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单词 Forgiven
1. He prayed to be forgiven.
2. His offences were forgiven him by the employer.
3. I suspect that Rodney has never quite forgiven either of them.
4. I don't think she's ever quite forgiven me for getting her name wrong that time.
5. Christianity preaches that sinners can be forgiven.
6. She prayed to be forgiven/ God for forgiveness.
7. He was forgiven for missing the meeting.
8. I've long since forgiven her for what she did.
9. Looking at the figures, you could be forgiven for thinking the recession is already over.
10. You could be forgiven for thinking football is a religion here.
11. He had never forgiven her for reporting his indiscretion in front of his friends.
12. Repent your sins and you will be forgiven.
13. Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten. Aesop 
14. You'd be forgiven for doing a double take.
15. Admittedly not all was forgotten or forgiven.
16. Wrongs are often forgiven; contempt never. Lord Chesterfield 
17. Coming down, you long to be forgiven and forget.
18. An hour later she would ask to be forgiven.
19. But will they be healed and restored and forgiven?
20. To have lost the 1987 election could be forgiven; it provided the final catalyst for Labour's long-drawn out policy reform.
21. He can be forgiven that lapse and should recover losses at the expense of the Gold Cup pretender.
22. It is the sign of our redeemed and forgiven sin in being the sacrament of our unity in love.
23. He could be forgiven one disappointing season with a track record like that.
24. Leave, let all become simple, so that all have reason to be forgiven,() let us come again.
25. You are richer today if you have laughed, given or forgiven.
25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
26. Given the choice between a pure white T-shirt and a more expensive, dirty cream one, most people can be forgiven for choosing the former.
27. Looking at the crowds out shopping, you could be forgiven for thinking that everyone has plenty of money.
28. Because he was still ideologically sound, strategic and tactical mistakes could be forgiven.
29. To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you. C.S. Lewis 
30. Sean had been bought a replacement knife by Wainfleet and had forgiven him the theft of the first.
1. He prayed to be forgiven.
2. His offences were forgiven him by the employer.
3. I suspect that Rodney has never quite forgiven either of them.
4. I don't think she's ever quite forgiven me for getting her name wrong that time.
5. He had never forgiven her for reporting his indiscretion in front of his friends.
31. Male chauvinism was rife in medicine in those days, and he is forgiven.
32. Youth, which is forgiven everything, forgives itself nothing: age, which forgives itself everything, is forgiven nothing. George Bernard Shaw 
33. It is as we knell before the throne of Grace that our lives can be restored and our sins forgiven.
34. The relatively puny father-of-three could have been forgiven for having second thoughts when he was picked.
35. If he indulged himself this time, he is to be forgiven and his effort received gratefully.
36. Well, actually you could be forgiven for thinking that, and actually you'd be wrong.
37. She has long since forgiven her husband, whom she divorced before she knew he was ill.
38. I felt as if I were addressing the College of Cardinals and was automatically being forgiven for every word I said.
39. He prayed that she would be forgiven for being herself and following her nature.
40. One could be forgiven, however, for viewing this as a purely academic philosophy.
41. In their farm kitchens and workshops you could be forgiven for thinking that time has stood still for 150 years.
42. If the young among us have no idea who he was, they should be forgiven.
43. I broke one of her platters once, and I swear she's never forgiven me.
44. It's so slick you could be forgiven for thinking it's a close-ratio box.
45. But former Elland Road favourite Eddie Gray could be forgiven a wry smile at today's free-spending ways.
46. Perhaps Jobs should simply be forgiven for what can most kindly be described as an immature leadership style.
47. It would simply mean that officialdom, and his country, had forgiven him.
48. The 1930s were hard times, so I think they will be forgiven for this slight oversight.
49. Indeed one could be forgiven for thinking only two teams has entered the tournament.
50. From their historical perspective Marx and Engels could be forgiven for arguing that late-nineteenth-century Britain had a repressive capitalist state.
51. A latecomer listening only to the closing speeches might have been forgiven for thinking the two learned gentlemen were summarising different cases.
52. You would have been forgiven for a knowing smile then, but now acid rain is no laughing matter.
53. Finally he asked us to pray to be forgiven for the times when we had misused our authority.
54. Mukhamedov's defection two years ago, just as Communism was falling apart, will not be forgiven in a hurry.
55. Flora had never forgiven her husband for dying ten years before(/forgiven.html), leaving her badly off.
56. But she can be forgiven because this, too, is hilarious.
57. Audiences of the time might have been forgiven for thinking the dance was a spoof.
58. Selfishness must always be forgiven you know, because there is no hope of a cure. Jane Austen 
59. I know that you've never forgiven me for what happened, and I don't blame you, darling.
60. She once called me a liar - I've never forgiven her.
61. What sins, what meannesses, what grave errors I had committed in the previous ten years had been forgiven me.
62. You have forgiven your people's sins and pardoned all their wrongs.
63. But one might be forgiven for doubting if this is the most likely cause of the toxic side-effects of direct drilling!
64. The public can be forgiven for finding the concept perplexing, since the popular press uses the terms multimedia and cross-media interchangeably.
65. Mrs Major could be forgiven for seeing Maastricht mud deposited across the carpets.
66. Later Rameshwar became ill and his conscience pricked him because of his evil treatment of Tukaram, and he asked to be forgiven.
67. Such a breach of trust is not forgotten, seldom forgiven.
68. Dad, mainly through his strong religious convictions, has forgiven them.
69. They must be forgiven and not left in limbo, ready to be recalled if needed for attack or defence.
70. With one of the slenderest majorities to defend anywhere in the country, Mr Forsyth could be forgiven if he looked worried.
71. Despite his eventual betrayal of me-for which I have forgiven him-Hu was a superb implementer and an outstanding public servant.
72. This in-your-face marketing could be forgiven if the food absolutely knocked your socks off.
73. He had never forgiven her for reporting his indiscretion in front of her husband.
74. We might be forgiven for keeping our fingers crossed that the Council Tax will represent a reprieve.
75. His desertion of her, his long forgetfulness, could not be forgiven in a moment because of his need.
76. If you can be forgiven, surely you can learn to forgive yourself.
77. Just occasionally, one could be forgiven for thinking that the dummy had overtaken the ventriloquist.
78. At this point, the reader might be forgiven for thinking that something is wrong here.
79. The friendship patterns which will be important in the fifties and later are settled, faults are forgiven and relationships cemented.
80. The unconfessed cannot be forgiven.
81. You're forgiven. Let's smoke a peace pipe.
82. The teacher's smile implied that she had forgiven me.
83. " Don't fib. You've forgiven me.
84. The venial sins are relatively minor and more easily forgiven.
85. The heart of a healthy forgiver is fully aware of how offensive we've been to God and how God has graciously forgiven us.
86. If you have recognized your need for forgiveness, accepted Jesus, left no wrong doing unconfessed,() and forgiven others you can rest assured God has forgiven you.
87. Dorian had finished the letter, he felt that he had been forgiven.
88. A quick scooch around the news and you'd be forgiven for thinking we truly do have the first hip-hop president in US history.
89. You'd be forgiven for mistaking this picture for "The Great Wave at Kanagawa" by 19th-century Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai.
90. Beijing could be forgiven for retorting that its economic and financial model is working quite well, thank you.
91. How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered!
92. I wish I can keep my elegancy, nicety , sensibility, creativity and still easily forgiven.
93. I am self-seeking, these and many other behaviors and attitudes are all against God's laws. Yet when I sin, I can go to God and be forgiven because I believe in Jesus as the sacrifice for my sins.
94. People believe they can deforest illegally because sooner or later all will be forgiven, " said Philip Fearnside of the government's National Institute for Amazon Research.
95. But the stupidity of the people perpetrate them shouldn't be ignored or forgiven.
96. "People believe they can deforest illegally because sooner or later all will be forgiven, " he told the Associated Press.
97. Mk .2:5 And Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, Child, your sins are forgiven.
98. Occasional visitors could be forgiven for thinking parsimony is a typically German trait.
99. Hostess A botanist like Professor Warren Wagner can be forgiven for being a plant chauvinist. After all, in the beginning came pond scum.
100. And upon the rough-hewn timbers of a cross, Jesus gave His life so you and I could live forever and live forgiven.
101. The ridiculousness of the premise could be forgiven if not for the seemingly serious message in Taco Bell's formal announcement: 'The Federal Reserve prints all denominations according to demand.
102. Of course, most of the world may be forgiven for wondering why they should trust Blatter on this point, when he can be so obviously wrong and inappropriate on the previous one.
103. The message to love your enemies, and Jesus' praying for them to be forgiven while on the cross would hit the Muslim moviegoer in a powerful way.
104. These sins are called venial sins because they do not separate the soul from its last end, nor destroy its supernatural life; also, they can be forgiven outside confession.
105. You would be forgiven for thinking that this grandiose palace – filled with crystal chandeliers and pianos – is the Palace of Versailles in France... but it's not.
106. And upon the rough-hewn timbers of a cross, Jesus gave His life so you and I could live forever and live forgiven. Jesus built a bridge between man and God.
107. This is an abuse of the Socratic Method although I suppose that it can be forgiven in part because Socrates himself sometimes used it.
108. To be forgiven for committing a mortal sin, one must be extremely penitent.
109. And the priest shall make expiation for them, and they will be forgiven.
110. Talismanic skipper Steven Gerrard would have been forgiven for wondering how he will get back into the side when he recovers from injury as he watched from the stands.
111. We didn't know that a good Hindu, and a member of our family, could sink so low. Gold Teeth beat her breast and pulled ineffectually at her long hair and begged to be forgiven.
112. Is not that people in Nineveh were forgiven at that time?
113. I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by ot- hers, sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
114. When we become a born again Christian we are forgiven, holy and pure in God's sight.
115. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
115. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
116. When we're covered with the sinlessness of Christ and forgiven for his sake, we are prepared again to have God as our walking partner on life's journey.
117. He will first need to be forgiven resounding election drubbing in 2005.
118. THE giants of the mining industry might be forgiven a little wistfulness.
119. Perhaps the SVR is proud of upholding these traditions, but the U. S. intelligence services should be forgiven for not feeling envious.
120. She had never forgiven John Bergson for bringing her to the end of the earth.
121. Has Mama forgiven you yet for picking out my trousseau?
122. So there is a two-directional relationship here between the forgiver and forgiven.
123. Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, andblasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme.
124. This possibility allows for lifetimes to be reviewed and ancestors forgiven without the necessity of reliving or re-experiencing yet again a similar circumstance to the ancestor.
125. But it really is doubly and trebly hard to have crowds and multitudes of people turning up after him (I could have forgiven him), to take Ladybird's affections away from me. '
126. But the words from An Zambo pepper her up into living , he must have forgiven her .
127. They had long memories, they'd never forgiven Havelange for defeating their man Rous in 1974 and they'd hoped a good European candidate would emerge.
128. Since Standard has not been published openly, any form of reprinting without permission from the team will not be forgiven.
129. And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.




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