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单词 Parent
1. Novelty is the great parent of pleasure. 
2. Idleness is the parent of all vice. 
3. Caution is the parent of safety. 
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. 
5. Industry is the parent of success.
6. It can be difficult to be a good parent.
7. The written consent of a parent is required.
8. A placid parent makes a placid home.
9. Children under fourteen should be accompanied by a parent.
10. Being a parent is her first priority.
11. No parent can duck out of his duty to his children.
12. You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.
13. One assumes, a priori, that a parent would be better at dealing with problems.
14. The proportion of single parent families varies between different income groups.
15. He is chairman of the Parent Teacher Association.
16. To be appreciated as a parent is quite unusual.
17. It's not easy being a parent .
18. Remember, you're the parent. You're the boss.
19. Intemperance is the parent of many evils.
20. The parent bird partially digests food in its crop.
21. We should parent children with both love and discipline.
22. I felt totally inadequate as a parent.
23. Children find it difficult if a parent is inconsistent.
24. A happy parent makes for a happy child.
25. The firm will be incorporated with the parent company.
26. It was the policy of the good old gentlemen to make his chileren feel that home was the happiest place in the world; and I value this delicious home---feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow. 
27. He was enjoying all the satisfactions of being a parent.
28. I was bringing up my three children as a single parent.
29. Talk to other franchise holders and ask them what they think of the parent company.
30. We will be discussing how the interests of state, parent and child interrelate.
1. Industry is the parent of success.
2. It can be difficult to be a good parent.
3. The written consent of a parent is required.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Children under fourteen should be accompanied by a parent.
5. Being a parent is her first priority.
6. No parent can duck out of his duty to his children.
7. He was enjoying all the satisfactions of being a parent.
8. One assumes, a priori, that a parent would be better at dealing with problems.
9. I was bringing up my three children as a single parent.
10. Talk to other franchise holders and ask them what they think of the parent company.
11. The proportion of single parent families varies between different income groups.
12. We will be discussing how the interests of state, parent and child interrelate.
13. is the great parent of all, the stones are her bones ; these we may cast behind us; this, I think, the oracle means.
31. To be a parent is a terribly difficult thing.
32. Being a single parent qualifies you for extra benefits.
33. It isn't easy being a parent.
34. New shoots appear near the parent plant.
35. The new firm was owned on a fifty-fifty basis by the two parent companies.
36. Their work shows that one-year-olds are much more likely to have allergies if either parent smokes.
37. A parent must be careful not to show favouritism towards any one of their children.
38. Being a parent isn't easy, as I know from experience.
39. The offspring contain a mixture of the genetic blueprint of each parent.
40. A very clingy child can drive a parent to distraction.
41. is the great parent of all, the stones are her bones ; these we may cast behind us; this, I think, the oracle means.
42. The children must cross the road only with a teacher or parent.
43. Nearly every new parent feels an amalgam of joy and terror.
44. The company has decided to amalgamate with the parent firm.
45. As a parent, I feel that more should be done to protect our children.
46. Her tone was that of a parent to a disobedient child.
47. Children under 17 require an accompanying parent or guardian to see this film.
48. She served as a parent governor at her children's school.
49. I didn't like the idea of being a single parent.
50. As every parent with young children knows, life revolves around mealtimes.
51. In this type of case, the rights of the parent predominate.
52. An Oedipal situation between one child and its parent may disrupt the whole complex of relationships within the family.
53. Every parent is asked to contribute a proportion of the total cost.
54. Ninety per cent of lone parent families are headed by mothers.
55. It can be difficult to adjust to being a parent.
56. He said it would be a retrograde step to remove single parent benefit.
57. When she received her prize I think I was the proudest parent on the face of the Earth.
58. If my children are rude, that reflects on me as a parent.
59. The subsidiary eventually outgrew its parent company and took it over.
60. Many a parent has had to go through this same painful process.
61. Learning how to become a parent takes time. It's a skill you learn as you go along.
62. The relationship between a parent and a child is instinctual and stems from basic human nature.
63. There is something magical about the pure exchange of love between parent and child.
63. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
64. Being a single parent is no picnic, I can tell you.
65. One of the joys of being a parent is watching the child's character develop.
66. The thought that any parent would manipulate their child into seeking fame just appalled me.
67. For some people, becoming a parent can bring on an identity crisis.
68. The convalescent child was penned up in the house by his parent.
69. It might be possible for a single woman to be accepted as a foster parent.
70. They had an arrangement that the children would spend two weeks with each parent.
71. The mother is usually the custodial parent after a divorce.
72. New bushes can be reproduced from roots taken from the parent plant.
73. I taxed him with avoiding his responsibility as a parent.
74. As a parent you try to create a stable home environment for your children to grow up in.
75. The death of a parent can cause long-lasting psychological damage .
76. We were anxious about the children's safety. It can also describe a person who always worries a lot:a very anxious parent. You can say that you are anxious to do sth when you want something very much, but do not use it when you are talking about something pleasant that you are looking forward to:I am anxious to find out what's happened.
77. The two parent groups now run their business as a single combined operation.
78. The earth is the great parent of all, the stones are her bones; these we may cast behind us; this, I think, the oracle means.
79. Each individual receives two genes, one inherited from each parent.
80. The overworked, overextended parent may be seen as unloving, but may simply be exhausted.
81. She has an aged parent who's capable of being very difficult.
82. Sometimes a teacher will be listened to, where a parent might not.
83. As both a teacher and parent, she had a vested interest in seeing the school remain open.
84. Feelings about the death of a parent are bound to go deep.
85. More than half the children of divorce did not see the non-custodial parent on a regular basis.
86. When you become a parent the things you once cared about seem to have less value.
87. Each unit including the parent company has its own, local management.
88. It felt as if we had reversed our roles of parent and child.
89. There's nothing worse than for a parent to ill-treat a child.
90. Speaking as a parent, I'm very concerned about standards in education.
91. With help from a parent, a child can do simple cooking.
92. It is devastating for a parent to watch a child go through misery.
93. Whichever parent witnessed the scene automatically became the referee.
94. R: Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.
95. Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime. Aristotle 
96. It's time for the multiple-choice test every parent dreads.
97. I ...understand how a parent might hit a child- it's because you can look into their eyes and see a reflection of yourself that you wish you hadn't. Jodi Picoult 
98. Having to choose between shoes and school supplies for their kids is something no parent should have to face.
99. The opportunity exists right there to be a wise and caring parent.
100. The problem is that when a parent is feeling depressed or overwrought it is difficult for them to think of alternative strategies.
101. In some unforeseen circumstances like death, one parent has to be enough.
102. We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves. Henry Ward Beecher 
103. More precisely, one complaint from a parent actually appeared, but this was enough to set alarm bells ringing.
104. A pampered child is an uneducated child. An educated parent who pampers a child is an educated fool. Dr T.P.Chia 
105. The parent demand function is concerned with the consumer's decision to take part in badminton or not.
106. Unlike zoanthids, where large colonies can form by a similar process, the young mushroom polyps separate from the parent completely.
107. In other words, a parent bank and its subsidiaries abroad will be supervised by the parent country regulatory authority.
108. Many daughters who are caring full-time for a parent or parents at home have financial worries too.
109. Parent company guarantees Joining an overseas subsidiary, for example, carries potential risks.
110. Barry is a modern parent in jeans and cowboy boots.
111. Many birds follow the first object they see, be it parent or biologist, and take it as a role model.
112. Parent representation on governing bodies under the 1986 Act did not have an auspicious beginning.
113. There is no one simple formula as to how each parent should give affection.
114. In humid climates, triticale seed had the annoying propensity of sprouting prematurely; often, while still on the parent.
115. To an adolescent, there is nothing in the world more embarrassing than a parent. Dave Barry 
116. In the parent company's own balance sheet, the investment in the associated company should be shown at cost.
117. Vision is the parent of motivation. The foundation of courage, and the fuel of persistence. Dr T.P.Chia 
118. If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings. Brian Tracy 
119. But he did see that his usually tough, self-sufficient male parent was, for once, looking as if he needed bolstering up.
120. But what of species in which, it appears, only one parent is necessary.
121. A great many people love their elderly Parent or aunt sufficiently to want to look after them.
122. This subsidiary of the steel manufacturer Acesita supplies its parent firm with charcoal for steel smelting.
123. We need to convince both the parent and the child that there is something attractive to offer.
124. The parent needs to learn to present food to the child and then not pay attention to what happens.
125. A feminist might interpret a text very differently from an army officer(http://), for example; or a teenager from his parent.
126. The main disadvantage is that political or economic instability within the country may cause problems outside the control of the parent company.
127. A single parent with three children, Harvey has sometimes received assistance from her parents and her three sisters.
128. It's quite difficult for a parent to know that their daughter is in great danger. Malala Yousafzai 
129. Disruption of the parent body occurred at an altitude of several kilometers.
130. The climbing predator is in no position to start chasing after the cackling parent bird, nomatterhow tempting it may be.
131. It is one thing to shock a parent with casual profanity.
132. Similarly, a rejecting parent may allow the child to behave as he or she likes.
133. There are many reasons why women might be unwilling to name the absent parent.
134. They may fear to extend love and acceptance to the new partner as it seems a betrayal of the absent parent.
135. But when the parent is teaching the child to do what is asked, the parent needs to wait and check.
136. Several single parent families have been allocated homes on the new site.
137. No parent is going to bare their soul to an uninterested, cool, busy professional.
138. Mr. Clarke Any intelligent parent, intelligent governor or intelligent newspaper person will bear it in mind that various factors influence results.
139. Sometimes it seems more support is given to people buying Tupperware than to those of us who want to parent wisely.
140. Although she was the dominant parent, she had made no attempt to do so until then.
141. Associated company A parent company has a 30% interest in an associated company.
142. Quite often a series of progressively unpleasant interchanges will take place with the child becoming more obstinate and the parent more angry.
143. As a parent trying to balance home and career, it's very difficult to find time for a social life.
144. Calcareous regosols contain free calcium carbonate in the parent material, shelly sand.
145. They found only one parent objected to schools dealing with values, as this would harm academic work.
146. They key to the parent was the longest chain of carbon atoms.
147. Based in King of Prussia, Pa., Centeon consists of the existing blood-plasma divisions from both parent companies.
148. Joyce had become separated from her parent and attached herself to the Leighs.
149. Often subsidiaries are required to guarantee or give charges in support of borrowings by the parent company or other companies in the group.
150. No parent in my experience rejects the bad bits, and accepts the good bits of a new baby.
151. Nevertheless, I have as much of a need to hand my legacy on to some one as any biological parent.
152. I refer to paid maternity leave, child allowance, single parent allowances etc.
153. An acorn is tiny compared to its parent, but a kiwi lays an egg a quarter her own weight.
154. No matter how partners parent, children introduce the kind of emotional strain that can shatter old harmonies and certainties.
155. It comprises acts of Parliament and subordinate legislation made under the authority of the parent act.
156. The decision to put a parent in a nursing home can be clouded by guilt.
157. The best kind of parent you can be is to lead by example. Drew Barrymore 
158. When he was supposed to be playing football he used to watch the parent birds taking stuff to the nest.
159. It's the strain of caring for a parent with Alzheimers disease.
160. If an animal is a parent, it must be good enough to survive at least to adulthood.
161. Many adult children gain great happiness from caring for a much-loved parent in the closing years of their life.
162. Parent P is a record of imposed,( ) unquestioned events internalized between birth and age five.
163. It is also used when the parent owns more than 50 percent of the subsidiary but consolidation would be considered inappropriate.
164. That is why she offers a cautionary tale about the parent traps facing all women.
165. There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent. Mahatma Gandhi 
166. And following breakdown every effort should be made to ensure supportive continuity of contact between the child and the absent parent.
167. The situation of collusion between a spouse and a parent in this respect is not uncommon.
168. Nevertheless, the product of the optimism is greater anxiety for parent and child when these ideals are not met.
169. The thing is, my mum is a single parent and can't afford for me to stay there.
170. Ren Jianxin, founder of China National Bluestar Group and president of its parent company ChemChina, said: 'We are pleased with the expansion and deepening of our relationship with Cabot .
171. The paper introduces the fracture mechanism of the dilatant fractures which were broken down from a parent fracture .
172. If there are children, will both parents work(), or will there be a stay-at-home parent?
173. If it is NULL, the dialog object's parent window is set to the main application window.
174. The new sugarcane variety YT00-236 was bred from female parent YN73-204 and male parent CP72-1210 by Zhanjiang Sugarcane Research Center of Guangzhou Sugarcane Industry Research Institute.




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