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单词 higgledy-piggledy
释义  hig·gle·dy-pig·gle·dy /ˌhɪɡəldi ˈpɪɡəldi/ adjective  UNTIDYthings that are higgledy-piggledy are mixed together in an untidy way 乱七八糟的,杂乱无章的 SYN untidy —higgledy-piggledy adverbExamples from the Corpushiggledy-piggledy• Another problem is that the chains in polyacetylene are not neatly ordered, but convoluted and higgledy-piggledy.• They lay about higgledy-piggledy but were obviously intended to be set up as practice jumps.• She collected up the letters and stuffed them back, higgledy-piggledy, into their brown paper and cardboard nest.• Ideally it should be laid in a fine carpet and not in higgledy-piggledy lumps that bream can break down to easy mouthfuls.• These had been thrown into the Muniment Room in the most higgledy-piggledy manner over at least two centuries.• He glanced at all the bits of paper hanging higgledy-piggledy on the furniture and walls.Origin higgledy-piggledy (1500-1600) Perhaps from pig; because pigs gather closely together in groupshig·gle·dy-pig·gle·dy adjectiveChineseSyllable  that things are higgledy-piggledy together Corpus are mixed




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