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单词 Terrain
(1) A jeep is ideal for driving over rough terrain.
(2) The vehicle is sturdy enough to withstand rough terrain.
(3) He trekked across some of the most inhospitable terrain in the world.
(4) The car blitzed through rough terrain.
(5) The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert.
(6) The mountainous terrain rules out most forms of agriculture.
(7) The car handles particularly well on rough terrain.
(8) He had made a detailed study of the terrain.
(9) The terrain is often deceptively steep .
(10) They walked for miles across steep and inhospitable terrain.
(11) They stopped and began to reconnoitre the terrain.
(12) Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.
(13) Frozen mountain road. Rugged terrain on all sides.
(14) Rescue operations were hampered by the mountainous terrain.
(15) Clinton trod on to murky terrain.
(16) Boots are the best footwear on rough terrain.
(17) Naturally, they had an intimate knowledge of the terrain.
(18) The terrain on the island varies quite a bit.
(19) Off road means parkland and rough terrain.
(20) First there was the difficult terrain.
(21) Also, an uneven terrain made electronic surveillance more difficult.
(22) Ramble Two was over very familiar terrain.
(23) It has tremendous tolerances for terrain and climate.
(24) The enemy would always have the advantage of familiarity with the rugged terrain.
(25) My tyres took quite a punishing on the rough terrain.
(26) It took us the whole day to trek across the rocky terrain.
(27) The low temperatures here are a function of the terrain as much as of the climate.
(28) This film reveals their resourcefulness in overcoming appalling weather and treacherous terrain.
(29) How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain.
(30) Extensive stretching of the crust above these granite intrusions produces a faulted terrain with active volcanoes.
(1) The vehicle is sturdy enough to withstand rough terrain.
(2) He trekked across some of the most inhospitable terrain in the world.
(3) He had made a detailed study of the terrain.
(4) It took us the whole day to trek across the rocky terrain.
(31) It's a new mobility aid designed to help blind people cover rough terrain.
(32) On either side of each barrier it leaves similar pockets of high and low cloud cover, of arid and lush terrain.
(33) The men had been camped for a month in swampy terrain, much of it malarial. Pure water was scarce.
(34) You wouldn't expect much speed out of it, but then you could confidentially run it over any terrain without adverse effect.
(35) The terrain was so difficult that for part of the journey three locomotives were needed to pull one train.
(36) We acquired our nickname, the Goats, in the Peninsular War when we proved our worth in rocky terrain.
(37) Each evolved on different terrain and has hooves to match. Modern breeds stem from these varieties, and feet vary accordingly.
(38) Those who work exclusively at upper levels of the pedagogic world rarely look at the terrain of early childhood.
(39) Lay himself deserves much of the credit for awakening geophysicists to this wondrous terrain half way to the center of the earth.
(40) The mountain Nui Ba Den was a singular feature in my area of operation and a good example of hazardous terrain.
(41) We can, how-ever, develop an album of sketches of a landscape that would help to illuminate the terrain.
(42) Specially out-fitted bulldozers, called Rome Plows, also flattened huge areas of rough terrain.
(43) Lithia Park offers footpaths through a dazzling array of terrain.
(44) Any traverse by foot across this kind of terrain would be exhausting and treacherous.
(45) We were used to building fences over sloping land and difficult terrain.
(46) If the War Wagon is forced to move into terrain it can not cross it automatically sustains D6 strength 6 hits.
(47) Advanced cyclists can enjoy the rugged beauty and the challenge of this West Texas terrain.
(48) They had to travel over extremely bad terrain on the way but by 13 December they were in place.
(49) Army helicopters could not land because of the mountainous terrain and dense jungle.
(50) The right flank was less well defended and the nature of the terrain complicated defences.
(51) It crosses terrain that overturns other robots or stops them dead in their caterpillar tracks.
(52) So the question of her taking a five-mile hike across what in parts was sometimes rough terrain would never have occurred.
(53) Coastal plains often feature long, shallow lakes,[/terrain.html] separated and aligned by raised beaches and occupying up to 90% of the terrain.
(54) Sometimes, as a matter of necessity, you must tackle the harder terrain first.
(55) Rural counties such as Gwynedd suffer particularly since they often have very low density settlements, rugged terrain and relatively poor roads.
(56) Amy, sighting from eighty yards away across open terrain, shot hers a little too far behind the shoulder.
(57) It should be noted that hairpin bends are often necessary geographical features in high and exciting terrain.
(58) Digital terrain modeling can be applied to computer transformations in places where the ground is undulating or has high relief.
(59) The Mojave and Sonoran deserts cover 40,000 square miles of remarkably diverse terrain.
(60) These stems grow erect when submersed, but grow prostrate on marshy terrain.
(61) Chariots can not move over obstacles or difficult terrain except to cross a river at a bridge or ford.
(62) At the A227 turn-off I switched off the cassette-player so I could concentrate on the terrain.
(63) Exploring the terrain or even setting up camp leave too many things wide open.
(64) The rugged terrain is inhabited by deer, antelopes and, locals say, wild donkeys.
(65) He also considered that the nature of the terrain in this area may have had a marked effect on forecast wind conditions.
(66) The further we moved towards the Rabari camp, the more desolate the terrain became.
(67) We all raced back to the camp, another three miles over tough terrain.
(68) Could this be the answer to preventing pollution on difficult terrain?
(69) If there is a battle to be launched, from which direction are the generals and the tacticians viewing the terrain?
(70) I never realized that the terrain in Africa is so diverse.
(71) Plant communities in the vicinity of the Amazon arise in accordance with the undulations of the terrain.
(72) Or, like Parliament Square, will it occupy the terrain of a symbolic gesture, alive in legend?
(73) Later, I will examine the impact of terrain, in its military definition, on operations.
(74) For safety reasons, most of the landings for these sample retrieval missions were planned for flat, smooth terrain.
(75) Its children taunted nice little middle-class children in school uniform who strayed into its terrain.
(76) Skimming along the water-front with the peculiarly flat ride jeeps give when they're not lurching on one wheel over lumpy terrain.
(77) The terrain is very rough in places, often requiring easy scrambling in fairly exposed situations.
(78) We know the terrain in the target area is complicated, rugged.
(79) He might not know much about the Church, but with this terrain he was thoroughly familiar.
(80) The software then does the calculations, using built-in data on the energy cost of traversing different kinds of terrain.
(81) She was healthy for 65, but the terrain was rough, and she fell repeatedly in her high-heeled shoes.
(82) Much of this development has involved sugar-cane cultivation on sloping terrain in contrast to its confinement to flat alluvial areas prior to 1960.
(82) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(83) They had been lucky to find it in this hilly and heavily forested terrain.
(84) Most of the near side of the Moon is bright, rough, high terrain, called the lunar highlands.
(85) It was simple and quaint and the terrain around them was solemn and rugged.
(86) She writes long sentences without verbs, as if the rocky terrain inevitably makes action difficult.
(87) The terrain was rough and offered ideal cover from air strikes and surveillance.
(88) Lighter in the mornings, and the quirk of the terrain amplifies Vassiliki winds in the late afternoon!
(89) When she next looked inland, the terrain had changed to soft, silvery sand and rustling, bumpy dunes.
(90) Others have failed to get through the treacherous terrain and past the warring factions.
(91) They had to drive very slowly over the difficult terrain.
(92) And flowing almost as quickly as air across this terrain are the swirling currents of molten iron in the core.
(93) Eugenists insisted that it was crucial to redefine the terrain of social intervention.
(94) Calmly, I told him we were treading on difficult terrain here.
(95) There are several different styles of front points, each suitable for different sorts of climbing and terrain.
(96) Actual speed will vary not only with altitudes but also with local terrain.
(97) The rugged terrain of mountain jungles and hidden valleys also offered security.
(98) Some developmental paths are blocked, while potentially novel ones lead off into uncharted terrain.
(99) For the rest, the terrain was mainly featureless sand with the dunes constantly moving.
(100) Patala is symbolic of gold and the earth's minerals which energize the terrain and fertilize it.
(101) So everything seemed okay: the barn was secure, the food supply was better than good and the terrain near perfect.
(102) Much of the evidence comes from studies of ancient trees and undersea terrain.
(103) And it passes through more unusual heather covered terrain, giving an added contrast to the walk.
(104) She tackled the Himalayas at eighty-eight, occasionally allowing porters to carry her pick-a-back across impossible terrain.
(105) This helps to avoid twisting an ankle when stalking these animals on the rocky terrain they favour.
(106) They had been travelling over the dry desert terrain for five days.
(107) None of them yield easy climbs, the approaches being rough and the summits gained over pathless terrain liberally endowed with cliffs.
(108) The challenge ahead ... 5 laps, each more than 6 miles long, of the most inhospitable terrain in the Malvern Hills.
(109) In the hummocky terrain of the valley floor the hollows, channels and gentle slopes are occupied by peat.
(110) While the alpine end of the sport needs only cold weather to produce skiable terrain, cross-country must have snow.
(111) Clouds sped across the sky, and their shadows kept up across every kind of terrain.
(112) In Save planeloads of food remain undistributed-and a small army of lorries struggles to cover the still-flooded terrain.
(112) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(113) The entire loop is more than 15 miles and crosses some rugged terrain.
(114) A sheep dog is the unofficial greeter of Harberton Estancia, a picturesque ranch with red-roofed buildings and rolling terrain.
(115) I saw the photos last week and they were so detailed I could recognize the terrain.
(116) The past owners put little energy into publicity, despite the resorts' excellent terrain.
(117) The nine cairns stand in wilderness country without habitations or shelter, in pathless terrain hostile to easy progress.
(118) And Martin gives a brief description of the type of terrain and gradients that blistered feet will meet.
(119) The army uses satellites to help soldiers navigate unfamiliar terrain.
(120) Local management and marketing staffs also tend to be more productive because they instinctively know the terrain.
(121) How many fathers would drive their daughter 120 miles through mountainous terrain so she could attend weekly ballet and singing lessons?
(122) It was not immediately clear what caused the crash in nearly impassable terrain near the Courthouse Bay boat basin at Camp Lejeune.
(123) For the moment, however, it is sufficient to reflect on the difficult terrain which we are traversing.
(124) Be warned though, the rolling hills and rugged terrain will test your mountain biking stamina to the extreme.
(125) Preparations for the Normandy landings took place here because the terrain is similar to that which faced the Allied invasion forces.
(126) Rocky terrain with relatively easy access is the shore to look for.
(127) Last year they came back for a checkup and medics found their wheelchairs were ruined by the war torn terrain.
(128) Since the building of that dam his terrain had been harsh, brutal and bad.
(129) In much of the up- and-down terrain between Dulzura and Tecate, the mountains themselves are the only barrier.
(130) Light and nimble, it was better suited to the terrain.
(131) About the only people who can move rapidly over such terrain are the tough and wiry park service hunters.
(132) The three person team was the first to cover 30 miles of rough terrain over two days.
(133) Troops may be moved over intervening models, buildings, terrain and any other obstacles or scenery.
(134) If a head popped up to study the terrain, a bullet followed from the other side.
(135) At the top of the rise, in rougher terrain, the scenery improves dramatically as Gruinard Bay is suddenly revealed ahead.
(136) She peers through the deepening dusk, scanning the terrain 500 feet below as she looks for her farm.
(137) With a difficult terrain and scattered population, the provision of essential infrastructure like education and health services is obviously a problem.
(138) Three of the meteorites were found on rocky terrain where they may have fallen directly or been deposited by melted ice.
(139) As such, he is the lightening rod for all criticism and suspicions that go with administering such difficult terrain.
(140) Follow this with a journey across the dusty terrain on the wild runaway Mine Train.
(141) A number of them carried short-barreled shot-guns, which were good weapons in very dense terrain.
(142) And though injured himself he ran a mile over rough terrain to fetch help.
(143) When we travel to foreign countries, we carry guidebooks to help us negotiate terrain that is strange but wonderful.
(144) The terrain is very varied from the great expanse of Dartmoor to the gentler stretch of Exmoor.
(145) The cramped dock area began to expand eastwards across the newly exposed terrain.
(146) Otis flew over the column, dropping flares to help the nearly blind tanks and APCs navigate the rough terrain.
(147) The mountainous terrain could make it slow going for the ground rescue teams.
(148) Leaving the grassland behind, the terrain became more barren with cliffs and rocks tumbling down into the sea.
(149) Several times, sweeps through rough terrain, which had previously yielded nothing, resulted in the discovery of enemy units.
(150) Cycling: Hire a cycle to explore the surrounding countryside; the terrain around the lakes is fairly gentle!
(151) Hydrography One of the most striking features of the hilly terrain of viticultural Champagne is its network of rivers and canals.
(152) Different part of the terrain was visited. Different individuals marked with the white smoke.
(153) These figures move slowly around a terrain apparently laid waste by some great disaster.
(154) Provenzano's greatest assets are knowledge of the terrain and tacit support in villages and hamlets.
(155) Fixed a terrain glitch near the Scourge Secret Shop.
(156) Model's terrain intelligence is necessary information for those experiments.
(157) What sort of terrain will the Mongol Derby cover?
(158) Universal Carbide Tip works great on rugged terrain.
(159) Massive sulfide Cu-Zn deposit of Hongtoushan type which occurs in Archeozoic granitic greenstone terrain in Qinyuan area of Liaoning possesses unique geochemical characteristics.
(160) In this distant and extreme terrain, the fundamental story of our time is being told afresh. Here it is possible to see, with a clarifying starkness, how tightly woven our new world really is.
(161) And then a computation of the attenuation factor of the lateral wave propagating over a forested flat-curved-flat terrain can be carried out by the computer program of the Airy integral.
(162) Terrain texture: the camera is at a low distance with a low angle. The parallax effect can clearly be visible - this is the good case for the algorithm! -.
(163) Robotic battle platforms, All Terrain Armored Transports(), are seen on the Planet Hoth in this still from 'Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.'
(164) Aiming at the error in intense hypsography terrain area statistic, the paper puts forward an improved statistic method for intense hypsography terrain, and introduces their application fields.
(165) It had only opened the way of an unknown terrain.
(166) In bess mountain area, the problem of drainage becomes a nodus because of the special nature of bess and terrain . The nodus must be solved immedialtely.
(167) In order to get the more accuracy benthos terrain, not only the discrete electronic chart data but also the fathom lines etc data are considered.
(168) That the terrain to which his auditors are released is dauntingly featureless did not curb Emerson's own delight in solitary freedom.
(169) Wooded areas, trails, parks and golf courses are ideal places for fartlek running, especially if they have rolling terrain and some good hills.
(170) On approach from the street, the sloping terrain naturally guides an axial timber boardwalk under a simple timber pergola structure arriving in the courtyard opposite the Morton Bay Ash.
(171) Without question, Obama's Administration will reshape the good-ole-boys' club we have seen for centuries, altering the political terrain, and it may very well spawn new hope for the disenfranchised.
(172) This paper probes emphatically into the accuracy uncertainty of LSMM from atmospheric condition and terrain undulation by taking unmixing vegetation abundance based on LSMM as an example.
(173) By calculating the propagation factor and loss,[/terrain.html] characteristics of the plane and terrain boundaries are simulated. The result agrees well with the practical cases.
(174) Goats manage to find edibles in the seemingly barren terrain of Australia's Simpson Desert.
(175) Indestructible terrain funnels the player through a chokepoint that divides the outer section of the compound from the inner sanctum.
(176) Unlike snakes that live in trees or on the ground, the anaconda doesn't have to worry about climbing or chasing prey over rough terrain.
(177) Grav Chute Insertion: embarked squads can deep strike over any point the Valkyrie moves over in its Movement phase, taking dangerous terrain tests as they land.
(178) Complex terrain of network design, dust source points sealed design and the choice of devices, mobile sources dust-dust control and grass control are the key link.
(179) its terrain can be craggy and daunting, or softly pacifying.
(180) Where the ice passes over especially steep terrain, ripple marks on the glacier surface indicate the icefall.
(181) To start, create a few different terrain types and throw together some really rudimentary map tiles to represent each terrain type.
(182) This paper conducted a study into terrain return characteristics of LFMICW radar altimeter.
(183) SO algorithm uses Bucket List and Singly Threaded Ternary Tree to manage and search the terrain polygon.
(184) Factors such as plant, warning, human disturbance, terrain, water source, and soil showed correlation to the habitat selection index for foraging of black stork.
(185) Urban fringe district was the main area of city spreading, which was distinctive terrain in land frequent transactions, brisk market, land price diversity.
(186) The system mainly accomplishes the functional module of basic spatial calculation, extracting terrain feature, obstacle path analysis, spatial clustering analysis and so on.
(187) In the mid-19th century the Norwegian government, eager to colonise with people a terrain it owned in name only, offered free land here to impoverished farmers from the south.
(188) Traversing rough and muddy terrain, a field artillery unit, pulled by a four-horse team, comes to a halt.
(189) Goats manage to find edibles in the seemingly barren terrain of Australia's Simpson Desert. Many farmers raise livestock in the desert, but over-grazing can harm native species.
(190) LOW RANGE RADIO ALTIMETER, A system that measures the vertical distance from the airplane to the terrain.
(191) High accuracy DEMs is an important data in study of soil erosion and terrain feature space analysis.
(192) Additionally, if in the Raider's Native Terrain[], the Raider can inspire allies to ferociousness .
(193) It is known that the pulse radar altimeter is an important assembly in the terrain contour matching system(TERCOM).
(194) The terrain extends east to west from the Caspian Sea to the Altay Mountains and north to south from the plains of Western Siberia to the oasis and desert of Central Asia.
(195) Combined with the topographic and physiognomic maps of natural terrains, a 3-D model which generates the geometrical structures of complex terrain, has been developed.
(196) Located on a narrow peninsula, Yehliu features special terrain and geologic landscape from wave erosion , rock weathering, and crustal movement.
(197) The Army also found that the balloons were valuable for the use of charting the terrain, and with the newly invented photographic camera, aerial mapping was invented.
(198) In the study of the method for extracting topographic patterns based on Grid data, including the terrain profile analysis method and the falling water simulations method.
(199) One kind of virtual implement method of benthos terrain and current in the ocean environment, which was used to realize AUV visual simulation, is presented.
(200) The goal of the paper was to apply the method suitable for grid terrain data to the irregular point data, and to realize an efficient multi-resolution expression of the terrain.
(201) In the Central Arabian desert there is deep sand as well as hard terrain.
(202) Searching for a terrain similar to that found on Mars,[/terrain.html] the team took the rover to El Teide National Park in Tenerife.
(203) This method utilizes polarimetric scattering information of terrain with reason, can acquire good effect of classification and requires a little operation.
(204) In its native European range, reed canary grass does not push out other species or expanding its terrain.
(205) Waterlog occurs frequently in the region of Lixia He because of its special terrain.
(206) Waterfront Plant Landscape: aquatic, biogas plants mainly with terrain target.
(207) Interestingly, Sun Zi advocated understanding the weather first before understanding the terrain.
(208) Using this quadtree, we can encode height data at different resolutions in different regions in the terrain.
(209) Note: Terrain tessellation currently does not use contour lines and spot elevations as elevation source.
(210) What we're engaged in is radically individual: a single - file trudge through treacherous terrain.
(211) Methods of utilizing . special terrain for reducing antenna height are also discussed.
(212) Contemplating the terrain sympathetically, such dreamers throw themselves into the struggle of forces with all of the conviction of a demiurge.
(213) The water vapour transport in oasis is enhanced through downdraft in terrain, making the climatic effect in oasis of mountain valley to enhance as well.
(214) A stable weights adjustment rule is derived using a lyapunov function. It is applied to cruise missile terrain following. The resu...
(215) Stretching across terrain already gridded by Andalusian farms, Andasol 1 and 2 rely on the same energy source as the crops.
(216) The hail cloud over the mountainous terrain may be effected by the air-flow of middle layer over the mountainous terrain and the microphysical processes of the hail cloud.
(217) Terrain defilade is a key factor for early warning system (EWS) in detecting low altitude targets, effective algorithm provides the foundation of operational simulation.
(218) But this inhospitable terrain is also key to the boomtown future.
(219) The terrain of here is strategically situated and difficult of access.
(220) On the other hand, with the developing of the geographic information system (GIS) and digital evaluation model (DEM), it is possible to extract geomorphologic parameters from digital terrain.
(221) On the basis of lineament interpretation of High-resolution SPOT image in complex terrain region.
(222) A new equivalent mass line method for terrain correction is put forward, which is based on integration knots and integration coefficients in Gaussian integration formula.
(223) You'll want a different bike for different terrain, such as cross country or downhill.
(224) Multi-beam Swath Bathymeter is a kind of newly developed advanced seafloor surveying equipment with high efficiency, high accuracy and fine terrain resolution.
(225) At first, methods based on geometry analysis for multiresolution representation, simplification and rendering of terrain models are investigated.
(226) The main terrain of Manitoba is plains, with the lakes of various size totaling 38,500, among which Lake Winnipeg is the largest one and ranks 13th largest in the world.
(227) Although meteors fall all over the world, they usually just sink to the bottom of an ocean, are buried by shifting terrain, or are easily confused with terrestrial rocks.
(228) Wherever there is new terrain, Ochroma is the first tall, woody plant to colonize it.
(229) A hail cloud model that is two dimensional elastic non hydrostatic, uses a terrain following coordinate system and includes double parameters for ice phase microphysics, has been developed.
(230) This algorithm considers the polygon vertex normal predigesting rule as a basic gist. On the precondition of assuring terrain effect, it can predigest models in large extent.
(231) Phenylethyl Alcohol, Butanoic acid, 3-methyl-ethyl ester were not found in the wine of high altitude terrain.
(232) Meanwhile, three periods of secondary forest landscape have the consistent performance in different levels of terrain factors.
(232) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(233) It is the sensitivity of DEM to spatial resolution that causes the spatial scaling effects of mountainous astronomical solar radiation, terrain openness and conversion factor.
(234) At chapter 4, we focus on our research on the rendering, roam and continuous multiresolution terrain simplification algorithm of large-scale terrain scene.
(235) For terrain gray images, a pretreatment methodology for restraining noise and blurriness and an improved algorithm for extracting terrain roughness are given.
(236) In such case, behaviors of Rayleigh waves depend on not only medium properties but also the angle of wedge (terrain fluctuation).
(237) In the study of the method for extracting topographic patterns based on Grid data, the author introduces the terrain profile analysis method and the falling water simulations method.
(238) By introduction of tank fire system construction, 3D terrain simulation method is explored, and 3D situation display of virtual battlefield environment is realized.
(239) In order to meet the demands in the hierarchical path planning of combat simulation intelligent entity, a hierarchical representation and quantitative method of terrain analysis results is presented.
(240) Makhmalbaf adapts the volatile terrain to his story, such as in a harrowing and memorable scene set in a medical camp populated by limbless mine explosion victims.
(241) The two-level residential area in light-colored masonry is set on a dark-hued base that neutralizes the slope of the terrain and houses the building mechanicals.
(242) To represent dynamic multiresolution terrain in real time, two sorts of models suitable for current stage are proposed, the adaptive quadtree model and the implied quadtree model.
(243) For example if we stretch one texture of grass over a complete terrain one wouldn't even recognize the grass.
(244) We searched other major valleys sporting outcrops of the same volcanically derived sedimentary rocks, which are exposed across thousands of square kilometers of mountainous terrain.
(245) Terrain changes as roads are laid, forests are cleared, and mountains are mined.
(246) Only terrain that blocks line of effect can block an area effect.
(247) SINCGARS provides a secure voice and data communication system, enabling troops to conduct military operations in all weather and terrain environments.
(248) Terrain effect of 1: 50000 gravity prospecting result in mountainous region is removed by respectively using slope-top trihedral prism model and rectangular prism model in near, mid and far areas.
(249) Because of the stronger adaptability to unknown terrain of a hopping robot than a traditional mobile robot, a hopping mechanism using a fuel gas-actuated single-acting engine is developed.
(250) A placer gold area is usually distributed in the flowing regions of plain terrain, belt-like rivers.
(251) For the purpose of walking on uneven terrain, the main features of BR2 include geniculate legs and a translatable balance weight in the body.
(252) Lush forests of sweet gum trees and maples give way to brush that seamlessly becomes hilly terrain, then opens up to savanna-like plains.
(253) Villas on the hilly terrain near Rome were designed with terraced gardens.
(254) In our paper, the authors found that the Gaochuan slab is an allochthonous geological terrain and named it as the Gaochuan Terrain.
(255) This is an attempt to give a method of railway profile automation design by means of digital terrain model.
(256) Grid digital terrain is produced with getting reference point by subarea and weighted averaging method, and is visualized.
(257) The building was designed as a curved inhabitable land wave that fluently blends into the surrounding terrain and symmetrically follows the exact North-South axes.
(258) Besides, the authors make a suggestion on how the automatic plotting of terrain perspective graphy with high level of reality can be realized.
(259) The Basset Hound possesses in marked degree those characteristics which equip it admirably to follow a trail over and through difficult terrain.
(260) Secondly, it develops the tank's kinematic and dynamic analysis method and terrain match method.
(261) The road test of the TCS based on the target controller for the vehicle driving straightaway was performed on the sand terrain of a sandpit.
(262) City Sugong southeast tower and Ancient City of Gaochang public cemeteries, graves dry, dry terrain, forming a natural bacteria-free environment and become mummified excellent natural storage place.
(262) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(263) As a geographical name, its terrain is equal to the sandbank territories now in the east of Inner Mongolia, which is called in relief as Horquin Sandlot.
(264) Beach clean water, the photogenic powder white sand , gentle terrain.
(265) China's commercial encroachment on the terrain of traditional aid providers has caused consternation among western policymakers.
(266) Classical terrain navigation systems usually consist of three parts: a barometer, a radar altimeter and an inertial instrument.
(267) An enemy force that is dispersed in an urban area or other close terrain, and perhaps intermixed with the noncombatant population, is highly difficult to find and attack.
(268) On the same day, "National Transitional Council, " spokesman Abdul Sharm cefoxitin - Mulla said, did not hide in Sirte, Gaddafi may be because of the terrain features are not easy to Sirte escape.
(269) The main rocks types of the late Jurassic volcanic rocks in Genhe terrain, Daxinganlin are volcanic lava and volcanic rubbishy rocks.
(270) The aeroradiometric method suffers like others, in particular conditions of terrain.
(271) Image matching is the key stage for Digital Terrain Model ( DTM ) automatical aquisition using with digital images.
(272) Cross 13 miles of perilous prehistoric terrain , smashing the classic foes you've come to love and hate with Bonk 's indestructible cranium .
(273) It is pointed out that contaminant formation relates to transportation distance, oil types, throughput, shutdown time, terrain, etc.
(274) In this paper, the multi resolution representations of terrain model are introduced and a quadtree based multi resolution terrain model is proposed.




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