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单词 Drudgery
(1) He spent his life in pointlessly tiresome drudgery.
(2) Travel can be an escape from the routine drudgery of life.
(3) People want to get away from the drudgery of their everyday lives.
(4) He made it more than meaningless drudgery.
(5) Rain can transform the most pleasant task into drudgery.
(6) Women are rebelling against domestic drudgery.
(7) Povert drudgery and loneliness are valid reasons for sadness; beyond and beneath, far outreaching them all, is unrequited love.
(8) But the drudgery of standing in queues for hours or doing housework is awful.
(9) There was nothing for girls, only drudgery and breeding, specially paupers like herself.
(10) Drudgery, monotony, fatigue, mental frustration, physical discomfort - all are the same in either case.
(11) Calculators were introduced to relieve students of the drudgery of pencil-and-paper number-crunching.
(12) Work without vision is drudgery. Vision without work is dreaming. Work plus vision-this is destiny. Gordon B. Hinckley 
(13) The chance to escape from the daily drudgery in the pits must have been more than attractive.
(14) Technological advances have taken much of the drudgery out of the assembly line and car plant.
(15) It took away the normal drudgery of long flights with little radio contact and constant headings.
(16) Washing machines take the drudgery out of laundry.
(17) In so doing, it distracts its members from the drudgery and privation of daily organizational life.
(18) But a little forethought will help you avoid the drudgery of mixing, baking and cooking your New Year spread.
(19) But things went downhill as the days went by-and the drudgery in much of the work took its toll.
(20) Practicing the saline song week after week can be drudgery.
(21) Even the most interesting of jobs will have its fair share of dull moments, for there is drudgery in every job.
(22) A powerful enough vision can transform what would otherwise be loss and drudgery into sacrifice.
(23) Thousands risked everything and died as failures; many struggled through lives of unremitting drudgery.
(24) The data management system has eliminated much of the drudgery of filing.
(25) Do they conjure up the impression that children are engaged in some form of pre-Victorian drudgery at school?
(26) For mums it was the era of the cheap washing machine that would free them from drudgery.
(27) Paul's major concern must be the consequence of being delivered from drudgery.
(28) Had he planned to rescue Alex from the life of drudgery that was all he could look forward to?
(29) What seemed a promising job turned into months of boredom and drudgery.
(30) All of this was blissful time out from the routine drudgery.
(1) He spent his life in pointlessly tiresome drudgery.
(31) The interminable years of law school drudgery were over.
(32) It became drudgery , says Mr. McKay.
(33) This flexibility has the added benefit of breaking up any sense of endless routine or day in day out drudgery .
(34) For them, the present system means joyless drudgery , semistarvation, rags and premature death.sentencedict .com
(35) Nothing but work, drudgery constant hastening from dwelling to dwelling among the colliers and the iron - workers.
(36) Were it for work and drudgery it would be endlessly long.
(37) She was living a hole - and - corner existence of daily drudgery.
(38) A life of drudgery, of deformed spines, of chronic arthritis, of severed hands.
(39) Accepting drudgery is one of the ways we practice discipleship —learning to offer it up sacrificially to God.
(40) The Prince of Darkness does not condescend to such cheap drudgery.
(41) "the drudgery of penning definitions and marking quotations for transcription" (Macaulay).
(42) Labor - saving devices have emancipated women from kitchen drudgery.
(43) The test of a vocation of the love of the drudgery it involves.
(44) This sentiment still survives, and it has piled up mountains of useless drudgery.
(45) So, it must go to camp drudgery MF 1 probe each other's first point!
(46) Marriage counsellor Terry Real said he believes some users go on Facebook to create a fantasy life and escape the drudgery.
(47) In a country that idealizes the good life, the reality of drudgery and waiting for the monthly pay check, or of solitude in retirement, may be harder to accept.
(48) He was facing a life of toil and drudgery and vexation.
(49) I am afraid that I shall find it drudgery to teach music to beginner.
(50) But personal growth ( the natural process that creates a successful life ) is not drudgery.
(51) If we will arise and shine, drudgery becomes divinely transfigured.
(52) Marriage counsellor Terry Real said he believes some users go on Facebook to create a fantasy life and escape the drudgery. But he said Facebook is not really to blame.
(53) Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery.
(54) Finally, say goodbye to the dull, everyday drudgery of null reference exceptions.
(55) With all its sham , drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
(56) Mr Smedley, with the drudgery of the office a thing of the past, exulted in the sense of freedom that came from his longed-for release.




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