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单词 roommate
释义  room·mate, room-mate /ˈruːmˌmeɪt, ˈrʊm-/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  LIVE WITH somebodysomeone who you share a room with, especially at college 〔尤指大学里的〕室友 one of my college roommates 我大学里的一个室友2. American EnglishLIVE WITH somebody someone you share an apartment or house with 同住一套公寓[一幢房子]的人 SYN British English flatmateExamples from the Corpusroommate• They became roommates, not lovers.• I ran into my old college roommate today.• I shared a taxicab with the Stephens College student and her roommate, who had come to meet her at the airport.• He and his co-Web site founders, who are also his roommates, will graduate in May.• Charity Chin, my roommate, is sitting on the floor drinking Chablis out of a plastic wineglass.• I came out to my roommate.• I had just moved in late December, fleeing a nightmare roommate situation in the Village.• We were roommates back in·mate nounChineseSyllable  who especially you with, someone college Corpus at share a room




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