been proposed.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. Mission-driven organizations are more innovative than rule-driven organizations.
12. Machine knitting can convert innovative ideas into wearable artwork.
13. Innovative companies generously reward people who come up with bright ideas.
14. Stirling has already established an undoubted reputation for innovative teaching and offers its students an excellent learning environment.
15. Automakers also are demanding high-quality and innovative products and shorter design and delivery times, industry experts said.
16. The city has introduced an innovative system of traffic control.
17. Both films employ innovative computer-generated graphics that required staggering outlays in hardware.
18. For all his systematic innovative accomplishments(), Edison worked only in the electrical field.
19. Graduates are active both in creating innovative opportunities to enhance further agricultural efficiency and in applying scientific findings to production practice.
20. The authority has gained a reputation for innovative housing schemes.
21. An innovative renewal programme gave the urban poor legal protection, provided basic amenities and encouraged self-help work.
22. The innovative approach cost only a small amount more, with no increase in price to the customer.
23. This is despite considerable efforts to create innovative ways of developing teacher training in the post-independence period.
24. Buying groups, marketing schemes and innovative ways of pooling farm resources are all developing.
25. For assistance, they turned to one of the city's most innovative museums.
26. The establishment of our GRE computer data has enabled us to come up with innovative tactics for doing well on the GRE.
27. Such are the mysteries and such is the music which made Detroit techno the most innovative musical event of the last decade.
28. All school systems are going to have to make similar innovative arrangements if school-to-work programs are to have a future.
29. Indeed the Faculty encourages interdisciplinary activity and recognises that much innovative work has derived from the intellectual stimulus of multidisciplinary study.
30. Brand of the Year was awarded for our long term policy of providing modern stores and innovative products while retaining traditional values.
1. The company manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles.
2. Japanese companies have been pumping out plenty of innovative products.
3. The establishment of our GRE computer data has enabled us to come up with innovative tactics for doing well on the GRE.
31. Providing insurance for their artists is a significant part of this innovative and holistic approach.
32. Restriction strikes hard at the sense of individual freedom that is essential to an innovative environment.
33. On education, Mr Gore's thralldom to the teachers' unions strikes us as an impediment to innovative thinking.
34. He was a star producer, one of the most aggressive and innovative brokers in his region.
35. Gehry's buildings became increasingly innovative as he gained confidence in the 80s.
36. But this was only innovative in so far as classical ballet was concerned as there are many 5/4 Slav folk dances.
37. The ship has some innovative ideas in entertaining as well.
38. They might have entered competitions sponsored by local companies to provide innovative solutions to real-world problems.
39. Both sides are hinting about innovative arrangements for Jerusalem that satisfy their desire to claim the holy city as their capital.
40. One of the country's most innovative printmakers has brought the spectrum of artistic endeavor to the Old Pueblo.
40. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
41. There is no sign that Silicon Valley is losing its innovative edge.
42. Malcolm said Loughborough had been innovative and show modern thinking in its approach to selling and business development.
43. Many of their innovative ideas lost money and failed to win acceptance by customers.
44. When it was first introduced, the electric car was described as one of the ten most innovative products of the year.
45. An innovative programme of promotions, based on the themes of connoisseurship and discovery, has built a solid following.
46. At the same time, incentives including tax breaks were offered for innovative import-substitution industries.
47. Brouillet's dishes, on the other hand, are innovative without stuffiness, no-nonsense cuisine with flair.
48. The third, and most innovative, idea is symbolized by the smart card.
49. The idea for the programme 'Big Brother' was highly innovative.
50. Moreover, such groups require innovative and community education approaches if adequate and relevant social purpose education is to be provided.
51. On the face of it, this plan of campaign did not seem very innovative.
52. Even in the wake of a setback, the healthy organization seeks to identify signs of progress and evidence of innovative thinking.
53. Inter-agency activity ranged across a continuum from the perfunctory to the innovative.
54. Now we have one of the world's more innovative cultures.
55. Brown successfully set the agenda in 1993 with an innovative summit on the economy held early in the year in Los Angeles.
56. Innovative policies during the campaign raise doubts over existing policies, and raise questions over why reforms weren't introduced earlier.
57. To succeed in such an environment requires an innovative approach to business.
58. Try to come up with something more innovative and stimulating.
59. Although not yet in clinical use there is now some highly innovative potential in the treatment of disease.
60. Innovative product lines continue to be introduced to meet growing customer demand.
61. It was almost inevitable that this would have a negative effect on any innovative work.
62. Such a body may also be more consistent in applying discretionary funds for research and innovative practice.
63. Perhaps the most innovative feature of the ship involves food.
64. Wide Angle screening day A programme of innovative short films and videos made at Wide Angle this year.
65. The tune is in the key of E and the whole package is greatly enhanced by Cliff's innovative guitar playing.
66. The camp has established an innovative partnership with a local village tourism enterprise.
67. Magically, the two most obvious options are Flight and Become Ethereal, although other innovative solutions are possible.
68. The programme is very innovative and interesting but funny at the same time.
69. With time, he also staged an annual Team Day to celebrate and share the most innovative accomplishments.
70. Pisanello is at his most innovative in his drawings, as is also Jacopo Bellini.
70. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
71. There is increasing emphasis in the development of innovative methodologies in order to secure funding for research.
72. Ironically, a formal process of strategic planning often does more to inhibit than to enhance innovative conceptual thinking ....
73. Educated privately at her homes at Parkwern and Hendrefoilan she inherited a long family tradition of unorthodox and innovative ideas.
74. He who pays the piper ... Such innovative schemes are not confined to the United States.
75. Plants in such areas tend to be less innovative, their technologies are older, and they employ less skilled labour.
76. Quadrant 2 is an area in which innovative projects frequently end up, and it is risky.
77. I believe that the project is so exciting, innovative and imaginative that it should be approached on an all-party basis.
78. But two companies are creating a stir with their innovative ways of delivering that information.
79. Throughout the year, a number of innovative projects, programmes and initiatives were formulated and delivered.
80. Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. George W. Bush 
81. And then when the graduates from that process come up with the goods, invest in their innovative ideas.
82. Slacker is very funny indeed and highly innovative in its use of roving camera and juxtaposing various disparate conversations.
83. It aims to provide 40,000 training weeks by next April under its innovative and highly successful Training in Employment scheme.
84. One of the most innovative systems is that found in the optical mouse used with the Xerox Star business computer.
85. Innovative companies are willing to spend money to make money, but the information era will require a special brand of vision.
86. They were healthier, more productive, more innovative than workers who were consumed by jobs.
87. Only innovative technology can achieve such a pace of construction, which the Soviets say is the fastest in the world.
88. Unfortunately, most of these useful and innovative ideas go to waste without investigation.
89. Finally, not all feedbacks from output markets have a deleterious effect on innovative activity.
90. He was one of the boldest and most innovative composers of his day.
91. Much of this artistic creativity was more innovative than before.
92. In contrast, innovative organizations foster constant communication, so information flows quickly through their ranks.
93. The furnishings are of a high standard and show considerable flair in innovative design and good taste with respect to choice of modern materials.
94. Our response to recession must simply be to be more determined, focused and innovative.
95. Here he gained valuable experience and, though occupied with much routine work, commenced innovative research.
96. The school soon found itself inundated with applications from college students around the country wanting to enrol on this innovative course.
97. Many new and innovative subject areas are included. 37 centres have submitted requests for permission in principle to run Pilot Schemes.
98. There is no evidence that big drug firms are any more innovative than their smaller peers.
99. The second pilot investigation is concerned with the innovative activities of small firms.
100. Holt features the place of matrix structures and venture teams in organizing innovative projects.
100. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
101. The result is an exciting and innovative marriage of the old and the new, and a widely acclaimed architectural success.
102. Thank you for supporting new artists over the years and for being the most adventurous and innovative of magazines.
103. As already stated, many innovative schemes appeared to be in operation, but there was very little evaluation.
104. Innovative programs that make use of mentors often do exactly this.
105. Labour needs to match its commitment to spending with innovative ideas about service delivery, financing and management.
106. Grammar Dictation offers an innovative approach to the study of grammar in the language classroom.
107. An innovative product embodying new technology meets new user needs and sells on performance.
108. Exposure during his or her career to innovative ideas and / or tactics.
109. The sound isn't the most innovative ever, and the influence of Stevie Wonder and the Jackson 5 is obvious.
110. It also funds innovative schemes to provide secure homes for young and old.
111. These are exciting times and every day there seems to be something new and innovative happening.
112. In addition to inaugurating a new era of news, PointCast is pioneering an innovative way to advertise on the Net.
113. Due to the great variety of approaches for organizing innovative projects, it is difficult to classify them.
114. A couple of early speeches suggested that he might marry innovative approaches with a commitment to U.S. leadership.
115. Perhaps the most innovative aspect of the sentimental comedy is that it represented a new form of tragi-comedy.
116. If language is a code, it is a complexly ill-defined code, adaptable to the innovative skill of its users.
117. Brand A is an innovative product concept which will make life very much easier for all slimmers.
118. This is an innovative project, aimed at combining the sociology of science with science policy analysis at the national level.
119. Innovative new curricula in science, mathematics and the humanities combined with fresh approaches to classroom method.
120. In Chapter Seven, we will discuss the innovative approach he and his colleagues followed.
121. Third, decentralized institutions are far more innovative than centralized institutions.
122. Ethical and environmental considerations are an important part of this innovative programme.
123. And its innovative user interface features reduce or eliminate the number of steps needed to perform standard spreadsheet operations.
124. We didn't anticipate, though, the scale of this innovative activity.
125. This is milk float technology - it could have been more innovative.
126. A very impressive range of innovative features certainly refresh this otherwise flat game.
127. Both Johansson and Reddy reached their conclusions by using a simple, yet innovative approach.
128. In many parts of the world, we have developed innovative policies on quality and customer service.
129. He spent seven years furthering his understanding of head protection systems before coming up with his own innovative approach.
130. To be imaginative is to see, hear and feel things or images in your mind, and to be creative, inventive and innovative in your thinking. Dr T.P.Chia 
130. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
131. But a combination of tough decisions and innovative business methods has turned the organisation round.
132. Cause: innovative ink anti - moisture envirogluvtm emulsive bad.
133. To treat eucalyptus chips with squeezing machine for better liquor permeance in order to remarkably improve the brightness and strength of the paper sheet is the innovative point of the research.
134. Improve the quality, flexibility and performance of your manufacturing processes with innovative fluid filling, testing and other end-of-line solutions from AGRAMKOW Fluid Systems.
135. The organic structure of national innovation systems of China is annular, the core of which is the innovative system of knowledge.
136. The analysis shows that the innovative academic ideas or theory formation is a random process of the exploration.
137. This paper, through an innovative decision-making model of the information goods, explains the frequent innovative mechanism according to which China mobile recommends all kinds of suite business.
138. The tool-less plug connection provides the basis for innovative and customized solutions.
139. In recent years, there is a number of contemporary architecture in the new forms of"innovative"design. In these designs, the"innovative"forms are often base on the change of functional organization.
140. Current domestic plastic gravure inks to solvent - based inks, mainly chloridizing polypropylene innovative ink.
141. Some exercisable measures are probed into for training innovative thinking ability by application of induction and deduction in the chemistry teaching.
142. In the third chapter, I discourse upon innovative practice in the view of system structure of cognition.
143. Check out our innovative, cutting-edge products with proven results: Isotonix family and Oxygen Plus Antioxidants fighting free radical damage, and our thermogenesis line.
144. This innovative coating structure is key to realising a perfect balance of performance qualities.
145. Innovative idea: They are company's main force , guide culture with picture composition, use color goblin to delude optesthesia , use line to arrange keynote in groups.
146. The mountain sports outfitter VAUDE receives for its innovative product design, the "2006 if product design award", one of the most distinguished design awards worldwide.
147. Innovative mobile system to deliver high - quality voice and data transmission capabilities at low cost.
148. The innovative NCA assistant allows rapid view of the analysis via a graphical point-and-click interface.
149. Space should not stickle on the traditional logic thinking way, but should explore the innovative shape ploy to create the sense of full of the milk of human kindness, fashionable and modern.
150. Fosse is widely considered to be among the most innovative and influential choreographers of the 20th Century.
151. Australia has maintained its export competitiveness by adopting innovative practices, particularly mechanisation, and more recently through new farming practices and diversification.
152. Programmers can utilise variable brightness and multi-colour LED states to their full advantage when designing new and innovative tools in Max MSP and Reaktor.
153. This innovative smart tool lets the user define the brightness level of the display of his device.
154. Situated in Taicang, China, Red Maple has over 600 skilled employees, and is dedicated to the design and manufacture of high quality, innovative mould technology.
155. In a general way, the basic design principle of innovative reactor was to activate chemical reaction process and to simplify inner physical construction.
156. Customised solutions are developed for each client based on the innovative business idea of"Transmit for Breakthrough, Introject for Changing", that has been lived throughout the years.
157. To keep the chargeback rate from climbing even higher, Innovative Marketing invested heavily in call centers.
158. At intervals Lchear people will always stand in an innovative fashion forefront, every year there is a new series of cosmetics come on the scene.
159. Next season, says spokesman Lionel Vermeil, another aspect of Balenciaga's history innovative fabrics will emerge.
160. Membrane application: innovative membrane bioreactor; membrane distillation and its application in industrial water treatment.
160. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
161. Savvy teachers: Their students miss out on new and innovative learning techniques.
162. The Expo Shanghai Online is an innovative reality-based 3D reproduction of the physical Expo Site and pavilions in terms of exhibition contents, display form, interactive experiences, etc.
163. They are the only medevac service to have doctors on board able to transfuse blood while in the air, and they use some of the most innovative techniques in the field.
164. The country's first free with their own intellectual property rights of innovative shares decision-making system.
165. If Americans' ahistorical sense of their global decline prompts educators to come up with innovative new ideas, that's all to the good.
166. The innovative course of RMB exchange rate system is a course of a gradual step from official exchange rate to market exchange rate with more and more flexibilities.
167. Executives kept leaving, engineers were demoralised and innovative projects were put on hold.
168. Therefore, a series of patent indices of OECD are introduced to scientifically and practicably evaluate the innovative performance.
169. To emphasize professional and innovative decision-making skills through multidisciplinary approaches across departmental boundaries.
170. He influenced a generation aesthetic judgment fashion with unexpected and dangerous artistic conception and innovative format and humoristic art style.
171. But once tablets become low-priced commodities, Apple will have its work cut out for it to retain the iPad's innovative allure.
172. Active innovative undertaking activities bring forward a large number of medium and small enterprises, accelerate technology innovation and reformation, and solve a lot of employment problem.
173. A novel scheme of reconstructed model representation and modeling for innovative styling is presented based on parameterization of geometric features.
174. The project will develop core technologies for next-generation Telematics system and establish innovative applications for system-proofing through pilot run in field trial.
175. It is published in an innovative loose-leaf format, looks at current practices and innovations and builds into a unique practical manual and resource.
176. Rehm Fast Fire Systems feature a host of innovative design features that enable new levels of metallization process performance, including.
177. It is found that system CAE simulation technology supports both innovative design of metallurgical equipment and acquisition of the knowledge of in-service equipment performance.
178. The most innovative online luxury firms are typically small start-ups, such as Net-a-Porter, Yoox (which went public late last year) or Gilt Groupe, a website which runs exclusive sales for members.
179. When naming female philosophers, only two initially come to my mind: Ayn Rand and Simone de Beauvoir, but Hannah Arendt (1906-1976), was one of the 20th century's most innovative political theorists.
180. Idem is a fashion consulting company formed by a young team of passional designers in continuous development to always offer an innovative trend of design.
181. This was an innovative audio-visual approach to driving safety. I suspect it was quite effective, especially given the low motorized traffic levels of that era.
182. The law of knowledge structure establishment for innovative talents in university is analyzed and the tree-shaped model of knowledge structure for innovative talents is put forward.
183. The program represents an innovative public-private partnership between the U.S. Department of State, the Aspen Institute and leading U.S. journalism schools.
184. Why It's Innovative: A hydraulic system built into the bridge's handrail allows it to retract and curl into an octagon.
185. It is significative for economic development of China to apply the innovative financial instrument. At the same time, the risk will happen gonging with the finical innovation.
186. It described the process and the specific methods of fabric innovative design in modern tie-dye and clearly indicated the role and trends of fabric innovative design by modern tie-dye process.
187. In short, China would be heading for "a more balanced economy, a happier society, greener environment and more innovative technology", which would lead to a more sustainable development.
188. AND TV electronic products trading Co. , LTD mainly bodacious, creative gift purchasing products television, fashionable household supplies, give your life full of fun and innovative!
189. NewGate Technologies, Inc. is an innovative market leader specializing in Industrial Compressed Air Treatment Equipment.
190. Finally, the study carries out financial trials on the basis of the potential innovative service items by IPSC core ability and the current income effects.sentence dictionary
191. Chapter V of this innovative research, and to raise the Mandala graphic art in the design of modern thinking.
192. Experience the magic of Mentalism through this virtual simile that uses blogs and photo galleries to connect people's minds and thoughts in an innovative way.
193. By evaluating traditional Accounting teaching method, this paper makes innovative mode of Accounting teaching method and discusses the issues related to innovation of Accounting teaching method.
194. IP(Internet Protocol)telephone-a kind of digital telephone, represents an innovative type of communication service.
195. In this paper, an innovative system design for train operation monitoring device is presented. To improve the reliability, Triple Modular Redundancy architecture is applied in the design.
196. In the small sanitary ware space, light-colored tiles are adopted to largely spread adhibit the floor, coffee wall tiles subjects worthy to become the most innovative bathroom design.
197. Students can not only practise the designed experiments in the modules, but also make innovative experiments based on their ideas, subsistent resource and interface in the modules.
198. It suggests a new innovative inroad of inspiration for fashion.
199. The big brains at Infochimps have come up with an innovative way to find, share and sell formatted data.
200. Coastal towns like Barranquilla were more supportive of innovative and imaginative literature.
201. Originalism is the key link in uniting the whole designer for great innovative struggles. Unless this is realized, any creative activity is out of reach.
202. DESCRIPTION: Full of multiple good-quality herbal essence, strengthen the pores shrinkage through innovative ways; let the folliculus pili under good elastic moving status.
203. The method can reduce stylebook , ensure the fault rate and it is innovative.
204. Red Valve Company manufacturers an innovative split - sleeve pinch valve for floating offshore oil platforms.
205. Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) is a new and innovative building material that permits fast and efficient construction of single or multi-residential type buildings.
206. Innovative design projects cooperated with big enterprises such as outdoor furniture, electric pressure cooker, the whole kitchen and so on.
207. Streamy will also recommend interesting stories to you, and, thanks to its innovative user interface, sharing stories with your friends on the supported social media services is extremely easy.
208. The innovative thinking of Comrade Deng Xiaoping possesses the characteristics of negativeness , breakthrough, multi dimensionality, converse, prediction, succession and practicality.
209. The greatest ruler of this city-state was Pacal, who took power in 603 A.D. and commenced a construction boom of architecturally innovative buildings that lasted through and beyond his 68-year reign.
210. Today Artek is renowned as being one of the most innovative contributors to modern design, building on the heritage of Alvar Aalto.
211. In order to realize the target of the group 'frugalness economic, green Environmental Conservation, modern style system, innovative management' .
212. Innovative low cost, energy and space efficient sewage treatment processes are necessary to deal with the sewage treatment issue in China.
213. Stock index futures as the innovative financial derivative instrument provide a place to avoid systemic risk in the stock market.
214. The limitation of the traditional metalwork practice in cultivating the innovative consciousness of students and the inelasticity in management has been analyzed .
215. For setting the standard for quality sound reproduction through his engineering and his innovative designs.
216. Good title must be accurate, brief, striking, innovative, can be eye - catching, thought - provoking.
217. Especially in American research universities which walked in the front rank of the world in despite of the idea or the effect of training innovative talents.
218. During financial innovation process, the risk of financial innovation is a possibility which innovators' measures can't bring into effect rightly, or innovative incomes suffer loss.
218. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
219. For normal functional organization methods, we call these special organizations as the"innovative"method of functional organization.
220. Human resources as innovative source power of economic development, become high-tech enterprise tackle high uncertainty, high risk and magic weapon that fieriness compete already.
221. Our target is to develop an innovative mass production technology inspired from the gecko foot micro or nano-fiber adhesive material.
222. Only if the scientific innovative theory converted to the technical innovative principle, it can become productive power.




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