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单词 George bush
1, He does a brilliant George Bush .
2, George Bush got a Desert Storm chess set.
3, George Bush pulled the plug out here fairly early.
4, George Bush endorsed Dole last week.
5, George Bush has reversed these priorities.
6, George Bush could now cash in on the country's post-war confidence by launching another war on the black home-front.
7, George Bush garnered 33. 9 percent of the vote that year and Ross Perot 21. 7 percent.
8, You can cross George Bush and live to tell your grandchildren about it.
9, George Bush went to great lengths to keep out of his way on the campaign trail.
10, Congress passed the measure, but then-President George Bush vetoed it.
11, Dole, in losing to George Bush in the 1988 primaries, recognized that gubernatorial endorsements are more important than senatorial ones.
12, The difference is that last year George Bush promised to veto the bill, and did so.
13, George Bush, the former president,(http:///george bush.html) has been erased from the political equation at the Republican convention here.
14, And if Clinton wins it, George Bush can start packing his bags.
15, With George Bush installed in the White House, the temper of the times has indeed changed very sharply.
16, George Bush makes a campaign television commercial about crime, but it features a black criminal, so he is called racist.
17, George Bush has been swerving from side to side as Jekyll battles Hyde for command of the president's soul.
18, Former President George Bush learned this painful truth four years ago.
19, I think you know how obsessed George Bush is about leaks.
20, Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.
21, A look back to 1990, to the disastrous budget agreement reached by George Bush, should provide Republicans with some comfort.
22, Third, he ran for president in 1988 and lost a bitter primary battle with George Bush.
23, It is a little more complicated to copy a spy plane, but George Bush has a similar problem right now.
24, His father is a prominent attorney and one-time doubles partner of George Bush.
25, In fact, four years ago Clinton was highly critical of federal policies originated and implemented by George Bush.
26, That gradual shift in attitudes was first seen in the 1992 presidential debates between Bill Clinton and George Bush.
27, Take for example, the national missile-defence system proposed by the United States, and strongly supported by George Bush.
28, But the capital gains differential began creeping back in with tax changes promoted by both George Bush and Bill Clinton.
29, The rise of private contractors was made inevitable by the counter-narcotics policies of both Bill Clinton and George Bush.
30, Albright was to have breakfast Saturday morning with former President George Bush, who helped to negotiate the treaty.
31, Why is George Bush going about in one cowboy boot and one walking cast?
32, Four years ago, Clinton produced an act of symbolism that greatly improved his chances of defeating George Bush.
33, But George Bush lasted only one term, and Bill Bennett became an ambassador without portfolio.
34, One notable exception was John Tower, the choice for defence secretary of former president George Bush.
35, George Bush senior glancing fatally at his watch in 1992.
36, Clinton won the presidency in 1992 without Florida, losing the Sunshine state by 100, 000 votes to then-President George Bush.
37, Jimmy Carter and George Bush also have joined a growing chorus of eminent senior politicians in the quest for reform.
38, Or, George Bush visiting a soup kitchen and maybe Jeane Kirkpatrick at a boxing match.
39, Sorry, Clinton only switched running mates for the evening to poke fun at Republican rival George Bush.
40, In 1988, soon after losing the Illinois primary to George Bush, Dole dropped out of the race.
41, He began his speech in fairly predictable, George Bush style, slow and a bit boring.
42, President George Bush sworn in for a second term.
43, George Bush is in no rush to rescue Hizbullah.
44, GEORGE BUSH: "So help me God."
45, George Bush bares the iron teeth behind his smile.
46, There are many anecdotes about George Bush.
47, SCENE: The Oval Office. George Bush and Condoleezza Rice.
48, George Bush has more of the women's vote than Republicans usually enjoy.
49, A HANDFUL of protesters stood outside George Bush senior's presidential library.
50, The best known president in the world is George Bush.
51, George Bush denied he was in the loop regarding the Irangate scandal.
52, The latter camp included George Bush(), who denounced it as a "foreign court" where "our troops and officials" would be in danger of malicious prosecution.
53, In the last electoral battle, in 2000, the names couldn't have got any shorter, with a two-syllable play-off between George Bush and Al Gore.
54, George Bush defied them , choosing instead to send even more troops.
55, He has achieved this partly through sheer verbal effrontery, as in his badmouthing of George Bush.
56, George Bush has pledged support, but in a perfunctory way.
57, GEORGE BUSH: "I, George Walker Bush, do solemnly swear ... "
58, Craig, Obama's sparring partner lined up for Tampa, was a stand-in for President George Bush while John Kerry prepared for the 2004 debates.
59, Does George Bush possess a disarming grin, or a facetious smirk?
60, January 16 that year , then - President George Bush signed an order use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
61, George Bush bristles too at the regime's anti - democratic ways.
62, In 2002, President George Bush labeled North Korea part of an "axis of evil, " primarily due to its aggressive military posture but also because of its abysmal human rights record.
63, Thus Alastair Campbell, a key press aide, had "clanking great balls", George Bush is a "normal guy" and Alan Milburn, a favourite minister, was "fully simpatico with the direction of change".
64, Use George Bush or Others and joust your way through the competition to get the vote.
65, George Bush : You mean that OLD KOOK, that CHARLATAN?
66, On Friday President George Bush sought to allay fears of recession.
67, George Bush attempted a tentative reform last year, but got nowhere.
68, George Bush trounced Mr McCain in South Carolina, ending his candidacy.
69, U.S. President George Bush delivers his farewell address to the American people at 01:01:30 UTC.
70, He was secretary of housing and urban development under the first George Bush.
71, Murdoch visited Blair three times personally in order to pressurise him on behalf of George Bush to support the Iraq invasion.
72, For a man at the pinnacle of American power, George Bush could sometimes seem a little tongue-tied and unreflective in office.
73, ON PALM SUNDAY 2002 George Bush and his entourage were flying home from El Salvador.
74, The hapless George Bush is partly to blame for this: his approvalare now sub - Nixonian.
74, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
75, The Treasury under George Bush, particularly in recent years, preferred a softer behind-the-scenes approach and refused to brand China a manipulator.
76, Still, as even George Bush admitted at the time of announcing it, the stimulus will be no more than a temporary "booster shot".
77, In the great Oedipal footrace, George Bush has Prescott Bush several times over.
78, On February 13th George Bush signed into law individual tax rebates and temporary investment incentives worth $152 billion (just over 1% of GDP) this year, and $168 billion in total.
79, One early vote the Democrats were happy to advertise was that of President George Bush, casting his Texas absentee ballot for John McCain last week.
80, Earlier today, George Bush was at the Pentagon, where he laid a wreath of white lilies and roses.
81, Excerpt a talk with President George Bush of the United States.
82, If you feel that George Bush has been spineless overseas, Mr Giuliani is undoubtedly your man.
83, So a few minutes later the pilot says someone needs to jump so the solider says: "this is for my country" and pushes George Bush out the window.
84, "It makes perfect sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together next week in the Twin Cities for the Republican convention because these days they are awfully hard to tell apart," she said.
85, Former US presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush are all graduates from Yale.
86, Others call on Gordon Brown and George Bush to use the Olympics to pressurise China to reform.
87, Old-time Reaganites point out that the issue of Reagan's age evaporated when he chose a safe pair of hands in the form of George Bush senior as his running mate.
88, Ronald Reagan and George Bush senior tried to eliminate industrial policy wherever they found it, says Michael Boskin, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under Mr Bush.
89, So the Chinese premier forgives his shoe - thrower . Will George Bush be as in his new life?




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