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单词 Underwater
1, This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater.
2, The ship was underwater when they reached her.
3, The boat finally grounded on a soft, underwater bank.
4, He dived underwater and swam away.
5, I found the silence underwater really eerie.
6, Being trapped underwater is my worst nightmare.
7, Local fishermen's nets kept snagging on underwater objects.
8, I managed to swim 2 widths underwater.
9, Some stretches of beach are completely underwater at high tide.
10, Some species of turtle can remain underwater for 24 hours.
11, The duck disappeared underwater.
12, Like pebbles underwater, flickering with the light.
13, Underwater there are hidden dangers for river-life.
14, Underwater colour photos of 139 species.
15, Bovisand Underwater Centre, near Plymouth, runs courses for beginners.
16, Verdict: The only compact camera for the underwater enthusiast.
17, How long can you hold your breath underwater?
18, Underwater cables permitted instant communication between the continents.
19, There are treacherous underwater currents along this stretch of coast.
20, Each guide also includes full colour underwater photographs illustrating the marine life you could expect to see.
21, There is an underwater telephone cable linking the two islands.
22, Then the eyes, which have poor visibility underwater,(http:///underwater.html) can take over.
23, Some species attach the cocoons to stones underwater and others carry the cocoons with them until the young hatch.
24, The latter type of fuel lends itself to underwater storage for several decades.
25, Heedless of time or any other consideration, they began to search the underwater cave.
26, Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater.
27, This toll bridge was at Whitney suffered damage from the fast flowing flood, and parts of Hereford are already underwater.
28, The Red Sea guide is illustrated with full colour aerial photographs with overlays showing suggested underwater routes.
29, The Weathermatic happily bobbed about in mountain pools, the automatic flash adding sparkle to underwater shots.
30, You ever seen a face built out of fire, underwater?
1, Heedless of time or any other consideration, they began to search the underwater cave.
2, The ship was underwater when they reached her.
31, At another point he found himself completely submerged, lungs like stone, an underwater rush in his ears.
32, I found this vaguely reassuring; a short, sharp death seemed preferable to a long, slow chewing underwater.
33, Underwater, the leaves are thin and feathery. Above the surface they are more like ordinary leaves.
34, Sounds emitted by the dolphins were recorded with an underwater microphone.
35, Monterey Bay in northern California is an underwater canyon about the size and depth of the Grand Canyon.
36, Cruising underwater, you see pale outlines of the irregular sea bottom.
37, Bars turned gooey as they slid underwater - then the youngsters slipped on them when they stood up to get out.
38, The sea is potentially very destructive, with underwater remains being broken and scattered by currents, waves, or tidal action.
39, But until now the detailed examination of the underwater ruins has been held back by a lack of suitable technology.
40, Are some renowned amongst their fellows for the quality of their underwater ballads and harmonies?
41, Way too contrived and gooey for most grown-ups, it might well delight youngsters, especially its dramatic underwater sequences.
42, This plant grows abundantly over the whole aquarium and produces fine visual effects with an underwater light source.
43, He felt the giant whales criss-crossing beneath him through these canyons, whales with motor-driven fins and an underwater cannon.
44, Will we for ever be free to roam the underwater kingdom, to bring home our supper?
45, The Breadalbane and Lake Ontario expeditions have opened a new era in underwater archaeology, Nelson says.
46, I saw my first queenie, chomping through a loch, and discovered that laughing underwater is a bad idea.
47, Underwater wrecks are strewn along the coast and downed planes and tanks emerge from the jungle overgrowth.
48, The hope that the public realizes the need for practicing conservation,() even underwater.
49, The loch is so new and shallow that underwater tree-stumps can still catch you unawares.
50, Delaney splashed across to one wall where a mass of underwater tackle was stored.
51, She's like one of them underwater swimmers I seen on telly - you know, all slow and graceful like.
52, It bunched up, then slid underwater in the opposite direction.
53, I remember seen a programme where the underwater shots of hippopotami showed numerous fish feeding on their leftovers.
54, Small leaks in underground or underwater tunnels are not unusual.
55, A concave underwater shape will give superior performance when you progress to an intermediate level.
56, Submersed forms are usually disc-shaped, light green, and attached to the ground or in tangles of underwater plants.
57, Richie, who always lay on his back, produced a sound similar to the underwater gurgling of an old motorboat.
58, Significant technological advances in underwater excavation and recovery are proving a mixed blessing in the field of marine archaeology.
59, Some sustained underwater excavation by Crossley and Yeadon, opened a route passable with big tanks, enabling exploration beyond.
60, An underwater video shows the fuel assembly inching up, then swinging free.
61, Soar above glacial peaks and swim underwater through the icy caverns submerged within the Chaos Glacier.
62, The ferry's carcass lies 220 feet underwater, on the floor of the Baltic Sea.
63, He dug his thumbs into the eyes, a red bonfire blazing at his chest, and heard an underwater bubbling squeal.
64, Dense tufts of pea-green underwater foliage, rising to the surface during the summer and affording shelter for fish and their fry.
65, Underwater, a Californian sea otter carries a rock between its paws, and a sea urchin on its belly.
66, He could not tell whether they were broken ends, or perhaps the loose ends from underwater knots that had come undone.
67, Turning into the lane, I was overwhelmed by a feeling of plunging underwater.
68, Daily feeding displays, talks and demonstrations provide a chance to gain a real insight into this marvellous underwater world.
69, Their film shows the steep underwater flow front of a lava flow which was being erupted from a vent on Hawaii itself.
70, The grass simply evolves into underwater grass and seems to exist equally comfortably waving dreamily around, endlessly drowning.
71, A hired mask and a snorkel is all that is needed to experience a busy underwater world.
72, When approached underwater they give an alarm or warning signal consisting of a series of quite rapid and quite audible grunts.
73, Recent storms destroyed a wall that had lain undisturbed underwater for thousands of years.
74, Lava erupted underwater cools very rapidly with a plastic skin forming around lumps of still molten material.
75, The water was dark blue but in places dark green where underwater rock formations subtly changed the colour.
76, That's a nice watch, but it's useless for going underwater.
77, The ratcheted,(http:///underwater.html) rotating bezel sets the time limits for underwater and other action sports.
78, Conservation measures of this kind help to explain the enormous cost of both wetland and underwater archaeology.
79, At 3.1 kilometers, this dive is the longest underwater traverse of two cave systems in the world.
80, His body was recovered by police underwater divers later the same day.
81, Smells travel well under water, though what the experience of underwater scents may be like is open to imagination.
82, An example of such an organization is General Electronics that produces military products such as radar, underwater defence, and missile systems.
83, Hooded waves sprang out at her like muggers from underwater alleyways.
84, She rallies support for the endangered whale, catalogues underwater life and creates new devices in which to explore virgin sea worlds.
85, Still more vessels lie underwater along the coastline, north and south, for 15 miles in each direction.
86, The bird stood watching for the underwater flash of a turning fish.
87, Riptide is a strong underwater current.
88, And when cutting underwater, good effects were achieved because of the Mohaupt effect and airtightness of the hollow metal balls.
89, The study on the characteristics of scattering from an underwater target is only the base that the active sonar works on but also the source which new ideas, new theories and new methods come from.
90, The faster it moved underwater, the quicker the batteries would go flat.
91, Objective To explore pathological changes of underwater blast lung injury in dogs.
92, Combining our work experience of many years, the article make a thoroughly discuss for all kinds of synchronous clock underwater ranging techniques.
93, Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes Coelenterate coral and a pink sea fan form a vibrant stage for whitetail chromis near Namena Island, Fiji.
94, Design, development, production and servicing of tea - bag packing machine, underwater strand granulator and eddy current dynamometer.
95, This paper at tentatively studies the theory of traveling bubble cavitation noise emitted from high-speed underwater self-navigator of Schiebe body.
96, Did you know? Basilisk lizards are excellent swimmers and are capable of remaining underwater for up to 30 minutes.
97, The plates are manufactured via underwater explosive forming without limitation on area.
98, After reviewing the echo structural characteristics of the underwater target, a method to accurately pick-up the direct wave separated from the surface-reflected wave is discussed.
99, To do this, scientists have to devise Methods: Using radar and underwater television.
100, Investigators said evidence overwhelmingly proves North Korea fired a homing torpedo that caused a massive underwater blast that tore the Cheonan into two on March 26.
101, To prove the system can be used in underwater acoustooptic communications, with this system, the acoustic frequency and intensity of underwater sound source are detected.
102, Sound reflection sound shadow of high frequency imaging sonar detecting mine underwater was simulated with computer.
103, The main work of this dissertation includes researching the underwater cutting technology of diamond wire saw and developing its engineering prototype.
104, An underwater cleaning tool is one of the key parts of a robot for cleaning underwater shell of a ship.
105, Shapeshift into aquatic form . Increasing swim speed and allowing the druid to breathe underwater.
106, Microcontroller of 51 series is applied in the hardware and the underwater buoy communicates with the receiving and processing system of the land station by RS-485 serial interfaces.
107, As for the high precision positioning of underwater targets, the GPS sonobuoy technique has two bottlenecks: high precision system clock synchronization and high accuracy time delay estimation.sentencedict .com
108, Trapped underwater, a female salt marsh-dwelling wolf spider (seen in an undated photo)--one of 120 in a recent experiment (full story)--is on the verge of drowning, and "resurrection."
109, The sparker was originally developed for fundamental studies of underwater sound propagation and of subbottom geology.
110, BENJI AT MARINELAND follows the emotive pup underwater as he communes with barracudas , dolphins, fish, and assorted other sea friends.
111, A pool of clear water is lit by underwater lights.
112, In this project-based tutorial, Ergin gives examples of how to use shapes in After Effects and animate them with distortion and echo to create an underwater environment.
113, From Eric Zener's amazing underwater scenes to Doug Bloodworth's incredible pop art, I hope you enjoy this wonderful collection of my favorite photorealistic paintings.
114, According to the feed-velocity demand of the underwater guillotine saw that is a kind of offshore engineering tool, a system which servo valve control hydraulic motor is developed.
115, The underwater explosive experiment shows that the initialing capacity of minimized primary explosive better than pure DDNP.
116, Laser Image preprocessing method for V groove underwater welding is discussed.
117, The most urgent item is the festering mass of underwater mortgages.
118, Nestled forty feet below the surface of the clear blue Fijian Lagoon, the underwater suites will be accessible by elevator.
119, A swarm of cusk eels, seen attacking a piece of bait in a 2010 picture, were spotted 3.7 miles (5.6 kilometers) underwater during Oceanlab's expedition to the Peru-Chile trench.
120, In underwater acoustic engineering, improving precision of acoustic measurement for materials in free-field is very important in design of acoustic stealthy of underwater vehicle.
121, The system is mainly used in underwater topographical surveying and dynamic positioning of underwater riprap.
122, Because of bad transmission condition in underwater channel, synchronization signal processing is a key factor of underwater acoustic communication system.
123, However, analogue controller is dominant in electric propulsion system for underwater ship.
124, Direct sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) as a technique for underwater acoustic networks is attracting attention from researchers.
125, Underwater there is no air for a combustion engine to consume.
126, In his Editor's note, the magazine's Editor in Chief Chris Johns said of Skiles: 'He set a standard for underwater photography, cinematography and exploration that is unsurpassed.
127, An application of Hilbert-Huang Transform in underwater acoustic vector signal processing was introduced and a new method of Vector Hilbert-Huang Transform(Vector HHT)was developed.
128, An integrative algorithm of passive detection and tracking of underwater moving target based on the co-processing algorithm of Matched-Field and Long Time Integration is proposed.
129, The works is significant and valuable to the study of underwater welding arc physics and welding metallurgic.
130, The undulatory biomimetic propulsor is a new underwater propulsor which emulates the swimming mode of Gymnarchus Niloticus.
131, Underwater photography is also important in mapping parts of the ocean floor.
132, The synthetic system simulation tests are presented in the underwater sound environment, respectively. The research result can be applied to the environment simulation of the underwa...
133, Several times during the summer of 1997, the U. S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded an ultra-low frequency underwater sound using U. S. Navy "spy" sensors 3,000 miles apart.
134, You can liken it to working underwater with a diving suit encasing you.
135, Ten tentacles as long or longer than its body stick out of its head, along with six pairs of curved nuchal organs that allow the squidworm to taste and smell underwater.
136, During the welding process, when underwater welding power outputs high level, the system stops feeding wires and wires burn upwards with forming molten droplets.
137, Underwater World (Underwater World) in a transparent tunnel, can be clearly observed 250 species, 2500, is Asias largest marine museum, the storage capacity of 310 million liters.
138, In order to enhance the accuracy of underwater topographic survey, efficient and automatic error correction is very important.
139, Six Italian divers were trying to live underwater for a while.
140, Had it afoul of an underwater rock or the wreckage of some enormous derelict ship?
141, Optic fiber hydrophone has the highest sensitivity among current underwater sensors.
142, Before 1997, the underwater videos revealed no Humboldt sightings in Monterey Bay, Robison said.
143, Many researches on auditory model have been successfully utilized on speech processing recently, while on underwater acoustic signal processing has long been neglected.
144, With vertical pipe shield and underwater pile-foundation, a protection frame for wellhead is designed for the development of offshore marginal field.
145, The Navy's Underwater Demolition Unit carry rubber boats at training.
146, The results thus obtained may help to understand the underwater explosion induced dynamic behavior of a submarine, and to improve the shock-resistant design of the ship structure.
147, To do this, scientists have to devise methods using radar and underwater television.
148, The rate of flow in an underwater tunnel has been computated by the least-squares boundary collocation method.
149, A game that is very popular with these young swimmers is the underwater tricycle race.
150, Once they are underwater, they close and fold the winglike fins so that they can swim.
151, Methods 8 case (8 eyes) of neovascular glaucoma was undergoing underwater diathermy on ciliary body and iris and modified trabeculectomy.
152, When the wrecked underwater vehicle is in the condition that the sea state is terrible and the angle of trim and heel is bigger, it is very difficult to mate with rescue vehicle.
153, As underwater depth increases, metacenter height increases, but water entry angle decreases, so the platforms allowable swing angles also decrease.
154, These conditions may be regarded as corresponding to a shallow underwater explosion.
155, State television showed film of vast areas of farmland underwater.
156, Remember that when underwater, characters will involuntarily sink slowly towards the bottom.
157, Water absorbs light very quickly, and the most common complaint for new underwater photographers is the dull blueish-greyish hue of their images.
157, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
158, Some people are so far underwater, refinancing ends up being out of the question.
159, The measuring method of underwater finite rectangle elastic steel plane's sound reflection coefficient, which is obtained by sound holography, has been studied in the paper.
160, The firing mechanism of an underwater pistol was kinematically and dynamically analysed and calculated.
161, A mathematical model for an ovoid spiral scanning system with airborne laser for underwater object detection is developed and a scheme for dot matrix uniformity optimization is proposed.
162, Underwater archaeology gives us the chance to paint a portrait on a much larger canvas.
163, Photo Gallery: Whales The plaintive song of the humpback whale can travel for great distances underwater.
164, In the paper, the underwater repair technique for double insulation pipe is introduced based on the underwater repair project of sub-sea pipeline in Weizhou oil fie ld.
165, The world's first underwater airplane aircraft "Water Wizard ------ Necker" concept map.
166, The SeaBat7125-E provides high-resolution bathymetry and imagery data in real time for detailed 3D representation of underwater features and seabed conditions.




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