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单词 Profit and loss
1. The cost is charged directly to the profit and loss account.
2. Each hotel prepares its own profit and loss account.
3. How do debtors affect the profit and loss account?
4. Operating lease rentals are charged in the profit and loss account in the year in which they arise.
5. Draw up a balance sheet and profit and loss account for Stern.
6. Any loss arising should be charged in the profit and loss account.
7. Based upon your decisions, draw up a profit and loss account for 1990 using the information above.
8. The balance of the profit and loss account represents the net profit or loss for the accounting period.
9. Profit and loss from war was not necessarily always a matter of individual enterprise.
10. The profit and loss account shows the increase or decrease in the money held over the year.
11. The minority interest charge in the consolidated profit and loss account was £184,000.
12. Are losses being taken and shown on the profit and loss account or balance sheet?
13. Profit and loss performance responsibility for the division.
14. Estimate of capital reinvestment and its profit and loss.
15. Profit and Loss and the Cash - Flow Projection.
16. Position has direct profit and loss responsibilities for assigned projects.
17. The Companies Act 1948 required auditors to express an opinion on the profit and loss account as well as the balance sheet.
18. This will immediately highlight any inadequacies in the assumptions underlying the profit and loss budget.
19. The directors recommend that £9,239,000 be transferred to the profit and loss account as set out in note 19 on page 41.
20. Comment on the situation as revealed by the Balance sheet and profit and loss account of Stern.
21. In another year, a capital receipt was credited to the profit and loss account but shown as an extraordinary item.
22. Nowhere does quality of product or job satisfaction enter the accountants' equations of profit and loss./profit and loss.html
23. At the beginning of last season we prepared our profit and loss accounts.
24. Other exchange gains and losses are taken to the profit and loss account.
25. But in one year, a capital receipt was credited to the profit and loss account and included in turnover.
26. Typically an Information memorandum would include three years historic profit and loss accounts and balance sheets.
27. It provides insights into the purposes of balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and methods of costing projects and production.
28. The only difficult figure in the balance sheet, apart from the profit and loss account balance, is the minority interest.
29. Worksheet of Stern 5. Draw up a balance sheet and profit and loss account for Stern.
30. Second, a principal consideration in responding to public criticism is profit and loss.
31. The retrospective establishment of the outcome of past action becomes accounting of profit and loss.
32. YTM is the rate of return expected on a bond if it is held until maturity. It is calculated by taking into account its coupon, current capital profit and loss and the actual price of security.
33. I almost never look at a profit and loss statement without also looking at a balance sheet.
34. That will create a large one time expense on your profit and loss statement.
35. The convert with the temporal method is the other way round. Two issues are worthy of attention; the management of the profit and loss in the foreign currency accounting statement convert and the ann...
36. There are three main financial statements: balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement.
37. Does profit and loss relocatability refresh the joyful dining hall?
38. Financial Plan: Include profit and loss, cash flow, balance sheet, break-even analysis, assumptions, business ratios, etc.
39. The gain or loss from the sale of the business must be divided among the partners in the agreed profit and loss sharing ratio before any cash is distributed to them.
40. The impairment loss is recognised as an expense in the profit and loss account.
41. Alternative titles for the Income Statement include Earnings Statement, Statement of Operations(), and Profit and Loss Statement.
42. Goldman instituted banker "profiles, " a sort of daily profit and loss statement, to see how much business its employees and clients were doing.
43. Predict this the bottom will realize profit and loss to balance.
44. The profit and loss coefficient nomogram theory of flat plate is developed and validated. Different nomograms of profit and loss coefficient that are relevant to various parameters are plotted.
45. All those little clicks add up to be huge revenue for the search engines and can be a huge line item on a company's Profit and Loss Statement.
46. Worry the small-scale demand commerce balance sheet , profit and loss statement, Consolidated Cash Flow Statement.
47. All other repairs and maintenance are expensed in the consolidated profit and loss account during the financial period in which they are incurred.
48. Profits or losses on disposal of other investments, representing the difference between the net sales proceeds and the carrying amounts, are recognised in the profit and loss account as they arise.
49. So not all the advertising expense paid by the enterprise should not be included in its profit and loss as business expense.
50. This paper extends the traditional linear analysis of profit and loss to non-linear analysis. It goes further into the calculating problems concerned as well.
51. Companies present their annual accounts in two main parts: the balance sheet and the income statement (profit and loss account).
52. Rental income under operating leases is hereby credited to the profit and loss account on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
53. Comparing the net profit before non-recurring profit and loss deduction to the ones after the deduction[sentence dictionary], the lower one is taken as the calculated basis of weighted average net assets returns ratio.
54. Roscoe can read a profit and loss statement the way a symphonist reads a score.
55. The balance analysis of profit and loss is one of the important methods to determine the investment risk of a project and it is also a method for enterprises to make a break-even analysis.
56. In recent years, non-recurring profit and loss has become a sharp tool for listed companies to manipulate profits.
57. In most instances, profit and loss control is not applied to central staff and service departments.
58. Did your read our Profit and Loss statement for last month?
59. Here is a profit and loss statement for the past four years for Google.
60. Our factory has adopted the system of responsibility for profit and loss.
61. Inventory at least once a year, and the amount included in current profit and loss.
62. Anyway, I have to check your recent Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement again.
63. It appears as a line in the profit and loss statement.
64. From preliminary analysis to the profit and loss statement, we could get some basic information such as gross margin, operating profit, profit before tax and net profit etc.
65. According to the concept and basic characteristic of Olympic economy, the profit and loss of recent Olympic Games and their succedent effect of constructing gyms and stadiums were analyzed.
66. Being equipoised in happiness and unhappiness, profit and loss, victory and defeat; thereafter prepare for battle and in this way you will not incur sinful reaction.
67. The move will allow the company to house assets to support its customers in the country and perform profit and loss transactions as it seeks to expand its team and presence in China.
68. How should profit and loss be shared between the parties to a joint venture?
69. We had achieved balance of profit and loss, predict this year can gain.
70. Fees, profit and loss, such as automatic calculation of average position.
71. Second, non - recurring profit and loss deduction after the profit growth faster.
72. Variable annual payments on top of the minimum annual payments, if any, are recognized in the consolidated profit and loss account as incurred.
73. So, if a reasonably constant total charge for an asset's services is to be put to the profit and loss account, a declining depreciation charge may be appropriate.
74. In the greed paradigm, everything is about profit and loss.
75. Non-recurring profit and loss resulting from fair value measurement shows the ability of managers' facing market uncertainty.
76. The Profit and loss Statement is to determine how much profit the company is making and how much losses she incurs for the year.
77. Would you provide your balance sheet and profit and loss accounts for the past three years?
78. As there is no gain or loss, trading and profit and loss account is not needed. A "receipts and payment account" and "Income and expenditure account are prepared.
79. Last week we talked about the Profit and Loss statement which is a report of the revenue and expense accounts.
80. However, if deducts this issue sound value change profit and loss after this issue profit the net amount calculates, the fund performance is still in the third quarter bad.
81. Meanwhile, this paper gives you a financial analysis and evaluation by analyzing of expectation of sales income and total cost, balance, profit and loss value, currency flow, inner yield and so on.
82. Even support costs settings, showed relatively Price, clear profit and loss.
82. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
83. Article 53 Enterprises shall convert the cost of commodities sold and service provided into operating cost accurately and timely, then account current profit and loss together with periodic expenses.
84. Nonstandard disposal in accountant operation often leads to mistake in weaving profit and loss table.
85. The key of profit and loss for insurance business is claim ratio index.
86. Nobody dreamed of passing his bill to his profit and loss account.
87. This was followed by a comparative analysis of cash flow and profit and loss account.
88. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Construction Bank and CITIC Group profit and loss statement of assets and liabilities of the audit, the transfer of 20 clues to major cases.
89. Since profit and loss don't count if a loss-making company can just keep raising capital, excess capacity in China results in low-priced exports that depress prices of competitors around the world.
90. Quiz: Does Chinese front courtyard open new store how long can you achieve balance of profit and loss?
91. Responsible ofrealization of the nationwide sales department profit and loss account.
92. The convert with the temporal method is the other way round. Two issues are worthy of attention; the management of the profit and loss in the foreign currency accounting statement c...
93. A profit and loss statement is a report of the changes in the income and expense accounts over a set period of time.
94. The analysis of profit and loss is a vital problem for business management decision.
95. Your inspection of the profit and loss statement shows that sales have been increasing slightly in the last few years.
96. Characteristics of leveraged foreign exchange trading, that you can provide only relative to real capital ratio of 1% or less capital to invest while continuing profit and loss.




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