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单词 Alienated
(1) Her behavior alienated her friends.
(2) The Prime Minister's policy alienated many of her followers.
(3) All these changes to the newspaper have alienated its traditional readers.
(4) His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his roomates.
(5) His comments have alienated a lot of young voters.
(6) The bombing alienated world opinion.
(7) Gina had become increasingly alienated from her family.
(8) Her increasing belligerence alienated her from her old friends.
(9) Jack was alienated from Mary.
(10) He had alienated many people with his tactless remarks.
(11) She has alienated her entire family.
(12) They had alienated the one man who knew the business.
(13) The property of the enemy was alienated during the war.
(14) He felt that his experiences had alienated him from society.
(15) Very talented children may feel alienated from the others in their class.
(16) Young people are often alienated from the ideas of their parents.
(17) Think of a child who is alienated from you.
(18) Angry, alienated fanatics can come in groups or alone.
(19) The fear was that white people would feel alienated.
(20) Jackson's comments alienated many baseball fans.
(21) Krajisnik quickly alienated the international community when it emerged that Pale's policies had remained exactly the same, minus the guns.
(22) But even these alienated loners can benefit from this book: See the section on astral love.
(23) He alienated Henry one last time by seeming to offer support to the young king during the rebellion of 1173.
(24) Both rapidly alienated many groups and the Liberal majority was extinguished by 1910 and Labour's by 1951.
(25) Random violence as mobs, gangs, and alienated individuals fight the military and police.
(26) In case both parties agree to let the alienator continuously possess the chattel when the real right of a chattel is alienated, the real right shall go into effect upon the effectiveness of the agreement.
(27) The party is struggling to win back voters who have been alienated by recent scandals.
(28) As Ashbee grew older and more Tory, he became alienated from his family.
(29) Such integration may be seen as reinforcing an allegiant rather than a neutral or alienated orientation to the political system.
(30) A bossy, fussy girl with only a few friends, she frustrated and alienated even the people who loved her most.
(1) Her behavior alienated her friends.
(2) The Prime Minister's policy alienated many of her followers.
(3) All these changes to the newspaper have alienated its traditional readers.
(4) Young people are often alienated from the ideas of their parents.
(31) Hale's eyes stare knowingly at the viewer, a human sacrifice to an alienated and consumerist culture.
(32) Prepare yourself to feel alienated, and think twice before bringing a date.
(33) Brian felt emotionally attached to the unit and staff and felt abandoned and alienated by being moved elsewhere.
(34) Efforts to reorganize and liberalize the army alienated other military chiefs.
(35) Her religious fanaticism has alienated most of her old friends.
(36) Stallabrass seems alienated from the labour of his fellow workers.
(37) Some of his students were alienated by his caustic wit.
(38) His centrist, compromising instincts, embodied in the New Democrat covenant, alienated core constituencies while failing to impress opponents.
(39) These people are alienated in their expectations of treatment at the hands of governmental authority and police.
(40) The craftsmen whom Willis describes are involved with their work even though they are alienated from the given structure of the enterprise.
(41) Whereas boys may become alienated from the means of learning, girls would be alienated more swiftly by the content of learning.
(42) The Design centre finally failed because it became too elitist and alienated the general public.
(43) They were believed to have sprung from the ranks of alienated youths who had espoused ultra-right-wing political causes.
(44) However, instead of becoming alienated against Richard Baxter, the people had become alienated against the bishops and clergy instead.
(45) Soon afterwards, a prohibition on alienation was introduced: property under bequest was not to be alienated.
(46) The session four years ago alienated many moderate voters with its fire-and-brimstone rhetoric that included attacks on gays and feminists.
(47) In the process, he alienated his wife and kids and began living in a motel room.
(48) If we had a true understanding of our past, we would feel less alienated by the West and its democracy.
(49) Being completely alienated from the gang was no option either.
(50) However, it is quite likely that the alienated student will refuse to do much schoolwork.
(51) Was it that alienated man was deaf to the language of the hills and valleys, the forests and the shore?
(52) Kabbah's close link with them predictably alienated the army, driving it into an even closer alliance with the rebels.
(53) Especially in secondary schools, considerable sophistication is called for in order to sustain the interest of older and often religiously alienated pupils.
(54) The studied indifference of the federal government increased disaffection among civil rights workers. Black activists especially became increasingly alienated.
(55) He or she may be teased by the other children and remain alienated from them into adulthood.
(55) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(56) Cusack is a very plausible Rob, hangdog, clever, alienated, mopey and dopey.
(57) His testimony presented a serious political threat to the incumbents on the city council and alienated Leroy from their affections.
(58) It could also draw in apolitical idealists alienated by both the extremism of the far left and the abrasiveness of the Thatcherites.
(59) Earlier this year, the Dole campaign alienated many Log Cabin members by returning a campaign contribution from the gay organization.
(60) I came to Trinity because I was alienated by other parishes.
(61) It tells the story of a little boy who is alienated at school because of his exceptional ability.
(62) Consequently, despite her thoughts to the contrary, she is irrevocably alienated from Zampano.
(63) Too many customers are alienated by our miserly attitude to compensation for mistakes that we made.
(64) Each novel presents a main character in a situation in which he or she is in some way alienated.
(65) Where the trustee had alienated the trust property, the beneficiary could not follow it.
(66) Unhappy wretch that I am, I left my native fireside and alienated my home to seek strange truths in undiscovered lands.
(67) Within a year or two, the persona of the disaffected hipster would prove too cynical, too alienated to last.
(68) In doing so, organizers reportedly alienated traditional movers and shakers.
(69) Alienated by his brusque personality, many administration members and close Bush associates had made clear their reluctance to serve under him.
(70) The publishing magnate is challenging front-runner Dole by attracting largely middle-class suburban voters seemingly alienated from the political process.
(71) We live in an age of rootless alienated people.
(72) His bellicose disposition alienated his friend.
(73) The acrimony of his remarks alienated his audience.
(74) He felt alienated from his peers.
(75) His coolness has alienated his friends.
(76) The property of enemy was alienated during the war.
(77) His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his audience.
(78) She alienated her friends when she became fanatically religious.
(79) His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his roommates.
(80) Since he had alienated Aileen, he was quite alone.
(81) Modernity has its normal form and alienated form.
(82) His behavior alienated his friends.
(83) Their jingoism alienated supporters among Bangkok's middle classes.
(84) Everyone knows that China is trying to cozy up to Venezuela, which has alienated most of the West that used to be the biggest customer for its plentiful oil.
(85) There is no better way on earth to castrate collectivised protest than to have everyone sitting in their bedroom, atomised and alienated, doing things they want to do in private.
(85) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(86) Although the grandparents are understood to be supportive, many of the couple's friends believe that Witterick and Stocker are going to leave their children alienated.
(87) Mr Cuomo, once married to a Kennedy, alienated the Gang of Four when he ran against their anointed choice in a failed 2002 campaign for governor.
(88) Although this idea has been alienated into mundane monastic idea in the Western Christian World for a long time, but it continues to exist until present time in the World of Eastern Orthodox Church.
(89) The man's unsociable behavior gradually alienated him from all his friends.
(90) But Mr Fenty's brusque style has alienated many of his constituents.
(91) Horney s neurosis theory is about the unhealthy development of becoming alienated from real self which is the foundation of her neurosis theory.
(92) Many women can not accept such characteristics of men, women and even grows many of the same sex differences alienated from her exclusion principle.
(93) After the fund units or stock rights have been pledged, unless it is otherwise agreed to by the pledger and the pledgee upon negotiations, they may not be alienated.
(94) She was alienated from her friend by her foolish behavior.
(95) EXAMPLE: We hired a new salesman last month but he was a total wipeout who made no sales and even alienated old customers during his brief stay with us.
(96) His persistent antagonism caused his wife to be alienated from him.
(97) A satire on 1960s upper-class suburban America, The Graduate is the story of an alienated college graduate having the mother of all identity crises.
(98) Actually, it not only refers to the alienated labor in The First Manuscript, but also refers to the alienation of commerce (Verkehr) in Glossen zu James Mill.
(99) The changes would move the party away from the dreamy leftism that alienated many Japanese.
(100) Largely absent were his smiles and buoyant demeanor, replaced by somberness and an acknowledgment that his policies may have alienated some Americans.
(101) Modernised, urbanised and alienated as many of us are, photographs remind us of nature's many complexities and subtleties.
(102) What does alienated labor have to do with private property?
(103) She had probably alienated love by the helplessness and fretfulness of a fearful temper, or been unreasonable in wanting a larger share than any one among so many could deserve.
(104) Chapter two focuses on the alienated mother - daughter relationships under economic oppression in Sula.
(105) At bottom, the essence of spectacular time is alienated consumptive time.
(106) Gordon Brown's ill-judged appointment of Des Browne in 2006 as defence secretary, doubling the next year as Scottish secretary, alienated some of the top brass.
(107) Actually, it not only refers to the alienated labor in The First Manuscript, but also refers to the alienation of commerce in Glossen zu James Mill.
(107) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(108) The woman's unsociable behaviour gradually alienated her from all her friends.
(109) Starting with Marx's analysis of alienated labor, Marcuse confined Marxist natural category to social fields while as the same time denied the priority of the Nature.
(110) The deed of transfer in terms of which the DME alienated the mineral rights defined these as certain 20 unnumbered base mineral claims.
(111) He had done too many boisterous things -- alienated too many people.
(112) The "punk" part of the word comes from the rock'n'roll terminology of the 1970s, "punk" meaning in this context young, streetwise, aggressive, alienated and offensive to the Establishment.
(113) Teacher and principals in less collegial schools, by contrast, reported being isolated and alienated.
(114) Their jingoism alienated supporters among Bangkok's middle classes. They got little kudos for boycotting the elections (see article).




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