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- Conditions of employment-topic motor pool
- Conditions of employment-topic motor pool
- Conditions of employment-topic night shift
- Conditions of employment-topic night shift
- Conditions of employment-topic noncontributory
- Conditions of employment-topic noncontributory
- Conditions of employment-topic out-of-pocket expenses
- Conditions of employment-topic out-of-pocket expenses
- Conditions of employment-topic out of work
- Conditions of employment-topic out of work
- Conditions of employment-topic outplacement
- Conditions of employment-topic outplacement
- Conditions of employment-topic part-time
- Conditions of employment-topic part-time
- Conditions of employment-topic paternity leave
- Conditions of employment-topic paternity leave
- Conditions of employment-topic pensionable
- Conditions of employment-topic pensionable
- Conditions of employment-topic peon
- Conditions of employment-topic peon
- Conditions of employment-topic probation
- Conditions of employment-topic probation
- Conditions of employment-topic probationer
- Conditions of employment-topic probationer
- Conditions of employment-topic profit sharing
- Therapy
- Funding
- Arrest
- Initiative
- Expense
- Unable
- Roof
- Primarily
- Selection
- Factory
- 圣人之道本不拂人,然亦不求可人。人情原无限量,务可人不惟不是,亦自不能,故君子只务可理。
- 圣人之闻善言也,欣欣然惟恐尼之,故和之以同言,以开其乐告之诚。圣人之闻过言也,引引然惟恐拂之,故内之以温色,以诱其忠告之实。何也?进德改过为其有益于我也。此之谓至知。
- 圣人于万事也,以无定体为定体,以无定用为定用,以无定见为定见,以无定守为定守。贤人有定体,有定用,有定见,有定守。故圣人为从心所欲,贤人为立身行己自有法度。
- 圣人以功授官予爵,故贤者不忧;圣人不宥过,不赦刑,故奸无起
- 圣人以悲悯为心》原文|译文|赏析
- 圣人以治天下为事者,恶得不禁恶劝爱?天下兼相爱则治,交相恶则乱。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 圣人以见义不为属无勇,世儒以知而不行属无知;圣人体道有三达德,曰智、仁、勇;世儒曰知行只是一个,不知谁说得是?愚谓自道统初开,工夫就是两项,曰“惟精”,察之也;曰“惟一”,守之也。千圣授受,惟此一道,盖不精则为孟浪之守,不一则为想象之知。曰“思”曰“学”,曰“致知”曰“力行”,曰“至明”曰“至健”,曰“问察”曰“用中”,曰“择乎中庸,服膺勿失”,曰“非知之艰,惟行之艰”,曰“非苟知之,亦允蹈之”,
- 圣人低昂气化,挽回事势,如调剂气血,损其侈不益其强,补其虚不甚其弱,要归于平而已。不平则偏,偏则病,大偏则大病,小偏则小病。圣人虽欲不平,不可得也。
- 圣人作用,皆以阴为主,以阳为客。阴所养者也,阳所用者也。天地亦主阴而客阳,二氏家全是阴。道家以阴养纯阳而啬之,释家以阴养纯阴而宝之。凡人阴多者,多寿多福;阳多者,多夭多祸。
- 圣人作经,有指时物者,有指时事者,有指方事者,有论心事者,当时精意与身往矣。话言所遗,不能写心之十一,而儒者以后世之事物、一己之意见度之,不得则强为训诂。呜呼!汉宋诸儒不生,则先圣经旨后世诚不得十一,然以牵合附会而失其自然之旨者亦不少也。
- 圣人做出来都是德性,贤人做出来都是气质,众人做出来都是习俗,小人做出来都是私欲。
- 圣人先忤而后合,众人先合而后忤
- 圣人制礼,本以体人情,非以拂之也。圣人之心非不因人情之所便而各顺之,然顺一时便一人,而后天下之大不顺便者因之矣。故圣人不敢恤小便拂大顺,徇一时弊万世,其拂人情者乃所以宜人情也。
- 圣人制规矩不制方圆,谓规矩可为方圆,方圆不能为方圆耳。
- 圣人千案序》鉴赏
- Franck句子
- Hemophilia a句子
- Camden句子
- Suillus句子
- Grieg句子
- T-bill句子
- White river句子
- Separate into句子
- Career counseling句子
- Telangiectasia句子
- Squeeze into句子
- Raita句子
- Incoordination句子
- Other things being equal句子
- Terabit句子