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单词 heresy
释义  Related topics: Religionher·e·sy /ˈherəsi/ noun (plural heresies) [countable, uncountable]  1  RRBELIEVEa belief that disagrees with the official principles of a particular religion 异教 He was executed for heresy. 他因信奉异教而被处死。2  PBELIEVEa belief, statement etc that disagrees with what a group of people believe to be right 异端邪说 To come to work without a shirt and tie was considered heresy. 上班不穿衬衫不打领带曾被视为离经叛道。Examples from the Corpusheresy• He spent his life defending the Catholic faith against heresy.• His apparent heresy is not that of the smooth talking cleric, but the statistician specialising in the field of criminology.• This sees Clovis as converting directly from paganism to catholicism, without ever being influenced by the arian heresy.• It might be heresy to say this in a modern world, but the Profitboss is a puritan.• There were always new battles to fight, new obstacles to uproot, new heresies to stamp out.• A theology teacher once advised his class to read one good book of heresy a year.• Big money will now be poured into cleansing the elementary schools of anti-phonics heresy.• It's heresy to consider changing the rules of baseball.• Her enemies called this heresy antinomianism.• The two heresies melded into a beautiful symmetry.Origin heresy (1100-1200) Old French heresie, from Late Latin haeresis, from Greek hairesis “act of taking or choosing”her·e·sy nounChineseSyllable  with of belief official principles that Corpus disagrees the a a




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