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单词 virtually
释义 Word family  adjective virtual adverb virtually  Related topics: Computersvir·tu·al·ly /ˈvɜːtʃuəli $ ˈvɜːr-/ ●●● S2 W2 AWL adverb  1  ALMOSTalmost 实际上,几乎,差不多 SYN practically Virtually all the children come to school by bus. 几乎所有的孩子都乘公交车上学。 He was virtually unknown before running for office. 他在参加竞选之前几乎不为人知。► see thesaurus at almost2  on a computer, rather than in the real world 虚拟地,模拟地 Professors can help students virtually by communicating over the Internet. 教授可通过网上交流的方式帮助学生。Examples from the Corpusvirtually• They receive messages from virtually every nerve in the human body via connections with the optic nerve and spinal cord.• Virtually everyone expects Monica to succeed.• When disturbed they roll up so tightly that it is virtually impossible to unroll them.• The original building remains virtually intact and is now the administrative block of the North Wing.• The recession has cut the number of Thames's commercial customers and has virtually killed off profits from selling redundant properties.• Unlike previous generations of cruise ships, the ever-larger vessels delivered in recent years have virtually no single cabins.• It had virtually no towns, in fact; and those it had were very primitive indeed.• Some of them had abandoned front rooms and virtually none opened front windows.• virtually published on the Internetvir·tu·al·ly adverbChineseSyllable  almost Corpus




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